Thread Gosip Para Kerabat, Royal,VVIP & Social Climber Version 7
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babygina replied at 19-4-2017 08:49 PM
Gigi kuda ke hape?
Ntah org kata madu tin E cantik
Skali tgk, rupa biasa, gigi je ke depan skit
Tang kuda tu tetap betty memegang takhta
311gurl replied at 16-4-2017 09:01 PM
same lol
i get what she is trying to do and say but her intention tu nampak sentap kadang2 ...
Eh xla ..Raja Sarina kata bile die cakap pasal benda2 penting n serious, jngn la tanya lipstick ape die pakai ke ape.. mcm tak appropriate ... mcm depression n mental health tu topic serious so die nak la orng to respond betul2 dan serious2 .
Kalau rj sarina ni u kate judgemental.. kite semua mi ape Huhu lg teruk la |
Burong_Hantuk replied at 19-4-2017 08:07 PM
contoh ibu bapa di raja yang cemerlang.putera puteri kepada almahrum raja idris dan tunku mazuin sem ...
Keluarga Almarhum sultan Azlan dan Almarhum sultan Idris Shah pun bagus.. bertuah kerabat nii |
Minah rempit yg x tahu jaga penampilan ni,mesti cikki dia pun kepam dan berkarat. |
She said it numerous times with annoyance about it.
The thing about social media is you can't control what people want to say or comment.
I applaud her effort to be independent, raise taboo issues in Malaysia but she also need to accept once you put yourself as a JOURNALIST and have growing followers on Instagram, she gotta learn to accept it.
U cannot have the best of both world, double standard sangat people can't say this and that because u anak raja and that annoys u. Deal with it, real journalist got it worse.
personified replied at 19-4-2017 08:20 PM
Hehe tulah kan
Ntah apa yang sang puteri tgh sibuk ceritakan
Anak ayah sungguh |
oak.balustrade replied at 19-4-2017 08:53 PM
U're welcome,dee
{:bye kalo ada lagi citer,kongsi2 laa...
Kita suka bab2 mistik seram nie,Oak |
babynina30 replied at 19-4-2017 09:00 PM
Oo makanya Lady D x dilambung percintaan dgn Dodi?
Rsa yer..
Dodi yg sayang kat Lady D
Lady D sayang pd Dr.Hasnat Khan
Penah baca kat majalah khas mngingati Lady D dlu
Tp rasa yer sblm kes eksiden tu,rsa yer baru terbit bibit bunga kemesraan,antara diaorg berdua...
Sbb Lady D nie org yer perahsia sungguh... |
311gurl replied at 19-4-2017 09:39 PM
She said it numerous times with annoyance about it.
The thing about social media is you can't ...
Yes but as journalist, you want to separate yourself from being a princess ( which u have no control over because you're born as one. )She talks about a serious topic (like depression, mental Health and suicide) and people are asking about her princess life and her looks? Who wouldn't be annoyed if you want to be serious? Tunku panglima jhr pun ade complain on his IG, Permaisuri Johor pun ade talk about this issue when she attends serious events . Just put yourself in her shoes first, understand first.
And she only said when she's talking about serious topics, don't ask her questions on anything unrelated mcm her life/looks . |
oak.balustrade replied at 19-4-2017 07:59 PM
Hahaha uols ke, bertabahlah tin e pasni make over gigi pulak. Madu sheols sarawakian kan, dont pla ...
Rasanya 1 yg dia xleh nak lawan...her youth
Tin E dah tua, ubah la rupa byk mana pun
Umur xleh nak undur2 |
annabellaruz2 replied at 19-4-2017 10:37 AM
setelah byk kali kena reject dengan artis2 hot malaya, akhirnya CPJA yg diangkat jadi bini..
dah ...
Paling x blh lupa dia kena reject dgn Erra..Gigih buat private birthday celebration utk erra,siap bayar org gesek biola dkt dgn dining table sambil menikmati mkn mlm romantikaya..Klu x silap,dia bg lingerie as a birthday present.. |
Soalan i malam ni. Siapa madu Tin E? Tepek gambar please uols. 
Pastu tadi ada forumer ada more info pasal ku inah. Jom la u share kat sini. @babygina |
laku gak betty dgn si damis tu species fetish gigi gak kowt
DeeHanania replied at 19-4-2017 04:37 PM
Pehhh!!!seram yer
Tp Farra ada ckp aritu,SI&anak2 akan tetap bermalam kat situ(istana hinggap) ka ...
Btl..100% I blh confirmkn yg mereka 1 fmly brmalam di istana singgah tu..Pdhal kwsn tu sunyi sepi time waktu mlm..And pengawal2 kat situ pun dh naik lali terdengar bunyi2 tapak kasut askar2 jepun brkawat tgh2 malam dkt sgt dgn Istana Singgah SI tu..Katanya roh askar2 Jepun tu masih mencari sekumpulan askar2 Jepun lain yg trperangkap diperkampungan org "bunian" |
Nama pun start dgn E geng mommy to JP tapi tak confirm pun dah bermadu ke belum. Masih speku menspeku
gracieyna replied at 19-4-2017 10:08 PM
Soalan i malam ni. Siapa madu Tin E? Tepek gambar please uols.
Pastu tadi ada forumer ada more ...
Perasan x,tiap kali sblm thread ni hampir masuk 100 pages,mcm2 topic best keluar..Pastu bila TT bukak thread baru,rasa leceh sikit kena mntk forumer2 carry foward gossip yg trgantung tu ke thread baru.. |
311gurl replied at 19-4-2017 09:16 PM
i baru nak ship TH and RNSafya..
bak kata my mom, jgn nak ship2 org sangat.. nanti sink ter ...
Hehe ur mom so funny la 
Oh 13 years jugak eh Raja Eleena n husband .Actually kalau dah jodoh x ke mana
Yup TZ nampak matured n I think SN walaupun dah balding n ada uban tp xdelah nampak tua sgt |
miss_curious replied at 19-4-2017 08:32 PM
Eeee tak pernah tak adorable lah dia ni
Kan? Her bored face is definitely her trademark |
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