Reply #240 harisbee's post
KANK skrip gile ker?
dlm KANK, KJ try nk wat black comedy.. sbb citer tuh cam show the evil side of relation kn? |
x sabarnyerr tunggu next film karan johar neh!!!  |
Reply #240 harisbee's post
KANK tuu sampai skrg aku x tgk...nasib laa kajol tolak...citer tuu ngan citer fanaah jauh giler beza.. |
Reply #244 jpl_fan's post
sama arrr aku pun dok penah tengok KANK tu....tader napsu pun nak nengok ...ekekekekkekke
tapi FANAA berebut laa aku ke pawagam...may b sbb kajol jarang muncul....sesekali kemunculannya sgt dinanti2kan....luvvvvv kajol.... |
Reply #244 jpl_fan's post & Reply #245 NonaNaga's post
bg aku, cite KANK antare cite paling berani dr Karan Johar.. sbb biasenye, die kn wat film yg kelakar, cintan2, sedey sket.. tp, dlm citer nih, sume suram jek.. character, lagu, environment, sumer la.. tp, aku rase citer KANK setaraf dgn film2 KJ yg dlu.. sbbnye, film nih mnyeluruh ceritenye.. maksud aku, klu ade bini& laki yg curang, pristiwa2 mcm dlm film nih akan blaku pd diorg.. KJ describe citer nih sangat baek skali!! wpun ade yg x dpt trime.. mcm SRK ckp dlm Koffee WIth Karan, xkn la org akan ckp "aku suke KANK..jom semua, kite tinggalkan pasangan kite"..right?
korang paham x ceramah aku?
Reply #248 harisbee's post
hmm.. film dihasilkn krn dpt ilham.. ade ilham dtg dr kjadian sbenar kn? kn ke ramai pasangan dlm dunia nih jd mcm nih.. mngkin sbb tuh karan johar tuh wat cam 2.. mcm aku ckp td la, smua yg blaku dlm citer nih mungkin akan blaku pd org yg curang.. contoh = priety&rani jln bersebelahan kt jalan, tapi x prasan masing2, lps tuh nmpak SRK kt dpn.. ha? sape yg die nk pilih.. citer nih ade pngajaran die.. mcm mase klmaks tuh, SRK & RANI bpisah sbb diorg kate yg diorg happy ngan pasangan masing2, sdangkn diorg dh kene halau.. 3 thn diorg tanggung sngsare..
hmm.. semua film (ye ker?) ade pngajaran masing2, cume kite jerk kite tonton n nilaikn..
[ Last edited by AyieBoyZ at 12-2-2008 02:42 PM ] |
new pic from u, me aur hum..

[ Last edited by izzati at 13-2-2008 02:43 PM ] |
yess!! ini interview terbaru drpd karan johar... sorry pjg sket, tapi byk gak die citer pasal the next project with srkajol... pasal kank pon ade gakk.. hehe
KJo's next, a true story
Author: Sarita Tanwar Date: 12 Feb 2008
Among other things, KJo waxes eloquent about the SRK-Kajol film being the biggest risk in his career
Karan Johar
Karan Johar looks very 慶orporate |
Directing, modelling, designing, TV show, hosting live shows. Anything new on the agenda?
I get really strange offers. Especially acting ones. For some reason, people think I can act. Of course, I don抰 take them up.
Offers from who? Please tell.
No, no. You don抰 even want to know. Let me tell you they have not been from any great names. (laughs)
Not Mani Ratnam?
(Cracks up) No, from him, I mean I would totally consider it if heoffered me a role. I think I have pretty much done everything I everwanted to do. I have done it all... my primary passion is makingmovies. Everything else is extra-curricular. My big dream is DharmaProductions. That抯 more my father抯 dream than mine. He wanted it tobe huge and be known all over the world.
You have already done that...
I want to make it much bigger. I have been making one film in twoyears. Now I want to do three films a year, and who knows where I willgo after that... if that experiment or endeavour is successful. I willtake it from there.
And you obviously cannot direct three films a year.
That抯 why we have a host of new talent. A host of new directors:Tarun, Siddharth Malhotra and Renzil. They are all first-timers andthey抮e making films for me. Then I have an animation film being made.We are officially launching four films, one after the other.
Tell me about the film.
My animation film is called Kootchie Kootchie Hota Hai takes off fromKuch Kuch Hota Hai. It抯 KKHH with dogs, cats, orangutans, pigs,donkeys and all sorts of animals. It抯 an animal world but like a humanworld. The amenities are what you and I are used to. They have schools,colleges, hospitals, and we have |
hahahh.. pas ni agaknyerr kalo kajol buat promosi citer u, me aur hum, berduyun2 la soalan pasal next film karan johar nehh...
dasyat gle... blom release lagi pon da meletop cite KHAN nih, even shooting pon blom start!!  |
Reply #253 izzati's post
TQ la tempek artikel nih.. dh lame cr artikel psl film baru KJ nih.. last2 izzati jugak yg jmpe..
klu ikut ape KJ ckp, film nih mesti emo habes r.. hmm.. aku dh x sabo nih nk tgk..
u me aur hum pung aku nk tgk nnti.. x sngke kajol leh ckp ajay tuh pengarah terbaik yg pernah die blakon.. hmm.. btui ka? |
haha... suami sendirik beb... musti la cakap gtuuu... hehehhh |
Originally posted by AyieBoyZ at 13-2-2008 03:34 PM 
klu ikut ape KJ ckp, film nih mesti emo habes r.. hmm.. aku dh x sabo nih nk tgk..
yupp!! aku pn dapat merasakan yg citer ni akan menjadi sgt BEST!! hehehhh  |
biler citer nak kuar..tak sabarnya...
eenaz ingat lagi time tue form 5 cuti hujung minggu balik umah..my mom ckp ader citer hindustan best lakinya hensem pompuan nya lawa..time srk and kajol lom menonjol lagi....my mom kater ader adegan menangis kat tangga..tue yg best..terus eenaz tgk..alih2 mata bengkak....
then barulah cari balik citer lelama lakonan both of them...DDLJ... |
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