Post time 27-10-2017 09:54 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by cahayamataku at 27-10-2017 10:16 AM
ayaqmasin replied at 27-10-2017 07:43 AM
Dah ada benang baru hajjah ke? Nah tgk perangai hajjah kesayangan korang yg tak boleh kena tegur ni. ...
No wonder la kan, kat tweet lopak tu iols scroll dari atas sampai bawah penuh dgn pujian. Gittew takde langsung twit2 negatip pasal acting lopak kat kek bantat eh rv
Menyampah iols baca komen penjilat lopak ni baik kat fb, twitter & igs. Euw meloyakan
Tayah tengok citer RV ni la, tengok je teaser RV ni kat igs bambam studios tu. Alahai kayu angat2
aihhh. Kang nanti penjilat lopak kat sini cakap iols hadap citer kek bantat ni. Hah sekejap lagi dia komen la tu kat bawah ni. Kahkahkah
mod tu dah say hi hi bye bye kat bodgos.. ada dia bagitahu kat tered aduan tu..
@princess_miang eh @princess_mia, meolls jawap cne ka ye.. bukan berkuntum kat cne, cuma kena tunggu approval dari mod tu.. sampai ke sudah dia tak reply..
kalau buka pula, nanti tered kena delete sebab double tered katanya.. lagipun bukan semua khuens yg tahu pasal nak buka 2 versi benang.
Post time 27-10-2017 10:10 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Loginlogoff replied at 27-10-2017 03:08 AM
N iols nk tambah sikit part iv td...hjh very the belagakkk xhengat.boleh plak sheols jawab kt re ...
Betul. Betul.
Me dengar gak. Tu yg me ckp - jenis x bole terima kritikan. Cara jawab kritikan pun berlagak. No humble body in her bone.
Muka lawa, bisness cerdik tapi sayang -sombong.
And one more thing - netizens x Komen pasal cerita tu boring or citer tu x best kot. Org cerita pasal watak dia as Helena yang she failed to delivered (as of now).
For alif, elok je netizens puji.
And please - ko ingat semua yg Komen about ur acting are haters ke? Shallow mind sungguh when it comes to facing with criticism.
No wonder Kat IG2 diehard ko sekarang - dok citer pasal trending semata. Almost none cerita pasal acting ko yg hauk tu. Bcoz like u, they are just interested to make it trending just bcoz u r in IT. Bukan sebab lakonan bagus. Even lakonan hauk - as long lofa is the main lead - they just turn a blind eyes.
Pastu bila org Komen (even Komen secara baik) - terus cop "diorang tu jeles ngan lofa" or "those are haters".
Post time 27-10-2017 10:20 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
mat_arof replied at 27-10-2017 10:01 AM
dahsyat juga ye peminat lofa ni..hardcore sangat..
Sebab peminat hardcore (better label as fanatics). Sebab kalo peminat, Kita masih bole suka & kritik at the same time.
Fanatik plak - x bole kritik. Asal kritik - terus kena label haters.
I'm no haters of her. Nor a fan. But I always adore her business mind. And kalo Ada gambar2 dia kat IG yg lawa2 - aku like kan jugak (but I'm not a follower). Sebab dia mmg lawa.
Tapi tu laa - fanatik dia sgt delusional.
Apatah lagi lofa sendiri sejenis x bole terima kritikan membina. Semua dia kategorikan as haters. Pastu konar baring soh tgk whole story before commenting. What the heck?? Org citer pasal lakonan ko - not the story as a whole.
Post time 27-10-2017 10:28 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Loginlogoff replied at 26-10-2017 10:21 PM
Chuols....hjh pesan tgk sampai habes
Bru chuols nilai...
Dia ni berlakon sbb nk jual tudung. So lakonan hauk ade dia kesah? Yang penting dapat show off tudung, ootd, mekap. Tu je. All about money money moneyyy