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Author: R2D2

[Tempatan] 1,000 juruterbang menganggur, hangus RM200K post #351, pages 14

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Post time 4-7-2012 11:03 PM | Show all posts
firefly dan maswings tu under MAS juga la. anak syarikat. lion dgn tiger malaysia punya ke? ac ...
prettyuglybabe Post at 4-7-2012 15:34

   dua2 ni under SIA  

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Post time 4-7-2012 11:08 PM | Show all posts
proactive la sangat... cakap senang ler... cer buat tengok, dah try ke bawak qualification (ka ...
nexusys Post at 4-7-2012 21:36

fakta dan pengalaman doesn't mean shit...baca article di bawah yg di tulih tok pa...menteri hang jugak...

Friday March 16, 2012                                                                                
Leveraging on Malaysian diaspora                                       
By DATUK MUSTAPA MOHAMED                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
MALAYSIANS are resilient people who can thrive anywhere in the world, whether as students or in trade. This is perhaps a reflection of who we are and our heritage as a maritime, sojourning people since the time of the Malaccan Empire. Hence, I make it a point to meet with Malaysians abroad whenever I travel. Some of them have had remarkable achievements: executive chairmen/CEOs/CFOs of multinational companies, professors and students in prestigious universities, as well as founders of multi-million-dollar businesses.

I've met all sorts of Malaysians, from the Oman Air pilot who flew me to Jeddah to a gentleman who runs the Hong Leong Group-owned Bank of Chengdu in China and the owner of one of Thailand's biggest auto component-making companies.

In my recent trip to Myanmar, I was surprised to find how well Malaysians are doing in the logistics industry there. They all tell that while work and business have taken them thousands of miles away from home, they remain loyal Malaysians at heart.

According to the World Bank, there are more than a million Malaysians working abroad. They may not have immediate plans to return to Malaysia but I still consider them our assets goodwill ambassadors for the country. Instead of bemoaning the fact we are suffering from a “brain drain”, we should instead leverage on the global Malaysian diaspora to promote our economic agenda abroad.

Of the one million Malaysians overseas, about 12% are in Australia, 9% in Brunei, 8% in the United States, another 8% in Britain, 3% in Canada, and 46% in Singapore. Many work as professionals in banking, construction, engineering, medicine, and legal and information and communcation technology services. Some teach or undertake research in universities, and many others have their own businesses. In Britain alone, about 36% of Malaysians working there are professionals.

While the Government continues with its economic transformation agenda to create high-income economy and jobs to lure these Malaysians home, we must also tap into their networks to our advantage.

Indeed, the International Trade and Industry Ministry (MITI), through its agencies the Malaysia External Trade Development Corp (Matrade) and Malaysian Investment Development Authority (Mida), is leading this initiative to help Malaysian companies market their products overseas and attract foreign investments. And the Malaysian diaspora has a major role to play. MITI is leveraging on the presence of Malaysians overseas. For a start, they can help to link up government agencies with Malaysian companies abroad. This will enable our agencies to support these businesses more effectively.

In countries where English isn't widely used, the Malaysian community there can act as translators or interlocutors for Malaysian companies seeking to expand there. They can also gain from the business opportunities made available along the value chain by becoming buyers, importers and distributors of Malaysian products. We need to forge these symbiotic ties that benefit all Malaysian parties involved, everywhere.

Business aside, the Malaysian diaspora can help the country by countering inaccurate portrayals of Malaysia especially in the economic sphere. For instance, Malaysians abroad can counter the negative publicity that Malaysia suffers with regards to palm oil plantations and the environment. Those who are familiar with the issue can shed light on our government and corporate-driven initiatives to protect the environment through sustainable forest management.

Malaysians abroad should also join local chambers of commerce and bilateral business councils to stay in touch with developments at home.

Examples of such organisations include the Overseas Malaysian Executive Council of the United Kingdom; Malaysian Association in the Philippines; Malaysia-Myanmar Business Council; Malaysia-Thai Chamber of Commerce; Malaysia Association of Canada; Malaysia Business Council in Jeddah; Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Taipei; and Malaysia Association of Southern California.

Matrade's trade commissioners overseas regularly interact with these organisations to keep them informed of business opportunities.
In Saudi Arabia, for example, the Malaysia Business Council has helped to promote the Malaysia My Second Home Programme. It has also helped publicise Malaysia as a tourism destination, business hub and centre for educational excellence.

Overseas Malaysians are also managing restaurants abroad for the Malaysia Kitchen Programme (MKP). The MKP takes advantage of their skills and familiarity with local tastes to promote Malaysian cuisine. The Malaysian Kitchen website reports that there are over 50 Malaysian restaurants in the United Kingdom. As I mentioned in my speech when officiating Makan-Makan Bistro in Perth last October, such restaurants have a unique role to play in promoting Malaysia, especially as a tourism destination.

Bringing back talent

Despite all that, the best outcome is still for the Malaysian diaspora, especially high-skilled workers, to come back and serve the nation.
The Government, through Talent Corp, is aggressively approaching these groups to lure them home. In April, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced revisions to the Returning Expert Programme (REP) to make it easier and more attractive for experienced professionals to return. These changes include the introduction of a transitional income tax incentive of a 15% flat rate applicable for five years.

In 2011, 680 applications were approved under the REP compared with 313 in 2010. Malaysians who returned under this scheme were professionals working in oil and gas, financial services, ICT, healthcare, and business services sectors. They returned from destinations all over the world the United Kingdom, Singapore, the United States, Australia, China and the Middle East.

This is indeed a big sacrifice on their part at a time of fierce, global competition for skilled labour. While I was having coffee with six Malaysians in Qatar, their CEO, who happened to be passing by, shared with me how skilled and hardworking he thought Malaysians are.

Indeed, he told me that he wanted to recruit more Malaysians. The Oman Air pliot also told me that many Malaysian pilots played a vital role in the setting-up and expansion of airlines in the Gulf. Malaysians are held in high regard in these countries and we should leverage on them to promote investments, trade, tourism and other good aspects that our country can offer.

All these examples are a testament that while we may be a relatively small country of 28 million people, we are nevertheless blessed with great talents that are recognised the world over. These talents are assets we must treasure, and leverage on, whether at home or abroad, for at the end of the day we are all bound by a common love for our country, Malaysia.

The writer is the International Trade and Industry Minister.

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Post time 4-7-2012 11:15 PM | Show all posts
Reply  AinRaz

aku taktau airline puzzel hg bg tu aku takleh solve..hahaha
susano Post at 4-7-2012 20:57

hehehe..yeke.. kalau gitu cousin ko bukan org yg aku kenal laa kot..

sbb aku ade kenal someone ni.. dia mmg pilot, asal penang, umur 23 tahun, grad dari apft,
now keje dengan merpati nusantara, dia based kat papua new guinea sana..

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Post time 4-7-2012 11:20 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by ifanonline at 4-7-2012 23:28

kepada non-believers a.k.a working abroad needs experience...and factual buggers...

About 10%-20% Malaysian nurses working abroad



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              By Sharon Ling
The Star/Asia News Network
Sunday, Mar 04, 2012

KUCHING, Sarawak - About 10 per cent to 20 per cent of Malaysia's 84,000 nurses are estimated to be working overseas. Deputy Foreign Minister Datuk Richard Riot said the majority of those working abroad were in Saudi Arabia while others went to countries like Australia and New Zealand.

"Saudi Arabia chooses Malaysian nurses because of our high quality of education and being a Muslim country. Other Muslim countries look up to Malaysia as a role model.

"I think these are the two reasons why Saudi Arabia picks our people," he told reporters after opening Universiti Malaysia Sarawak's (Unimas) third nursing students' conference here on Saturday.

"If you have to leave to serve in another country, after serving there for a while please come back to serve in Malaysia because we need nurses," he said.

He also urged more Sarawakians to take up nursing, saying it was no longer a job for school-leavers but a fully-fledged profession with degree and postgraduate qualifications available.

"Gone are the days when nurses' qualification was only Form Five. Nowadays there are many graduate nurses," he noted.

Unimas head of nursing department Jane Buncuan said the university produced 25 to 30 nursing graduates a year. She said 22 students would be graduating soon, including seven men, while the current intake of students had increased to 56.

The nursing degree programme at Unimas takes four years and students have to complete a research paper related to healthcare and nursing before graduating. Unimas also offers Masters and doctorate programmes in nursing.

Earlier, Riot said in his speech that the conference theme of "Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice" was relevant as nursing students would be able to learn from their counterparts who were already working in the profession.

"I hope this conference will give participants the confidence to carry out their duties as professional nurses and prepare nursing students to enter the working world," he said.

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Post time 4-7-2012 11:23 PM | Show all posts
"Saudi Arabia chooses Malaysian nurses because of our high quality of education and being a Muslim country. Other Muslim countries look up to Malaysia as a role model.

ini menunjukkan malaysia menghasilkan fresh grad yg berkualiti melalui education sahaja...dan mampu bekerja di luar negara...

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Post time 5-7-2012 01:45 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by system_failure at 5-7-2012 02:39

Reply 202# kelana36

saje je cakap camtu... saje nak menceriakan hari yg suram..

alang2 tu nak tanye skit leh?....
fly by wire tu betul2 pakai remote ker?
memang dah tak pakai hidroulik lagi ke zaman sekarang ni kalau nak mengerak gerikan sayap tuh?...

sebab aku perasan ade banyak antena wireless kat sayap..
so aku assume signal yg di pancar dari hidung pesawat yg berbentuk sfera itew yg akan remote kesemua pergerakan sayap kan?

hmm... leh tahan impact dia kalau totally fly by wire nih...
alangkan frekuensi pulis pun org boleh breach..
ni kan pulak frekuensi pesawat... sesape yg tgh pasang radio konpem boleh dgr suare pilot.
so sesape pun even makcik jual nasik lemak pun boleh copy signal radio wave ke dalam henpon memasing kan....
thats why la kot airlines sgt takut pd henpon dan laptop...

so next time leh ler kaco sang pilot tgh memandu.. hehe..
hmm, jika disekat signal dari kokpit, then broadcast signal palsu dari henpon...
konpem berpeluh ketiak sang pilot yg freshie itew kerana makcik jual sayur kat pasar siti khadijah sedang mengkontrol A380 beliau melalui henpon nokia 3310.... hahahaha

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Post time 5-7-2012 06:12 AM | Show all posts
ini menunjukkan malaysia menghasilkan fresh grad yg berkualiti melalui education sahaja...dan ma ...
ifanonline Post at 4-7-2012 23:23


CELAKA CELAKA CELAKA CELAKALAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post time 5-7-2012 08:30 AM | Show all posts
Reply  prettyuglybabe

aku tak hairan kalau ramai yang menganggur.

sorang pilot muda penah dat ...
chazey Post at 3-7-2012 16:51

erk.......ntah2 jd pilot sbb kabel..

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Post time 5-7-2012 08:41 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by nexusys at 5-7-2012 08:43
fakta dan pengalaman doesn't mean shit...baca article di bawah yg di tulih tok pa...menteri hang ...
ifanonline Post at 4-7-2012 23:08

dude, ko baca paper artikel mmg la buta jah ko percaya, macam aku tanya laaa... ko penah ke experience benda2 nih? no experience no talk hocay...... lalui dulu, then baru sembanfg kuat.. dok kulu kilir meroyan... in the end, sembang kosong jek..

dah, malas aku nk layan meleis cam ko nih... mmg tak kemana discussion nih....

Sembang dari Pilot > then nak gak involve in IT > pastu bila orang dah explain, dia kona to General job opportunity, then kita explain lagi, takde point > dia kona kata top grad pulook > dah explain kali ke tiga nak pahamkan gak, dia kona ke Jururawat pulloookkk > bila kita tanya ada exeperience ke tak? takmo jawab tapi  dia pi kopipes artikel.. . cam sembang dengan manggis.... aku nak tergelak bila dia kata, fakta dan experience doesnt mean shit tuh.... terang2 sembang meleis caprut stok tangkap berudu dalam longkang, anak ikan kekdahnya

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Post time 5-7-2012 08:57 AM | Show all posts
kapal terbang kecik / wat racun ladang ni berapa ar sibijik?

lagi 1, kalo pilot k ...
salimrock Post at 4-7-2012 22:05

Kapal terbang tuh walaupun kecik cecah jutaan ringgit gak bang.....sbb kira spesel punye kapal....nak beli tuh satu hal...nak kena ada pomen yg boleh repair kapal nih satu hal...pasal lesen heli tuh...kalo tak silap kawan wa budak APFT bagi tahu lesen heli nih lagi mahal berbanding dgn lesen fixed wings....selalunye org yg amik lesen heli nih....dia dah ada lesen fixed wings dan pi mintak keje dgn syarikat heli sebis cam MHS ka....Weststar ka...Sabah Air ka....bile derang dah diterima masuk keje situ...baru ler company derang pi hantar ke flying school utk amik lesen rotary wings...

Sewa aircraft mmg mahal ler...nak2 kite sewa skali dgn pailetnye skali...mmg mahal..sbb nak bayar minyak aircraft tuh lagi...nak bayar gaji pailet tuh contoh kalo kite nak sewa kapal terbang single prop Cessna dgn Selangor Flying Club...derang cas kite dlm RM800 per hour....itu tanpa pailet...kalo ada pailet bwk...mahal sket ler...selalu org sewa kapal nih utk joyride sekitar KL dan buat aerial survey ....bang salim nak sewa pun boleh...janji ada duit..

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Post time 5-7-2012 09:10 AM | Show all posts
Kapal terbang tuh walaupun kecik cecah jutaan ringgit gak bang.....sbb kira spesel punye kapal.. ...
tossee Post at 5-7-2012 08:57

kalau seriban lebih sewa katerbang dan pilot, baik beli tiket pi oberc terus..... alang2... cuma duit perbelanjaan jek la bila kat sana... mahal tul... siyes..

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Post time 5-7-2012 10:12 AM | Show all posts
aku nak speku flying school kat selatan semenanjung tu bole? ke yang kat ipoh tu? kalau yan ...
AinRaz Post at 4-7-2012 23:00

    Ada 2 flying school yang 'makan' duit ni. 1 kat selatan dan 1 lagi di Malaysia Timur. Yang kat selatan tu, dah ada yang saman tapi yuran loyer lebih mahal drp duit yang diambil so ada yang drop kes ni.
Yang di M'sia timur ni yang ramai students kena. Kes ni ada masuk dalam TV3 dulu. Yang ada duit nak continue - mereka pergi ke APFT dan HMA dan yang takda duit lagi - cari kerja lain lah. Kesian betul kat yang tak dapat sambung ni. Dahlah habis duit RM240 k, sijil pun tak dapat dan Dato' tu sedap-sedap aje hidup mewah.
Yang dah dapat lesen memang sedang mencari kerja-kerja lain selain drp pilot sebab kena bayar balik hutang.

"Berat mata memandang, Berat lagi bahu yang memikul"

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Post time 5-7-2012 10:40 AM | Show all posts
proactive la sangat... cakap senang ler... cer buat tengok, dah try ke bawak qualification (ka ...
nexusys Post at 4-7-2012 21:36

.....semua boleh bercakap bai.... orang komen berdasarkan fakta dan pengalaman, bukan sembang ikut ati. tak tau tanya, jgn dok petik2 jek... haaa ni ler  sesetengah meleis.... stok amik gamba tampal kat pesbuk, tgk apa dia beli utk tatapan semua... dia jek ada.... orang lain takleh ada.... kalau orang lain ada pun, takleh celen gak.. sebab dia jek yang boleh ada...

betul cakap ko tuh
bersepah stok2 camni kat fesbuk

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Post time 5-7-2012 11:05 AM | Show all posts
Ada 2 flying school yang 'makan' duit ni. 1 kat selatan dan 1 lagi di Malaysia Timur. Yang ...
uda Post at 5-7-2012 10:12

APFT pun lebih kurang jek....tapi tak seteruk flying school yg bermasalah tuh ler...aku tgk kwn aku yg belajar kat APFT dulu kemain daif hidup kat sana....masa dia apply masuk APFT derang janji memacam..indah khabar drpd rupa...alih2 kencing jek..seb baik ler lepas dia abis belajar terus dpt keje dgn Firefly...dlm batch dia 2,3 jek yg dpt keje skrg nih....yg lelain ada keje kat mekdi la...kepsi la...janji dpt duit...

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Post time 5-7-2012 11:28 AM | Show all posts
gila ramai meroyan...bagus2...ini menunjukkan perbincangan yg sihat...tak sangka ramai tak pueh hati fresh grad keje abroad...

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Post time 5-7-2012 11:58 AM | Show all posts
dude, ko baca paper artikel mmg la buta jah ko percaya, macam aku tanya laaa... ko penah ke e ...
nexusys Post at 5-7-2012 08:41

tu la ko...otak hang ni tertutup sangat...aku dah kata one answer is absolute...mungkin pengalaman ko fresh grad tak dpt keje, pengalaman org lain pula dpt keje kalau fresh grad....

tapi ape2 pun, forum tetap berforum...take it easy...different people, different experience...we are just here to share and have fun...aku masuk berforum ni pun bukan nak pening2 kan kepala...stress reliever je...escapism dunia realiti...

but u make me laugh la...

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Post time 5-7-2012 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by salimrock at 5-7-2012 12:18

wa dgr pilot jadi rockers pun ada pasal airlines terlebih pilot..ha.ha..( ke sebab terlebih byk duit, amik lesen kapalterbang sebab minat...)

bruce dickinson, vocalist iron maiden , dia rockers dulu ke, pilot dulu...

lg 1, pilot kena rambut pendek ke?

wa tgk ahli kumpulan dia semua rambut pajang, dia sorang je pendek..nape ek? takut rambut berpintal kat kokpit ek?

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Post time 5-7-2012 12:17 PM | Show all posts
dah la ifan, dia ada lesen kapal terbang, dah takde rejeki keja pilot nak wat macam mana, kalo rejeki dia tebar roti canai, jual burger, janji halal , dulu org cakap graduan memilih keja....

mgkn kalo tak tahun ni jd pilot, mgkn tahun depan , 2 tahun lagi...

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Post time 5-7-2012 02:19 PM | Show all posts
Reply 152# uda

flying school kt ne yg bermasalah itu? cousin hubby aku blajar kt kota bharu. lps abis, mcm agak ssh jg nak dpt tpt,pastu mak pak trus guna sgl kabel yg ada. sorg pakciknye su pm, siap call en tony dpn2 lg..x lama pastu dpt la masuk AA..

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Post time 5-7-2012 02:26 PM | Show all posts
dah la ifan, dia ada lesen kapal terbang, dah takde rejeki keja pilot nak wat macam mana, kalo rejek ...
salimrock Post at 5-7-2012 12:17

aku takde ni kita kongsi2 pengalaman, ilmu, etc...lain org, lain caranya...kena terima la...

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