[V28]#FAZURA - #klfwrtw2017 House of Doll Runaway Show tonite 9PM!! #HODxKLFW#Go
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nmi replied at 4-9-2017 06:36 PM
I like, bront sswai berlakon Dgn perempuan Cantik, muka dier macho..dulu suka dier berlakon Dgn Ma ...
Aku pon suka brenda look. Baju brenda pon cantik2 jerr
Bront dlm aac2 nampak macam kepam sikit mungkin character Baruch kot. |
jennyhanx replied at 4-9-2017 06:34 PM
Kaka kaka kasel tak keruan dah chuolls contoh benang sebelah takde madu mula lah dok beratur nak c ...
Alah beraturlah panjang mana pun. Nak potong que pun boleh TAPI tetap takkan dapat ye. Mwahahaha |
soooo chantekkkk...
RiriTulip replied at 4-9-2017 06:35 PM
Yess..she is. Kalau tak kuat..lama dah sheols blah dari entertainment industry ni.
Alamakk..jan ...
Runtuhlah runtuhlah |
aqua_marine replied at 4-9-2017 06:55 PM
Alah beraturlah panjang mana pun. Nak potong que pun boleh TAPI tetap takkan dapat ye. Mwahahaha ...
Kasi chance lah sementara somebody ada kat obersea tuu hahaha *larikk |
iols sesungguhnya tak sabar nak tahu apa watak brenda ni. Macam mana penulis kembangkan watak beliau. Gigih esok memasang azam nak cari novel AAC2 ni. iols harap banyakla scene brenda+fahri n wataknya meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam pada filem tu. tetiba iols secara senyap mengeship brenda+fahri..hahaha |
haishh..babap nak?? Iols dah la takleh nengok kucing nii..geraammm jek
Thanatus replied at 4-9-2017 02:34 PM
Pls pls a collab between bront & kaka faz pweeaase
Aku tak kisah cerita apa.. komedi ke, ...
Baru beklog chuol..iols pun excited giler nmpk bront di igs faz n ptg ni dorang ade scene together after 15 years..
Really hope they have new project together..
Pls somebody take them as new otp for film or dram best2...
Sesuai sgt hokayy faz n bront..lovely thing to see on screen.. |
Thanatus replied at 4-9-2017 06:30 PM
Yeayy kaka faz & bront lagii
I juz love this. Perfect.bile artis terbaik on screen so woww sgt. |
Comel laaa brendaaaa....
And yeahhh, i loikeee bront.... |
vous_me6 replied at 4-9-2017 06:34 PM
Cousin faz
thanks vous tlg tepek.. |
aqua_marine replied at 4-9-2017 06:23 PM
yg dabel kena tu ai setuju. unsangkarable betul. walaupun ai tak ship dua ketul ni, tapi ai nampak ...
Iols pun sama, xship diorang sblm tp mcm uols ckp compliment each other. Dua2 pn sepadan dimata iols. Cuma mohon fattah xmau jeles2, faz mesra alam orgnya... |
Thanatus replied at 4-9-2017 06:30 PM
Yeayy kaka faz & bront lagii
Sesuai pulak tengok deyols. Hensem bront skarang, dgn sore macho nya tuh... |
Ramainya peminat Faz dan Bronz...
Artis yg meols folo.igs beto.bronz dan faz
Suka tengok lakonan.theyols
Ada kualiti |
olaklempit replied at 4-9-2017 07:34 PM
Ramainya peminat Faz dan Bronz...
Artis yg meols folo.igs beto.bronz dan faz
Suka tengok lakonan.t ...
Meollss tolak beto ke tepi... heheeheh...soriiii beto, though he is a great actor, but i cannot laa tgk muka heolss... but bront is definitely a real deal.. encem, macho, sexy voice n so many gud things to put down on d list.. haiiiissshhhhhhhhhhhh adakah bakalan my mimpi mnjadi nyata to watch fazzy n bront together in a muvi or drama.. i wish i wish i wish upon d starssssss... |
Xde benang baru lg ke uollss??
Yes yes yes to bront-fazzy collaboration!!
*terok sgt ke hencapan pd faz kt bng bfftj dia?? Smpai ade ckp double hencapan yg diterima faz kali ni dr sblm2 nya...ye dulu meols pon prnh bace kt bng faz sjk hsc ade 2-3 yg slalu masok mndeserve better n seakan2 nk lagakan fans faz n fattah tp laju je dicantas forumer2 n fans fattah pon marah2...meols pon prnh sound catpink...
Kt bng sbelah tu ade ramai ke/2-3 org je spesis catpink? Terok sgt ke dr fattah kena dulu??...tk sggup nk bace
Tkpelah faz dr dulu slalu dhentam pon....n sape2 pon jodoh faz meols tak kisah sbb meols fan saje jd tak boleh nk lebih2 |
amina666 replied at 4-9-2017 07:26 PM
Baru beklog chuol..iols pun excited giler nmpk bront di igs faz n ptg ni dorang ade scene together ...
Terhegeh2 aku download & save semua igs yg ada bront & kaka faz... susah weii nak jumpa video diaorg together in the same frame
budakpink replied at 4-9-2017 07:28 PM
I juz love this. Perfect.bile artis terbaik on screen so woww sgt.
Aku suka masa diaorg high 5 tuu. Aku nak attach kat sini gambor tuu tapi dah reach daily upload limit pulak... sedihnya jadik marhaen level 3 nii |
alex0991 replied at 4-9-2017 08:14 PM
Xde benang baru lg ke uollss??
Yes yes yes to bront-fazzy collaboration!!
Takde papepun chuols ..benda sama je ungkit hal deserve better..biasa la tu..Everybody deserve better termasuk you. But only the Almighty yg lebih tahu apa yg terbaik utk kita semua.
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