UFO mendarat di Tasik Baikal?
BULATAN ganjil yang terdapat di Tasik Baikal, Siberia, Rusia.
TASIK BAIKAL - Satu bulatan ganjil muncul di Tasik Baikal yang beku di Siberia, Rusia sehingga mencetuskan perdebatan berhubung kewujudannya, lapor sebuah akhbar semalam.
Beberapa saintis menafikan penglibatan objek yang tidak dikenali (UFO) tetapi mereka turut bingung bagaimana fenomena itu boleh berlaku.
Tasik Baikal merupakan tasik air tawar terbesar di dunia.
Imej itu dirakamkan oleh beberapa angkasawan yang berada di Stesen Angkasa Lepas Antarabangsa (ISS).
Angkasawan tersebut mencatatkan perkembangan bulatan itu apabila ia muncul buat pertama kali pada 5 April sehingga 27 April lalu apabila ais mula mencair.
"Hampir sepanjang bulan April, bulatan itu masih wujud," kata seorang jurucakap Pentadbiran Aeronautik dan Angkasa Lepas Kebangsaan (NASA).
"Bulatan itu muncul apabila air terbentuk dan hilang ketika air cair. Keadaan itu menunjukkan ais itu nipis," tambahnya.
- Agensi |
Reply #334 Syd's post
jenuh aku ngejas mata aku.. ingatkan camner la bulatan tu.. rupanya view atas sebuat tasik yang besar... |
Bizarre UFO-like halo over Moscow
http://buzz.yahoo.com/buzzlog/93092?fp=1A Halo Over Moscowby Mike Krumboltz
And you thought rainbows were cool. A few days ago, a mysterious cloud shaped like a halo appeared over Moscow, and the buzz has yet to break.
We're the first to admit that a photograph of the heavenly cloud appears to be photoshopped. It's just so...perfect. But meterologists have spoken up and said the cloud wasn't digitally altered. However, it wasn't exactly what it appeared to be, either.
When the cloud initially formed, some UFO enthusiasts declared it to be a "true mystery." Some even compared it to the giant spaceship hovering over Earth in the movie "Independence Day." Reality quickly dashed any predictions of an alien invasion. An article from the Daily Mail explains that the "luminous ring-shaped cloud" was simply an optical effect.
An official spokesperson for Moscow's weather department said, "Several fronts have been passing through Moscow recently, there was an intrusion of the Arctic air too, the sun was shining from the west |
Post Last Edit by leotazz818 at 14-10-2009 11:17
lately ni mcm2 perkara pelik keluar... hari tu gempa bumi, tsunami & ribut taufan...
takutnyee... |
bersedia utk berperang............ |
bersedia utk berperang............
jofizo Post at 14-10-2009 12:00
tapi ufo lagi bijak dr kita & lebih canggih senjata diorg..
dunia diorg di bermuda triangle... sbb tu kalau kapal lalu kat situ, kuasa magnet kapal akan sifar...betul?
so kapal or kapal terbang akan hilang punca... :re: |
tapi ufo lagi bijak dr kita & lebih canggih senjata diorg..
dunia diorg di bermuda triangle... sbb tu kalau kapal lalu kat situ, kuasa magnet kapal akan sifar...betul?
so kapal or kapal terbang ...
leotazz818 Post at 14-10-2009 12:11
maybe betol
aku sokong!!! |
UFO di China .
Bandar Udara Xiaoshan langsung dVIVAnews - Benda terbang aneh atau UFO (unidentified flying object) diduga penyebab gangguan lalu lintas udara di Hangzhou, ibu kota Provinsi Zhejiang, China Rabu, 7 Juli 2010.
Informasi tersebut diperoleh berdasarkan informasi dari pejabat setempat, Kamis 8 Juli 2010, seperti dimuat laman Xinhua.
Bandar Udara Xiaoshan langsung ditutup setelah UFO terdeteksi sekitar pukul 21.00 waktu setempat.
Menurut juru bicara bandara, sejumlah penerbangan dialihkan ke bandar udara di kota lainnya, Ningbo dan Wuxi.
Saat ini, bandar udara Xiaoshan telah beroperasi kembali. Investigasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui penyebab pasti gangguan penerbangan itu.
Penampakan benda misterius diduga UFO kerap dilaporkan terjadi di China.
Beberapa minggu lalu, sebuah penampakan UFO direkam dari kompleks apartemen di Kota Hefei di China. Benar ke?
Lebih dari 20 saksi mata melaporkan penampakan tak biasa itu ke pos-pos polisi setempat.
Benda mirip piring terbang itu terbang zig zag diudara dan mengeluarkan suara bising. Belum ada keterangan resmi dari pemerintah, benarkan benda itu UFO, pesawat biasa, atau perbuatan iseng seseorang. (adi)itutup setelah UFO terdeteksi sekitar pukul 21.00.
[size=78%]Sumber: http://dunia.vivanews.com/news/r ... enerbangan-di-china |
Post Last Edit by bluezink at 16-7-2010 16:04
A photo taken by a resident in Hangzhou shows an unidentified flying object hovering over Hangzhou, capital of East China's Zhejiang province, late Wednesday, July 7, 2010
An UnidentifiedFlying Object which disrupted air traffic in a Chinese city has a"military connection", a Chinese official has said.
The authorities have learnt what the UFOwas after investigations, but it was not the "proper time to publiclydisclose" the information because there was a "military connection" toit, the State-run China Daily quoted an official as saying.
The UFO has disrupted air traffic over Hangzhou, capital of China's Zhejiang's province on Wednesday.
The Xiaoshan airport was closed afterthe UFO was detected at around 9 pm, and some flights were re-routed toairports in the cities of Ningbo and Wuxi, said an airport spokesman.
The airport had resumed since operations and more details will be released after an investigation, he said.
Inbound flights were diverted to the nearby airports in Zhejiang province's Ningbo and Jiangsu province's Wuxi.
Outbound flights were delayed for three to four hours.
A staff member at the airport's information desk said the airport had "no idea" how many flights were "affected by the closure".
Another official daily, Global Times, reported that 'a UFO trailed by a fan-shaped white light appeared last Wednesday in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region'.
It was later identified as debris froman intercontinental missile launched by the United States, SongHuagang, secretary general of the Xinjiang Astronomy Society said.
UnidentifiedFlying Objectlaaa tuuu |
marvelous! |
UFO - aku percaya
Makhluk asing - sampai bila pun aku x kan prcaya. |
betul ker ni.. |
sape tahu tu mungkin projek military rahsia kerajaan china..
aku pun same ngan laksamanamelaka...
percaya itu object yang tak dikenalpasti tapi bukan makhluk asing.. |
UFO tu biaser ah tgk tp alien lom pernah tgk live lagik |
wow ni 1st time ni UFO nmpk terang lagi jelas...biasa cam piring jer.. |
biar betul....looks real to me... |
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