<ONE PIECE> Raja Komik Jepun!! V2 ~~Chapter 542 Release~~
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Balas #339 cluesan\ catat
tu lah aku pelik....tapi dia power kot. |
Balas #340 cluesan\ catat
aheheheh..kintame la bawah sikit...  |
Reply #341 meela's post
dia ni DF user. boleh buat orang fall in love ngan dia, lepas tu org tu jadik batu. |
Hancock: The heart which views me with lewd thoughts... will harden your bodies....!!
"Mero Mero" Sweet Wind (I can't read the name assigned to this, the pic is too small and blurry)
("Mero Mero" is a sound associated with falling in love with someone.
She seems to have a devil fruit power that captivates others hearts)
Page 13:
All the men except for Momonga turns into stone.
Momonga withstands by stabbing his hand.
Hancock: I see, you erased the perversion in your thoughts with pain.
It shows the diffrence in experience you have
memang power tu..tapi aku rasa..kalau dia buat kat luffy mesti tak jalan..pasal luffy ni lurus bendul....
kene fall in love dulu ke baru bleh tukar jadik batu? |
Balas #346 cakedis_import\ catat
hahhaha...itu pasal la... |
luffy takleh tukar jadik batu laa..sengal semacam jerk..klu sanji bleh la kot..haha |
Reply #348 cakedis_import's post
sanji ko jgn cakap la. sekejap je da jadik batu.  |
Reply #349 meela's post
luffy pun tau aurat kan...  |
Balas #351 cluesan\ catat
hehhehehe.........masa pegi alabasta tu kan dia pakai ubah  |
Reply #352 meela's post
lights of heaven shining onto him.  |
One Piece ngan Fairy Tail org sama ke buat??lukisan lbh kurang je..hero pn watak lebih kurang.. |
huhu... tarikh excecution utk Ace da ditetapkan...seminggu lagi...  |
Reply #354 asura87's post
tak sama. One Piece mangaka dia Eiichiro Oda. Fairy Tail mangaka dia Hiro Mashima. |
Untuk semua forummers di Board Comics, Manga, Anime and Cartoons. Especially Thread One Piece.
Reply #358 cluesan's post
stroke lukisan dia sama, kan? siapa berguru dgn siapa ni?  |
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