Reply 267# bungaros
my boys' room terbakar sabtu lepas
astaghfirullah...harap2 semua selamat...
mau ke waterloo train station dari earls court harus naik district line turun di westminster, pastu kena tukor tube la plak naik jubilee lain.
soklannya: kalau jalan kaki je dari westminster tu pi waterloo station, jauh tak?
tak jauh..15 minit tops..
soklan kedua...apa maksud bila dia tulis "subway towards upminster" or "subway towards stratford". ni mcm kalau kita naik lrt dari kl sentral nak pi bangsar kita kena naik "subway towards kelana jaya" ke...
Yer betul..
pasal takde sape2 yg mention nottinghill eh.. tidak menarik kah tempat itu.
bungaros Post at 18-4-2012 14:52 
Hi Kak..depends on what you're looking for..or wanting to see.. |
Reply 272# aishahahmad
dalam hati cam rasa tempat tu best jer .. tapi, cam u cakap le, yilek yang sok sek pasal notting hill nih ..
so, dah pangkah tempat tuh ..
nak start buat bising2 nih, bior si lela tak leh rest ngan aman ..
park yang best2 kat ner, lela .. ???
Best ker notting hill.. selain dr pasar yg overrated tu dan the bankers new pad mungkin interesting la pasa sesetengah individu.. rumah2 dah cantik lah sekarang.. dulu tempat ni banyak immi dengan rasta black mamba segala tok nenek gagak ada kat situ..
then things changed and they are forced to move further south so OK lah tempat tu.. tapi banyak lah tourist americano ni sbb depa kelalah gila ngan citer Notting Hill.. Hugh Grant dah lama lari kabo nya.. julia pon americano ni tak penah jumpa kat situ..
portobello market... like I said it's a tourist trap
market on weekends... so so ajer..banyak lagi yg best ..
Antique Market... only for serious buyer sebenarnya..
bangla market...bangla di mana2 cam taiko jah kat london ni..
flea market... ni kalau nak cuci mata, hari2 ada..
notting hill carnival..bulan August, selalunya last week of the month sbb ada Bank Holiday Monday
banyak gagaks... pondan terbengkalai or muka tak siap carik peluang nak berpesta walau dah banyak kali di tegah..
masa ni kalau nak experience loadest music ever mai lah London..ngeeeeee~~ |
tu ler....en hasbeng kate best je nottinghill tu, dia suruh pi tapi tarak sape pun kat sini yg m ...
bungaros Post at 18-4-2012 17:41 
Kalau pacit Kaka suh pegi..pi jer lah...alang2 dah sampai kan.. nnt guna lah oyster card tu..
baskers skang takder bersepah lagi kat nottinghill...
kalau ada pun masa summer tapi nnt kena hambat dok bawah jematan or tube station sbb nottinghill dah berubah wajah but some things never change.. But to go for a stroll might be enjoyable lah sbb boleh tgk rumah2 besar2 yg baru but not the typical old victorian building anymore..
but for me baik pegi greenwich... 1000x lebih berbaloi...keh keh keh.. |
Reply 272# aishahahmad
nak start buat bising2 nih, bior si lela tak leh rest ngan aman ..
park yang best2 kat ner, lela .. ???
Kalau ni 1st time better akak pi Hyde Park..
pegi ke serpentine lake..
singgah di Diana's Memorial..
buy a cup of hot cocoa and yr waffles with chocolate sause and grab a bench and people watching and see the magnolia blooming and the cherry blossoms..
Then akak pegi le jenjalan ke Green Park pastu leh singgah minum tea ngan Ratu 
Regents Park jangan lupa.. pi masok London Zoo..
Dah..Lela takmo kucar kacirkan itinerary..
my lips are sealed now... |
Reply 274# _ina_
Hi ina.. dah setel lom tix nak ke london? Lama tak nampak...  |
Reply aishahahmad
Kalau ni 1st time better akak pi Hyde Park..
pegi ke serpentine lake..
LelaRentaka7 Post at 19-4-2012 02:01 
LR.. kat regents park - london zoo kena byr tak?
jika ya.. berapa pound sorg? timenya.. |
Kalau pacit Kaka suh pegi..pi jer lah...alang2 dah sampai kan.. nnt guna lah oyster card tu..
bas ...
LelaRentaka7 Post at 19-4-2012 01:53 
Tenkiu lela atas pencerahan mu itu. Oyster card tu mcm touch & go kan. klu setakat beli travelcard je berbaloi tak. |
Post Last Edit by whiteberry at 19-4-2012 10:39
Reply 285# LelaRentaka7
Lelaa berry nak pi hyde park tu lupa ltk dlm itinerary.. tayah seal mulut.. kekdahnya kalau lela letak sebelum kitorang berjimba kat sana, sempat lagi nak ubah itinerary.. kehkeh... tamak kan semua nak pergi
berry nak tanya satu lagi,
1 More London Place
Kat celah mana kah ittewww?? i wanna go there gak kalau boleh..Kalau jauh sgt takpela.. tp kalau setakat dlm town, berry nak make a visit sebegitu.. hehehe...
kaka changa pergi perth pun nak fefeling piknik sebegitu... katanya hotel dia berdepan park. kerlast akak kita sorang tuh. |
kenkawan, tune hotel king cross dah open for booking yer ..
aishahahmad Post at 2012-4-18 23:33 
dah boleh start buat booking dah ni
Tune Hotels to launch Kings Cross outlet with discounted offeron
Posted on April 14, 2012, Saturday
KUALA LUMPUR: Following the successful launch of its £9 room sale at its Paddington outlet, pioneering budget hotel chain Tune Hotels will launch its fourth London hotel, Tune Hotel Kings Cross, with the same offer.
The Tune Hotel Kings Cross will open on July 9, comprising 217 en-suite bedrooms across twin, double and accessible formats.
The offer will be launched at 8pm on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 whereby over 1,000 £9 rooms will be released to savvy Haditravellers booking to stay on a range of dates between July 2012 and February 2013.
Tune Hotel Kings Cross is ideally located on Gray’s Inn Road, just 500 metres from Kings Cross and St Pancras train stations.
Tune Hotel Kings Cross brings the hotel group’s London portfolio to four with the current Westminster and Liverpool Street hotels, and Paddington due to open on June 25.
Guests staying at any of the properties would be able to experience bedrooms at exceptionally low prices, focusing on high-quality basics including five-star Hypnos beds, power showers, air-conditioned rooms, central locations, a clean environment and 24 hour security.
Through the successful ‘pay as you use’ concept, Tune guests need only pay for their room allowing them the ultimate flexibility to pay extra for the services and facilities that are important to them.
Bedrooms at Tune Hotel Kings Cross will normally start from just £35 a night.
Read more: http://www.theborneopost.com/201 ... eron/#ixzz1sS7SzBtD |
Reply 283# LelaRentaka7
hehehe...overrated ye lela, mungkin dari pandangan mata org yg melawat (dan juga oldtimer) mcm me ni seronok sbb tak leh nak compare dgn pasar2 lain...
lagi satu pasal camden market, sbb banyak T-shirt murah
please jgn seal the lips...banyak lagi kitorang nak tau |
Reply LelaRentaka7
hehehe...overrated ye lela, mungkin dari pandangan mata org yg melawat ...
misy Post at 19-4-2012 11:25 
kannn...byk lagi nak tanya sebelum naik belon. camden market....best eh.. nanti terai selit dlm jadual lawatan cik kiah |
Reply 292# bungaros
tu la makin dekat makin berdebar2 plak
sorry to hear pasal bilik anak tu...mcm2 dugaan kan nak dekat ni
me pun banyak plak keja lately, tak sempat nak servey2 pasal cuti london ni
camden market ni dah dekat dgn victoria, tapi naik tube kena tukar line district to circle, kena tanya ngan lela camana |
Reply bungaros
tu la makin dekat makin berdebar2 plak
sorry to hear pasal bilik anak t ...
misy Post at 19-4-2012 11:53 
konsepnya sama mcm lrt putra & star dan monorail kot. katalah nak pi bukit bintang dari setiawangsa. kena turun kat dang wangi pastu naik plak monorail kat bkt nenas |
Post Last Edit by whiteberry at 19-4-2012 12:10
Reply 294# bungaros
Berry sentiasa ada problem baca maps... maps yg untuk subway ke train ke semua tu pun berry fail sgt sgt.
i hope my travel buddy pandai..
huwahuwaaaaaa... tak sabornye! bungaros twins and kak aisha semua dah nak pergi.. chayok! flait kul berapa ek
Berry nye flight on 26 kul 1135mlm kot.. pas balik kerje terus ke epot suh parents anta.. mintak2 sempattt  |
konsepnya sama mcm lrt putra & star dan monorail kot. katalah nak pi bukit bintang dari seti ...
bungaros Post at 2012-4-19 12:01 
a ah gitulah kot..tukar tukar line |
Reply bungaros
tu la makin dekat makin berdebar2 plak
sorry to hear pasal bilik anak t ...
misy Post at 19-4-2012 11:53 
dah siap packing ke..?
duit dah tukar..?  |
Reply bungaros
Berry sentiasa ada problem baca maps... maps yg untuk subway ke train ke semua t ...
whiteberry Post at 19-4-2012 12:05 
nanti redah je la berry. akak dah print semua street view yg kat google map tuh. boleh paham ler siket2. bubuh je direction from where to where.
flight kitaorg 10.05am |
dah siap packing ke..?
duit dah tukar..?
proteas Post at 2012-4-19 13:48 
ooo belum lagi..duit ade tukar sket2 |
lame dah x pergi...last pergi few years back with family..round europe 21 hari...now dah kawen xkan parent nak support lagi...huhu...baru2 ni MAS flight on board to heathrow airport engine terbakar kan...have to return back to klia |
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