[size=+1]Supernova's new Japanese singles' covers+Six Stars Album Scans
Choshinseiis releasing 3 new singles, All About You, J.P. -Reborn- and Magokoro.Each single will have three versions, a Regular Edition, a LimitedEdition with DVD and a Limited Edition with postcard. There also seemsto be some kind of promotion where if you buy three of the singles youget to go to a special event. It doesn't really specify on CDJapanthough.
Magokoro will be released on May 12th, All About U will be released on May 13th, and J.P. -Reborn- will be released on May 14h.
All About U [Regular Edition]
All About U [w/DVD, Limited Edition - Type A]
All About U [w/postcard, Limited Edition - Type B]
J.P. -Reborn- [Regular Edition]
J.P. -Reborn- [w/DVD, Limited Edition - Type A]
J.P. -Reborn- [w- postcard, Limited Edition - Type B]
Thesix-member group Choshinsung has become the first Korean boy bandtostar in a Japanese film. Directed by Toshiro Sonoda, the movie is alovestory titled "Kimi ni Love Song wo," and it will be released onMay 11.
Choshinsungwill play themselves. By chance, one of the members(Sungje) meets ayoung Japanese fan who has lost her eyesight (NaoMinamisawa), and theirencounter turns into romance. The supportingcast includes YasukoMitsuura, Ken Watabe (of Unjash), Erena, and EikouKano.
In the movie, the members of Choshinsung speak in both Korean and Japanese.