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Author: mama_manja

All Abt Hongkong and Hongkong Disneyland part2

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Post time 30-11-2011 05:42 PM | Show all posts
Uolsss.... Rsnye soalan ni mesti dah beriban2 org tnye kan...
Kpale otak ni dh bengong jap.... Byk sgt info smp trlupe.... Ari ni dok bace thread ni smp page 80... esok blh plak reverse bace page 60.. Apokah?? Nmpk sgt mereng....

Nk tnye, nk g macau x yah visa kan?
N pegi sane sng naik ape?
Also, klau g sane elok nye bape lame? Sehari? Setengah ari? 2 ari?

Sorry otai2 smue... Kpale dh mereng dh ni....

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Post time 1-12-2011 11:37 AM | Show all posts
Tshirt tu?
bel beli je yg 5 for 100HKD tu
Kalau tshirt kat dlm disney tu mmg agak mahal compa ...
beldandy Post at 30-11-2011 16:45

bkn tshirt bel, gelang charm tu

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Post time 1-12-2011 12:53 PM | Show all posts
Ladies Market dan residential area berdekatan terbakar semalam...
9 orang mati...ramai cedera....

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Post time 1-12-2011 12:56 PM | Show all posts
Nine killed in Hong Kong tower fire
(AFP) – 1 day ago  

HONG KONG — A fire believed to be the work of an arsonist engulfed a Hong Kong residential block and popular tourist market early Wednesday, killing nine people and injuring 30, police said.

Ambulances rushed the injured to hospital as firefighters battled to put out the blaze, which started before dawn at a stall in the Ladies Market in the Mongkok area of Kowloon.

"Nine people died and 30 people have been sent to hospital for treatment so far," an emergency services spokeswoman said, adding five of the injured were in critical condition.

The narrow market street was a wall of flame and thick black smoke as the fire tore through the flimsy stalls and residential flats above, witnesses said.

Local television showed firemen pulling shaken survivors and body bags from rooftops, while badly burnt victims were wrapped in bandages and sent to hospital.

Residents fled in their pyjamas or called out to firemen from windows as the fire raged through the market below.

The blaze broke out at a street hawker's booth around 4:40 am and quickly spread through the residential building, officials said.

Eight "charred bodies" were found at the site, the spokeswoman said. Officials later increased the toll to nine.

The fire was believed to be the work of an arsonist, an official spokesman said, adding however that investigations were ongoing.

A suspected arson attack destroyed dozens of stalls in the same market last year. Six people including a firefighter were injured in that incident.

A hotline was set up to help people search for missing or injured loved ones.

A local resident said the building where many of the victims lived had been subdivided into small living spaces known as cubicles.

A fire at a subdivided apartment building in Kowloon killed four people earlier this year, prompting calls from some lawmakers for a ban on cubicle flats.

Chief Executive Donald Tsang rejected the calls, acknowledging that rocketing apartment prices left many people with no option but to live in overcrowded, unsafe buildings.

"Undoubtedly 'sub-divided units' pose risks for building safety, but they do provide accommodation for low-income people not eligible for public housing," he said in an October policy address.

"Banning 'sub-divided units' across the board is therefore not a solution."

The Ladies Market at Fa Yuen Street is popular with tourists looking for cheap deals on items such as clothing, toys and mobile phone accessories.

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Post time 1-12-2011 02:06 PM | Show all posts
bkn tshirt bel, gelang charm tu
zmarlia Post at 1-12-2011 11:37

owh...mmg gila menarik you!
bel dpt beli satu je. ingat nak beli lg 3-4 tak sempat.
kalau nak beli ni gerai dia belah kanan kalo tak silap. pastu tokeh dia pompuan. dia gantung charm bracelets tu kat dinding. ada banyak. jgn beli yang letak kat atas meja je. yg tu tak byk pilihan.
dia akan letak harga dlm 79HKD satu. you minta je 30. kalau 2-3 kali minta dia tak bg you blah je. kalau dia panggil semula confirm dpt 30. bel beli 30HKD je satu. kalau you nak beli byk sure dpt punya.

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Post time 1-12-2011 02:06 PM | Show all posts
Nine killed in Hong Kong tower fire
(AFP) – 1 day ago  

HONG KONG — A fire believed to be the  ...
monreyes Post at 1-12-2011 12:56


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Post time 1-12-2011 03:37 PM | Show all posts
dah booking segala hotel...tak sabor nk pegi..lambatnya bln Feb ...gggrrrr

eh, sapa pernah booking Disney Hollywood Hotel??? berapa lama dia nak process utk charge credit card tu after reservation??? dia tk mintak security code CC pon masa buat online reservation tu..mcm mn dia nak charge??? yg dapat email dah reserved jer...katanya reservation confirmed once deposit dh di charge kat cc...huhu

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Post time 1-12-2011 03:40 PM | Show all posts
Nine killed in Hong Kong tower fire
(AFP) – 1 day ago  

HONG KONG — A fire believed to be the  ...
monreyes Post at 1-12-2011 12:56

kesiannyaa....kalu kemalangan di berlaku waktu malam masa ramai pelancong lagi sedih

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Post time 1-12-2011 04:16 PM | Show all posts
dah booking segala hotel...tak sabor nk pegi..lambatnya bln Feb ...gggrrrr

eh, sapa pernah bookin ...
britney_sapiah Post at 1-12-2011 15:37

Mod... kte pn dh booking hotel utk next yr's trip.. In March.. X sbr jugak...

Nk tnye la, u book hollywood disney tu dr website mane yek? Blh share x? N bilik die mmg utk 4 pax la kan...
Pening lalat plak tgk website die... hehhehehe..
Die charge satu bilik, or ikut pax?? Adeh..... Mahal.. tp tringin nk tdo se mlm kt situ.....

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Post time 1-12-2011 04:44 PM | Show all posts
bkn tshirt bel, gelang charm tu
zmarlia Post at 1-12-2011 11:37

    wah mar... mesti nak beli byk bracelets tu...tak pe tak pe..mar beli dulu dah balik nanti bagi full info kedai mana yg ok..hehe memang menarik as souvenier tuk kwn2..

dah tukar duit ke? dpt berapa rate?

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Post time 1-12-2011 04:46 PM | Show all posts
Nine killed in Hong Kong tower fire
(AFP) – 1 day ago  

HONG KONG — A fire believed to be the  ...
monreyes Post at 1-12-2011 12:56

huh minta dijauhkan...moga2 x de lah kejadian yg cam gini waktu bulan pegi nanti...aminnn...

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Post time 1-12-2011 11:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2401# Stila

macau x payah naik ferry... hari tu lips naik cotai jet... cuba gugel
journey dalam 1 jam... kalau u gi pagi... 1 hari cukup... (pg sampai ptg)

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Post time 2-12-2011 01:20 AM | Show all posts
dah booking segala hotel...tak sabor nk pegi..lambatnya bln Feb ...gggrrrr

eh, sapa pernah bookin ...
britney_sapiah Post at 1-12-2011 15:37

saye dh booked dh disney hollywood ni, mmg die x mntk no yg kt blkg cc kite tu,tp die ttp berjaya tolak deposit utk 1 malam
saye booked thru website die je, isi form die tu,letak check in date,cekout, pastu nnt sales person die akan reply..mcm saye aritu, siap diorg call lagi..punyela pjg lebar explain..

besenye once sales person die dh reply, die akan kasik 2 form, 1 - form utk byr gune cc dan 1 lagi - reservation form
isi dua2,once die dh tolak dari cc kite, diorg akan emel confirmation number kt kite.

and yes, bilik max 4 saye terlebih jugak   3 adult, 1 child (4y) dan 1 infant (2y) ..byk kali jugak beremel2 dgn diorg nih sbb diorg suggest saye tmbh bilik, idokler akuuuuu..last2 diorg kate akan cari baby crib..mcmler budak 2y tu nk tdo dlm tukan

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Post time 2-12-2011 01:21 AM | Show all posts
owh...mmg gila menarik you!
bel dpt beli satu je. ingat nak beli lg 3-4 tak sempat.
kalau nak  ...
beldandy Post at 1-12-2011 14:06

bel, belah kanan jln mane weh? hahahaha
orait2..akan cube mntk hkd30,mmg sgt2 cun utk sovenir

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Post time 2-12-2011 01:24 AM | Show all posts
wah mar... mesti nak beli byk bracelets tu...tak pe tak pe..mar beli dulu dah balik nanti  ...
bulansabit Post at 1-12-2011 16:44

bulan, klu mcm yg bel ckp blh dpt rege 30hkd mmg naik syekh la saye membeli ..
bulan 10 aritu dh tuka rm800 = hkd 2000 , mase ni hkd tgh rendah, skg ni rasenye dlm hkd100 = rm40.95 or 41 ,huhu

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Post time 2-12-2011 03:47 AM | Show all posts
wahhh... dah sampi page 97...
kpd sape2 yg pi disneyland tu...
siap sedia lah bergasak dgn cina bukit tanah besar...

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Post time 2-12-2011 09:47 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Stila at 2-12-2011 09:48
Reply  Stila

macau x payah naik ferry... hari tu lips naik cotai jet... cuba gugel cota ...
lipsofanangel Post at 1-12-2011 23:28

Lips... tengs... Sgt mmbantu...
Kte dh gugel jgak dah... die ckp kekerapan feri evry 15 mins if amik from central.....
Btul ke?? If day trip, then sgt bgs la tu.......
X sbr ni.....

btw, Lips stay kt disneyland x?

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Post time 2-12-2011 09:55 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2417# Stila

mmg feri sentiasa ada... kalau tak stay kat macau kena check last feri pukul brapa.. kena gerak awal sket sbb takut ramai kat imigresen masa nak kuar nanti...
lips tak stay kat disneyland.... stay kat area TST..

makan halal pun senang cari... enjoy yer!!!

lips hari tu, travel bulan 10, bulan 7 dah booked hotel & flight, then sibuk study map, MTR semua... seminggu sblm gi, booking tiket disneyland online... smooth ajer...  
cuma terkilan tak sempat ke citygate FO...

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Post time 2-12-2011 10:09 AM | Show all posts
Reply  Stila

mmg feri sentiasa ada... kalau tak stay kat macau kena check last feri pukul brapa. ...
lipsofanangel Post at 2-12-2011 09:55

Ok2... akan di cek nti smue tu.. Tengs lips...

Kte pn dh book hostel dh smlm.. Setel.. Pegi bulan 3.... Kurg sket rs burden ni.. Kot la penuh ke, kene plak tdo bwh jambatan...

Lips book tiket disneyland from where yek? asiatravel ke? Now tgh nk plan itinerary.. skali ngan disneyland...

La... ye ke x smpat g citygate... xpe2.. ade reason utk pegi lg...

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Post time 2-12-2011 10:13 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2419# Stila

booking kat sini  

a ah mmg, ada alasan nak gi lagi... tiket murah jer nanti lips sambar.....

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