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Author: BahamRambang

Projek2 Hebat kat Tganu....

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2009 01:00 AM | Show all posts

Reply #238 are_keem's post

projek paling bodo utk arini.. dop penoh2 hayat org wat jalan tutup junction trapiklite siang2 ari... doslah time org balik keje.. gile gok aku rase..

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2009 01:01 AM | Show all posts

Reply #239 tuan_wu's post

engineer lagilah kene kire bangunan tu bleh support load ke dop..
aku dakpe.. tukang design je.. hehehe

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2009 01:02 AM | Show all posts

Reply #240 tuan_wu's post

kalu jadi kabo ke aku wu..

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Post time 2-1-2009 01:03 AM | Show all posts

Reply #242 BahamRambang's post

aku mmg sker tk design2 hok canggih2 skit ni

contohnya...........menara pucuk rebung kat KL tu......

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Post time 2-1-2009 01:04 AM | Show all posts

Reply #243 BahamRambang's post

bisa diatur.........

saing jejok kasih mu xmo ajok 1x ke

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2009 01:08 AM | Show all posts

Reply #245 tuan_wu's post

sape ek wu??

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2009 01:09 AM | Show all posts

Reply #244 tuan_wu's post

menara ni idea ilham dr Hijjaz Kasturi..
bg aku menara tbaik jugoklah kat mesia..

walaupun bukan kat tganu.. aku saje nok letok...
manelah tau kot ade menara gini kat negeri kite..
doslah design ala macam layar kapal..
so sesuai sgt kat negeri kite ni...

[ Last edited by  BahamRambang at 2-1-2009 01:17 AM ]

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Post time 2-1-2009 01:26 AM | Show all posts

Reply #246 BahamRambang's post

ade yer posting kat tred aku tu

dengo cite jiran sebeloh umoh mu dulu

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Post time 2-1-2009 01:27 AM | Show all posts

Reply #247 BahamRambang's post

mu wat la ser kat tganu

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2009 01:35 AM | Show all posts

Reply #248 tuan_wu's post

org br tu.. ye tu aku kena dr zaman2 tadika g...
kuar sokmo.. tetibe ye join dalam forum jugok..

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2009 01:36 AM | Show all posts

Reply #249 tuan_wu's post

mmg bleh wat design.. cume sape nok jadi tukang hok perabis pitih ni.. (client/investor)

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Post time 2-1-2009 01:38 AM | Show all posts

Reply #251 BahamRambang's post

mu kn tera kontek derih jusoh la.......yer leh sponsor

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2009 01:42 AM | Show all posts

Reply #252 tuan_wu's post

derih dop kaye mcm dulu dos.. lainlah matsaid.. hehehe tp matsaid ye kurang bkembang skit... mcm derih tu ye pikir ke 20tahun akan dtg cume masalah derih ni byk kronik2 tek.. huhuhu

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Post time 2-1-2009 01:45 AM | Show all posts

Reply #253 BahamRambang's post

design bazar warisan tu mu rs guane ?

bisnes situ dengo cite dok brp ok

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2009 01:48 AM | Show all posts

Reply #254 tuan_wu's post

bagi aku design die bagus koz die melambangkan keteganuan...
biaselah tu raja bahrin.. mmg idea traditional abislah...
tp masalahnye material die pakai.. ade masalah... ceppat rosok..

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Post time 2-1-2009 01:56 AM | Show all posts

Reply #255 BahamRambang's post

kn repot BPR ni.........

msti kontraktor dia leh pitis wat beli brabus owk

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Post time 2-1-2009 02:26 AM | Show all posts

Balas #220 BahamRambang\ catat

kawe taud demo ambik mana semua gambar2 ni

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Post time 2-1-2009 08:24 AM | Show all posts
6 - 17 januari nanti

maybe lagi banyak projek "pecah tanah" kat k.t..

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Post time 2-1-2009 09:23 AM | Show all posts

Balas #247 BahamRambang\ catat

amboi demo.., sume dok lorat upload gambar2 ganu..
takpe2 nanti aku bukok thread gamba kg aku plok... kelate

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Post time 2-1-2009 10:09 AM | Show all posts
aku pernah g ofis arkitek raja bahrin tuh,banyak gak projek 2 kat ganu nih....
mcam design stadium sultan mizan tuh dier reka gak...
tapi teknologi dari korea....

kalu lpt siap lagi byk development nanti....
aku dgr dlm 1 thn lg siap kot.....

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