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Author: cmf_herrhughie

anggur pun dapat tumbuh bawah cuaca panas

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2011 05:51 PM | Show all posts
tak kan baru sekarang you kenal melayu muslim ni. Kalau dia tak buat, orang lain tak boleh buat. ...
truly Post at 13-10-2011 17:10

   makin saya kenal their true color la...mmg tak beza drp ketuanan melayu sebenarnya...hanya topengkan agama islam saja..

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2011 05:52 PM | Show all posts
aku bersyukur kerana ada jiwa Islam yg teguh bencikan benda2 haram
cak! Post at 13-10-2011 16:58

   ko patut pi kaji mcm mana buat bom, you got good potential.

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Post time 13-10-2011 05:53 PM | Show all posts
kandang babi di penang di area kampung baru cina, kampung aman (kalau tak silap panggilan d ...
cmf_herrhughie Post at 13-10-2011 17:49

kat nogori sombilan, bukit pelanduk dulu time JE urang2 melayu minang yg banyak mati ,, yg kaya touke babi,,

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2011 05:53 PM | Show all posts
suicide bom memang ada dalam ajaran iselem sebenar sebab di quran ada diterangkan bahwa ummah kena l ...
MrRothschild Post at 13-10-2011 16:57

   saya mati pun tak akan faham kenapa konsep ini boleh wujud dlm suatu agam...

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2011 05:54 PM | Show all posts
kat nogori sombilan, bukit pelanduk dulu time JE urang2 melayu minang yg banyak mati ,, yg kaya to ...
AHMADVW Post at 13-10-2011 17:53

   propose to shift is ok, not terus tutup.
how about ternakan ayam/itik yg dibiar berkeliaran yg membawa bird flu?

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2011 05:59 PM | Show all posts
Reply  cmf_herrhughie

    faktanya kamulah yg racist dan chauvinist. Kamu ingat bangsa kamu bo ...
jakunta Post at 13-10-2011 17:00

   sesuka hati?! you idiotic melayu islam assobiyah keturunan tak faham post #229 saya ke?
  yes, BN ada bagi lesen tapi lesen judi pun 1 saja (kira kasino la)
kilang arak pun satu saja...patut dibina di majority non muslim mcm sarawak, penang..dll

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Post time 13-10-2011 06:00 PM | Show all posts
propose to shift is ok, not terus tutup.
how about ternakan ayam/itik yg dibiar berkeliara ...
cmf_herrhughie Post at 13-10-2011 17:54

wabak penyakit ayam/itik tidak sehebat wabak JE

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2011 06:02 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cmf_herrhughie at 13-10-2011 18:03
wabak penyakit ayam/itik tidak sehebat wabak JE
AHMADVW Post at 13-10-2011 18:00

   no need to give excuses like this, the fact is no one wanted the bird flu as well, somemore bird flu spreaded till world wide which leboh terror lagi.
either wabak babi / bird one nak kena infected pun, dun say this is less that is more dangerous...non sense!

**and fact is, bird flu not even killing human, but also greatly affected the world economy last time!

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Post time 13-10-2011 06:07 PM | Show all posts
Aku salah masuk benang ke ni?

Tajuk anggur, isinya babi....

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Post time 13-10-2011 06:09 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Vokuro at 13-10-2011 18:13
no need to give excuses like this, the fact is no one wanted the bird flu as well, somemore ...
cmf_herrhughie Post at 13-10-2011 18:02

   sebenar nya wabak JE/nipah bukan asal datang dari babi namun dari kelawar.
saya ada tengok documentary kokesen tentang wabak JE ini.

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Post time 13-10-2011 06:10 PM | Show all posts
no need to give excuses like this, the fact is no one wanted the bird flu as well, somemore ...
cmf_herrhughie Post at 13-10-2011 18:02

the point now, penternakan babi seharusnya diletakan di kwsn majoriti melayu or cina?

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Post time 13-10-2011 06:11 PM | Show all posts
Reply 269# xy_daen

    masuk kandang kambing mengembek
    masuk kandang kerbau menguak
    masuk kandang harimau mengaum
    masuk kandang babi??? kena JE

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2011 06:13 PM | Show all posts
the point now, penternakan babi seharusnya diletakan di kwsn majoriti melayu or cina?
AHMADVW Post at 13-10-2011 18:10

   non muslim, who not euueww babi ke hulu ke hilir..

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2011 06:14 PM | Show all posts
sebenar nya wabak JE/nipah bukan asal datang dari babi namun dari kelawar.
saya ada tengok ...
Vokuro Post at 13-10-2011 18:09

ah recalled me about that. Looks like ayam lebih bahaya drp babi

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Post time 13-10-2011 06:15 PM | Show all posts

1918 pandemic in humans
The 1918 flu pandemic in humans was associated with H1N1 and influenza appearing in pigs;[20] this may reflect a zoonosis either from swine to humans, or from humans to swine. Although it is not certain in which direction the virus was transferred, some evidence suggests that, in this case, pigs caught the disease from humans.[17] For instance, swine influenza was only noted as a new disease of pigs in 1918, after the first large outbreaks of influenza amongst people.[17] Although a recent phylogenetic analysis of more recent strains of influenza in humans, birds, and swine suggests that the 1918 outbreak in humans followed a reassortment event within a mammal,[24] the exact origin of the 1918 strain remains elusive.[25] It is estimated that anywhere from 50 to 100 million people were killed worldwide

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Post time 13-10-2011 06:16 PM | Show all posts
Aku salah masuk benang ke ni?

Tajuk anggur, isinya babi....
xy_daen Post at 13-10-2011 18:07

    tanda akhir zaman tuh...babi berupa anggur

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Post time 13-10-2011 06:19 PM | Show all posts
kelawar ke babi ke manusia..babi ejen perumah virus yg bagus.

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2011 06:25 PM | Show all posts
bird flu tak kurang pembinasaan nya...:re:

How Many People Could Bird Flu Kill?

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Sept. 30, 2005
World health experts have tossed out death estimates from a potential bird flu pandemic ranging from 2 million and 150 million. While the estimates vary wildly, observers say the wide range may not be entirely surprising.

After all, there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding the bird flu, including what the virus even will look like if and when it becomes capable of spreading directly between humans.

"We can't predict what a virus we've never seen will do," Marc Lipsitch, epidemiology professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, told the ABC News Internet streaming channel ABC News Now.

Current human cases of bird flu, which has killed dozens of people in Asia, appear to have spread solely from birds to humans.

"In order to become a pandemic, it will have to change" to a human-to-human strain, Lipsitch said. "And we don't know what that changed strain will do."

Varied Predictions

Just as varied, apparently, are the predictions on deaths.

Today, the United Nations' World Health Organization suggested between 2 million and 7.4 million people could die from a global influenza pandemic.

On the other hand, David Nabarro, the recently-appointed senior United Nations system coordinator for avian and human influenza, told the media Thursday that deaths from bird flu could reach into the hundreds of millions.

"I'm not, at the moment, at liberty to give you a prediction on numbers," Nabarro said, "but I just want to stress, that, let's say, the range of deaths could be anything from 5 to 150 million."

A draft report of the federal government's emergency plan predicts that as many as 200 million Americans could be infected and 200,000 could die within a few months if the bird flu came to the United States. Right now, there is no vaccine to stop the flu.

Likewise, a 1999 study by experts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention used a mathematical model to project that U.S. deaths from the next, unspecified influenza pandemic -- not specifically bird flu -- could reach into the hundreds of thousands.

"Using death rates, hospitalization data, and outpatient visits, we estimated 89,000 to 207,000 deaths; 314,000 to 734,000 hospitalizations; 18 to 42 million outpatient visits; and 20 to 47 million additional illnesses," the study said.

Still, Bill Hall, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, said the U.S. government does not make official predictions on illness and death rates from a flu pandemic, and said the CDC study "doesn't represent the official government estimate."

"There's no way to speculate on a number," Hall said. "We just don't do that."

Historical Precedents

The government does, however, point to the high death tolls from past influenza pandemics to illustrate potential danger, Hall said.

What's more, history suggests worldwide death estimates as high as 150 million may not be unreasonable. Adjusting for increases in the world's population, Lipsitch said, such a figure would roughly match the toll of the 20th century's worst pandemic, the "Spanish flu" of 1918, which killed perhaps 50 million people worldwide, including more than 500,000 in the United States.

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Post time 13-10-2011 06:29 PM | Show all posts
tanda akhir zaman tuh...babi berupa anggur
ajinomotonosuga Post at 13-10-2011 18:16

    amboi onyang! avatar gambo P Ramlee lagik!

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Post time 13-10-2011 06:33 PM | Show all posts
Gigih betul pejuang ketuanan babi, siap tepek cerita bird flu segala...

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