[PARIS DIBOMB] Ummah Isle Belgium disyaki sebagai mastermind.Ummah kembali lega.
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In light of the recent tragedy in Paris, it's important to recognize the stages of Internet grief and outrage so we can all start healing:
1. Blame an entire race, religion, political party or country. It's not a few bad people, it's an entire population that's at fault. Make sure your friends on Facebook know what you think. Make sure to cherry-pick lots of examples to back up your claim!
2. Push your pro/anti-gun agenda. People are still grieving the loss of their loved ones. Now's your chance to kick dirt in their face with an "I-told-you-so!" post about how right and wise you were to promote your gun ideology. Pro-tip: mutter "when will people learn?" to yourself while you read your newsfeed and shake your head back and forth in disbelief.
3. Spread a crackpot conspiracy theory. Do all the signs of an attack point to ISIS? TOO OBVIOUS! That's what "they" want you to believe. Nevermind who "they" are, you're smarter than "them" and you know all-is-not-as-it-seems. When will people wake up? Better check Infowars to see if they'll affirm your theory. Spoiler: they do!
4. Check to make sure your friends and relatives in the country are safe. Or don't, you've got arguments to win on the Internet. No time for sympathy!
5. Realize the futility of arguing with idiots and log off Facebook for a week. This is the only real tip on this list.
Together we can put this behind us and go back to attacking each other for minor political differences in no time. Thanks
https://www.facebook.com/permali ... &id=17359118290 |
Nation Home > News > Nation
Published: Saturday November 14, 2015 MYT 6:54:00 PM
Updated: Saturday November 14, 2015 MYT 6:59:25 PM Paris attacks: Islamic State claims responsibility
CAIRO, Egypt: The Islamic State militant group claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris.
In an official statement the group said its fighters strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns carried out the attacks in various locations in the heart of the capital which were carefully studied. - Reuters
russia yg bedil ISIS kat Syria, ISIS pi serang perancis...... ko tak rasa pelik? ![](static/image/smiley/default/laught16.gif)
tuhan tgh makan popcorn ![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif)
melayu ni kagum sgt la dgn pak ereb padang pasir. seropa dah terlebih minum air kencing unta. insiden seropa ni pun masih dok memuja kesucian pak ereb. kafir yahudi la punca segala masalah kat dunia ni. ini la kesan agama pak ereb padang pasir pada ummah melayu. hilang terus pertimbangan akal, rasioanal bagi membezakan yg mana salah yg mana betul. |
Aku x setuju langsung bab2 bunuh civilians ni...Islam x ajar mcm ni pun!zaman Nabi x de pun bunuh org x brsalah!paler otak betul org yg duk perguna agama utk bunuh org lain..!last2 Islam yg dipersalahkan..ishhh!! |
teroris ISIS nie fail geografi? apasal serang Paris? apasal bukan Russia? ![](static/image/smiley/default/laught16.gif)
kafirun ni pura2 terkejut...is dok bunuh ramai orang sebelum ni pun![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
islam itu aman kan sis? ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
islam melarang pembunuhan semua manusia termasuk melarang menyeksa binatang. dah terang perbuatan bunuh org bukan islam adalah perbuatan spt Dajjal ( musuh islam) untuk memburuk nama islam. Fitnah ujian Dajjal makin dekat. |
Acong replied at 14-11-2015 11:49 AM
teroris ISIS nie fail geografi? apasal serang Paris? apasal bukan Russia?
ko jgnla bimbo sgt..hihihi
perancis dah lama musuhi muslim walopun ramai muslim di perancis
dah berapa kali perancis kena attack? aku pegi paris 2 bulan lepas pun train yg aku naik baru je kena attack dgn terrorist..dah byk kali paris diattack kak..kali ni je kena teruk sikit dari yg dulu2 |
tiba2 dajjal pula yang salah
ummah islam tetap maintain suci murni ahli sorga maksom/
typical statement,
dalam apa2 kes ummah mosles tetap maksom, suci morni ahli sorga firdausi.
yang salah nya tetap akan jatuh kepada ummah yahudi dan nasrani dajjal illuminati jah.
Mula lah nak fitnah Islam.
Macam tak biasa.
Allah SWT akan tunjuk kebenaran. |
sblm ni Dajal rekrut Osama, sudah matikan, guna pula ISIS , slps ni akan ada lg yg lain hingga islam dah jadi fobia dikalangan bukan islam,baru lah mereka target yg sebenar iaitu membunuh umat islam beriman di seluruh dunia.
nabi dah criter, Idola islam yg sebenar adalah imam mahdi yg berjuang di palastin.,yg bunuh org yg tak bersalah tu adalah golongan Dajjal. Ada org islam sendiri menjadi pengikut Dajjal krn tiada ilmu jd mudah di pengaruhi serta tersesat. |
Edited by sgshuhu at 14-11-2015 08:26 PM
Geli geleman aku bace comment melayu anti Islam nie. Urban sgt ke sampai nk murtad2 nie. Org pakai Ferrari pon gigih pergi masjid surau dgr Kuliah subuh. Lagilah urban gaji 100k sebulan , pergi out station luar negara sebulan sekali. Tpi xdelah sampai murtad bagai.
Kalau mata biru rambut perang, genetic kokosyen atheist ok lah jugak. Nie melayu layan akademi fantasia pon nk atheist2 bagai. Maiigadddd.
X kuasa Iols |
islam itu aman, jika x aman dah tentu lari dari prinsip islam krn ada benda yg tak betul.
Lepas ni jangan pulak ummah muslim mengelupur bila Europe tutup border utk refugees Syiria, tinggal kat laut je semua. Risk of terror semua itu.![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif)
Diharap Russia tingkatkan serangan terhadap pengganas pengganas ni. |
Pukimaknye terrorist dah buat keja setan lagi mau pakai nama islam. Anjing punya hidden agenda. |
paris kena cash......????
laaa 150++ jer yg mampos....
apa nak kecohnyer....
blom sampai tahap 2 - 3 puluh ribu...
kalau yg mampos tu 2-3 puluh ribu....
memeng patut kecoh.... |
Sapa sapa pun leh ngaku IS
But not a true moslem will fall for that massacre
Our prophet does not teach us to do that
Cukup lah dgn tu |
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