[Merged] Neostrata by bunga, nazsya, Michi & sunshine66
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gadoh-gadoh sayang... kekekekkekekkekeke =p |
dah g beli ka neostrata punya trial set.. |
hai.. aiman.. pepagi dah hantar post baru.. mayyo baru sampai opis nih..
semalam dah nak pg beli... gi carik tempat tuh.. pusing2 last2 jumpa jugak....
rupanya senang nak carik tempat tuh... tp yg sedihnya ..hik..hik.. kinik tuh dah tutup.....
hari tuh ada ada org bitau tutup pukul 9... tp sebenarnya dia tutup pukul 8mlm....
uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... nangis aku kat situ... tension jer.. buat rugi minyak jer pg semalam... kalau tahu tgu jer hari sabtu nih baru pg.... heheh xder rezeki nak buat mcmana... |
Originally posted by mayyonnizz at 28-7-2005 07:22 AM:
hai.. aiman.. pepagi dah hantar post baru.. mayyo baru sampai opis nih..
semalam dah nak pg beli... gi carik tempat tuh.. pusing2 last2 jumpa jugak....
rupanya senang nak carik tempat tuh... tp ...
Doc tu yg ckp bukak smpai kol 9 pm... ..
Sowey la mayo kalo bagi info salah...:tq:
For fs kalo nk g jumpa doc tu mesti call dia dulu confirm kan dia ader.. kadang2 doc pon mc gak... :stp: |
Originally posted by finest_solution at 28-7-2005 07:31 AM:
Doc tu yg ckp bukak smpai kol 9 pm... ..
Sowey la mayo kalo bagi info salah...:tq:
For fs kalo nk g jumpa doc tu mesti call dia dulu confirm kan dia ader.. kadang2 doc pon mc gak... :stp:
alah.. i tak blame sesapa pun... mmg betul dia tutup pukul 9.. tp i tgok kat sinage dia.. dia baru tampal.. waktu yg baru... i tak tahu start bfrom bila onwards dia bukak sampai kul 8 jer....
maybe coz.. sekarang dia dah bukak hari sabtu.. so weekdays dia tutup awal sikit... hehehhe,.... alah.. biasalah tuh.. takper lenkali boleh pg lg.. sabtu nih mayyo pg lah..kalau gi lepas opis mmg tak sempat.. hehehe |
Originally posted by mayyonnizz at 28-7-2005 07:34 AM:
alah.. i tak blame sesapa pun... mmg betul dia tutup pukul 9.. tp i tgok kat sinage dia.. dia baru tampal.. waktu yg baru... i tak tahu start bfrom bila onwards dia bukak sampai kul 8 jer.... ...
hai patah lagi la smangat ko ek mayo.....
takpe.... dugaan...
sape yg gi situ... kalau klinik kok and wendy tutup
leh gi klinik julie.. sebaris kat situ.... die ade poster neostrata gak...
so rasenye die ade jual gak neostrata nih...
tapi die pon tutup kul 8 gaks...:ah: |
Originally posted by mayyonnizz at 10052005 07:22 AM:
hai.. aiman.. pepagi dah hantar post baru.. mayyo baru sampai opis nih..
semalam dah nak pg beli... gi carik tempat tuh.. pusing2 last2 jumpa jugak....
rupanya senang nak carik tempat tuh... tp ...
:hug: x sabar nk tahu prkmbgn mayyo,teruja nk beli neostrata;);)
:bodek::bodek::bodek:sian mayyo..x per dh tahu tpmt nanti blh trs g beli jer, x payah nk pusing2 dah..mayyo g klinik kat bgsar ker? |
penah guna trial set utk oily set kan?yg dlm trial set tu,oil skin control 6 ml dlm sachet jer@ dlm botol? |
oil control tuh dlm satchet.. and ade 3 peket...
I got this info on AHA....
part paling interesting is the last one
NeoStrata alpha hydroxyacid does not make you more sensitive to sunlight, it is similar to wearing a sunscreen with an SPF of 2
me baru tau.. :clap::clap: ...
tapi i dunno about the retin-A part... combining the 2 sounds harsh... cam kes FS tuh...:hmm:
full artikel
Alpha hydroxyacids have been shown in numerous studies to improve acne and can increase the thickness of sun damaged skin by 25%. The most common alpha hydroxyacids used for treatment of these problems are lactic acid and glycolic acid.
Alpha hydroxyacids work very well when combined with Retin-A for the prevention of precancerous skin lesions and also this combination will reverse some of the changes of aging including brown sun spots, fine lines and wrinkles.
For the first week, use the product every other day to the face.
It is OK to use the alpha hydroxyacid in the morning. Men can use it as an after shave. Wait 15 minutes before applying make-up or sunscreen over top of the alpha hydroxyacid.
When using alpha hydroxyacid, apply to all of the skin in the area, not just to the spots you want to treat. This will help prevent new lesions.
When you put alpha hydroxyacid on your skin, it will burn for a few minutes. This is normal. If the burning is to much for you, then apply cool water to the skin before applying the alpha hydroxyacid.
If you are not experiencing any problems with the product after the first week of use, you may start using it every day.
Use of the alpha hydroxyacid on acne may make the pimples more inflamed (red). This is generally a good sign; the treatment is working.
If you like the product, you do not need an appointment to see the doctor. You can stop by the office during business hours to pickup more.
NeoStrata alpha hydroxyacid does not make you more sensitive to sunlight, it is similar to wearing a sunscreen with an SPF of 2. |
Originally posted by Mz_tera at 28-7-2005 11:28 AM:
oil control tuh dlm satchet.. and ade 3 peket...
I got this info on AHA....
[url=http://www.skinsite.com/info_alpha_acid_for_acne.htm]http://www.skinsite.com/info_alpha_acid_for_ac ...
Mz_Tera... lap U!!! |
Originally posted by Mz_tera at 28-7-2005 11:28 AM:
Alpha hydroxyacids work very well when combined with Retin-A for the prevention of precancerous skin lesions and also this combination will reverse some of the changes of aging including brown sun spots, fine lines and wrinkles.
wohoo..yeke : first time dgr gaks..
tapi kalau ngan aha peel mmg sah2 tak boleh la kan..bole start pakai balik pun 1month after last peel.
so tak bole la ni  |
Originally posted by missylees at 28-7-2005 12:38 PM:
wohoo..yeke : first time dgr gaks..
tapi kalau ngan aha peel mmg sah2 tak boleh la kan..bole start pakai balik pun 1month after last peel.
so tak bole la ni
buat peeling ngan Neostrata ke?
berapa % AHA yg missy guna utk peel ni?
:bgrin: sori kalau missy dah mention be4 ni... |
Originally posted by pinkcoffee at 28-7-2005 01:05 PM:
buat peeling ngan Neostrata ke?
berapa % AHA yg missy guna utk peel ni?
:bgrin: sori kalau missy dah mention be4 ni...
kang haku ulang kat sini ade yg meluat pulak :bgrin:
tgk thread ni -->
scr ringkas..baru buat 2 kali..first time 20%,second time 35%+anti acne booster. |
Originally posted by missylees at 28-7-2005 02:16 PM:
kang haku ulang kat sini ade yg meluat pulak :bgrin:
tgk thread ni -->
scr ringkas..baru buat 2 kali ...
:bgrin: marah ke missy??? :cak:
Jangan marah ekkk... kita tau ada thread peeling tu... tapi panjaaaangnya...
Anyway, tengkiu yaaa...!
Kite nak jawapan ringkas mcm tu je...  |
nt sebelum khawin rasa nak gi buat peeling ..kalau banyak duit masa tuh... nak gi buat obagi punyer.(cepat sikit kesannya....hehehhehe...(aku yg berlagak.. tp duit tarakkk) =p |
Originally posted by pinkcoffee at 28-7-2005 03:23 PM:
:bgrin: marah ke missy??? :cak:
Jangan marah ekkk... kita tau ada thread peeling tu... tapi panjaaaangnya...
Anyway, tengkiu yaaa...!
Kite nak jawapan ringkas mcm tu je...
hish..tak marah la mcm marah ke? :hug: |
Originally posted by mayyonnizz at 28-7-2005 04:21 PM:
nt sebelum khawin rasa nak gi buat peeling ..kalau banyak duit masa tuh... nak gi buat obagi punyer.(cepat sikit kesannya....hehehhehe...(aku yg berlagak.. tp duit tarakkk) =p
mayo...kulit hang aku tgk cantik dah...
apasal nak peel obagi lagi? :hmm: |
Originally posted by drBaBy at 28-7-2005 07:55 PM:
mayo...kulit hang aku tgk cantik dah...
apasal nak peel obagi lagi? :hmm:
mana ada cantik.. kulit bermasalah lah.. ada scar jugak.. dalam gambar mana nampak... dah kena lighting semua... hehehhehehehe ;););)
jom pi buat sesama... kat mana ek? berapa ek?
terra thanxs... sayang sgt kat terra..:hug: |
terujanya nk try neostrata..... |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki