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Author: casejulia

The Deity of Jesus Christ (Ketuhanan Yesus Kristus)

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Post time 26-3-2008 09:21 AM | Show all posts
NO, Sir, check out the verses earlier, it was Jesus that says that, He said I am coming soon, and my reward is with me,......

"If the verse is applied to all races, then tell me, what had happened to those people in the periods before Jesus came?"
You see, when Jesus came, He is established a new covenant with us and it is for ALL OF US.

what happened to people in the past? They lived happily ever after

One in what you ask? i believe u knew the answers, in case u forgot, chk out the previous post... haha.....

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Post time 26-3-2008 09:28 AM | Show all posts

Reply #261 Shwein1990's post

Since he said that word applied to all, and since you said that Jesus THE ONLY WAY TO GOD, the convenant applied to the Jews as he said that verse to the Pharisees, who have not believe in him. Then, in that case, when you say like that, what for God sent so many prophets previously?.The word reward as you said earlier also for the Jews, before the word was said to the Jews.

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Post time 26-3-2008 09:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #261 Shwein1990's post

Jesus was not saying that he and the Father is one in power, phsyical,or etc...i

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Post time 26-3-2008 09:50 AM | Show all posts

Reply #262 eastrun's post

What for God send so many prophet? Hey, same question goes to u, what for Allah send so many nabi-nabi?? One Nabi Muhammad enough la...

"Jesus was not saying that he and the Father is one in power, phsyical,or etc..."

But Jesus was clearly stating His divinity!!!

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Post time 26-3-2008 10:15 AM | Show all posts

Reply #264 Shwein1990's post

Eh..sorry Islam, All nabi said nothing about TRinity and etc...they said about WOrship Allah,the only One God....

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Post time 26-3-2008 11:01 AM | Show all posts

Balas #254 Shwein1990\ catat


Kau tak nampak atau tak faham ke apa yang dituliskan kat dalam artikel tu?

"1 John 5:7 is not found in any early Greek manuscripts (Tahun berapa ya?)." So.. mana yang datang dulu?

Check this one "Gospel of John: +95

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Post time 26-3-2008 11:06 AM | Show all posts

Reply #266 alhaj72's post


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Post time 26-3-2008 11:08 AM | Show all posts

Balas #267 eastrun\ catat

Thank U "Eastrun" ....

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Post time 26-3-2008 11:08 AM | Show all posts

Reply #265 eastrun's post

Yes, but im asking, why dont allah send only Nabi Muhammad??

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Post time 26-3-2008 11:13 AM | Show all posts
Kau tak nampak atau tak faham ke apa yang dituliskan kat dalam artikel tu?
No, tak nampak.

So.. mana yang datang dulu?  what do you mean??

Jesus mati pada tahun? about 32AD, (not sure with this too)

And all the Gospel written (Not compilation) by Jesus disciples after his death?? Yes. you have problem with it?

"This text appeared in a fifth century (500 AD) Latin translation, one century (400 AD) AFTER the Church established the doctrine of the Trinity. ( Nicene Creed 325 AD to 381 AD)."

So Latin translation (Translator) got the influence from previous Gospel.


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Post time 26-3-2008 11:22 AM | Show all posts

Balas #259 wattttb\ catat


Cuba kau check Old Testament verses.. tiada mengatakan tentang penyelamatan dari Tuhan.. hanya peringatan tentang penghakiman dari Tuhan... (Membuktikan Judaism percaya kepada Tuhan yang satu) TAPI Kristian tak percaya lak? TAPI masih nak pakai Old Testament verses?? Aduh pening kepalo Pok Cik....

Banyak persamaan dengan peringatan dalam Al-Quran...

Maksud "Korang" aku tak tujukan kepada orang Kristian je.. itu termasuklah juga dengan orang Islam yang melanggar hukum ALLAH.. termasuk aku sekali (Kalau aku buat dosa lah)... itu pun tak faham?

Maksud lain.. kalau nak selamat dari hukuman ALLAH, ikut suruhan agama.. buat baik dan jangan buat dosa.. (bertaubat kalau dah buat dosa) dengan harapan dosa kita akan dihapuskan.. (Bertaubat dengan sepenuh hati).. maksudnya.. terpulang pada diri sendiri..(Sendiri buat dosa.. sendiri tanggung) bukan sendiri buat dosa.. orang lain yang tanggung.. mana ada pengajaran kalau macam tu.. [Tak takut pada dosa dan pembalasan hari Akhirat(Judgement Day)] abis.. dah ada orang yang tanggung.. ye tak?

Macam anak orang KAYA.. mak bapak tanggung makan minum.. tak yah kerja..


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Post time 26-3-2008 11:45 AM | Show all posts

Balas #270 Shwein1990\ catat

Kau tak nampak atau tak faham ke apa yang dituliskan kat dalam artikel tu?
No, tak nampak.

Ohhh.. buta rupanya..

So.. mana yang datang dulu?  what do you mean??

Greek manuscript or Latin translation? because from the year stated.. it's shall be Greek (But doesn't have the 1 John 5:7 verse) (Apara.. aku soal.. aku jawab? )

Yet after 400 to 500 years (From Greek manuscript) and after 100 year the Trinity doctrine established.. Latin translation has this verse (1 John 5:7)?? (Nampak sangat dah tokok tambah)...

And all the Gospel written (Not compilation) by Jesus disciples after his death?? Yes. you have problem with it?

No.. I don't.. it's not related to me at all.. just pity to Christian.. (LUU PIKIRR LAA SENDIRII)


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Post time 26-3-2008 11:57 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nazrulism at 25-3-2008 10:29 PM

Kalau saudara sukar nak menjawab... apalagi orang lain, Saya cuma ingin tahu... Yang mana di tafsirkan sebagai Tuhan dan yang mana sebagai Zat Tuhan .

Bila ditanya dengan Muslim tentang ...

Kami percaya, seperti mana yang dinyatakanb dalam Bible, Bapa, Firman dan Roh Kudus adalah bersifat ketuhanan, kesatuan yang dikenali sebagai Holy Trinity..

Memang benar, tuhan tidak menyerupai sesiapa..Tetapi dalam konteks Kristian, Firman menghadirkan diri/atau mewahyukan DiriNYA kepada manusia...

Dalam hal ini, Firman menerobos dimensi ruang, masa dan fizik untuk menyatakan DiriNYA kepada umat manusia..

Apabila menyatakan DiriNYA kepada manusia, pasti Firman juga berkenan untuk menjadi manusia sepenuhnya dan tinggal bersama-sama mereka. Dalam kes inilah, maka dikatakan Firman menjadi manusia.

Tetapi pada masa yang sama, sifat keilahian Firman itu tetap ada, dan kekal...dan tetap bersatu dengan Bapa dan Roh Kudus.

Apabila Firman itu berada ditengah-tengah manusia, sudah pasti DIA akan menggunakan bahasa manusia dan berinteraksi seperti manusia...bukannya bahasa Malaikat mahupun bahasa Ilahi..Dari aspek inilah maka Kristian dianggap oleh sesetengah pihak menyamakan Tuhan dengan manusia..

Tetapi saya percaya, ia merupakan bagaimana Tuhan berkehendak...

Quran, walapun menentang konsep Tuhan menyerupai manusia, tetapi pada masa yang sama tetap menggunakan bahasa dan pengalaman manusia apabila menyampaikan wahyu.

Bahasa Arab adalah bahasa manusia...digunakan oleh manusia..
Tuhan dalam quran juga dikatakan mempunyai tangan, kaki, berkata, melihat----kesemua ini adalah pengalaman manusia...

Jadi disini kita dapat melihat, Tuhan Quran juga mahu tidak mahu menggunakan bahasa dan pengelaman manusia untuk berkomunakasi dengan manusia.

Cuma dalam konteks Kristian, Tuhan sendiri berkenan untuk menyatakan diriNYA kepada manusia, bukan sebagai malaikat, dewa etc..tetapi benar-benar dalam diri seorang manusia..Iaitu Jesus dari Nazaret..

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Post time 26-3-2008 11:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alhaj72 at 26-3-2008 11:45 AM
Yet after 400 to 500 years (From Greek manuscript) and after 100 yearthe Trinity doctrine established.. Latin translation has this verse (1John 5:7)?? (Nampak sangat dah tokok tambah)...

Isu ini telah dibincangkan...rujuk posting2 yang lepas..

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Post time 26-3-2008 12:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #269 Shwein1990's post

That is why I said, the prophets were sent period by period and Muhammad was sent as the last messenger to add, correct and to complete the previous prophets that sent by Allah. Allah has mada a convenant with the previous prophets about the coming of Muhammad.

"Behold! Allah took the covenant of the prophets, saying: "I give you a Book and Wisdom; then comes to you an apostle, confirming what is with you; do ye believe in him and render him help." Allah said: "Do ye agree, and take this my Covenant as binding on you?" They said: "We agree." He said: "Then bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses."(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:81)

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Post time 26-3-2008 12:11 PM | Show all posts

Balas #274 shalom\ catat

Posting no. berapa?

Aku tak jumpa pun?

Atau.. cuma alasan agar posting aku berkenaan dengan 1 John 5:7 terhenti ditengah jalan????  (Taktik orang takut kebenaran akan terbongkar)


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Post time 26-3-2008 12:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #272 alhaj72's post

ye see,

"1 John 5:7 belongs in the King James Bible and was preserved by faithful Christians. But the passage was removed from many Greek manuscripts, because of the problems it seemed to cause."

It was removed from where? GREEK MANUSCRIPTS. which means, it WAS there, but removed later on.

And since it was there, it is possible that Latin Translations too translated 1 John 5:7 from the actual manuscripts. And THEY PRESERVE NOT ONLY the translations but also the manuscripts.

"...the Vaudois received the Scriptures from missionaries of Antioch of Syria in the 120s AD and finished translating it into their Latin language by 157 AD."
Which means they have the Scriptures too

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Post time 26-3-2008 12:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #275 eastrun's post

Yes, God send the Prophets to give the law and made covenant with them n etc. And promises them a Messiah, and also promised a new covenant.

So why do you ask "what for God sent so many prophets previously???"

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Post time 26-3-2008 12:15 PM | Show all posts

Balas #274 shalom\ catat

Ohh ye ke...

Aku tak teringat pun aku ada terbaca tentang posting tersebut.... kalau tak.. tak kan aku persoalkan lagi....

Atau   cuma satu taktik untuk mengelak dari menjawab.. seterusnya memastikan posting aku terhenti...?

Atau takut kebenaran akan terbongkar akhirnya....


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Post time 26-3-2008 12:18 PM | Show all posts
Apa dah jadi nie... kejap ada.. kejap tak da..

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