Originally posted by 蝯z坞悬衻 at 9-11-03 03:21 PM:
Suka ati ko la..pasal tu kengkadang aku malas nak serius....:bg:
maksud kamu satu thread utk spanish, satu thread untuk thailand language satu untuk bahasa tamil dan seterusnya?
Bagus tu, tapi kita dah campur campur bahasa dari mula takkan nak delete post post lama. Susahlah kan.
Cuma yang boleh kita buat. Lock thread ni sambung new thread pulak. IMO. |
atau..buat cam idiika...
pas tuh kita transfer
post ke thread yg separate tuh... |
Formal Commands
Commands are used when ordering, or telling someone to do something. This is often referred to as the "imperative" form of the verb.
Compre Ud. el anillo.
(You) Buy the ring.
Haga Ud. la tarea.
(You) Do the homework.
Compren Uds. los libros.
(You-all) Buy the books.
Hagan Uds. el trabajo.
(You-all) Do the work.
By now, you are well acquainted with the fact that Spanish has both a formal and an informal style of speech (t |
Dia sebenarnya macam ni ..
Luisa study biology
(I) Yo estudio biologia.
(You) T |
Language:- Mandarin
Ni hao ...... hello
Ni hao ma ... how are you?
Ni ne .......... How about you?
Zhe shi Wang Xiansheng ........ This is Mr.Wang
Ni zenmeyang? ..................... How is everything with you?
Wo ye hen hao ..................... i'm fine too.
Renshi ni, wo hen gaoxing .......... It's pleasure to know you.
Ni baba hao ma? ..................... How is your father?
Ta hen hao ..............he is fine
Ni mama ne? ... and your mother?
Ta ye hen hao ... she is also fine.
Wang Xiansheng, ni hao ma? ......... How are you, Mr Wang?
Wo ye mamahuhu ................ I'm so so too.
ni zenmeyang? ........how's everything with you?
Bu cuo. Ni ne? .........not bad. And you?
Wo ye bu cuo ... Not bad, either.
Zhe shi Zhang Xiaojie. Zhe shi Wang Xiansheng ... This is Miss Zhang. This is Mr. Wang.
[ Last edited by DARSITA on 24-11-2003 at 08:33 PM ] |
minat gak..
cuma tau..
ni hao ma, leng loi
leng cai
wo ai ni
wo ai ter ni...
ntah tepat idak..
heheheheh.... |
bagus darsita
u separate cantonese and mandarin...i dah edit post i kepada cantonese
rolex |
24/11 ..... Nie hao ma? Nie mang ma? (are y busy?)
Teacher ..........................laoshi ................Wor shi laoshi (I am a teacher)
Student...........................xuesheng ............Ta shi xuesheng (He is a student)
Older Brother ...................gege (keke)
Younger Brother...............didi (titi)
Older Sister .....................jiejie
Younger sister .................meimei
Doctor ........................... yisheng
Lawyer ...........................lushi
China ............................Zhongguo (''Chung'' Kok)
United States ............... Mei guo (Mei=cantik) Negara cantik
Japan ............................ Riben
Not come = Bu lai (Pu lai) ''Bu'' nada rendah macam ''re'' dlm do re mi )
Not go = bu qu (pu che)
Not good = Pu hao
Not know = Bu renshi
================= |
Are you coming?
Ni lai ma?
Yes I am ........
No, I am not .....
Are you a teacher?
Ni shi laoshi ma?
Yes, I am ..................
No, I am not .............
Is your father busy?
Ni baba mang ma?
yes, he is ............
No, he is not ........ |
Are you coming?
Ni lai ma?
Yes I am ........lai, wo lai
No, I am not .....bu lai, wo bu lai
Are you a teacher?
Ni shi laoshi ma?
Yes, I am ..................shi, wo shi laoshi
No, I am not .............bu shi, wo bu shi laoshi
wo bu hen gaoxing sambut hari raya.....:cry: wo bu shi ken wo de family itchi....
- |
Originally posted by rolex at 24-11-03 06:02 PM:
Are you coming?
Ni lai ma?
Yes I am ........lai, wo lai
No, I am not .....bu lai, wo bu lai
Are you a teacher?
Ni shi laoshi ma?
Yes, I am ..................shi, wo ...
Zenmeyang? Mey shenme bu gaoxing siau meimei?
nie baba hek mama cu cai na li? |
Ni gege shi xuesheng ma? ...... Is your older brother a student?
She .................................... Yes, he is.
Nie jiejie ne? ......................... What about your older sister?
Bu shi .................................. No, she is not.
Ni you nan pengyou ma? ...... Do you have a boyfriend?
Meiyou. Nie you nu (ni) pengyou ma? ... No, do you have a girlfriend?
Wor you ... yes I do
Ta jiao (ciau) shenme mingzi? ...... what is her name?
Ta jio Anna .... Her name is Anna
Ni zhidao tade mingzi ma? ... Do you know her name? |
seek1u This user has been deleted
Originally posted by DARSITA at 11-11-2003 07:37 AM:
maksud kamu satu thread utk spanish, satu thread untuk thailand language satu untuk bahasa tamil dan seterusnya?
Bagus tu, tapi kita dah campur campur bahasa dari mula takkan nak delete post pos ...
yup..supaya senang kita monitor pelajaran kita.. |
Hospital - yiyuan
Post office - youju
Park - gongyuan
Library - tushuguan
Office - bangongshi
police station - gong anju
Museum - bowuguan
Bus stop- qichezhan
train station - huochezhan
airport - feijichang
hotel - fandian
cinema - dianyingyuan
here - zher
there - nar
too -tai
May I ask - qingwen |
masalahnya kena la
ada yg mulakan dgn
membuka thread tuh.. |
Telling Time
The verb ser is used to express the time of day. Use es when referring to "one o'clock" and use son when referring to all other hours.
Es la una.
It's one o'clock.
Son las dos.
It's two o'clock.
The feminine article (la, las) is used before the hour because it refers to "la hora."
Es la una.
It's one o'clock.
Son las dos.
It's two o'clock.
Minutes can be added to the hour using the word y (and).
Es la una y cinco.
It's five minutes past one.
Son las tres y doce.
It's twelve minutes past three.
Minutes can be subtracted from the hour using the word menos (less).
Es la una menos cinco.
It's five minutes till one.
Son las tres menos doce.
It's twelve minutes till three.
You can also use the words media (half) and cuarto (quarter).
Es la una y media.
It's half past one.
Son las dos y cuarto.
It's quarter past two.
Son las tres menos cuarto.
It's quarter till three.
To say something occurs at a specific time, use the formula a + la(s) + time.
La fiesta empieza a las nueve.
The party begins at nine o'clock.
El banco abre a las ocho y media.
The bank opens at half past eight.
To differentiate between a.m. and p.m. use the expressions de la ma馻na, de la tarde and de la noche.
Son las dos de la tarde.
It's two in the afternoon.
Son las dos de la ma馻na.
It's two in the morning.
Son las diez de la noche.
It's ten in the evening.
When no specific time is mentioned, use the expressions por la ma馻na, por la tarde, por la noche.
Siempre leo el peri骴ico por las ma馻nas.
I always read the newspaper in the morning.
Here are a number of useful time expressions:
por la ma馻na
in the morning (no specific time)
de la ma馻na
in the morning (specific time)
por la tarde
in the afternoon (no specific time)
de la tarde
in the afternoon (specific time)
por la noche
in the evening or night (no specific time)
de la noche
in the evening or night (specific time)
tomorrow, morning
ma馻na por la ma馻na
tomorrow morning
pasado ma馻na
the day after tomorrow
last night
la noche anterior, anteanoche
the night before last
el lunes que viene
next Monday
la semana que viene
next week
el a駉 que viene
next year
el lunes pasado
last Monday
la semana pasada
last week
el a駉 pasado
last year
al mediod韆
at noon
a la medianoche
at midnight
alrededor de
de d韆
durante el d韆
during the day
a tiempo
on time
en punto
exactly, on-the-dot
early |
This topic pun need to be kicked up... |
This topic pun need to be kicked up...:bg: |
Language:- Tagalog
Good Morning - Ma-ga-dang u-ma-ga
Good Afternoon - Ma-ga-dang ha-pon
Good Evening - Ma-ga-dang ga-bi
Kamusta ka? How are you?
Where - Na-sa-an
The - Ang
1. Where is the Post Office -- Na-sa-an ang Koreyo?
2. Where is the Manila Hotel -- Na-sa-an ang Manila Hotel?
3. Where is the mailbox? ... Na-sa-an ang buson?
To the post office - Sa Post office (or Koreyo)
stop at the corner - Pa-ra sa kanto ( Para ni sama dengan spanish)
Straight ahead - Deretso
Stop -Para
What is - Ano ba
1. What is this - Ano ba ito?
2. What is that? Ano ba iyan?
Do you have - Me-ron bang
1. Do you have - coffee? - Me-ron bang ka-pe?
2. Do you have a match? - Me-ron bang si ga-ril-yo?
Where can I find a doktor?
Sa-an may doktor?
sa-an may dentista?
sa-an may barbero? (barber)
sa-an may pulis? (police)
Here - Dito
There - doon
It is here - Heto
It is there - Ha- yun
yang sama macam bahasa orang kita /Melayu
Sayang - what a pity.
Salamat - thank you.
Anak - child
Lelaki - man
hangin - wind
Mura - cheap
Mahal - expensive
Ako - I
Kami - we
Lima - five (dia punya enam is anim) (empat = apat)
[ Last edited by DARSITA on 30-12-2003 at 06:51 PM ] |
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Category: Belia & Informasi