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Author: tig_cun

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Post time 4-4-2004 06:33 PM | Show all posts
paste lagik kat sini kot ada yg miss lak...

sophie kinsella's shopaholic's series:

1) Confession of A Shopaholic
2) Shopaholic Takes Manhattan @ Shopaholic Abroad (dah baca .. tak sekelakar Ties the Knot sebab second half of the book banyak konflik tetapi tetap menarik)
3) Shopaholic Ties The Knot (dah baca .. best! kelakar)
4) The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic

Just want to share the author's profile and interview:

Sophie Kinsella

Sophie Kinsella is a writer and former financial journalist. She is very, very careful with her money and only occasionally finds herself queuing for a sale. Her relationship with her bank manager is excellent.


November 2003

In this interview conducted by Co-Founder Carol Fitzgerald, Sophie Kinsella reveals her inspiration for her bestselling Shopaholic series, shares a few of the most memorable letters she has received from readers and talks about her future writing plans --- which include a new stand-alone novel and a fourth Shopaholic book.

TRC: The bio notes on your books assure readers that you always pay your bills on time, barely took an interest in your own wedding and visit New York for purely cultural reasons. So what was your inspiration for the Shopaholic titles?

SK: My bios are more than a little tongue-in-cheek. I do love to shop, although I'm able to keep myself in check a little better than Becky. My initial inspiration was the first Visa bill scene --- that feeling of total amnesia and denial that we all experience once a month. I should also confess I am totally in love with weddings. As "research" for SHOPAHOLIC TIES THE KNOT, I went undercover to Vera Wang, posed as a bride and tried on wedding dresses all afternoon. It was heaven!

SK: I think there is a bit of Becky in all of us. People love to laugh at their own flaws --- and who hasn't bought some totally useless item because it was half-price? She is in some ways shallow and silly, but she is also incredibly warm, loving and feisty --- and always resourceful.

TRC: Is there one story in the books that is your particular favorite?

SK: This is an interesting question. Actually, I think the letters are in some ways my favorite strand of the book. In particular, the Finnish letter.

TRC: We laughed while reading these books --- loudly enough to attract attention. Do you do the same as you are writing them?

SK: Yes, I have to confess that I do. And if it doesn't make me laugh out loud then I know it's not funny enough and I write it again. The same goes for the ending, except I have to cry. I've cried writing the endings to all my books.

TRC: You were once a financial journalist. How did you start writing fiction?

SK: I never really felt financial journalism was my true love, partly because I'm just not interested in the subject and partly because I've never been very good at sticking to facts. But I did love to write. I used to read novels avidly on the train --- and one day I just decided to try and write one. As soon as I started, I knew I'd found the thing I wanted to do.

TRC: Did you dare to dream that these books would be this successful? When did you know that the Shopaholic series was a success?

SK: I had no idea these books would be successful. In fact as I was writing CONFESSIONS I can remember thinking to myself, Yes, but does anyone else think like this --- will anyone else get the joke? It turns out the whole world thinks like this! I think I knew the books were a success when I started getting letters from readers, all saying the same thing: "I am Becky Bloomwood."

TRC: Can you share some shopping (or other) stories you have heard from readers?

SK: I have had so many amazing letters from readers --- many of them self-confessed shopaholics! One had, just like Becky, got into debt, lost everything, but turned herself around. Others have written to say that the books have cheered them up after illnesses or bad times --- which is so inspirational for me to hear. Some, though, take the books a little too seriously. One teenager wrote to say she and her friends think "what would Becky do?" when considering their own actions (this is worrying) and I was asked by another reader if I could please send her a picture of Suze's baby!

TRC: We were casting the movie as we read the books. Has the Shopaholic series been optioned for the movies?

SK: Yes! It is in development at the moment, which is very exciting, but I have no idea yet who will play Becky or Luke.

TRC: Will there be another Shopaholic book?

SK: Yes, there will. I had planned for SHOPAHOLIC TIES THE KNOT to be the last --- but I started missing Becky and Luke. So I am working on a fourth right now.

TRC: Can you share with us a few thoughts about CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? and your new character, Emma Corrigan? And when will it be in stores?

SK: CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? is about Emma Corrigan who, like every girl in the world, has a few little secrets. She has secrets from her parents, her boyfriend, her boss ... and one day, thinking she's going to die on a turbulent airplane, she spills them all to a total stranger. Of course the stranger comes back into her life --- in fact he owns the company she works for. Now he knows EVERYTHING about her, down to what underwear she wears ... and she's hideously embarrassed! The story is a romantic comedy all about secrets and honesty, and it will be in stores on March 23, 2004.

TRC: Will you be touring in the States to promote your new book?

SK: I'm not sure about that yet. However, I came to New York and Toronto last year and was delighted to meet so many fans of Becky. It means a lot to me to meet readers face to face.

TRC: What are you working on now?

SK: This year I've been writing the screenplay of CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET?, which is to be made into a movie starring Kate Hudson --- but now I'm engrossed in the fourth Shopaholic novel, which I'm really enjoying. It's great to be spending time with Becky again.


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Post time 4-4-2004 06:37 PM | Show all posts
kat atas tuh Paja yg post...tq...

this weekend..baca my niece's

1. Kisah Kasih...pengarang lupa...Alaf 21..
pasal Cinderella...amik citer tuh la...heroinnya
Puteri Farahdika..hero Syed E...boleh la citernya

2. Mentari Muncul lagi...sayangku sarah pengarangnya
if I'm not mistaken...Rhytmn Publication..kalau tak silap
gak...besh gak citernya..heroin nama Fatin n lelaki yg
singgah dlm hidupnya...
tak silap....

[ Last edited by seribulan on 4-4-2004 at 11:43 PM ]

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Post time 5-4-2004 05:22 PM | Show all posts
A Stranger in the Mirror - Sidney Sheldon

tinggal dalam 10 helai nak habis...
ala tak beshnyer bila baca buku yg besh pastu dah nak sampai ending....

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sarahjeskapaker This user has been deleted
Post time 5-4-2004 05:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Paja at 2-4-2004 01:58 PM:

sophie kinsella's shopaholic's series:

1) Confession of A Shopaholic
2) Shopaholic Takes Manhattan @ Shopaholic Abroad (dah baca .. tak sekelakar Ties the Knot sebab second half of the b ...

i love sophie kinsella toooo kelakar ari tu beli buku2 dia second hand je kat pay less book RM6.00 beli je baru habis baca 1 siri yang shopaholic takes manhattan

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Post time 5-4-2004 07:36 PM | Show all posts
baca buku motivasi Dr Spencer Johnson ' Who Moved My Cheese"

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Post time 7-4-2004 09:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sarahjeskapaker at 2004-4-5 05:41 PM:

i love sophie kinsella toooo kelakar ari tu beli buku2 dia second hand je kat pay less book RM6.00 beli je baru habis baca 1 siri yang shopaholic takes manhattan

i pun just finished the same book. Esok mungkin gi mph utk pi beli another 2 ..

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Paja This user has been deleted
Post time 7-4-2004 09:32 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by azaleena at 2004-4-2 03:09 PM:

i dah baca dua2 buku Nisha Minha ... ok la .. menarik but, the values tu yg tak kena dgn kita .. heheheh

honestly "Chapatti and Chips" was not a page turner. hehehehe ... paja baca dalam 5 mukasurat dah boring, so nak ketepikan dulu. bila dah takde buku nak baca baru capai balik ;)

last week pergi pay less book kat ampang .. beli 2 buku sandra brown - Exclusive dan satu lagi tak ingat title. hehehehehe .. sekarang baru start nak baca Exclusive.

on monday, i went to singapore, singgah kinokuniya. beli 2 buku - Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code dan satu buku author Tami Hoag.

so sekarang ada 4 buku which could last for at least 2 to 3 months. hmmm nampak gayanya lambat lagilah nak capai balik "Chapatti and Chips". heheheh

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Post time 7-4-2004 06:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Paja at 7-4-2004 09:32 AM:

honestly "Chapatti and Chips" was not a page turner. hehehehe ... paja baca dalam 5 mukasurat dah boring, so nak ketepikan dulu. bila dah takde buku nak baca baru capai balik ;)

la ...

paja, ko pegi Kinokuniyo mana? :hmm:

takashimaya punya store eh??

best eh...    aku suka pegi sana tengok2, tak beli, tengok2 je...


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Post time 7-4-2004 06:15 PM | Show all posts

baru habis Mario Puzo Godfather

ni nak start Mario Puzo Sicilian pulak....kalo ada mood.

pasal ada bookstore jual/sewa buku 2nd hand.... banyak stock tulisan Mario Puzo...

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Post time 7-4-2004 07:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 7-4-2004 06:15 PM:

baru habis Mario Puzo Godfather

ni nak start Mario Puzo Sicilian pulak....kalo ada mood.

pasal ada bookstore jual/sewa buku 2n ...

Nak tanya sikit. Boleh rekomen kedai buku mana yang ada buku2 murah utk di sewa Buku Si Mario Puzo ni. Trima kasih aar.

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new_rule This user has been deleted
Post time 7-4-2004 10:21 PM | Show all posts
Trying to read Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. Rather 'heavy", susah sungguh nak baca! Anyone have read this?

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Paja This user has been deleted
Post time 8-4-2004 12:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 2004-4-7 06:12 PM:

paja, ko pegi Kinokuniyo mana? :hmm:

takashimaya punya store eh??

best eh...    aku suka pegi sana tengok2, tak beli, tengok2 je...

ha'ah kat takashimaya tu la. memang best tapi besar laaa ... jenuh mata aku nengok banyak buku. best!! 3 jam kat dalam tu tak terasa pun. tiap kali nengok price tag, kepala terus convert ke msian price. hehehehe ... aku beli pun sebab ada book allowance boleh claim balik.

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Post time 8-4-2004 04:51 PM | Show all posts

sedang baca ...

The Ninja...Author : Eric Van Lustbader

author nie mmg rajin tulih citer pasal jepun & kisah2 ninja. cerita dia very detail. dewi pernah baca satu lagi buku dia nie tajuk ZERO. ending dia mmg unsangkarable lah.

tak sabar nak tau ending citer ninja nie.

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Post time 8-4-2004 05:10 PM | Show all posts

Finished the book, yay!

I dah habis baca Confession of a Shopaholic..very engrossing..

Thanks to Paja and seribulan for the information!

Skrg I tgh baca Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Very funny, like laughing out loud funny and very clever .Ada sapa2 yg pernah baca citer ni?

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Post time 8-4-2004 07:51 PM | Show all posts
the credit goes to Paja only...not me....
keep on contributing.....

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Post time 8-4-2004 10:54 PM | Show all posts
dah abis baca buku french yg ntah apa2 ntah tuh..skang nih tengah baca 'the dante club'..

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Post time 9-4-2004 12:58 PM | Show all posts
baru habis baca Come Summer by Sandra Steffen...a really nice story, sedih tapi ada juga parts yang funny........actually sebelum ni tak pernah baca her novels, ini pun secara tidak sengaja dan after baca a couple of pages terus beli sebab macam best je.....

Come Summer bermula dengan kisah Liza Cassidy yang baru tahu she has a nephew selepas baca autopsy report her indentical twin.  Her twin ni meninggal kerana brain tumor lima tahun lepas.  Jadi, Liza pergi ke Alcott untuk menemui this little boy (lagipun ni kira the last link dlm her family, emak dia juga baru meninggal) dan dari sinilah bermulanya pergolakan dan perhubungan dgn mereka yang berkaitan especially dengan the boy's father, his friend (a lady friend), the brothers with their own problems dan relationship between the family and the community......dan best juga sebab the main characters bukan hanya bercakap-cakap diluar tapi juga dlm hati...kira real sikit apa yang sebenarnya mereka fikirkan

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Post time 9-4-2004 02:51 PM | Show all posts
hari ni baru dpt pinjam men are from mars, women are from venus by john gray......... bukan cerita fantasi tapi more to motivasi & pengalaman penulis.... ada sesapa pernah baca buku ni? plz pm me, tq.

dah lama tak membaca (buku tebal) ni baru nak start balik.......

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Post time 13-4-2004 12:53 AM | Show all posts
Angela Ashes by Frank McCourt

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Post time 13-4-2004 10:45 AM | Show all posts
baru habis to kill a mockingbird. thanks to all forummers yang cadangkan buku ni.

sekarang nak start baca 100 years of vampire fiction. pinjam dari sorang forummer.

nak tanya sapa ada koleksi short stories yang ada interview with the vampires-anne rice.dalam buku ni ada tulisan dia bertajuk the master of the rampling gate.

baru baca pasal dia ni dalam mingguan wanita. so tergerak la plk nak cari koleksi dia.

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