mashimaru83 posted on 20-2-2013 11:33 PM
Mohammedan (also spelled Muhammadan, Mahommedan, Mahomedan or Mahometan) is an obsolete term for ...
Berdasarkan wiki, penggunaan Mohammedan sudah obselete. Saya anggap mana-mana artilkel yg menggunakan Mohammedan adalah obsolete.
apa maksud obsolete??? by the way, the link that i paste it was Mohammedans mean Plural and the wiki Mohammedan meaning singluar....
do you understand? it talking about the followers (plural) and single person in wiki
berbalik dengan membaca ayat2 kerap kali atau ulang2. dlm faith saya...tidak perlu...
contoh: saya berdoa " our father .....
lepas saya sujud....ulang balik 'our father ....
perkara macam ini tidak boleh pakai
What is Prayer?
Prayer is our half of a conversation with God. Like a “normal” conversation, there are no specific words to say. Still, Jesus revealed that there are certain areas that we should cover in a prayer. We discuss this on our “Relationships” page.If you have not yet read that page, you can do so by clicking this sentence. Jesus’ model prayer in Matthew chapter 6, verses 9-13 (Matthew 6:9-13) contains four parts:
Praise of God
Requests Made of God
Asking for Forgiveness
Requests to Keep Us from Temptation Last edited by Truth.8 on 20-2-2013 11:45 PM
hahaha seorang berlaga pandai macam expert Bible nak tanya soalan....
kamu tahu ke macam mana saya berdoa dan kesudahaan ayat???
Aiyoyo .... konar lagi
Ha ha , tak ada sapa yg nak tau ttg kesudahan ayat atau macamana ko berdoa. Tersebut adalah rujukkan bible dari ko :
Yesus mengajar cara berdoa: “When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven,hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it isin heaven. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for wealso forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not lead us intotemptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” (Luke 11:2-
Soalan senang aje :
(1) Ikut bible ko tu , biblical Jesus ajar sembah tuhan (Father) atau diri dia atau dua2 sekali?
(2) Apa guna yg biblical Jesus kononnya mati utk dosa ko tu? Dah ada cara mintak ampun.
sam1528 posted on 21-2-2013 12:04 AM
Aiyoyo .... konar lagi
Ha ha , tak ada sapa yg nak tau ttg kesudahan ayat atau macamana ko b ...
Ha ha , tak ada sapa yg nak tau ttg kesudahan ayat atau macamana ko berdoa. Tersebut adalah rujukkan bible dari ko :
kalau kau bukan pembaca Bible dan bukan pengikut Yesus....jgn berlaga pandai seoleh-oleh kau pakar dlm Bible sebab orang macam kau sama mcm deedat dan zakir naik berlaga sombong hakikatnya memperbodohkan diri sendiri.... bikin malu aja ada hati lagi nak ckp saya konar????malu lah kau
mari aku ajar kau::
“I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it.” (John 14:13-14; see also 15:16; 16:23-24, 26)
This command has led many Christians to end their prayers with something like “in Jesus’ name” or “through Christ our Lord” before they say “Amen.”
Truth.8 posted on 21-2-2013 12:32 AM
kalau kau bukan pembaca Bible dan bukan pengikut Yesus....jgn berlaga pandai seoleh-oleh kau pak ...
Ha ha , konar mengonar pulak ko ni. Patut pun ada angka '8' pada nama ko tu. Dok konar buat angka '8'.
Berbalik pada soalan yg ditanya yg ko teramat takut nak jawab :
(1) Ikut bible ko tu , biblical Jesus ajar sembah tuhan (Father) atau diri dia atau dua2 sekali?
(2) Apa guna yg biblical Jesus kononnya mati utk dosa ko tu? Dah ada cara mintak ampun.
Rujukkan pada soalan tsb :
Yesus mengajar cara berdoa: “When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven,hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it isin heaven. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for wealso forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not lead us intotemptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” (Luke 11:2-
Jawapan ko :
kalau kau bukan pembaca Bible dan bukan pengikut Yesus....jgn berlaga pandai seoleh-oleh kau pakar dlm Bible sebab orang macam kau sama mcm deedat dan zakir naik berlaga sombong hakikatnya memperbodohkan diri sendiri.... bikin malu aja ada hati lagi nak ckp saya konar????malu lah kau
mari aku ajar kau::
“I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it.” (John 14:13-14; see also 15:16; 16:23-24, 26)
This command has led many Christians to end their prayers with something like “in Jesus’ name” or “through Christ our Lord” before they say “Amen.”
Ikut rujukkan ko , biblical Jesus suruh korang muliakan 'Father' bukan diri dia. Dlm bible hanya ada 2 tempat dimana 'gospel of matthew' tukar 'God' kepada 'Father'
(a) mat10:29 '..Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care..'
luk12:6 '..Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God..'
(b) mat12:50 '..For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother..'
mark3:35 '..Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother..'
Skg dah jelas , dlm bible God = Father.
Kalau biblical Jesus dah suruh sembah atau muliakan 'Father' atau 'God' , pasal apa ko tak habis2 sembah biblical Jesus? 'In Jesus name' , 'through Christ our Lord' langsung tak bermakna biblical Jesus tuhan. Apa daaa tambi ...
Kemana pulak ko nak konar skg? Ha ha , jgn tak jawab ye 2 soalan yg ditanya ....
Sapa kata saya bukan pengikut Nabi Isa(as)? Wajib kami percaya kepada Nabi Isa(as) pasal ia salah satu rukun iman.
sam1528 posted on 21-2-2013 01:19 PM
Ha ha , konar mengonar pulak ko ni. Patut pun ada angka '8' pada nama ko tu. Dok konar buat angka ...
sekali kau ckp putar alam....
baca lagi:
“I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it.” (John 14:13-14; see also 15:16; 16:23-24, 26)
This command has led many Christians to end their prayers with something like “in Jesus’ name” or “through Christ our Lord” before they say “Amen.”
when Jesus teaches to pray"our father in heaven....ending amen.
lepas prayer (optional) , kita berdoa ...di sudahi dgn In Jesus name.
ada masalah utk faham???
satu lagi, kenapa pula Jesus bukan Tuhan?
Jesus Divine JOHN 1:1-3, 14-15 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. (14) And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father …. (15) John bore witness of Him and cried out, saying, "This was He of whom I said, 'He who comes after me is preferred before me, for He was before me.'"
1. Who is the "Word"? By what other name is He known? Read verses 29-30.
2. According to this passage, who created all things?
3. What other scripture tells us who created all things in the beginning? What conclusion must one come to if these two scriptures claim that this Personage created all things?
4. How is it possible for one to come after a certain person and yet to have been before that same person? That is what John claims in verse 15.
COMMENT: John shows that the Word, the God of the Old Testament, became Jesus of Nazareth. That is, the Word, Jesus, was God, in the flesh. That is the point that John is making here.
JOHN 9:35-38 Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when He had found him, He said to him, "Do you believe in the Son of God?" He answered and said, who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?" And Jesus said to him, "you have both seen Him and it is He who is talking with you." Then he said, "Lord, I believe!" And he worshiped Him.
5. Why would Jesus allow this man to worship Him? Who only are we to worship?
Who only is worthy of worship?
NOTE: There are plenty of examples in the Bible that show even an angel of highest rank would not let man worship him.
LUKE 9:47 And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a little child and set him by Him….
6. Is it possible for a human to read the thoughts of others? Who can?
JOHN 8:56-58 "your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad." Then the Jews said to Him, "You are not yet fifty years old and have you seen Abraham?" Jesus said to them, Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM."
7. What did Jesus mean by "I AM"?
8. Who did Jesus Himself claim to be?
9. What were the Jews reaction? Read verse 59. Why did they react that way? Jesus Human
more here: ... y/jesus-man-or-god/
Truth.8 posted on 21-2-2013 01:38 PM
sekali kau ckp putar alam....
baca lagi:
Ha ha , pada ko
- 'in Jesus’ name'
- 'through Christ our Lord'
dan disudahi dgn 'amen' bermakna biblical Jesus tuhan? Cerita sikit macamana 'dgn nama Jesus' ko boleh paham yg biblical Jesus tuhan? Dlm bible , besar perbezaan antara 'Lord' dan 'LORD'. 'Lord' hanyalah pangkat. Kalau utk tuhan ia adalah 'L-O-R-D' ; contoh gen2:7
the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
Aiyoyo tambi , rupa2 nya ko ni agak buta dlm pengetahuan bible ko sendiri.
Skg ko konar ke joh1:1?
sekali kau ckp putar alam....
baca lagi:
“I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it.” (John 14:13-14; see also 15:16; 16:23-24, 26)
This command has led many Christians to end their prayers with something like “in Jesus’ name” or “through Christ our Lord” before they say “Amen.”
when Jesus teaches to pray"our father in heaven....ending amen.
lepas prayer (optional) , kita berdoa ...di sudahi dgn In Jesus name.
ada masalah utk faham???
satu lagi, kenapa pula Jesus bukan Tuhan?
Jesus Divine JOHN 1:1-3, 14-15 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. (14) And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father …. (15) John bore witness of Him and cried out, saying, "This was He of whom I said, 'He who comes after me is preferred before me, for He was before me.'"
1. Who is the "Word"? By what other name is He known? Read verses 29-30.
2. According to this passage, who created all things?
3. What other scripture tells us who created all things in the beginning? What conclusion must one come to if these two scriptures claim that this Personage created all things?
4. How is it possible for one to come after a certain person and yet to have been before that same person? That is what John claims in verse 15.
COMMENT: John shows that the Word, the God of the Old Testament, became Jesus of Nazareth. That is, the Word, Jesus, was God, in the flesh. That is the point that John is making here.
JOHN 9:35-38 Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when He had found him, He said to him, "Do you believe in the Son of God?" He answered and said, who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?" And Jesus said to him, "you have both seen Him and it is He who is talking with you." Then he said, "Lord, I believe!" And he worshiped Him.
5. Why would Jesus allow this man to worship Him? Who only are we to worship?
Who only is worthy of worship?
NOTE: There are plenty of examples in the Bible that show even an angel of highest rank would not let man worship him.
LUKE 9:47 And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a little child and set him by Him….
6. Is it possible for a human to read the thoughts of others? Who can?
JOHN 8:56-58 "your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad." Then the Jews said to Him, "You are not yet fifty years old and have you seen Abraham?" Jesus said to them, Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM."
7. What did Jesus mean by "I AM"?
8. Who did Jesus Himself claim to be?
9. What were the Jews reaction? Read verse 59. Why did they react that way?
Jesus Human
more here: ... y/jesus-man-or-god/
Ada banyak interpretasi ttg joh1:1
The renowned Trinitarian scholar, John Lightfoot, writes:
The word logos then, denoting both “reason” and “speech,” was a philosophical term adopted by Alexandrian Judaism before St. Paul wrote, to express the manifestation of the Unseen God in the creation and government of the World. It included all modes by which God makes Himself known to man. As His reason, it denoted His purpose or design; as His speech, it implied His revelation. Christian teachers, when they adopted this term, exalted and fixed its meaning by attaching to it two precise and definite ideas: (1) “The Word is a Divine Person,” (2) “The Word became incarnate in Jesus Christ.” It is obvious that these two propositions must have altered materially the significance of all the subordinate terms connected with the idea of the logos.
(J. B. Lightfoot, St. Paul’s Epistles to the Colossians and Philemon (Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody, MA, 1993), pp. 143 and 144)
William Barclay, a professor at Trinity College in Glasgow:
In a case like this we cannot do other than go to the Greek, which is theos en ho logos. Ho is the definite article, the, and it can be seen that there is a definite article with logos, but not with theos. When in Greek two nouns are joined by the verb “to be,” and when both have the definite article, then the one is fully intended to be identified with the other; but when one of them is without the article, it becomes more an adjective than a noun, and describes rather the class or sphere to which the other belongs.
An illustration from English will make this clear. If I say, “The preacher is the man,” I use the definite article before both preacher and man, and I thereby identify the preacher with some quite definite individual man whom I have in mind. But, if I say, “The preacher is man,” I have omitted the definite article before man, and what I mean is that the preacher must be classified as a man, he is in the sphere of manhood, he is a human being.
[In the last clause of John 1:1] John has no article before theos, God. The logos, therefore, is not identified as God or with God; the word theos has become adjectival and describes the sphere to which the logos belongs. We would, therefore, have to say that this means that the logos belongs to the same sphere as God; without being identified with God, the logos has the same kind of life and being as God. Here the NEB [New English Bible] finds the perfect translation: “What God was, the Word was.” [5]
(William Barclay, Jesus as They Knew Him (Harper and Row, N.Y., 1962), pp. 21 and 22.)
Truth.8 posted on 20-2-2013 11:38 PM
apa maksud obsolete??? by the way, the link that i paste it was Mohammedans mean Plural ...
Maksud obsolete : longer in general use; fallen into disuse: an obsolete expression.
2.of a discarded or outmoded type; out of date: an obsolete battleship.
3.(of a linguistic form) no longer in use, especially, out of use for at least the past century. Comparearchaic.
4.effaced by wearing down or away.
5.Biology . imperfectly developed or rudimentary in comparison with the corresponding character inother individuals, as of the opposite sex or of a related species.
Truth.8 posted on 21-2-2013 08:51 PM
konor lagi? biasalah ular macam kau.
yg atas itu , Bible verses ka?
Ko tak kenal ke sapa Prof William Barclay? Kalau ko tak tau , dia adalah seorang 'bible scholar' yg terkemuka. Dia sendiri akui yg joh1:1 langsung tak bawak makna biblical Jesus tuhan tapi ttg wahyu dari tuhan.
Ko nak konar ke mana lagi? Langsung tak ada ayat bible yg konfom biblical Jesus tuhan.
Ha ha last2 last ko bagi youtube video aje. Ooi tambi , bukan kah ko yg dok asyik mintak pandangan 'bible scholars'? Sapa dia bible scholar yg jadi referensi ko tu.
Ha ha , konar baring lah ..... last2 ko dah terbaring atas jalan .... ha ha
sam1528 posted on 21-2-2013 11:55 PM
Ko tak kenal ke sapa Prof William Barclay? Kalau ko tak tau , dia adalah seorang 'bible scholar' y ...
Ko tak kenal ke sapa Prof William Barclay? Kalau ko tak tau , dia adalah seorang 'bible scholar' yg terkemuka. Dia sendiri akui yg joh1:1 langsung tak bawak makna biblical Jesus tuhan tapi ttg wahyu dari tuhan.
Aku tidak kenal siapa dia . malah ada ramai Muslims scholar yg jug memberi pandangan pasal quran dan muhamamd...
Kalau ia pun dia prof, apakah semua 'the so called fact' boleh di pakai? kalau dia ckp benar, pasti ramai dah keluar dari faith yg anuti nya...
Kita berpegang pada Bible ...tiada masalah..
Ko nak konar ke mana lagi? Langsung tak ada ayat bible yg konfom biblical Jesus tuhan.
konar atau belit adalah kau sendiri sebeab kau tidak ke gereja, tidak membaca Bible dengan pastor secara muka ke muka...nampak sangat kebodohan kamu itu...
Mari aku c ertia sikit....Bila saya berdoa "our father in heaven....saya sudahi dengan amen.
bila saya berdoa 'personal" saya akhiri dgn In name of Jesus...
kalau itu pun u tidak paham....pegi berguru dengan pakar ...
Ha ha last2 last ko bagi youtube video aje. Ooi tambi , bukan kah ko yg dok asyik mintak pandangan 'bible scholars'? Sapa dia bible scholar yg jadi referensi ko tu.
abis, ular macam kau ini...nak cari ke burukan orang lain..sedang kan banyak 'loophole' ada dlm agama kau itu...aku paste lah youtube...
Ha ha , konar baring lah ..... last2 ko dah terbaring atas jalan .... ha ha
tidak sama sekali.. kereta aku masih boleh konar baring dengan betul2...maklumlah kereta rm100,000 keatas.. walaupun kelulusan srp x gred...mampu boleh beli kereta harga mcm itu.... sekali lagi kau tunjuk kebodohan kau itu...sungguh memalukan
itulah kebesaran Si DIA pada saya....syok nyaaaaaaaaaa
next please Last edited by Truth.8 on 22-2-2013 05:21 PM
Truth.8 posted on 22-2-2013 09:54 AM
Aku tidak kenal siapa dia . malah ada ramai Muslims scholar yg jug memberi pandangan pasal quran ...
Konar mengonar nampak ko ni ye.
Aku tidak kenal siapa dia . malah ada ramai Muslims scholar yg jug memberi pandangan pasal quran dan muhamamd...
Kalau ia pun dia prof, apakah semua 'the so called fact' boleh di pakai? kalau dia ckp benar, pasti ramai dah keluar dari faith yg anuti nya...
Kita berpegang pada Bible ...tiada masalah..
Ha ha , Prof William Barclay adalah salah seorang 'bible scholar' yg terkemuka. Dia sendiri berpendapat yg joh1:1 bukan ttg biblical Jesus tuhan tapi beliau hanyalah kalimah dari tuhan. Tak ada problem utk berpegang pada bible tapi ko paham ke apa yg bible ko tu catat? Sampai skg ko tak mampu bagi rujukkan bible yg biblical Jesus tuhan.
konar atau belit adalah kau sendiri sebeab kau tidak ke gereja, tidak membaca Bible dengan pastor secara muka ke muka...nampak sangat kebodohan kamu itu...
Mari aku c ertia sikit....Bila saya berdoa "our father in heaven....saya sudahi dengan amen.
bila saya berdoa 'personal" saya akhiri dgn In name of Jesus...
kalau itu pun u tidak paham....pegi berguru dengan pakar ...
Ha ha , baca bible bersemuka dgn pastor? Ok kalau bible dibaca bersemuka dgn pastor , apa maksud rujukkan bible ko tu :
Yesus mengajar cara berdoa: “When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven,hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it isin heaven. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for wealso forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not lead us intotemptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” (Luke 11:2-
Adakah bila baca bible bersemuka dgn pastor dan dlm gereja ko akan tiba2 paham yg biblical Jesus adalah tuhan dlm petikan ayat bible spt di atas? Saya rasa tak mungkin. Biblical Jesus suruh muliakan 'Father'. Makna 'amen' adalah sedikit sebanyak 'so be it'. Kalau akhiri doa ko tu dgn nama biblical Jesus tak bermakna biblical Jesus tuhan.
Apa daaa ....
abis, ular macam kau ini...nak cari ke burukan orang lain..sedang kan banyak 'loophole' ada dlm agama kau itu...aku paste lah youtube...
Ha ha , ko jugak yg mulakan cari keburukan ugama lain. Bila dah kena balik pasal apa ko teriak? Ko boleh post apa2 , saya konfiden boleh counter argumen tsb. Lagi pun selama ini yg ko post bukan lah kenyataan dari para ilmiah Islam. Pada diri ko tu , Sam Shamoun yg tak ada pelajaran tu adalah ulamak. Problem ni .....
tidak sama sekali.. kereta aku masih boleh konar baring dengan betul2...maklumlah kereta rm100,000 keatas.. walaupun kelulusan srp x gred...mampu boleh beli kereta harga mcm itu.... sekali lagi kau tunjuk kebodohan kau itu...sungguh memalukan
itulah kebesaran Si DIA pada saya....syok nyaaaaaaaaaa
Huh? Kereta keatas rm100k pun dah kembang? Kalau ko bawak Bentley ke , Jaguar XJ ke , Aston Martin ke , Range Rover ke boleh lah cakap banyak. Pelik saya ....
sam1528 posted on 22-2-2013 08:40 PM
Konar mengonar nampak ko ni ye.
Konar mengonar nampak ko ni ye.
how can I konar when u are the fool ...or shall i says making fool out yourself.
Ha ha , Prof William Barclay adalah salah seorang 'bible scholar' yg terkemuka. Dia sendiri berpendapat yg joh1:1 bukan ttg biblical Jesus tuhan tapi beliau hanyalah kalimah dari tuhan. Tak ada problem utk berpegang pada bible tapi ko paham ke apa yg bible ko tu catat? Sampai skg ko tak mampu bagi rujukkan bible yg biblical Jesus tuhan.
dont hahah me but hahah urself. again you showing ur stupdility here. If I were to write about Muhammad, u think many will belived me?? surly not. a grain of salt not , a bucket of salt!).
peoples can listen or show interest listening prof william but the fact remain, it won' t interest me or others....why? you need see his back ground of the the author .
You more interested to listen or obtaining some materials which the person no will be wise u see personally someone who is truly Bible scholar face to face rather hiding back the pc's
btw, dlm ayat merah itu... ada kah kau dengar you tube ? di situ ada info Yesus itu Tuhan...apakah kau ini jenis keturunan dari syaitan yg belit2?? atau buta?? sekali lagi kau memperbodohkan diri kau sendiri..
kalau kau nak baca buku dari Pakar dalam Bible, saya b oleh bagi buku rujukan ....bukti bahawa Yesus adalah Tuhan
Ha ha , baca bible bersemuka dgn pastor? Ok kalau bible dibaca bersemuka dgn pastor , apa maksud rujukkan bible ko tu :
kalau u iklas nak baca and kaji Bible....tapi ur ini ular mana boleh percaya..
[quote]Adakah bila baca bible bersemuka dgn pastor dan dlm gereja ko akan tiba2 paham yg biblical Jesus adalah tuhan dlm petikan ayat bible spt di atas? Saya rasa tak mungkin. Biblical Jesus suruh muliakan 'Father'. Makna 'amen' adalah sedikit sebanyak 'so be it'. Kalau akhiri doa ko tu dgn nama biblical Jesus tak bermakna biblical Jesus tuhan.
U r muslims, u become parrot after listening anti christian site...there is no sincerity in u ur heart if you want study the Bible
Ha ha , ko jugak yg mulakan cari keburukan ugama lain. Bila dah kena balik pasal apa ko teriak? Ko boleh post apa2 , saya konfiden boleh counter argumen tsb. Lagi pun selama ini yg ko post bukan lah kenyataan dari para ilmiah Islam. Pada diri ko tu , Sam Shamoun yg tak ada pelajaran tu adalah ulamak. Problem ni .....
...mana aku cari keburukan agama lain???ada bukti...sila paste sini....
sama macam kau...bukan lah para imilah dlm Bible....pada diri ko tu, deedat combat kit adalah 'weapon' utk serang Kristan faith...itu nama nya bodoh....
Huh? Kereta keatas rm100k pun dah kembang? Kalau ko bawak Bentley ke , Jaguar XJ ke , Aston Martin ke , Range Rover ke boleh lah cakap banyak. Pelik saya ....
at least dengan kelulusan mcm ini saya mampu rm100k kereta...dari rezeki bersih...
kalau aku nak jaguar...kereta mewah2...boleh...aku boleh meniaga dengan 'scam' pasti jadi jutaan...
Truth.8 posted on 22-2-2013 10:05 PM
how can I konar when u are the fool ...or shall i says making fool out yourself.
Ha ha , you 'konar konar' but now calling me a fool? Hmm , it seems that you have just booked a one way ticket to hell per mat5:22
.....And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.
dont hahah me but hahah urself. again you showing ur stupdility here. If I were to write about Muhammad, u think many will belived me?? surly not. a grain of salt not , a bucket of salt!).
peoples can listen or show interest listening prof william but the fact remain, it won' t interest me or others....why? you need see his back ground of the the author .
You more interested to listen or obtaining some materials which the person no will be wise u see personally someone who is truly Bible scholar face to face rather hiding back the pc's
btw, dlm ayat merah itu... ada kah kau dengar you tube ? di situ ada info Yesus itu Tuhan...apakah kau ini jenis keturunan dari syaitan yg belit2?? atau buta?? sekali lagi kau memperbodohkan diri kau sendiri..
kalau kau nak baca buku dari Pakar dalam Bible, saya b oleh bagi buku rujukan ....bukti bahawa Yesus adalah Tuhan
Sure lah nobody will believe you because you know nothing about Islam. Oops , your knowledge is what you learned from the uneducated Sam Shamoun lah , father Zakaria Butros lah etc etc. Unlike you , my argument reference to real and reputable bible scholars like Prof William Barclay etc. At least people like them are intellectually honest and have done enough research unlike your so called scholar 'bro pete'. I have been asking you again and again , who is the bible scholar you refer to? You keep on saying that I need to confront a bible scholar. Just who do you have in mind? Have I not reference reputable bible scholars in my argument?
Ok then , provide the timestamp of the youtube video that provides biblical evidence that biblical Jesus was / is God. This I challenge you. The problem here is that your argument do not have any biblical evidence but just relying on the dogma of biblical Jesus being God. Evidence and dogma are 2 different things. You need to start being honest with yourself.
kalau u iklas nak baca and kaji Bible....tapi ur ini ular mana boleh percaya..
Kalau ko ikhlas baca bible , tak ada dlm bible yg biblical Jesus tuhan atau mengaku tuhan. Problem skg , ko tak ikhlas baca bible ko tu. Ha ha
U r muslims, u become parrot after listening anti christian site...there is no sincerity in u ur heart if you want study the Bible
Are the books written by William Barclay , Dunn , Ehrman etc from anti christian sites? Don't think so. These are prominent bible scholars. If you are sincere then you should now admit that there is no passage in the bible that biblical Jesus claim to be God. Till now you are struggling to provide such.
...mana aku cari keburukan agama lain???ada bukti...sila paste sini....
sama macam kau...bukan lah para imilah dlm Bible....pada diri ko tu, deedat combat kit adalah 'weapon' utk serang Kristan faith...itu nama nya bodoh....
Cuba baca balik apa yg ko dok komplain selama 4 thn. Saya tak ada problem kalau ko nak kritik Islam. Tapi ko kena tahan kalau ugama ko dikritik balik dan kritikkan ko terhadap Islam dipatahkan. Konar punya konar , last2 ko terbaring.
Hmm , selama ini rujukkan saya adalah kepada bible scholars bukan Allahyarham Deedat. Macamana ko dok merepek ttg 'combat kit'? Apa daa .....
Ha ha , in dia kenyataan Archbishop Desmond Tutu :
“When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said “Let us pray.” We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.”
sam1528 posted on 23-2-2013 12:28 AM
Ha ha , you 'konar konar' but now calling me a fool? Hmm , it seems that you have just booked a on ...
Sure lah nobody will believe you because you know nothing about Islam. Oops , your knowledge is what you learned from the uneducated Sam Shamoun lah , father Zakaria Butros lah etc etc. Unlike you , my argument reference to real and reputable bible scholars like Prof William Barclay etc. At least people like them are intellectually honest and have done enough research unlike your so called scholar 'bro pete'. I have been asking you again and again , who is the bible scholar you refer to? You keep on saying that I need to confront a bible scholar. Just who do you have in mind? Have I not reference reputable bible scholars in my argument?
Ok then , provide the timestamp of the youtube video that provides biblical evidence that biblical Jesus was / is God. This I challenge you. The problem here is that your argument do not have any biblical evidence but just relying on the dogma of biblical Jesus being God. Evidence and dogma are 2 different things. You need to start being honest with yourself.
again you making fool out of your self
A Critique of William Barclay’s “I am a Convinced Universalist
u have logic there...dont try show u know everything ..just like deedat...end of the day God will count your day and ended u in bed just like deedat for mocking Bible and Holy spirit. You dare mock HOLY SPIRIT? I challenge you...see what happen than...
Truth.8 posted on 23-2-2013 01:35 AM
again you making fool out of your self
Why you 'konar konar' again? In post #250 I reference to the book 'Jesus as They Knew Him' by William Barclay. Out of the blue you talk about what he wrote in his autobiography 'I am a convinced universalist. I believe that in the end all men will be gathered into the love of God'. What has that got to do with your argument? In fact the critic is so biased in his review :
Although many proponents of Christian Universalism likely have good intentions,
their methodology and resulting theology should be rejected by Bible-believing Christians. The
Bible clearly teaches that those who die without faith in Christ will be righteously judged as
God-haters and thrown into the lake of fire, where they will suffer under God’s wrath for all
Muslims have faith in Prophet Isa(as). This means that according to your theology , we will not go to hell. Ha ha
You 'konar' here , 'konar' there and 'konar' everywhere .......
u have logic there...dont try show u know everything ..just like deedat...end of the day God will count your day and ended u in bed just like deedat for mocking Bible and Holy spirit. You dare mock HOLY SPIRIT? I challenge you...see what happen than...
Allahyarham Deedat had a stroke. We accept it as his predestination. Nothing wrong with such. Are you trying to tell me that everyone who suffered from stroke is a form of retribution of them mocking the 'holy spirit'?
This is interesting : What is the 'holy spirit' to you -
(a) God
(b) Angel
(c) Satan
(d) I don't know
What is the function or job scope of the 'holy spirit'? Last edited by sam1528 on 23-2-2013 02:50 PM
sam1528 posted on 23-2-2013 02:48 PM
Why you 'konar konar' again? In post #250 I reference to the book 'Jesus as They Knew Him' by Will ...
Why you 'konar konar' again? In post #250 I reference to the book 'Jesus as They Knew Him' by William Barclay. Out of the blue you talk about what he wrote in his autobiography 'I am a convinced universalist. I believe that in the end all men will be gathered into the love of God'. What has that got to do with your argument? In fact the critic is so biased in his review :
many will makes so much claimed. the fact these never knew in the Bible. If you deny Christ not being God and die on cross, than u face the consequences.. The critic was rite.
[quote]Muslims have faith in Prophet Isa(as). This means that according to your theology , we will not go to hell. Ha ha
You 'konar' here , 'konar' there and 'konar' everywhere .......
I dont know who is Isa.
Allahyarham Deedat had a stroke. We accept it as his predestination. Nothing wrong with such. Are you trying to tell me that everyone who suffered from stroke is a form of retribution of them mocking the 'holy spirit'?
do you dare to talk against Holy Spirit? I challenged you.
EEDAT’S DOWNFALLMany readers have been asking whether Ahmed Deedat, the Muslim debater, is still alive. As of this writing (July 2005) he is alive, but he cannot speak and he is completely paralysed. In fact, Deedat has been in this condition since he suffered a rare kind of stroke nine years ago. Few people outside his home city of Durban are aware of this, and even fewer, know the sequence of events leading to this tragedy. Four weeks before Deedat was stricken he attacked the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ in front of a large audience in Australia. These provocative lectures “raised the ire of the Australian government”, causing them to “threaten to deport him unless he toned down the content of his Good Friday lecture in Sydney.” (Daily News, Durban, 6 May 1996) Incidentally, Deedat’s inflammatory reputation caused Singapore to ban him from entering their country.
If a secular entity like the Australian government was so offended, what was the Christian church feeling? And more importantly what were they doing about it? Following is the record of how Christians responded in Durban where Deedat founded and directed the Islamic Propagation Centre International.
The publication of Deedat’s book “Combat Kit” (1992) marked the beginning of the end. This vicious and ridiculing attack on the Bible set in motion events which proved to be Deedat’s undoing. During the next year a small group of Christians prayed about these provocations. Finally I wrote Mr. Deedat a personal letter, in which I refuted two of his most vile and vicious attacks. He did not acknowledge receiving the hand-delivered letter — much less answer it.
[This personal letter is now displayed here.An expanded rebuttal which correlates with this letter has been available on this page already since 1996. This article reports about another visit to Deedat that is related to the same issue.]
In the following months a group of nearly two dozen pastors from many different churches and denominations deliberated and prayed about these mocking attacks on the Holy Bible. They decided to issue a stern public rebuke through an open letter in the Daily News of Durban. They warned him of God’s judgement because Deedat refused to retract his defamatory and unscholarly attacks against the Bible.
[See this page for a reproduction of the open letter.]
This confrontation — and the stroke that Deedat suffered 21 months later — is reminiscent of another confrontation between the apostle Paul and Elymas, the sorcerer. We read that Paul sharply rebuked him, “O full of all deceit and all fraud, you son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord? And now indeed, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a time.” (Acts 13:10,11) It should not surprise us that God vindicated his holiness by striking Elymas with temporary blindness. So also with Deedat: he suffered a severe stroke, rendering him speechless and paralysed.
God declares in his word, "Whoever stubbornly refuses to accept criticism will suddenly be broken beyond repair." (Proverbs 29:1)
Some readers might object to this line of reasoning, arguing that the stroke happened 21 months after the rebuke was issued. They would argue that there is no cause/effect relationship. However, the Bible (and also the Qur’an) clearly teach that God does not always punish sin immediately (Romans 2:1-4; surah 16:61). He shows forbearance and patience. God gave Deedat ample time to repent. It seems more than coincidental that Deedat was struck down four weeks after mocking the crucifixion in his Autralia lecture tour, climaxing with another attack on Good Friday, the highest commemorative day of Christianity. We believe that the stroke which silenced Deedat was an act of judgment, timed by God to happen on the heels of this broadside attack against the cornerstone doctrine of salvation. This particular provocation needs to be understood against the backdrop of Deedat’s repeated disregard to refutations and finally to a public warning. His mouth was shut and continues to be shut as long as he remains obstinate.
Giving a sharp rebuke should not be misunderstood as a vengeful act. Deedat was reminded — in the open letter of rebuke — that God could forgive him if he would admit his wrong. Unfortunately, neither at that time, nor on subsequent occasions when we visited him in his paralysed condition, did he stop attacking the Bible. Interestingly, he allowed me (and one of my friends) to pray for him when we visited him at his home — without any apparent healing taking place. On our next visit we followed up this unfinished matter by reminding Deedat that God’s Word says sin hinders our prayers from being answered. We read King David’s words, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear.” (Psalm 66:18) Then we reminded Deedat of the open letter of rebuke which preceded his stroke. We asked him whether he was now prepared to admit having done wrong.
Deedat spelled out his emphatic reply, one letter at a time, “I have no guilt on my head.” (Such communiques from Deedat are obviously inaudible. He indicates his choice of individual letters by blinking his eye.) It was — and still is — our sincere prayer that Deedat would humble himself and experience God’s mercy and healing. David Foster
Durban, 10 July 2005 Postscript
Some readers have wondered why this article was written such a long time after the events had happened. Considering that it vindicates the Christian worldview, why did the author not report on the events leading up to Deedat’s downfall much sooner?
My refutation of ‘Combat Kit’ — an article similar to the personal letter I had given Deedat, but slightly longer — was offered to the public in an advertisement in the Daily News on the same page as the open letter to Deedat. But I did not follow this up with a report explaining our Christian interpretation of Deedat’s subsequent stroke (21 months later). Only my ‘Combat Kit’ refutation was published on the internet in 1996.
This is interesting : What is the 'holy spirit' to you -
(a) God
(b) Angel
(c) Satan
(d) I don't know
Holy Spirit is GOD ...I hve posted in One God but Two in C&C...if you do not know who is HOLY Spirit , why all the fuss condeming the Bible? did not it show your bad evil intention to bad mouth my faith?? like I said, we do not mind but bear in mind, there is a limit your talk ...Once you have cross the limit. there is no turning back and you will face the wrath of GOD . repent before too late. Thats is my final words to you.
you talk like deedat and mock Holy Spirit, surly you will face CURSED.
What is the function or job scope of the 'holy spirit'?
DONT twiste like snake. I have given the link many times of the funciton of the holy spirit in C&C..