Originally posted by SweetCandy at 12-7-2004 12:08 PM:
gitulah kisahnya chics, but i did tell my brother c mcm mana keadaan & kalo ade jodoh, insya-allahlah. for guys tu adelah tanngungjawab yg besau nak jaga anak org.
Yup yup betul tu...:ah:... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
ni matz dah nak simpan duit for next year.duit buku and uniform....kira2
$400 to $500 duit bas,duit madrasah...semua nak kena settle.
not easy being parents...anyway this is what our parents faced 20,30 or 40 years ago,when dia orang nak raise us up. |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 13-7-2004 08:41 AM:
ni matz dah nak simpan duit for next year.duit buku and uniform....kira2
$400 to $500 duit bas,duit madrasah...semua nak kena settle.
not easy being parents...anyway this is what our parents fac ...
yalah abg matz :setuju:
skrg punya time, education for children is not getting cheap, & majority of our expenses goes to children's education:ah: |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
kalau nak end of the year,siap2 lah ngan duit sekolah.....kalau me and wife simpan $100 each...by the time december comes tak perit sangat.siapkan payung sabelum hujan. |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 13-7-2004 09:05 AM:
kalau nak end of the year,siap2 lah ngan duit sekolah.....kalau me and wife simpan $100 each...by the time december comes tak perit sangat.siapkan payung sabelum hujan.
:setuju: lagi2 bila waktu hari raya nak menjelang kena sediakan duit sekolah untuk budak2. |
yes especially for parents yang anak 3,4...belanja sekolah makin naik..
i used to think why my mom tak nak give birth lagi after me
now i understand why..nak jaga me sorang pun kekadang kena ikat perut
apa lagi kalau ada adik beradik lain
when i was still a kid i remembered apa my mom used to cook untuk dinner
alhamdulillah sampai sekarang me tak cerewet kalau pasal makan
nasi wif telur n kicap pun jalan |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 13-7-2004 09:07 AM:
:setuju: lagi2 bila waktu hari raya nak menjelang kena sediakan duit sekolah untuk budak2.
matz kalau hari raya......spend only on necessities.sejak dah kawin ni....i more pentingkan kids education.beli budak2 punya baju raya tak sampai $20.
selalu nya matz belikan wife satu baju kat first lady...buat tanda mata di hari raya.matz ni low key di hari raya,cuma beli satu baju aja.sejak kawin ni...duit angpow tak leh lari.duit dapor matz sponsor for my parents and in laws.
angpow for parents and inlaw dah $400.dengan duit beli kueh and barang dapor plus angpowi think i spend around $1500.my wife ada record kat buku...nanti i check ngan dia. |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 13-7-2004 09:24 AM:
matz kalau hari raya......spend only on necessities.sejak dah kawin ni....i more pentingkan kids education.beli budak2 punya baju raya tak sampai $20.
selalu nya matz belikan wife satu baju ka ...
that's avery gd planning & also for track duit belanja. me & hubby pun selalu buat planning betul2 lagi dah nak pindah & beli mana yg perlu. me pun penah kata dgn hubby kalo beli barang2 mcm tv or anything tak mau hutang, bila ade duit cash baru beli, biar simple asalkan tak berhutang piutang:no::no: |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 13-7-2004 09:30 AM:
that's avery gd planning & also for track duit belanja. me & hubby pun selalu buat planning betul2 lagi dah nak pindah & beli mana yg perlu. me pun penah kata dgn hubby kalo beli bar ...
to yang nak berumah tangga......make sure you stable financially dulu.have the infastructure ready.....have your own flat and stable job.
good point there...try not to berhutang...nanti your hutang ballon to level you cannot handle...buruk akibat nya.
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 13-7-2004 09:24 AM:
...duit angpow tak leh lari.duit dapor matz sponsor for my parents and in laws.
angpow for parents and inlaw dah $400.dengan duit beli kueh and barang dapor plus angpowi think i spend around $1500.my wife ada record kat buku...nanti i check ngan dia.
Wah Abg Matz sponsor duit dapur both your parents and parents in law? Bagus nya...:tq::tq::tq: |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
ni cerita pasal dah kawin ....last time dulu masih matz anak satu...went house visiting time hari raya.went to one house....matz kasi budak2 kecik..
18 angpow $2 each......kasi lah budak2 pun happy.......sekali dia orang tak salam balik.bukan nak mengharapkan....i |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 13-7-2004 11:21 AM:
ni cerita pasal dah kawin ....last time dulu masih matz anak satu...went house visiting time hari raya.went to one house....matz kasi budak2 kecik..
18 angpow $2 each......kasi lah budak2 pun happ ...
me pun penah kena mcm gini, cuma diam aje, tapi kalo my anak buah or anak sendiri buat mcm gitu, kena spellinglah dgn i nanti bila org balik:gado: |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 13-7-2004 11:21 AM:
ni cerita pasal dah kawin ....last time dulu masih matz anak satu...went house visiting time hari raya.went to one house....matz kasi budak2 kecik..
18 angpow $2 each......kasi lah budak2 pun happ ...
salam balik tu means aper? parents dia org tak kasi ur anak duit or the kids tak salam u? :stp: |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by dilah21 at 13-7-2004 11:45 AM:
salam balik tu means aper? parents dia org tak kasi ur anak duit or the kids tak salam u? :stp:
parents tak salam my kids ..... |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 13-7-2004 11:47 AM:
parents tak salam my kids .....
me dah konpius ni:stp:
makna their kids tak salam u all ke?? |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 13-7-2004 11:47 AM:
parents tak salam my kids .....
uhuh.. da agak dah.. dulu my mom pun kena gitu.. den i bilang dia.. kalau banyak2 sangat or tak kenal sangat.. jangan kasi or only wen dey datang rumah ajer kasi .. hehe jahat eh.. |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 13-7-2004 11:51 AM:
me dah konpius ni:stp:
makna their kids tak salam u all ke??
Bukan SC, that means the parents of the kids that Abg Matz bagi duit raya, tak bagi duit raya pat anak2 Abg Matz... |
Originally posted by chicsee at 13-7-2004 11:55 AM:
Bukan SC, that means the parents of the kids that Abg Matz bagi duit raya, tak bagi duit raya pat anak2 Abg Matz...
oh gitu :tq::tq: chics baru sc paham. i dulu pun penah kena waktu budak2 tapi buat muka selamba aje & mcm sedihlah |
Frankly, Chic tak practice bagi duit raya pat rumah orang. Bukan lokek lah tapi kenkadang ramai sangat and unprepared. Tapi kalau ada yang kasi anak Chic, I will reciprocate. I think that's simple protocol... |
my rule of thumb is only to give wen they come my house
except for cases yang i know dorang takkan sempat datang |
| |
Category: Negeri & Negara