Jeff23 posted on 14-12-2012 04:32 PM 
4G + concrete top at Hillpark kajang
jeff... utk kc macam ni kita boleh pilih colour tak??? contoh camni itam putih... kalau rikues nk colour yg kita nk boleh tak>??
brape rm ni u caj?
nzhass79 posted on 18-12-2012 03:47 PM 
jeff... utk kc macam ni kita boleh pilih colour tak??? contoh camni itam putih... kalau rikues nk ...
Hi, ya cabinet boleh pilih warna. Untuk mendapatkan quotation boleh email ke [email protected] 
hi all,my cabinet just done by Everskill design,really highly recommand!! |
maryana posted on 27-12-2012 11:19 AM 
hi all,my cabinet just done by Everskill design,really highly recommand!!
tepek la pic skit..nk tgk |
cmf_marshmallow posted on 11-12-2012 12:48 PM 
dah terbooking Signature Kitchen..huhu
mahal weh..banyak nye pitis ko..
rocktail posted on 5-11-2012 12:42 PM 
try legendkitchen.com..kubiq..eqkitchen.com.my ..try la..saya pon tgh carik quotation..huhu
ko rasa kubiq tu murah erk..? pada aku agak mahal jugak n service tak mesra alam.penah dulu,dia ckp klu nak buat design n ukuran apa sume kita kena bayar rm 50.pas tu klu kompom nti tolak balik deposit tu.tapi,aku ni punyala " pandai " minta dorang dtg ukur kat umah.padahal punyala dekat showroom ngan umah aku.kira guling2 blh sampai.tapi,bila dapat harga,memang mahal nak mampus compare ngan jeff n mana2 KC yg lain.pas tu duit pun burn la..
ivan11 posted on 20-10-2012 09:26 AM 
new projeck,share with all forumer..
ivan,pls pm harga utk KC.tq
daiman posted on 8-1-2013 09:12 PM 
ivan,pls pm harga utk KC.tq
Hi,daiman.nice to meet u.saya sudah PM u,ada senang boleh check,thank you.
serimaya posted on 4-12-2012 10:53 AM 
ada sesapa kat sini yg tau no jeff tak?pls pm me tq
dah dapat no mat jeff tu..? nanti aku pm
ada tak design utk balcony kecil ataupun kontraktor yg boleh buat
design utk small balcony condo |
anisk posted on 17-1-2013 04:57 PM
total cost utk full kitchen cabinet, set bilik tidur (katil +wardrobe), dan saya mintak free shoe ca ...
Memang berbaloi sangat tu..saya kitchen wet pun dah lebih harga tuu.. |
i plan nak buat mini library kat dining area. ruang tu selebar 10 kaki, tinggi 7 kaki, depth 17"
ada sesapa tak yg boleh bagi quotation utk build in wardrobe for the libarary + ada desk kat tengah... pintu dia jenis sliding yg ala2 mirror means boleh bagi ilusi luas utk ruang tersebut.. pls pm me yer... |
patric_union posted on 14-3-2010 05:10 PM 
TV cabinet in Kak Rieza's house~~!! Rumah besar, TV pun besar~~
patric, berapa cost tv cabinet macam kak rieza nih? tq
anisk posted on 17-1-2013 04:57 PM 
total cost utk full kitchen cabinet, set bilik tidur (katil +wardrobe), dan saya mintak free shoe ca ...
lalink..boleh bagi no tepon org kabinet tu..? tq
Pls pm no tepon jeff tu tq |
honda_jazz posted on 20-1-2013 07:26 PM 
Pls pm no tepon jeff tu tq
aku dah pm no jeff
anisk posted on 17-1-2013 04:57 PM 
total cost utk full kitchen cabinet, set bilik tidur (katil +wardrobe), dan saya mintak free shoe ca ...
murah sangat ni....bed frame, almari, kitchen siap dengan shoe cabinet...kat KL/Selangor ke? Kalo kat sini, pm I details ye
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