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Author: Fie'Z'idane

Betulkah teori ni????

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Post time 14-6-2008 02:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #262 hamizao's post

U mean?

Erm.. All of our discussion on the possible black hole characteristics of hell uses an initial assumption: human, and matter does not tear apart beyond the event horizon. I assume that there exist another laws that apply within the black hole such that matter can still exist without being teared apart. One of them might be a never dying man after being burnt with super hot fire. Recall that "Human neither live nor die in hell" from the Qoran, which sounds very much like a Schrodinger Cat. . This is a real wierd.

Then another problem arises. The Hawking Radiation puts an end to the life of our black hole hell. Hawking Radiation consumes matter from within the black hole, and somehow 'transmit' them away outside of the black hole hell. Those are the radiation that we might see. Perhaps this is what meant by God that "Once your sins are all gone, you will no longer stay in hell". If hell is indeed a black hole, this might me a possible mechanism to take human away from hell. But remember that human have to be taken out from hell as a human rather than individual particles of radiation .

However, the problem that the hell is now mortal is somehow confusing, because the Qoran says that both Heaven and Hell are permanent. 1 thing to add to keep the black hole hell running: dump in matter into it.

And for your previous post, I do not think that black hole hell is just our Sun, and perhaps it is not in our very own universe. So there are no paradox of why human still exist today .

P/S: my source of the characteristics of hell has been the Qoran. Any one wants to add from Bible?

[ Last edited by  aku_EnSeM at 14-6-2008 02:56 PM ]

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Post time 15-6-2008 06:14 PM | Show all posts
Black Hole! That is very interesting, Black hole of Calcutta? That sounds even better.
The Indian radicals squeezing the British white families in the basement that legalized the colonization of greater India.
Discovery of Black Hole in the universe opened up a new epoch in the terrestrial study.  Reliance on optical observation of the universe produces gaps in the understanding of the cosmic. The Cambridge astrophysicists started the probing of the universe using an array of RF antennas to beam the high frequencies into space led to the discovery of strange phenomena which they called Black Hole.

It started about 70 years ago when the scientists abandoned the Euclidean, Cartesian and the Newtonian principals in the study of the universe....I think. It failed to explain the strange behaviors of the atomic and the molecular structure. The answer came with the discovery of Quantum physics.

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Post time 15-6-2008 08:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #264 thamrong's post

and while relativity and quantum physics do predict very precisely some of the features of black hole, they actually contradict each other at the very nature of the theory.

Relativity uses calculus, and it treats the time and space as a smooth, continuous entity.

Quantum theory, on the other hand, provides a 'countable' space and time, which is indeed not continuous.


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Post time 16-6-2008 12:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 13-6-2008 07:32 PM
Time d sekitar event horizon...

Time dilation & length contraction berlaku around mass. So beyond event horizon, time is extremely dilated that org kt luar akan nmpk masa dlm black hole perlah ...


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Post time 16-6-2008 12:57 PM | Show all posts

Reply #250 aku_EnSeM's post

aku just wonder if another dimension ni adalah di sini jugak.cuma kita tak nampak.

ada sesiapa pernah dengar pasal OBE.(out of body expirience).??

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Post time 16-6-2008 01:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #263 aku_EnSeM's post

Reply #262 hamizao's post

U mean?

Erm.. All of our discussion on the possible black hole characteristics of hell uses an initial assumption: human, and matter does not tear apart beyond the event horizon. I assume that there exist another laws that apply within the black hole such that matter can still exist without being teared apart. One of them might be a never dying man after being burnt with super hot fire. Recall that "Human neither live nor die in hell" from the Qoran, which sounds very much like a Schrodinger Cat. . This is a real wierd.

hehe...nampaknya, ada setengah perkara tentang neraka mungkin difahami....
schrodingers cat pun mungkin jugak salah satu yg menjelaskannya.
tapi, sy tak habis lg baca introducing kuantum....masih tak digest camna kemungkinan boleh jadi jawapan pada persoalan, sedangkan kemungkinan masih persoalan....???  
so tatau sgt.blur.

P/S: my source of the characteristics of hell has been the Qoran. Any one wants to add from Bible?

yaa....any from bible. love to know since Islam and christian are only contradict about trinity issue...,,   other than that we are much parralel with each other, actually by the same source.

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Post time 16-6-2008 02:26 PM | Show all posts

Reply #267 ussopp's post

First, do you think those who have this kind of experience crazy? Or out of loop?

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Post time 16-6-2008 03:05 PM | Show all posts

Reply #269 Agul's post

i cant give absolute answer...

sebenarnya saya selalu fikir yg kita tiada kaedah yg betul2 absolute utk membezakan reality dan fantasi....sebab kita hidup dlm dunia persepsi....argh!!!

cuba bayangkan, kita selalu kata org gila itu gila, kita selalu kata org tu berada dlm dunianya sendiri, kita kata dia mendengar suara2....itu hanya delusion....

tapi bagaimana kalau itu benar2 berlaku.....sebab dlm delusion, suara tetap keluar seperti suara...image tetap keluar seperti image...

sy pernah baca tulisan harun yahya tentang dunia persepsi sebenarnya realiti dan mimpi adalah sama saja sifatnya....
kalo dlm realiti makan epal rasa manis, dalam mimpi makan epal pun rasa manis.....kita takkan boleh beza.....

kdg2 sy wonder, adakah org gila itu benar2 berada dlm dunianya sendiri atau pun memang betul2 dia nampak dunia dari dimensi yg berbeza.
siapa boleh beri bukti konkrit yg dia gila kalau dunia ni adalah betul2 persepsi.....hmmm...entahlah.....

okeylah back to the topic, pasal OBE tu....sebenarnya sy taktau dunia yg kita hidup ni ni  apa sebenarnya....cuba bayangkan kalau hantu, roh, alam ghaib itu benar2 ada tapi ia datang dlm bentuk delusion.

anggaplah, kita bersetuju dgn sains yg mengatakan pontianak itu delusion, atau gangguan otak.....tapi kalaulah memang maklhluk2 ghaib ini datang dengan cara gangguan otak, still benda ni tetap wujud kan.....
kita tetap akan rasa terganggu jugak.....imejnya akan kita nampak jugak sekalipun ia delusion....

lagipun sebenarnya hidup ini jugak adalah delusion, cuma delusion yg lebih teratur.( tiada org dapat menyangkal bahawa dunia ni tiada beza dari mimpi, melainkan ia adalah teratur dan tak putus2 mcm mimpi.

so you ask me do I think are they crazy?

saya akan jawap guna teknik kuantum(probabilities )ada yg gila ada yg tak gila.

sy jugak taktau samada ia phisical experience atau delusion.

tapi samada ia really phisical atau delusion, ia tetap "ADA" utk diexpirience oleh manusia dan manusia boleh ingat.

btw, somehow, sy sendiri ada pengalaman selalu berada dlm early stage utk OBE, cuma saya dulu2 taktau yg itu adalah pintu utk obe, sekarang dah tau tapi dah tak selalu dapat dah...

sy tak tau nak kata itu delusion atau tak, tapi yg penting, saya sedar ketika itu. walopun ia delusion , saya tetap sedar, so apa beza reality dan fantasi kletika itu? tiada.

dan I see things, which I conclude at least for myself, another dimension, or maybe image from invisible electromagnetic wave for human, but the sense may open for certain2 time.....

HA HA merepek. tapi entahlah.

how about you???

[ Last edited by  ussopp at 16-6-2008 03:13 PM ]

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Post time 16-6-2008 05:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ussopp at 16-6-2008 12:57 PM
aku just wonder if another dimension ni adalah di sini jugak.cuma kita tak nampak.

ada sesiapa pernah dengar pasal OBE.(out of body expirience).??

Aha... mingkin dimensi itu memang ada sekarang, cuma kita tidak dpt memasukinya. Ini smelah dengan analogi bulatan yg sye bagi. Makhluk yg tinggal d lilitan bulatan itu melihat dunia satu dimensi, namun mereka x sedar yg ada 2 dimensi atas kertas yg diorg xleh access.

Jika diimbas kembali peristiwa Israk Mikraj, jelas sekali Nabi Muhammad telah bergerak jauh melebihi halaju cahaya, which iis impossible according to Relativity. Namun, jika wujudnya dimensi ruang yg lebih tgi, (4, 5, etc..), semua ini tak bercanggah dgn Relativity, smelah ngan contoh bulatan sye tu...

Mungkin semue dimensi ni wujud, cuma kita x mampu memasukinya. Jika ini benar, semestinya Allah telah membenarkan Nabi Muhammad memasuki dimensi ini. Dan mungkin makhluk ghaib tinggal di dimensi ini, bezanya mereka boleh memasuki dimensi kita. . Namun ini semua hanyalah hipotesis.

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Post time 16-6-2008 06:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #270 ussopp's post

The only way you can be half sure is experiencing it, and proving it yourself.

Be extra careful exploring this thing, you might open up cans of worms and could never see the world the same way again.

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Post time 17-6-2008 08:35 AM | Show all posts

Hi u guys...

Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 13-6-2008 07:42 PM
wormhole? i dont know much of this...

all i know that it is some kind of hole that can transport us to different places in the universe. However, in my opinion it is mere a 'door' to a hig ...

I just heard over the radio that astrophysicists or the so called planet hunters are having a whale of their life times actually today, as they have found 3-4 planets which identically having the attributes like that of the Earth ..hmm...and one striking fact is as one of the planets takes only  4 days to travel around their native solar system and as Kiran ( it is radio Era would u believe it ? at least today they have talked about something ilmiah ..hehehe)pointed out , in order to get older in a faster rate, his counterparts ( Adi) would be best to go there   since  every 4 days , he will grow a year older ..wakkakakk...that planet is 4.2  times of the Earth's mass.........9.26 trillion light years away.........

but then dear , acorrding to Einstein...the planet which they claimed of observing, would not be there , would it? as the lights that reached our retine would be so olddddddddddddd/ ancient?

[ Last edited by  mbhcsf at 17-6-2008 08:36 AM ]

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Post time 17-6-2008 08:42 AM | Show all posts

Reply #264 thamrong's post

i am unsure what i typed this anyway but suddenly the name of Chandra Bose pop up in my mind  as i read ur post ...hmmm something about him and quantum i guess? may be

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Post time 17-6-2008 01:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #273 mbhcsf's post

ahaha... they are all left as mere dream..

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Post time 17-6-2008 02:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 17-6-2008 01:40 PM

ahaha... they are all left as mere dream..

in  a way yes ..they probably are black holes by now may be....heheh judging by the size ...

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Post time 17-6-2008 03:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #271 aku_EnSeM's post

there had been a thing? shoudl i call it just a thig or what well it's a mathematical equation thatis based on a piece of folded papers into layers in which the "dimension" of the universe could be analogically calculated?

so  Ensem guy, there is an entity within the blavk hole itself that absorb the light and also another entity ? perhaps that will eventually trying to transmit the particle back again?


so  guys how would u rate these two facts : black hole s a  celatial cruncher and the fact that the universe itself is postulated by many space scientists as expanding?

are we expanding ? or with the increasing number of holes being formed by the dead stars weighing particluar mass  and so on ...hmm.....?

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Post time 17-6-2008 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 17-6-2008 01:40 PM

ahaha... they are all left as mere dream..

starts singing row row ur boat then ..down the murray darling river my oh my some of the syllables really got my name in the spelling hahahah

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Post time 17-6-2008 03:15 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-6-2008 03:16 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-6-2008 10:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 16-6-2008 06:38 PM
The only way you can be half sure is experiencing it, and proving it yourself.

Be extra careful exploring this thing, you might open up cans of worms and could never see the world the same wa ...

hehe..tenkiu for reminding me.....
yes, the wolrd will never be the same again....

but right now, I dont think its important....because it is not necessary....
cuma saya percaya benda tu ada kebenarannya sebab saya secara tak sengaja telah melihat sedikit2....

namun bagi saya yg penting semua benda2 yg menarik ni sepatutnya menambah iman kepada Tuhan....
kalaulah tahu macam2 perkara, tapi masih tak tambah iman maka sia2lah semuanya....

sebenarnya sy ada sedikit kecewa melihat ada rakan saya sungguh minat pasal OBE ni tapi, langsung  tak ikut perintah Tuhan....atau dia abaikan Tuhan....
apa guna??
padahal Tuhan dah kata setiap yang  berlaku adalah untuk kamu berfikir jika kamu org berakal......
haha...sorylah bawak hal personel plak....

sekarang sy tak mau fikir pasal OBE sangat....pernah sekali lepas saya baru tau pasal OBE ni dan sy dapat expirience lagi berada di first stage utk OBE tu, masa tu sy sedar dan ingat" oh bertenang ni buleh try OBE ni"....
tapi sy gagal.....hahaha.....terus saya tertidur.......rasanya bukan senang nak OBE nie....

so malaslah....

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Post time 17-6-2008 10:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 17-6-2008 08:35 AM

I just heard over the radio that astrophysicists or the so called planet hunters are having a whale of their life times actually today, as they have found 3-4 planets which identically having t ...

hehe... we must wait another of trillions years, to get its image for today...

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