matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by dilah21 at 1-7-2004 01:10 PM:
ya.. si julia nak carik can ajerr.. tapi macam ader sikiit menyampah pun ader time dia cakap dia masih suka aaron tu~~ den time nurul macam beriya-iya cakap she wish dat rumah tangga si shahril a ...
ada tak kat luar minah jiwa jiwa macam ni ??
for me there's always a time to try .....and time to let go.
giving up doesn't mean you're a failure. |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 2004-7-1 03:18 PM:
siang benor kak vee dah bobok, yalah mesti penat tu...........:ah:
ha ahlah... semalam lepas tengok crimewatch terus masuk tido |
Originally posted by virgomal at 1-7-2004 04:12 PM:
ha ahlah... semalam lepas tengok crimewatch terus masuk tido
yalah smlm ade crime watch, aisey man sc tak tengoklah, kak vee bleh crita sikit pasal episod crime watch tu...... |
kak v tengok time mata kuyu...
diantara sedar dan tidak...
hehehe... tido kat sofa... pukul doblas
baru tersedar... masuk bilik sambung tido..... |
Originally posted by virgomal at 1-7-2004 04:45 PM:
kak v tengok time mata kuyu...
diantara sedar dan tidak...
hehehe... tido kat sofa... pukul doblas
baru tersedar... masuk bilik sambung tido.....
keciannya kak vee kita ni, confirm dah betui2 penat, takpelah kak vee sc faham:tq: |
nanti next week at channel 5 ade episod the Amazing race, SC suka tengok crita ni sort of bestkan |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 2-7-2004 11:11 AM:
nanti next week at channel 5 ade episod the Amazing race, SC suka tengok crita ni sort of bestkan
:setuju: besttt!~ one of my favourite tv programmessss~ |
Ade this program kat suria always air waktu 9mlm crita Astana Idaman, continuation of Idaman, SC tak suka tengok crita ni, kebanykkan pelakon2 dorang tu tak bis dgn niat dengki, boring juga kalo tengok crita semua bnyk org jahat. |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 2-7-2004 11:15 AM:
Ade this program kat suria always air waktu 9mlm crita Astana Idaman, continuation of Idaman, SC tak suka tengok crita ni, kebanykkan pelakon2 dorang tu tak bis dgn niat dengki, boring juga kalo te ...
me too.. tak minat lah dengan dis kind of show... macam banyak datin2, datok2.. conflict sini sana..penat tengok.. anyway yesterday i watched the movie baran.. best ! hehe ff: |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
any lonely planet fans out there ...........on cable channel 10 pm ada
ian wright live .............he's the cool dude travelling round the globe,
and he's the man ................ |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 2-7-2004 11:11 AM:
nanti next week at channel 5 ade episod the Amazing race, SC suka tengok crita ni sort of bestkan
This is my favourite reality tv show.... |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 2-7-2004 11:15 AM:
Ade this program kat suria always air waktu 9mlm crita Astana Idaman, continuation of Idaman, SC tak suka tengok crita ni, kebanykkan pelakon2 dorang tu tak bis dgn niat dengki, boring juga kalo te ...
Chic suka sebab ada Azhar Sulaiman...;) |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 2-7-2004 11:45 AM:
any lonely planet fans out there ...........on cable channel 10 pm ada
ian wright live .............he's the cool dude travelling round the globe,
and he's the man ................
I luuuuurrrrrrve Lonely Planet and Ian Wright especially..... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by chicsee at 2-7-2004 05:48 PM:
I luuuuurrrrrrve Lonely Planet and Ian Wright especially.....
bingham,megan ang justine shapiro are ok...yang lagi satu i think its mehta shilpa...yang ni selalu pakai low low cut
kalau ian wright...dia orang panggil mr.kemproh ....tapi always exciting with him around |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
semalam tengok national geographic orang kat africa,dia tangkap monyet ,lepas tu dia salai ngan asap to preserve the meat.penjual tarok the meat on the floor.....mak oiiii ....lalat beribu landing kat daging.
this is their way of life.............bermacam raga.
i saw one programme yang pasal ebola virus,monyet dia masak macam lauk
curry and dia orang makan sama roti.macam kita makan beef steak ngan roti
kat beach road. |
Originally posted by chicsee at 2-7-2004 05:47 PM:
Chic suka sebab ada Azhar Sulaiman...;)
Azhar Sulaiman is one of the coolest dude among malaysian artist, me pun suka dia juga & so cute |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 3-7-2004 07:42 AM:
semalam tengok national geographic orang kat africa,dia tangkap monyet ,lepas tu dia salai ngan asap to preserve the meat.penjual tarok the meat on the floor.....mak oiiii ....lalat beribu la ...
eeeeeeeeeee abg matz ke situ u pk mcm kita makan beef steak dgn roti oh no me taknak pk sampai ke situlah......:no::no::no: |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 3-7-2004 08:48 AM:
eeeeeeeeeee abg matz ke situ u pk mcm kita makan beef steak dgn roti oh no me taknak pk sampai ke situlah......:no::no::no:
dia makan from periok....ada kepala monyet kat dalam.....sama lah macam kita makan ngan members kat beach sedap you know...finger licking goodness dia kata.....fear factor should have this,not the contestants to eat
................BUT FOT THE HOST
matz tegok pun terperanjat...but that's their way of life.kita dulu kalau ka wedding makan in satu big dulang,kita makan 4 orang...what i saw was the same,ini kira communal meal. |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 3-7-2004 10:43 AM:
dia makan from periok....ada kepala monyet kat dalam.....sama lah macam kita makan ngan members kat beach sedap you know...finger licking goodness dia kata.....fear factor should have t ...
aiyyoooooooo abg matz very details u describe...:no::no:
i agree w u fear factor host shld eat that;)
tapi sc taknak makan mcm wat abg matz had said:no::no: |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 3-7-2004 10:46 AM:
aiyyoooooooo abg matz very details u describe...:no::no:
i agree w u fear factor host shld eat that;)
tapi sc taknak makan mcm wat abg matz had said:no::no:
my father cakap,time world war 2 ...dia nampak orang makan tikus....
either you eat or you die ........i saw this movie dulu,aeroplane crash kat mountain,they have to eat their dead friends to live.i choose to live.....
and i have to eat .........although i don't like meat,what to do to survive.....???
how about you ....??? |
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Category: Negeri & Negara