May 18, 2008
Driving while on the phone is illegal...
But what about... Eating? Shaving? Kissing?
While the law doesn't ban other activities, police say multi-tasking motorists can be charged if they drive without due care
By Nur Dianah Suhaimi

While it is not illegal to eat, read or apply make-up while driving, a motorist could be in trouble with the law if he were to cause an accident as a result of not paying due attention to his driving. -- ST PHOTO: ASHLEIGH SIM
Keeping both hands on the wheel, or eyes on the road, while driving is not a common practice among motorists here, given that many tend to eat, smoke or apply make-up at the same time.
This was what a poll of 50 motorists found.
The Sunday Times found that almost every driver had engaged in distracting activities while navigating the roads, ranging from reading to having a morning shave.
While it is clearly illegal to use a mobile phone while driving, the law does not specifically forbid other activities, such as eating or shaving, while driving.
Said lawyer Rajan Chettiar of Rajan Chettiar & Co: 'It is not illegal to eat, drink or shave while driving. But if the driver were to cause an accident, he will be in trouble.
'I don't think he can say that he was eating or shaving as a defence.'
Motorists who are caught driving without due care and attention can be fined up to $1,000 or jailed up to six months or both.
The same goes for a first-timer convicted of using a mobile phone while driving. But the latter may also be disqualified from driving or given 12 demerit points.
If he is lucky, he may get away with a fine of up to $230 plus 12 demerit points.
On top of that, his phone and SIM card may be seized for investigations and may also be forfeited by the court upon conviction.
In the past three years, more than 2,300 summonses were issued annually for cellphone-related driving offences.
Since the late 1990s, many cities in the United States have run public awareness campaigns to warn motorists against multi-tasking while driving.
It was estimated that up to half of the six million vehicle crashes that happened in the US each year were caused by distracted drivers.
Although there is no specific legislation here prohibiting eating, smoking and other activities while driving, the police said they can still take action against motorists who drive recklessly as a result of multi-tasking.
Said a police spokesman: 'We advise drivers to refrain from such activities while driving as taking their hand off the steering wheel, and eyes or attention away from the road, even momentarily, affects their ability to control the vehicle and react to changes in situations on the road.'
[email protected] |
May 20, 2008
Lower ERP rates for June holidays
IN anticipation of lower vehicle volumes and thus smoother flowing traffic during the June school holidays, electronic road-pricing rates at several gantries will be reduced by 50 cents per pass per car.
The Land Transport Authority said on Tuesday that the reduction applies to the following gantries: Ayer Rajah Expressway (eastbound) from 9am to 9.30am.
Central Expressway gantry north of Braddell Road (southbound) from 7.30am to 8am.
Central Expressway gantry before Pan-Island Expressway (northbound) from 5.30pm to 6pm; and from 8pm to 10pm.
East Coast Parkway Fort Road gantry (westbound) from 7.30am to 8.30am.
East Coast Parkway Ophir Road gantry (westbound) from 8am to 9am.
Pan-Island Expressway Kallang Bahru gantry (westbound) from 7.30am to 8am.
Handy Road from 8am to 10am.
Central Business District from 8am to 10am.
Bendemeer Road from 7.30am to 8am; and 9am to 9.30am.
Dunearn Road from 8am to 8.30am.
Kallang Road from 9am to 9.30am.
Thomson Road from 7.30am to 8am; and 9am to 9.30am.
The lower rates apply from May 24 to June 21. |
Reply #226 fatz's post
May 20, 2008
ERP woes: Still not clear where the problem lies
Motorists suffer while LTA and Nets work on finding 'logistical solution'.
By Tan Weizhen
FAULTY cashcards or faulty in-vehicle units (IUs) which fail to register at the Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) gantries are continuing to bother motorists.
Since The Straits Times (ST) reported two weeks ago that 300 motorists a month either paid the $10 fine or jumped through the requisite hoops with the authorities to get these fines waived, more have come forward to say that they too are being plagued by the problem.
ST spoke to 17 of them.
They said that although the fines are dropped when they go to the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to explain why they did not pay the ERP charges, they are frustrated with the time and effort it takes to get the fine waived.
When contacted, the LTA and the Network for Electronic Transfers (Nets), which issues the cashcards, would only say they were working together on a logistical solution for motorists, but gave no details.
It is still unclear where the problem lies - with the cashcards or the IUs, and motorists are getting frustrated.
Mr Francis Chua, 51, for example, told ST that he paid the fine the first time it happened, but has since made seven trips to the LTA office to get fine waivers.
He said that each of these seven times, LTA sent him to licensed vehicle inspection centres like Vicom to get his cashcard and IU checked, to confirm that it was a technical problem and not because his cashcard had insufficient funds. Only then would his fines be waived. |
Reply #242 fatz2's post
LTA pun tahu.. kalo time school holidays..tak bnyk kereta.. tu sbb dorang pun pandai lower the erp rates.heranlah.. |
New one-stop integrated testing of NETS CashCards & In-Vehicle Units
By Julia Ng, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 22 May 2008 2029 hrs

SINGAPORE: From 28 May, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) and NETS will introduce integrated testing of NETS CashCards and In-Vehicle Units (IU) at LTA-authorised inspection centres.
With the new service, motorists who encounter any problem with their ERP transactions can visit any authorised centre to test both their NETS CashCard and IU.
LTA said this will serve to provide motorists with a convenient one-stop solution.
For motorists whose NETS CashCard or IU is found to be faulty, they will get a one-for-one NETS CashCard or IU replacement, and the administrative fee waived.
LTA and NETS also said they are jointly investigating the cause of reported incompatibility between their CashCards and the In-Vehicle Units.
Recently, many motorists have complained that they encountered problems in ERP payments with their CashCards.
So far, findings point to about 250-300 cases a month of ERP transactions experiencing problems of compatibility between the IU and CashCards.
To make it more convenient for motorists encountering such problems, LTA and NETS said they will work together to resolve them expeditiously.
LTA and NETS said they are committed to make ERP transactions as efficient as possible and are working to minimise ERP transaction error rates. - CNA/ir |
COE prices for cars up in latest bidding exercise
Posted: 22 May 2008 1721 hrs
SINGAPORE: COE prices for cars were higher in the latest bidding exercise which ended on Thursday, but were lower for commercial vehicles and motorcycles.
COE premiums for cars 1,600cc and below rose S$4,692 to S$15,701.
For big cars of more than 1,600cc, COEs went up S$1,224 to S$17,113.
The COE price for the Open Category, where the certificates are usually used to buy cars, rose S$200 to S$16,700.
The COE premiums for goods vehicles and buses went down S$1,133 to S$14,756, while those for motorcycles fell S$180 to S$1,109. - CNA/ir |
i30 adalah satu kesegaran daripada Hyundai

Jenis: Hyundai i30
Engin: 1,591cc
16 injap DOHC
Gear: Automatik4 kelajuan
Kuasa maksimum: 121bhp @ 6,200rpm
Torque maksimum: 154Nm @ 4,200rpm
0-100kmh: 12.1 saat
Kelajuan maksimum: 188kmh
Penggunaan minyak: 1 liter/14.5km (keseluruhan)
Harga (termasuk COE): $61,999
Pengedar: Komoco Motors
Telefon: 6475-8888
SEMASA kaki-kaki kereta yang saya kenali bertanya sama ada saya telah memandu uji kereta i30 dari pembuat kereta Korea, Hyundai, saya menjawab balik dengan bertanya mereka, 'Kenapa?'
Mereka kata, ia bagus, bahkan sebagus atau setanding dengan kereta-kereta dalam kelas yang sama dari Jepun.
Jadi, apabila saya mendapat panggilan daripada seorang bekas kawan wartawan yang kini bersama Komoco untuk mencuba i30, tentu sahaja saya tidak menolaknya.
Apakah tanggapan pertama saya mengenainya?
Benarkah ini kereta Hyundai dari Korea Selatan?
Bagi saya, i30 ini adalah ibarat sesuatu yang segar bagi jenama Hyundai di sini.
Reka bentuknya, gayanya, dalamannya, peralatan yang disediakan dan keselesaannya memang benar dapat menyaingi kereta-kereta berjenama seperti Lancer, Corolla dan Mazda 323.
Ia mungkin tidak sepantas seperti beberapa jenama ini, tetapi yang pasti, pakej keseluruhan yang disediakan oleh i30 ini mungkin dapat mengatasi sesetengah yang lain.
Reka bentuk i30 ini sahaja sudah cukup untuk membuat beberapa orang mengaitkannya dengan kereta buatan Eropah.
Apa pun, ia sedap dipandang dan seperti yang saya sebutkan tadi, ibarat sesuatu yang segar daripada Hyundai.
Di dalam, ia amat luas dan kemas. Untuk lima orang dewasa, ruang yang disediakan lebih daripada mencukupi.
i30 bukanlah kereta mewah, tetapi ia mempunyai banyak sentuhan yang mampu bersaing dengan kereta-kereta yang lebih mewah dan mahal daripadanya.
Posisi duduk untuk pemandu amat selesa dan segala maklumat yang terdapat pada papan meter disusun dengan begitu teliti.
Ia bukan sahaja sedap mata memandang, bahkan segala maklumat mengenai kereta dan enjin boleh anda ketahui dengan mudah.
Kereta ini amat senyap, bahkan boleh saya katakan sesenyap kereta buatan Jepun.
Sistem gantungannya cukup baik untuk menyerap lubang-lubang di jalan atau melalui batu-batu kecil yang bertaburan.
Bahkan, kalau ada dua ciri kereta ini yang amat meninggalkan kesan kepada saya ialah enjinnya yang senyap dan sistem gantungan yang cukup baik.
Untuk ruang menyorok barangan, i30 ini tidak kalah. Banyak tempat di mana anda boleh menyimpan barang- barang.
i30 ini juga mempunyai sun roof - satu lagi faktor yang boleh menaikkan sahamnya.
Dan kerana ia jenis hatchback, anda boleh mendapat ruang untuk mengangkut barangan yang luas sekali apabila melibat tempat duduk belakang.
i30 ini mungkin bukan BMW 130i, tetapi untuk harganya yang tidak sampai separuh pun harga 130i, saya rasa ia adalah antara yang terbaik dalam kelasnya.
[ Last edited by SQ154 at 25-5-2008 01:56 PM ] |
M'sian crackdown on dark windscreens
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA: Unless you are a billionaire or suffering from a skin condition, you may not be allowed to drive vehicles that have heavily-tinted windscreens and windows. A nationwide crackdown on vehicles with heavily-tinted glass starts on July 1. Owners of these vehicles will be slapped with a RM200 fine.
Road Transport Department (RTD) enforcement director Salim Parlan said those who were allowed to drive vehicles with heavily-tinted glass would have to show proof that they had permission to do so.
Motorists would need to show proof, such as a police report, if their life was under threat or a doctor's letter if they were suffering from a skin disease, he said.
"For instance, a billionaire or a person suffering from a skin disease can apply for an exemption from the transport minister."
Under the Motor Vehicles (Prohibition of Certain Types of Glass) Rules 1991, the chief judge and top ranking police and army officers are also exempted from the ruling.
The crackdown, which was supposed to have started in the middle of last year, was delayed due to technical problems.
It was found that the gadgets which are used to check windscreens and windows can only read the percentage of tint during the day.
The department then bought 150 autolight plus meters from Melbourne that can calculate light penetration at night.
The attorney-general's office also needed time to study the implications of the amended law.
With the amendment, car owners have to comply with a 70 per cent light penetration rule for the front windscreen and 50 per cent light penetration for the rear windscreen and side windows.
Non-governmental organisations and car associations were opposed to the move because they wanted a heavier tint for windscreens and windows to cope with global warming.
However, the Transport Ministry felt this was unnecessary because vehicles were equipped with air-conditioners which help to keep motorists cool.
Salim said the enforcement on tinted glass was given the green light due to safety reasons.
"If you have a heavily-tinted window, the driver might not be able to see the side windows well. It is dangerous."
Currently, drivers are issued a two-week notice by RTD enforcement officers to remove the dark tint from their windscreens and windows, and return for an inspection at any RTD office. |

PARA pemandu setempat kini kian 'jatuh cinta' dengan kereta yang dipacu kuasa gas asli (CNG) ekoran harga minyak petrol yang terus melambung naik.
Ini dapat dilihat dalam trend penjualan kereta baru yang dipasang dengan CNG dan pengubahsuaian kereta lama kepada sistem gas asli itu.
Tinjauan Berita Harian mendapati lebih banyak syarikat penjualan kereta kini mengiklankan penjualan kereta CNG di dada akhbar.
Beberapa syarikat pengimport kereta selari yang menjual kereta CNG pula mendedahkan perniagaan mereka meningkat antara 30 dengan 50 peratus sejak awal tahun ini.
Salah satu syarikat pengimport kereta selari, 8th Gear, di Toh Guan Road, mendedahkan ia mencatatkan kenaikan penjualan sekitar 50 peratus sejak Januari.
Pengurus pemasaran 8th Gear, Encik Nick Ang, mendedahkan pihaknya menjual kira-kira 10 kereta CNG sebulan. Ini separuh daripada penjualan keseluruhan syarikatnya.
'Meskipun ada pembeli hanya nak jimatkan belanja, sebahagian besar pembeli memilih CNG kerana ia mesra alam,' jelas Encik Ang.
Pengurus perniagaan Pinnacle International, Encik Melvin Wong, pula berkata penjualan kereta CNG syarikatnya meningkat 30 peratus sejak Januari.
Antara model popular ialah Toyota Wish, Honda Stream, Honda Fit dan Toyota Estima.
Selain lebih bersih, antara kelebihan utama kereta CNG ialah ia boleh berfungsi dengan kedua-dua kuasa minyak atau CNG.
Dianggarkan, satu tong gas CNG yang berharga sekitar $10 boleh bertahan sejauh hampir 200 kilometer. Ini jauh lebih rendah daripada kos minyak petrol sekitar $45 bagi perjalanan serupa.
Bagaimanapun, ruang but adalah lebih kecil kerana perlu menampung tong CNG yang seberat sekitar 85 kilogram apabila diisi penuh.
Kos bagi pemasangan CNG pula sekitar $4,000.
Tetapi, pemilik kereta baru CNG boleh menerima Rebat Kereta Hijau berjumlah 40 peratus daripada Yuran Pendaftaran Tambahan (ARF).
Salah sebuah syarikat pemasangan sistem CNG terbesar di sini, C. Melchers GMBH & Co, turut mendedahkan jumlah kereta yang dipasang dengan sistem CNG oleh bengkelnya telah bertambah sebanyak 50 peratus.
Menurut pengurus pemasaran peralatan minyak dan gas syarikat itu, Encik Shahmeer Gilbert von der Aue, pihaknya sedang mengembangkan operasinya untuk mengendalikan 120 kereta sebulan menjelang Januari depan.
'Sekitar 70 peratus kenderaan yang kami pasang sistem CNG merupakan kereta privet baru. Kami jangkakan permintaan akan terus meningkat dengan bertambahnya stesen CNG,' katanya.
Buat masa ini tiga stesen sedang beroperasi dan terletak di Pulau Jurong, Jalan Buroh dan Mandai. Sebuah lagi stesen dijadualkan dibina di Serangoon menjelang akhir tahun depan.
Bagaimanapun, dengan meningkatnya permintaan, masa menunggu bagji pemasangan sistem CNG bagi kereta juga semakin panjang - sekitar dua bulan. |
May 26, 2008
Report all accidents in 24 hours, or else...
From Sunday, those who don't inform insurers of accidents on time will lose part of their NCD
By Christopher Tan, Senior Correspondent
FROM Sunday, motorists must report all accidents - no matter how minor - to their respective insurers within 24hours or part of their no-claims discount (NCD) will be docked.
Worse, their insurers might not cover them if a claim is filed against them.
This tough stance is the latest attempt by the insurance industry to curb runaway claims, which drove motor underwriting losses to a five-year high of $103.2 million last year.
The picture continues to look bleak this year: In the first quarter, motor-underwriting losses hit $35.3 million - nearly treble that for the same period last year.
Insurers reckon inflated claims are a major cause. These claims are often filed well after an accident.
Although it has long been a legal requirement to report all accidents, this is the first time insurers are insisting on a 24-hour timeframe so 'fresh information' is at hand.
Insurers also believe people are less likely to lie or have less chance to collaborate with workshops to submit inflated claims within the first 24hours of an accident.
In announcing the new step, the General Insurance Association (GIA) - which represents about 30 motor insurers here - said on Monday that car owners will lose 10 percentage points of their NCD if they do not comply.
NCDs are given annually to motorists who have not made accident claims, up to a maximum of 50 per cent of their annual premium.
So a motorist who pays a premium of $500 after a 50 per cent NCD and does not report an accident to his insurer within 24hours would have to pay $600 the next time he renews his policy.
Motorists with no NCD will not suffer this penalty, but the GIA warned that those who do not comply with the new rule are in breach of policy terms and an insurer would have the right to refuse their claims. |
May 26, 2008
One-stop place for motorists with faulty cashcards to get fine waived
From Wednesday, motorists can head for authorised mechanics on LTA's list for a quick inspection.
By Maria Almenoar
MR SEAH Kian Peng (Marine Parade GRC) on Monday pressed the Ministry of Transport to minimise the inconvenience caused to motorists by glitches in the Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) system.
He called for a 'zero defect policy'.
Senior Minister of State for Transport Lim Hwee Hua told Parliament that would be impossible to achieve.
She stressed that the 250 to 300 cases of system errors each month - that result in motorists being fined for failing to pay ERP charges - make up just 0.003 per cent of the nine million ERP transactions a month.
Many motorists have of late contacted The Straits Times about problems they faced with their CashCards and in-vehicle units (IUs).
They were fined the ERP charge plus a $10 administrative fee by the Land Transport Authority (LTA), despite having sufficient value in their CashCard when driving through a gantry.
While this problem cannot be eliminated, Mrs Lim said the ministry and Network for Electronic Transfers Singapore (Nets) - which issues the CashCards - have made it easier for motorists to get a refund.
From Wednesday, motorists can head for authorised mechanics on LTA's list for a quick inspection.
If any of the gear is found to be faulty, the fine is waived and they are given a new CashCard or IU unit for free.
Before this, motorists had to go to several different places before they could get the fine waived. |
Malaysia's Proton says earnings helped by new models
Posted: 27 May 2008 0145 hrs

A car is reflected on a mirror of a Proton showroom in Kuala Lumpur
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's national car manufacturer Proton said on Monday it made a fourth-quarter net profit of 236.4 million ringgit (73.2 million dollars) against 915,000 ringgit a year ago.
The auto firm said it had made profits three quarters in a row due to the introduction of newer models with higher profit margins amid lower costs.
Proton had posted a net profit of 10.329 million ringgit in its third quarter.
For the full year to March, the national car maker swung to a net profit of 202.9 million ringgit compared to a loss of 589.5 million ringgit in the previous financial year.
Sales grew by 14.6 percent to 5.6 billion ringgit.
In a filing with the Malaysian bourse, it said the company's improved prospects were due in part to the introduction of new models with higher profit margins, increased sales volume and savings from cost reduction initiatives.
Proton chairman Mohammed Azlan Hashim told state news agency Bernama the launch of its anticipated multi-purpose vehicles in early 2009 would see Proton expanding its product portfolio.
"In terms of volume, Proton has set itself the target of doubling its total sales volume to 300,000 units by 2010," he told Bernama.
Company officials say they expect improved sales volume and market share growth, especially for the best selling models, the Persona and Saga.
Proton shares closed on Monday up 10 sen at 3.74 ringgit. Its shares took a beating in November after it said it had shelved alliance talks with Volkswagen and General Motors. - AFP/de |
Motorists advised to avoid Shangri-La Hotel areas from Fri to Sun
Slow traffic is expected with road blocks and security checks in place when security conference goes into full-swing
Motorists are advised to avoid Anderson Road and Orange Grove Road from Friday to Sunday as road blocks and security checks will be set up to ensure the safety of those attending an international security conference at the Shangri-La Hotel.
Delegates from 27 countries, including ministers, chiefs of army and heads of organisations from the Asia Pacific region, will be attending the three-day 7th IISS Asia Security Conference to discuss defence and security issues from May 30 to June 1.
During this period, police said traffic flow along Anderson Road and Orange Grove Road is expected to increase, especially during peak hours.
Although these roads are still open to the general public, motorists should avoid them and plan their journey early as slow traffic is expected.
Motorists proceeding to Stevens Road from Tanglin Road are advised to use the alternative route via Scotts Road, while those going to Orchard Road from Stevens Road and Balmoral Road should use alternative roads via Scotts Road.
EMAS Traffic Information Boards will be used to inform motorists of the expected heavy traffic flow.
As parking facilities at Shangri-La Hotel will be limited, visitors to the hotel are advised to car pool or take public transport during this period.
Strict enforcement action against vehicle owners for illegal parking will be taken along the affected roads, including towing, police warned. |
Vehicle inspection centres pilot NETS CashCard and IU testing
By Chio Su-Mei, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 28 May 2008 2029 hrs
SINGAPORE: About 300 vehicle drivers each month encounter problems while using their CashCards on the road. But now, there are several one-stop venues to have them checked out and get any faulty items replaced.
From 22 May, the nine Land Transport Authority-approved vehicle inspection centres started offering NETS CashCard and In-Vehicle Unit testing.
Although motorists welcomed this latest troubleshooting effort, some said it was precious time lost.
Solving technical faults is what motorists want.
Lim Kian Yong, a motorist, said: 揊or my case, it's the improper insertion fine of the CashCard, which happens every time you put in the CashCard and the IU machine will damage the CashCard. And on top of that, every time I go in the gantry, sometimes it detects, sometimes it doesn't detect."
Inspection centres said they have enough stocks of In-Vehicle Units and CashCards if replacements need to be made.
Teo Kee Jin, General Manager, STA Inspection, said: 揥e don't foresee a huge surge in volume, because at the end of the day, I don't think motorists will just come to do all these things just to get the free IU or the free CashCard."
Besides one-for-one replacements, motorists with faulty units or cards will also get the administrative fee waived.
LTA said it's working with NETS and the inspection centres to minimise the incidence of IU and CashCard incompatibility. -CNA/vm |
LTA considers implementing more full-day bus lanes
By Margaret Perry, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 02 June 2008 2058 hrs

SINGAPORE: Eleven new full-day bus lanes came into operation in the central business district on Monday, and the Land Transport Authority (LTA) is planning to implement more such lanes in various parts of Singapore to cut travel times for bus commuters.
Serangoon Road is one of the areas being considered as it has high bus volume and traffic throughout the day, making it an ideal candidate for a full-day bus lane.
Tan Tee Nee, deputy director of traffic management at LTA, said: "The surrounding amenities... the high commercial activities - these are likely to generate more traffic along the road and of course, (higher) bus frequency."
Many welcomed such prospects.
R Selvam from Moulmein Tekka Residents Committee said: "Most of my residents travel by buses, so it is more of an advantage for them to come back early, then they can spend more time with their family and the school children."
S Gokulabalam, secretary of the Little India Shopkeepers and Heritage Association, also said: "We will get more people coming to Little India and by that we will benefit."
Many shops along Serangoon Road use back lanes and side streets to load and unload their goods. But a few shopkeepers do not have such access, so deliveries are dropped off outside the shop during off-peak hours, when the bus lane is not in operation.
A merchant on Serangoon Road, Rani Kumar, said: "Full-day bus lane will obstruct a bit of our loading and unloading... It's convenient to load and unload at the main road... otherwise we have to go to the side road, it's going to be a little inconvenient."
Currently the closest legal unloading site to Mrs Rani's shop is about 50 metres away.
LTA officers are gathering feedback from shopkeepers so issues like Mrs Rani's can be resolved before the full-day bus lane scheme is implemented in the area. - CNA/ac |
Changing motoring habits can help save fuel costs
By Chio Su-Mei, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 02 June 2008 2307 hrs

SINGAPORE: Petrol prices have risen sharply over the last two years. But the Automobile Association of Singapore says there are ways to cut down on fuel costs by changing one's motoring habits.
For instance, one's petrol bill can be reduced by 15 to 20 per cent by refraining from sudden acceleration or deceleration.
Regular servicing will also make one's vehicle run more effectively and economically. Lightening the load of the vehicle will also help.
And if the weather is cool enough, wind down the windows. This could save as much as 10 to 15 per cent in fuel costs for a 1,600cc vehicle.
Tay Chay Sim, Manager, Automobile Association of Singapore, said: "Singaporeans like to put a lot of things inside the boot - things like golf equipment, bicycles and other things you don't need to use daily.
"As you know, any additional load added onto the vehicle will require you to need more petrol to give the same speed. So try to remove these things. Definitely you will save money on fuel." - CNA/vm |

33-year-old naval officer Prethev likes the car plate number that he bid for his Subaru WRX, in spite of the unlucky connotations that come with it.
The car plate number which is SGV 4444C is considered unlucky in Chinese culture as the number '4' is associated with the word 'die'.
In the Hokkien and Teochew dialects, the number '4' is pronounced as 'see'.
"So technically, my car plate has five 'sees' in it," he told STOMP.
"While most people consider it bad luck to have such a plate. I like to think positively and equate my car plate to the five 'C's; credit car, condo, cash, country club membership and car."
"This number plate will help me work towards that," he said.
Originally posted by sutera_abadi at 3-6-2008 10:53 PM 
33-year-old naval officer Prethev likes the car plate number that he bid for his Subaru WRX, in spite of the unlucky conno ...
heran aku takut sangat dgn no 4.. takde no 4 pun kojol jugak |
Reply #258 Browneyes's post
ya salam..hish hish hish. |
June 4, 2008
COE premiums tumble across the board
Fall attributed to rising fuel prices and June holiday lull.
By Christopher Tan, Senior Correspondent

Market watchers attributed the softer prices to the seasonal lull of the school holidays, when more people tend to be out of town. -- PHOTO: BT
COE premiums ended lower across the board when the latest tender closed on Wednesday, with rates for bigger cars posting the sharpest fall of all.
Market watchers attributed the softer prices to the seasonal lull of the school holidays, when more people tend to be out of town. There is also speculation that record fuel prices are starting to bite, prompting buyers to steer towards smaller and more economical cars.
Certificate of entitlement for cars with engines up to 1,600cc, such as the Nissan Latio and Toyota Vios, ended 7.1 per cent lower at $14,590. The premium for cars above 1,600cc, such as the newly launched Audi A4 and Honda Accord, registered a 14.5 per cent drop to $14,640.
The Open COE, which can be used for any vehicle type but ends up mainly for cars, dipped by 2.4 per cent to $16,301.
Demand for commercial vehicles seem to have cooled as well. COE for this category closed 8.5 per cent lower at $13,501.
Even motorcycle COE was weaker at $1,083 - 2.3 per cent down.
Mr Barry Kan, general manager at multi-brand agency Wearnes Automotive, said: 'I put it down to people being away for the school holidays. Generally, showroom traffic has been lighter lately.'
Mr Kan added that high pump prices - with a litre of petrol going for as much as $2.30 - may be starting to hurt buyers of bigger cars. Not so much the luxury buyers, but those who used to go for value-for-money models from the Asian brands.
Mr A C Neo, marketing director of Nissan agent Tan Chong Motors, reckoned weak sentiment in property, rental and stockmarket was to blame. He said this had curtailed the demand for 'more expensive items'.
Motor traders are expected to lower car prices on the back of the lower COE premiums. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara