IMHO 300km is too small for a big country like Indon
they should have ICBM missiles
Vympel77 Post at 21-4-2011 12:28
wow...icbm is hostile in nature, I don't think RI will do that.
again with present economic situation, RI will stick to
1000s RHAN 122 project(at least until 2014)
who knows in the future between RI and malasia can
joint production on RHan 122 and your tamin sari
iya gan pemerintah indon masih berunding ama pembajak laut tuh...ane dengar pemerintah indon udah menyediakan uang tebusan tapi mereka nggak tau mau di bagi ama siapa gitu loh... nah makanya itu... presiden SUSI sekarang ini masih asyik banget bikin lirik lagu buat memujuk para pembajak kapal sinar kudus
I'm single out on the Malaysian ecosystem alone, which in our case such c ...
StealthTuah Post at 22-4-2011 09:47
tak overkill aku rasa, semuanya nak jaga hati jiran dan opposition je, contoh la kan, LCS (konsep) kita tu, kan PV je gelarannya, tapi armarment dia mcm AAD bg mengelakkan jiran rasa x senang tu yg keluar istilah "V" yg disalah anggap oleh tony puaka yg mati2 ingt the normal PV...
kan meko kita boleh fit dgn BRAHMOS so.......i really hope we have this kind of missile in the future...
yakhont needs over the horizon cueing and targetting. otherwise, the range is limited to 60km or less similar to all anti-ship missiles. indonesian air assets pales to rmaf. if rmaf can control the air, there is nothing to worry about. furthermore, rmaf sensors and radars are much better. in a conflict, indonesian tubs will be easily detected by rmaf air assets meaning you will be popping indonesian ships long before they can strike.
indonesia needs the yakhont as deterrence for its ageing fleet and large archipelago. also, it is cheaper than western equivalents.