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Author: kaklala_lost_id


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Post time 2-12-2010 01:36 AM | Show all posts
Reply 125# cmf_kinna

blh pm harga for both product ni?

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Post time 2-12-2010 01:51 AM | Show all posts
Reply 184# sayawifenikmie

blh pm harga bg kedua2 products ni?

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Post time 2-12-2010 09:48 AM | Show all posts
Reply  sayawifenikmie

blh pm harga bg kedua2 products ni?
catalysts2 Post at 2-12-2010 01:51

.................pasti berbaloi-baloi.....

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Post time 2-12-2010 12:03 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cmf_kinna at 2-12-2010 22:23

Q & A

1. Why SuperWhite  L-Glutathione  is  Whitening Pill No . 1  ?
SuperWhite L-Glutathione is a real skin whitening Glutathione Grade AAA and Anti-ageing pill. Guaranteed better than other brands you have tried before. We guarantee results in 14days will feel the different. For a more radiant, noticeably healthy skin and a younger looking you.

2. How white can I get?
Initial phase of the program can give as much 1-3 shades lighter . Long term usage can lighten your skin by as much as 5-6 shades lighter or more. It will depend on how SuperWhite L-Glutathione  reacts to your body.

3. Will I look like Michael Jackson ?
Definitely not. Results are gradual and natural. Its not dramatic nor drastic after just taking it in a few weeks. Also, it would be impossible to be extremely white since the skin has it's limits as to how light it can get.

4. Why is it that some people see results early and others took long before they can see it?
For the simple reason that people have different metabolism, weight is also a factor, the fact that some people see results early is because their bodies have absorbed the components well.

5. What is the recommended dosage in able to achieve a faster and visible result?
In order to achieve a faster result the right dosage for a certain person must be based on his/her body weight and skin tone. If your weight is above average (70 kilos above) and your skin tone is tan or light brown, its recommended to take 3-4 capsules daily. Generally, we recommend users to take 2 capsules daily if they have a light complexion already, its potent enough to achieve a change of skin tone in as early as 14days (again, results may vary from person to person). Once you have achieved the desired skin tone you may maintain it by taking 1 capsule daily.

6. Is it safe to take high dosage of this SuperWhite L-glutathione whitening pills everyday?
It is very safe. Taking high dose of SuperWhite L-glutathione from these whitening pills are needed in order for it to work for the whitening process.  Did you know that primarily Glutathione is given at a daily dose of 5000mg to certain patients? L-Glutathione actually good for your health. Moreover, SuperWhite L-Glutathione they are water-soluble which just means that if there’s anything in excess, it will be just excreted through urine or bile. You need to drink 3liter of plain water per day.

7. Do I really need to take additional Vitamin C when taking SuperWhite L-Glutathione? Why is it important?
Vitamin C is essential when taking these supplements because it helps L-Glutathione remain in its reduced form suitable to achieve it's skin lightening property.  We suggest you to consume Vitamin C non acidid ( free acid ).

8. How does the whitening process starts? Can it give me an equal skin tone all over?
The reason why are skin becomes white in using this whitening pill is because it reverses the dark melanin pigments turning to a light pigments and inhibits the enzyme Tyrosinase which catalyzes the production of melanin. Less melanin, a whiter skin. L-glutathione’s whitening process starts inside the skin (dermal layer) going outside (epidermal layer), that’s the reason why it takes time to be able to see initial change in your skin tone. The lightening process goes head to foot meaning that you will have an even skin tone throughout your body.

9. How can I consider this pill? It is a drug, vitamin or supplement?
SuperWhite L-Glutathione and its components (Vitamin C, ALA ) has been classified as health supplement by MOH.

10. Is there anything to avoid when taking SuperWhite L-Glutathione?
Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and  caffeine , the presence of alcohol in the stomach is one reason for your body to not fully absorb the whitening pill.

11. Are the whitening effects of these whitening pills permanent? Will my skin tone go back to its original color once I stop using it?
Its whitening effects are permanent only if you will maintain it(by avoiding exposure to sunlight). You won’t go back to your original skin color even if you stop taking these pills, however, there is a tendency for you to be tan or darken your skin if you expose yourself to sunlight and other harsh elements.

12. What If I am taking the pills but most of the time I am exposed to the sun, what will I do?
Use sunblock or sunscreen lotion that has an SPF of 45-60. It will protect you from the harmful effects of the sun.

13. Is this whitening pill (L-Glutathione) safe in the liver?
Let’s hear what a renowned doctor says about it:
“The level of glutathione in the liver is critically linked to the liver’s ability to detoxify. The higher the glutathione content, the greater the liver’s capacity to detoxify harmful chemicals. Typically, when we are exposed to chemicals to which can damage the liver including alcohol, the concentration of glutathione in the liver is substantially reduced. This reduction makes the liver susceptible to damage.”
Nature’s Potent Liver Remedy
Dr. Murray

14. I am in a hurry to see the results and also I want to be slim while I am taking the pills, is it ok to take slimming pills or other products (Thayaporn etc) ?

We have mentioned before, the whitening pill (L-Glutathione) is considered as a supplement and therefore safe to be taken with other medications, vitamins or supplements. If you are in a hurry and at the same want to be slim, we recommend you to consume 2 hours after taking SuperWhite L-Glutathione.

15. Is it better to take the whitening pill with an empty stomach or should I eat my meal first before taking it?
Take the SuperWhite L-Glutathione with an empty stomach. Your body will most likely absorb the highest possible amount.

16. Can pregnant or lactating women take the product?
Alpha Lipoic Acid ( ALA) is not recommended to pregnant women. Therefore, pregnant and even lactating women who wishes to use the SuperWhite L-Glutathione  must wait until they gave birth or  finish their lactating period.

Get your money's worth. 100% Safe and effective.  All natural.  No toxic Chemicals. SUPER WHITE Gluta 1000mg - BEST SELLER !!!

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Post time 2-12-2010 12:08 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cmf_kinna at 2-12-2010 12:10

TESTIMONIAL  : SuperWhite L-Glutathione 1000mg

Makan Superwhite  TAK abis sebotol pon  byk  TesTIMONIAL...

" dalam 2 minggu jgk, ksn sgt bagus"

" dulu 2 mkn notice jerawat cepat kering, parut pon pudar.Skrg ni mmg dh nampak putih..kulit muka pon licin..muka x oily dah"
" semua ini dlm 2 minggu"

"Hi Kinna,takat ni oklah.tangan sy tgk makin cerah.parut pun dah pudar sket,tp mkn x konsisten, mesti lg cepat efeknya.Tunggu la kalau dh abis sebotol,sy bg testimonialnya pulak " .

" Lupa nk bgtau.Ada perubahan kulit nampak cerah.Muka nmpk glowing.Sabun (miracle gluta) pun bagus nanti nak order sabun lagi..Pil masih ada. "

Originally Posted by ftn821  
barang dah sampai...tQ!
nanti lepas 2 minggu kita lihat hasilnya..hehe  
ya.. harap mendapat result yg best...
Originally Posted by ftn821  
dah 2 minggu ambik swhite & ni testi dari saya..

kulit jadi semakin lembut, licin dan berkilat...
kulit tak putih sepenuhnya dan tak sekata lagi tapi memang nampak cerah terutamanya bahagian tangan...
parut2 baru cepat pudar dan parut2 lama pulak dah pudar dalam 50%...
bibir pun nampak more pinkish...
dapat result macam ni dalam masa 2 minggu dah kira bagusla..belum lagi selepas 2 bulan ke...mesti lagi marveles kan  

yang sabun miracle gluta tu saya pakai seluruh badan setiap hari...kulit rasa tegang je lepas mandi...yang spa salt tu pulak pakai 2 hari sekali...saya gosok dekat siku dan lutut sbb gelap kawasan tu...hasilnya siku dan lutut yg gelap nampak cerah sket..

btw, kak saya nak reserved satu botol swhite ni untuk bulan depan...hehehe...saje nak order awal2 takut habis stok pulak...nak continue ambik swhite ni sampai kulit jadi macam amoi  
hehehehe...    tQ. Posted : 18 nov 2010

testimonial mmg mengancam....
ni yg tak thn ni  -ayudress posted : 18nov 2010

Originally Posted by neo4ride  

Kak mia.. Saya is. jejaka berkumis yg ensem tu. dah try 3 weeks. well kulit cerah dari dlm.. oleh kerana sy ni gelap takdelah nampak cerah mcm rozita che wan. tapi nampak la da mula terang sket. Jerawat da tak keluar. Heran gak. dulu at least seminggu sekali mesti kuar jerawat sebiji.

Okla. Plan nak troskan penggunaan. nanti nak tempah superwhite sebotol dgn 1 set superwhite+callogen vit c (set putih gebu). Nanti sy emailkan alamat sy yea. kalau bank in nak kena email receipt pembayaran kat akak ea? Posted : 20Nov 2010

Originally Posted by eisya06  
i dah amik swhite ni lebih 2 minggu. muka i mmg byk jeragat (keturunan). nampak cerah sikit je tapi tak sekata. saiz jeragat mmg nampak kecik.

Mia..seganlah akk rasanya ada nmpk perubahan – jeragat dh krg.. k.fiza, Sms ; 28 Nov 2011

kak kinna,
sy dah ambik sw+vit c sejak 3 hari lepas.. rase cam kulit jd lembut je..pastu shiny2 s ...
gulie Post at 24-10-2010 11:03

"Hi Kinna,takat ni oklah.tangan sy tgk makin cerah.parut pun dah pudar sket,tp mkn x konsisten, mesti lg cepat efeknya.Tunggu la kalau dh abis sebotol,sy bg testimonialnya pulak " . Sms : 20Sep 2010

boleh copy paste testimonial ini....

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Post time 2-12-2010 12:54 PM | Show all posts
TESTIMONIAL  : SuperWhite L-Glutathione 1000mg

Makan Superwhite  TAK abis sebotol pon  byk  Te ...
cmf_kinna Post at 2-12-2010 12:08

manyaknyerrrrrrrrr testi....nanti nak pinjam yer laling..........

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Post time 2-12-2010 04:08 PM | Show all posts
Kinna, kalau ambik green tea boleh ke ambik SW ni ?

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Post time 2-12-2010 11:28 PM | Show all posts
Kinna, kalau ambik green tea boleh ke ambik SW ni ?
ayeen03 Post at 2-12-2010 16:08

    boleh ambik green tea after last meal.. salah satu cara detox... ( last meal kul 7pm )

then sebelum tido..superwhite + Vit c  ..dlm kul 11pm...

Caffeine in Tea Compared With Coffee - Green Tea Least Caffeine

If you are interested in the amount of Caffeine in Tea as compared with Coffee, the following lists the amount of caffeine in an 8oz cup of various teas and coffee:
  • Coffee: 100 mg
  • Black Tea: 40 to 50 mg   --> teh biasa .. warna hitam kan daun dia ..?
  • Oolong Tea: 25 to 35 mg
  • Green Tea: 20 to 30 mg    --> teh hijau...warna hijau... rasa hijau....
  • Decaffeinated Black Tea: 4 mg
  • Decaffeinated Green Tea: 4 mg

Green tea has the least amount of caffeine and is the most abundant in antioxidants ( flavanoids / catechins) of coffee and tea.  Clearly, the healthier choice of all the beverages listed above is China Green Tea or Japan Green Tea.

kredit to :     

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Post time 2-12-2010 11:32 PM | Show all posts
Reply 243# sayawifenikmie

lid pls check pm

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Post time 3-12-2010 09:40 AM | Show all posts
Reply  sayawifenikmie

lid pls check pm
catalysts2 Post at 2-12-2010 23:32


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Post time 3-12-2010 03:44 PM | Show all posts
tak sure la wanna..maybe badan kita react differently kot.badan u panas kot sebab makan ag tu.
whiteroses77 Post at 1-12-2010 20:48

    ntah la whiteroses...AG ni panas ke? rasenye x kot...
nak teruskan cam sayang duit lak....

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Post time 3-12-2010 03:47 PM | Show all posts
silapnya...ko memang dah putih mulus n gebus darling...........jelez i.....
sayawifenikmie Post at 1-12-2010 21:00

    yela cik kak...mulus mane gak ha...jerawat x mau surut2 gak..nambah lak sebiji ag....
xpe sabau2...jgn tensen2..nanti x segan2 jururawat tu datang..

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Post time 4-12-2010 08:50 AM | Show all posts

Glutathione is found in foods, particularly fruits, vegetables and meats. Cyanohydroxybutene, a chemical found in broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage, is also thought to increase glutathione levels. Various herbs -- for instance cinnamon and  cardomom -- have compounds that can restore healthy levels of glutathione. Brazil nuts contain a high amount of selenium which can increase glutathione levels.

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Post time 4-12-2010 09:12 PM | Show all posts
Reply 251# eisyawanna

seronoknya sapa blh consume glulata nie +pencucinya sekali tuh
saya tak boleh makan....jadi pening+jerawat byk naik..pastu kerap migrain
walaupun minum air lebih 2liter

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Post time 4-12-2010 09:31 PM | Show all posts
Reply 5# sayawifenikmie

   kalau kulit hitam manis ok ke makan. tapi takut ade side effect sebab xde jual kat pharmacy kan.

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Post time 4-12-2010 09:39 PM | Show all posts
Reply  sayawifenikmie

   kalau kulit hitam manis ok ke makan. tapi takut ade side effect sebab ...
hunnymadu Post at 4-12-2010 21:31

anak buah kak lid kulit hitam manis-------------bila dia makan gluta (KB)--------kulit  (terutama muka) takderlah  jadi putih melepak---tapi cerah dan bersih berseri gitu--------takder naik jerawat--------in fact ada testi yang mukanya penuh jerawat bernanah-----jerawat jadi kering dan tak tumbuh jerawat baru pas amik gluta (gluta prime) dan kolagen + vitamin C (glowz star---------

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Post time 4-12-2010 09:59 PM | Show all posts
meh nak share hok ni pulok----------syaper penah cuber? care to share experience?




    * L-Glutatione - 500mg.
    * Collagen from deep sea fishing - 100 mg
    * Extract from pine bark - 50 mg .
    * Alpha Lipoic Acid ( ALA ) 20 mg.
    * L - R G Nin - 10 mg.
    * Grape seed extract - 50 mg.
    * Extracts from tomato - 50 mg.
    * Vit C - 50 mg.
    * Co-enzyme Q10 - 20 mg.
    * Vit – E -20 mg.
    * Bluberry extract - 20 mg.


    * L-carnitine 750 mg
    * Tenykhry 200 mg.
    * Macrocrystaline Cellulose - 150 mg
    * Garcinia - 50 mg.
    * CLA - 50 mg.
    * Makampom - 30 mg.
    * Vitamin - 15 mg.


* Membantu dalam pembakaran lemak (fat burner)
* Menambahkan tenaga
* Mengekalkan tahap kecergasan badan sepanjang hari.
* Mengurangkan rasa lapar dan letih.
* Menambahkan tenaga dan mengekalkan tahap kecergasan badan sepanjang har
* Melindungi jantung, saraf dengan bertindak sebagai agen antioksida


* Membantu meningkatkan kekuatan dan ketahanan badan
* Mampu merawat kebanyakkan gejala berkaitan dengan paru-paru seperti lelah, radang paru-paru yang serius, dan emphysema (udara yang berlebihan dalam paru-paru)
* Mengekalkan fungsi immune, juga berperanan sebagai ajen ketahanan anti-tumor yang kuat
* Melawan pengedaran pengoksidaan lemak dalam saluran darah, termasuklah kolestrol
* Merangsang imunisasi
* Menyahtoksin racun
* Memutihkan kulit (membantu memutihkan kulit dengan menukarkan eumelanine (pigmentasi kulit gelap, coklat, kuning sawa matang) kepada phaeomelanin(pigmentasi kulit putih kemerahan)
* Menghilangkan jerawat dan parut acne
* Menjadikan kulit lebih lembut, segar dan berseri-seri
* Menyembuhkan luka: memberi khasiat pada kulit

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Post time 4-12-2010 10:26 PM | Show all posts
Reply 256# sayawifenikmie

tp sy takut ade side effect pulak. huhuuhuu. pm sy price. kalau ubah fikiran leh order.

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Post time 4-12-2010 10:43 PM | Show all posts
Reply  sayawifenikmie

tp sy takut ade side effect pulak. huhuuhuu. pm sy price. kalau ubah fikir ...
hunnymadu Post at 4-12-2010 22:26

Insyaallah glutathion tak ada side effect-----------kena yakin----then boleh ambil------ ;)

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Post time 4-12-2010 11:02 PM | Show all posts
Soalan :

Ramai yg tanya.. kalau saya makan gluta ni.. saya boleh putih sampai ke level mana...?
cmf_kinna Post at 29-11-2010 12:41

sedihnya cmni....klu cmni,walau berbotol2 mkn gluta xdptla sy merasa putih idaman....huhu

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