Reply #3743 mat_7824's post
ooo.... camtu... Maknanya still korang ada masa malam tu nak fikir apa yang nak dicakap... Lebih kurang lah, just korang ni tak dapat nak pilih tajuk... itu jee... Tajuk memang dah tersedia... Kalau nasib baik, dapat laa tajuk yang dapat digoreng... Tapi mostly, diorang bagi tajuk yang berbentuk pendapat korang laaaa kan.... Itu ala2 soalan interview gak tu....
Yang lagu negaraku tu, mesti kes yang melodi dia sama tu kan??? Susah nak komen tu.... Memang susah.... Kita nak bagi pendapat kena bagi pendapat yang relevan... Memang susah lah... |
Reply #3743 mat_7824's post
mmg ade participant yg propose camtue... kene emcee bgth dulu psl lagu negaraku, psl protocol..
tp kalau bende tue mmg dh berlaku n keep on going camtue.. cmne? yg make it complicated, sbb yg hadir kat situe..smua pesuruhjaya tinggi..yg mmg dh tau psl protocol...
gurl plak dpt tajuk psl pekerja berkaliber yg kene bertukar sbb kenaikan pangkat sedangkan jabatan perlukan kemahirannya utk kendalikan projek. ramai peserta bg idea nak tangguhkan pertukaran.. gurl tak propose cmtue n panel tanye, nape tak come out with d same idea cam other person... sbb mane bleh tgguh pertukaran naik pangkat seseorang...kene lepaskan walau terpaksa.. ntah btul ke tak haku jwb tue..
i enjoy every moment standing kat depan tue..even the 1st one minute tue..cam takut2 sket.. |
senang citer la...
pengucapan awam & public speaking kali ni mmg betul2 mencabar kekuatan minda kita...
tp preparation aku mmg sempoi giler...
semua point timbul time berucap, apa lagi...
kasi hantam semua la...
kehkehkehekhekhe... |
hebatla ko mat..
gurl plak..tak pi library pun...nk ckp 3-4 minutes jer..tue yg mls nk pk byk2..
so..balik bilik..tgk citer ice age mlm tue..aku mmg hantu tv ar.. |
nirelwof This user has been deleted
ape khabar semua? sy baru join nih..harap beri tunjuk ajar...
mcm nih...sy kene gi PAC kat INTIM 27 hb nih...tp tak tau lg nak gi mcm mane...maybe ikut cara gurl tu kot...tp nak tau gak hari ahad tu mcm mane? takde aktiviti langsung ke?
mcm mane gurl balik hari ahad tu?
one more thing, mcm mane sesi public speaking and pengucapan awam tu dijalankan? dlm dewan ke, dpn panel je ke? giliran mcm mane? sori la byk tanye sket...maklum la first timer...hehehehe...
buah cempedak di luar pagar,
silap salah tlg la ajar...
=) |
ganukiter This user has been deleted
gurl....kene bw sijil photostat ker origenal? pastu sijil akademik jer ker +++ko kokurikulm sekali? |
nirelwof This user has been deleted
boleh bawak laptop tak? ade wi-fi tak kat intim?
sape yg dah pegi intim, bilik dia mcm mana?
single ke double ke quadraple ke?
nirelwof This user has been deleted
terlanjur boyfwen ckp pasal provide info nih nak tanye yg dah pegi intim, agak2 ade wi-fi tak kat sana? hotspot ke? laptop leh bawak kan? just nak tau je...
INTIM 27/4....anyone? |
Reply #3748 nirelwof's post
welkam new forumer...
nirelwof dr mane? klau nk ikut cara gurl pun okey gak..tp kalau nk mbik bus siang hr pun bleh..
cm sesi hari tue..dah ade peserta yg register on thursday lg..so, nirelwof mbikla bus pagi..5-6 hours dh smpai kemaman...bgth driver bus tau, nk turun kat INTIM..nanti terlepas plak. recommended bus- trannsional..
mmg dlm calling letter..tulis hr jumaat-ahad. diorang wat camtu sbb takut ader activity yg tak smpat nak wat..
mane tau,ptg tue hujan..so, larian bleh dipostpone wat on sunday... kalau takde ape2 prob, actvity habis mlm ahad..around 11pm. kalau nk stay pun bleh..nak balik trus pun takpe...
pihak INTIM sedikan transport pagi ahad tue..kalau nk g kuantan, trus kat kemaman ar. kalo nk g KL, g kat medan geliga..beli tiket kat situe. nasib baik gurl cepat sket smpai medan geliga, smpat tiket almost sold out smpai malam..
psl pengucapan awam n public speaking...u'll be divided into groups.. rasenye 1 groups dlm 20 org kut. duk dlm bilik je... giliran plak randomly selected. ader sorang chairman, time keeper n 2 org panel utk evaluate kiter..
jgnla takut nirelwof...wat cam biase jer...make sure u r mental n physical prepared k! |
Reply #3751 nirelwof's post
nirelwof nie laki ke pmpuan?
hmm..ade bilik double,ade bilik single n ader bilik super double(4org)..
dun worri la ..mmg selesa giler..i dun heard any comment psl bilik...
nk bwk laptop? rase takde wifi..just LAN connection biase je kat library..
my advise...takyah la kut..wat berat je bwk laptop..
nk duk sane 2-3 hr jer..nak present public speaking pun 3-4 minutes jer..
materials kat library tue dh cukup... |
Reply #3749 ganukiter's post
gurl taktau plak kene bwk sijil yg ori ke tak..
sbb gurl tak kene g kaunter tue...
ganu prepare ajela..bwk both...ori n photostat copy...
rase nak sijil akademik jer...
utk confirmkn [email protected] call [email protected]? |
nirelwof This user has been deleted
thanx gurl...just call me nirel je...hmmm...gaya nirel wat post mcm pompuan ke? actually nirel nih lelaki...hehehe...nirel asal rompin, pahang tp skrg nih kat kl...
nirel skrg keje, sbb tu susah sket...memule igt tak nak pegi tp mak dah kuar ayat sadis plak.."jgn hampakan harapan mak.." siap offer nak anta smpi kemaman tu... huhu...nak tak nak terpaksa lah pegi jugak kan? tak tau la nk mintak cuti ngan bos or nak amik MC je....akan difikirkan kemudian...hehehe...
btw, thanx for the info and advice...looking forward to be there... |
mmg format baru kan...sbb dulu ada satu slot hr sabtu tu utk prepare public speaking slama 2 jam..kul 11-1 pm x salah aku...topik pn dpt awal lg..dlm kul 11 wktu taklimat tu...
start pengucapan awam after lunch hour hr sabtu tu...n mlm tu public speaking...ahad debat ptd muda...
so gud luck laa pd yg pi PAC kali nie... hrp2 korg smua berjaya...
[ Last edited by Potpouri at 16-4-2007 02:07 PM ] |
Reply #3756 nirelwof's post
samela..mule2 taknak g jugak...pastue mak bria sungguh g..
my advise to u..gi la nirel..org yg tak lepas xm brsungguh2 nak g.tak rugi pun..bleh + experience...
dh nirel ni laki..bleh la turun kat intim tue kul 4-5 pagi...i'Allah..selamatttt g n balik..
all d best k!! |
nirelwof This user has been deleted
insya Allah nirel akan usahakan utk pegi demi tak menghampakan harapan bonda tercinta...huhuu...
insya Allah boleh kot...tp klu ade tiket lewat lg nirel beli lg lewat la...smpi kul 6 ke 7 ke 8pg ke...takde la terkunang2 kat sana...hahaha...
thanx gurl...all the best to u too... |
nirelwof This user has been deleted
intim 27/4...anyone? anybody? |
ramainya org INTIM kat sini..neway tempat lain x der ker.. INTURA ada x.. aku kena gi sana..tapi x der member...bosannya ..nampak gaya bigboss kat umah ler kena hantar n amik ... |
Originally posted by mat_7824 at 16-4-2007 09:53 AM
syukur alhamdulillah...
aku baru masuk opis balik arini slps cuti 3 hari utk PAC @ IKWAS...
so far so good la...
cuma, jadual sedikit padat sbb semua aktiviti diselesaikan pada mlm Sabtu...
Sure rasa lega dah lepas pac ni..kan.. Niki nyer time 2 minggu lagi.. nervous giler. How IKWAS?. Macammana Tam ke sana?. Senang ke nak ke IKWAS ni?.
Boleh register awal sehari tak?. Niki plan nak gi hari khamis, give some allowance kot-kotlah sesat ke apa ke..
Do we get to share the room or it's a single room?. How do you prepare for the public speaking?, boleh gi ke library ke?.
Sorry ye Tam, bertalu2 soalan Niki. Tensyen tul pikirkan pac ni.. nak jogging pun tak sempat2 lagi...adusss!!! |
Since i dunno know exactly about what is PTD coz im not a PTD (sure la) ... just wannabe ..insyaallah..kalu ada rezki .. just nak tanya sesapa yang leh clarify kat aku certain things ;
1. Basic gaji utk PTD brape ? elaun bope banyak .. ( kalo leh nak yang update la, bukan la nak pandang duit sgt, saja nak tanya.. aku nie bakal jadi penganggur x lama lagi , just to know the market of employee outside there)
2. Kalau katakan dapatler PTD nie, nak apply sambung studies senang x. Brape lama kena amik masa sebelum leh sambung. ( Kalo leh i want to get my master n phd cepat2 before 30.. takut masa tue, dah x larat nak baca buku
nie harap2 senior ptd leh tolong jawabkan ek...
[ Last edited by boyfwen at 16-4-2007 04:05 PM ] |
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