nak puas atii buat filem sendiri laaaa... |
Reply #302 Mulan's post
tengok. berperang kat forum lagi menghiburkan dpd nonton 300 nih.
hoho |
baru jek lihat movie ni smalam..best gaklaa,tapi xlaa melampau2 best.. |
Originally posted by maberik at 3-4-2007 02:42 AM
aku tak puas ati dan aku nak kutuk2. itu suka ati aku jugak lah kan. aku bayar. aku expect untuk puas ati.
If you paid RM10 to go to cineplex and expected to see "facts" then you're an idiot.
If you want "facts" go watch Discovery Channel or better yet a museum. |
Originally posted by movieman at 3-4-2007 11:25 PM
If you paid RM10 to go to cineplex and expected to see "facts" then you're an idiot.
If you want "facts" go watch Discovery Channel or better yet a museum.
agreed wif u ..
dah name cinema,panggung wyg,theatre ke ape ke, sume tu lakonan .. |
Reply #305 movieman's post
u missed my point.
i DONT CARE about any historical accuracies. I took it as a popcorn flick. as a hyper-stylized action movie based on a graphic novel. you dont see *me* comparing 300 with Troy or whatever historical epics like the rest, right?
what I DO care is the level of entertainment(as any would expect from a popcorn flick). the movie only offered *mild* entertainment. closer to the quality of a "video game", in fact. OVERLOAD of 'slow-motion', OVERLOAD of mundane, stupid dialogues trying too hard to be poetic. and most of all, overload of general stupidity of the film itself. i.e. the 'bottomless pit' that appears out of nowhere, stupid, cliche storyline.
and dont get me started on the homo-erotic undercurrents.
as popcorn action flicks go, i'd take M : I 3 or even Snakes On A Plane anytime! at least SOAP was *intended* to be stupid.
[ Last edited by maberik at 4-4-2007 12:49 AM ] |
Originally posted by DARSITA at 29-3-2007 03:55 AM
Ku pukul anak utk sindir menantu
pulak .. |
Originally posted by Ax at 4-4-2007 12:14 AM
agreed wif u ..
dah name cinema,panggung wyg,theatre ke ape ke, sume tu lakonan ..
a "very enlightening" post. |
Originally posted by maberik at 3-4-2007 02:02 AM
aku naik mual dgn ayat2 poyo Spartans tu semua(yang bajet puitis abis la).
paling tak tahan. dan2 pulak masa Leonidas tendang 'embassador; tu ada bottomless pit pulak kat tengah2 kampung tu. apa la bangangnya. memang betul2 melawan logika akal.
ya tak ya jugak .. pastu diorg mcm sengaja pulak sambil berbincang sambil berjalan menghala pi lubang tu .. si duta ni pun siap berdiri membelakang lubang tu pulak .. mcm dah siap prepare utk di tendang masuk lubang .. LOL .. |
Reply #310 yellow belmont's post
spot on!
terima kasih. ada jugak org yg paham maksud aku dgn 'kebodohan' scene tu. |
layan je la citer tu.......... |
Originally posted by aycaramba at 4-4-2007 10:52 AM
betul tu.digalakkan baca wiki eventhough it is not a truly reliable source si beskut marrie ni pun satu daa..apa ko baca? Herodotus? hey come on guys hollywood is just about money! uuffff ...
are u dumb or simply retarded???????
my point is this is a film.. not a documentaryyy.. so enjoy it.. asking too many questions why there is bottomless pit ?? y there are man with goat head???LOL...just enjoy it...
wut the heck.. why dun u question why the spartan speak in englishhhhhh..why the persian speak englishhhh...???well u questioned why there are bottomless pit in the village.. why dun u ask about that????even better why dun u ask after the queen kill the traitor in council why the council member shout traitor after persian money in that guy body why dun they investigate first????why the wolf that leonidas killed when he still young so big..??.. why xerxes look so gay????why spartan guy are tough with everyone have 8 packs??why the immortal faces so ugly.. why there are man with saw as his hands??? why xerxes voice sound like goul'd voice in stargate sg-1??
so many question and u end up not enjoying the film
[ Last edited by LimpBizkutMerri at 4-4-2007 03:09 PM ] |
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 4-4-2007 12:48 PM
aku x paham nape korg nk gado psl scene bodoh, history ke, fact ke, sedangkan korg tlupe 1 or 2 or 3 crucial scene utk didiskas, didebatkan or digadokan..ie scene lucah...:cak:
1. korg rase pe ...
ala.. scene lucah tuu nak meyedapkan citer je... pepaham laa citer hollywood.. kalo takde scene cium cium ke.. tak sah lerr....nak sgt tgk scene lucah baik tgk citer porn... dari start sampai abis citer lucah memanjangggg..ahahahah |
Originally posted by LimpBizkutMerri at 4-4-2007 02:51 PM
so many question and u end up not enjoying the film
*smart* people asks questions.
just so you know. |
lol... no more point to argue more?????? with u end up with this kind of comment.. that so low of u.... |
dari website.. pasal 300..
A Spartan's Guide to Business300 may seem like a bloody action movie, but it's also a lesson in creating a formidable and fearsome business.
the story resembles what anentrepreneur often faces when competing against a big corporation. Italso offers some insight into what it takes to be an effective leader,inspire employees and create a recognizable brand. And, yes, this filmcan be ugly, but that's sometimes the nature of the business world.
Business Lesson No. 1: Your CEO needs to be a strong leader.
KingLeonidas is as resilient as they come, in both the film and the actualhistorical battle that took place in 480 B.C. between 300 soldiers ofSparta, Greece and the Persian army. Although Leonidas is a warrior, hetreats his family and friends as equals. His wife, the queen, is apartner, and he's smart enough to solicit her advice when it comes tobusiness matters. He also spends quality time with his six-year-oldson, teaching him the business (i.e., showing the little bugger how tofight).
But when Leonidas suits up and goes to his dayjob--vanquishing bloodthirsty enemies with his spear and shield--he'sfocused on what's best for the business and his employees; in thiscase, the kingdom and his soldiers.
Sure,his competitor, King Xerxes, through messengers he sends to Sparta,makes some powerful arguments for combining the smaller organizationwith the larger corporation known as Persia. For instance, if themerger goes through, Leonidas would be allowed to live, and hisemployees wouldn't have to see their families enslaved or worry aboutgetting their limbs hacked off. But while Leonidas appears to mull theoffer over, he's concerned that his people's way of life (think officeculture) and his freedom to make independent decisions won't be allowedto thrive.
He firmly declines the deal by spearing and then throwing a bunch of Persian yes-men into what appears to be a bottomless pit.
Leonidasnext prepares to stop the growing threat of a hostile takeover. Heseeks approval from some grotesque oracles (his board of directors) totake 10,000 Spartan soldiers to fight off the Persian army, but he isrebuffed. And so, like all good entrepreneurs, Leonidas finds aloophole. He informs fellow Spartan colleagues that he's taking a walk,bringing 300 of his top-flight employees as body guards, and goes offto complete his business plan--to fight the Persians at the narrowcliffs of Thermopylae and frighten the immense army into fleeing.
Business Lesson No. 2: Train your employees and foster a culture that promotes loyalty.
TheSpartans had a grim but effective process for making sure their societyonly contained healthy children. (If you don't already know what thatprocess was, you probably don't want to). To put it mildly, theirorganization only accepted the best and brightest employees, who weretrained and molded into effective killing machines. It sounds gruesome,but it's handy when your business involves protecting your communityfrom a foe that aims to crush you.
Arguably, loyalty maybe the most important aspect of a successful team. At one point in thebattle, Leonidas and Xerxes meet up. The Persian ruler tries to reasonwith his foe, asking how Leonidas can possibly defeat him when "I wouldkill any of my men for victory."
"Iwould die for any of mine," replies Leonidas, suggesting that anemployee who knows he's valued is going to fight harder for thecompany's survival than a miserable grunt in the firm. The king has apoint. His 300 men are effective at killing what must be thousands ofsoldiers in the first few hours of the battle. And it's not thatsurprising. Xerxes literally walks all over his employees; but inLeonidas' enterprise, his staff takes ownership and pride in thecompany and has a stake in the firm.
Business Lesson No. 3:You need to have a strong brand.
Leonidasis no fool. He knows that his 300 men and several hundred more Atheniansoldiers who tag along can't completely destroy the Persian army, whichoutnumbers the Spartan force at least 1,000 to one. But he figures thatif the Spartans live up to their reputation by ruthlessly andefficiently killing the Persians, the enemy might flee. In other words,Leonidas saw the Spartans as a brand.
Leonidas is anearly marketer, fully understanding the power of words and images. WhenLeonidas and his men literally build a wall of corpses they know theirenemy will see, it's an advertising message to the rest of the Persiansoldiers that come their way: The Spartans are a company of men youdon't want to encounter. They clearly hope the message will spread byword of mouth.
Later, the Spartan CEO tells hiscompetitor, Xerxes, "The world will know that free men stood against atyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over,that even a god-king can bleed." And because Leonidas recognizes howimportant it is for the general public to understand the Spartans'unique brand of power and will, he sends a messenger back to Sparta totell the tale of their fight. Leonidas appreciates that even if he andhis 300 men don't win this particular battle, educating the publicabout the company will help the Spartan brand endure long after he isgone. |
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