thanks to natali and credits to webby for translations from soompi
저 기사 사진 넘 이쁜것 같아요
that picture in the news is really pretty
그리고, 미투데이 오늘 쿠로 흥했군요~ ㅋ
also, Ku appeared on me2day today~(smile)
thanks and credits to webby for tranlstions from soompi
Fan Account
오늘 홍대 놀이터 공연을 보고 왔습니다~
I went to the Hongdae playground to see Ku today~
아침 11시부터 기다렸는데 쓰레기도 많아서 냄새도 났고, 후회되네요.. 엄청 늦게 가도 됐을텐데ㅜㅜ
I started waiting from 11am, there were a lot of trash around and the smell of garbage was present, i regretted... seems like i could have gone really late instead (crying sign)
혼자 갔지만 나중에 쿠갤 분들을 만나서 외롭진 않았답니다ㅋ
Although I went alone, other Ku gallery fans came later on, so i wasn't bored (laugh)
아무튼 엄청난 기다림 끝에 4시 25분에 밴드 팀들과
anyway after waiting for a long time, the band and
엠넷 촬영팀이 도착을 했더군요.
Mnet filming crew arrived at 4:25pm. (oops.. this fan waited really long. i feel sorry for him).
전 최인영씨한테 가서 말도 걸어봤습니다 ㅎㅎ 앞에 섰는데 키가 엄청 크시더라구요 ㄷㄷ
I approached Choi In Young-sshi (the musical director for "Magic") and chatted with him. (laugh sign) Seeing him in front of me, he's truly tall.
"안녕하세요, 공연관람은 앞에서 해야되나요?"
"Hello, will the public performance be held here?"(<--i'm not very sure whether i understood him right)
그래서 몇분뒤에 자리를 옮겼는데 사람들도 따라 무섭게 옮기시더라구요ㅎㄷㄷ
Therefore, a couple minutes later i changed my place, other people followed and scarily made their move.
겨우 맨 앞자리 잡았는데 엠넷 카메라 맨분이 제 앞에 오시더라구요..
It was with great difficulty that i secured a place in the front, however the Mnet camera men later came and stood in front of me..
그래서 전 공연 관람하는 내내 좀 힘들었답니다 ㅜㅜ
Therefore, it was hard to view the performance (crying sign)
아직 혜선누나께서 도착을 안하셔서 기다리고 있는데
At that time, HS-nuna still hasn't appeared yet so i was still waiting
앞에 카메라 맨 분이 서현진씨 맞죠? 이러셔서 깜짝 놀랐습니다..
The camera men said u're Seo Hyun Jin-sshi right? (she's the female lead of Magic) I was surprised.
서현진씨가 어느세 와서 서있었기 때문이죠..
Seo Hyun Jin-sshi already came without me noticing..
역시 연예인이니 실물이 더 예쁘시더군요!
It's true that entertainers look even better when u see them face to face!
그리고 주인공인 혜선누나는 5시 30분에 도착.. 역시 주인공다운;
HS-nuna arrived at 5:30pm... as expected of the main star
혜선누나가 도착하자마자 사람들이 "와 구혜선이다, 엄청 말랐어, 역시 얼짱인게 맞구나"
The moment she arrived, people exclaimed "Woah, it's GHS, she's so thin, just as i expect of an uhljjang"
라고들 하더군요ㅎㅎ 역시 실물이 진리이죠!
that's the truth when you see her in person!
혜선누나께서 마이크를 드시고 밴드 이름을 소개하셨는데 구신의 밴드라고 하셨던것 같아요ㅋ
HS-nuna held on to a mic and introduced the band's name -- Ku-shin's (Goo-spirit, as translated by sue) band
그리고 이번 공연은 불우이웃돕기 공연이라고 모금함을 가져 오셨더군요.
In addition, this public performance is a 불우이웃돕기(??) which is a fund raising event.
공연이 시작되고 "그녀는 갈색머리, 사장님 앨범 내주세요 송, 헤이헤이.." 등등 많이 했답니다.
The performance started with "The girl's brown hair, president-nim please produce the album song, hey hey.." etc... there were a lot of songs.
한곡 끝날 때마다 혜선누나께서 모금함을 들고 관중들 주위를 한바퀴씩 돌고
After each song, HS-nuna will carry the fund raising box and walk in a circle around the audience
사람들은 모금함에 돈을 넣고 혜선누나와 악수를 했답니다..
The audience placed their money in the collection box and shook hands with HS-nuna.
다들 악수하려고 돈을 내더군요.. 전 얼굴이라도 마주치고 싶어서 돈을 막냈습니다..
Everyone gave money becoz they wanted to shake her hand... I wanted to see her face to face (up close) so I donated money..
처음엔 2천원.. 그다음엔 만원.. 그다음엔 천백원.. 그다음에 또 만원 냈을때 엄지손가락으로
At first i gave 2000 won (~2USD).. then later 10 000 won (~10USD) and later 1100 won... and then again when i gave 10 000 won, i shook her thumb.. (laughing sign)
악수를 했죠ㅎㅎ
그리고 마지막 앵콜 곡이 끝나고 혜선누나께서 또 모금함을 들고 한바퀴를 돌았습니다.
After the last encore song ended, HS-nuna brought the collection box and walked another round.
노래에 맞춰 5분정도 모금함을 들고 계셨는데
She carried the fund raising box during 5 minutes of the song
사람들이 처음에 돈을 내시다가 이제 다들 없으신지
At first people would donate money but now they run out of money
더 이상 내는 사람이 없더군요..
and can't donate anymore..
전 만원짜리 지폐하나밖에 안남아서.. 낼까 말까 하다가 기회닷!! 하고
I only have a single 10 000 won bill left... I was debating whether i should donate my last bill or not.... this is the chance!! and i looked upward at HS-nuna.
돈을 들고 혜선누나를 쳐다봤습니다.
혜선누나와 얼굴을 마주보면서 줄까 말까 이런식으로 하다가 결국 주고 악수를 세게 했습니다ㅎㅎ "고마워요" 이러시더군요.
When i saw her face and wondered whether i should or should not donate the money, in the end i donated and shook her hand for the 3rd time (laughing sign). She said "thank you".
총 합쳐서 3만 2천 백원을 불우이웃돕기 모금함에 넣었죠.. 그리고 부모님께 말해서 엄청 혼났답니다;;
All together i donated 32 100 won... after i told my parents that, i got a heavy scolding.
공연이 끝난 뒤 싸인 받으러 달려갔는데 매니저가 혜선씨만 급하게 데려가더라구요, 건물안으로.
After the performance ended I wanted to get an autograph, but the manager hurriedly took only HS-sshi away, into the building.
혹 시 다시 나올까 해서 기다렸는데 뒤에 계단에서 서현진씨가 내려오시더군요.
I waited in case she came out again, in the end Seo Hyun Jin-sshi came down the stairs.
' 기회닷!'
"this is my chance!"
한번 싸인해달라고 했습니다.
please sign for me once, i said.
서현진씨는 오히려 싸인할만한 평평한 곳이 없어서 당황하시더군요.
Seo Hyun Jin-sshi didn't have a level surface to give me her signature and appeared flustered.
싸인을 해주시려는 마음이 너무나도 착한것 같습니다.
however sensing her willingness to give me her signature i think she's a kind person.
매니저 님도 착하시더군요. 서현진씨께 책판을 주셔서 싸인을 할수 있게 해주시고.
The manager is also kind. He gave seo Hyun Jin-sshi a board so she can sign for me.
"영화 기대할게요."
"I'm looking forward to the movie."
"네, 감사합니다."
"Thank you."
한마디씩 얘기를 했습니다.
We said those words one by one.
제가 난생 처음 받는 연예인 싸인이 서현지씨 싸인이 될줄이야 꿈에도 몰랐네요ㅎ
This is the first time i've ever gotten an autograph by an entertainer, and i'd never dream that it could be seo hyun jin-sshi's signature
싸인받고도 혜선씨 싸인을 받고 싶어서 계속 기다렸습니다 ㅜㅜ
After receiving her signature i also wished to receive HS-sshi's signature so i continued waiting (crying sign)
그런데 어떤 아저씨둘이서 제 앞에서 얘기를 하시더군요.
However two ajusshis stood in front of me and were talking.
살짝 엿들었는데 "6월 19일 vip 시사회 때는 꼭 초대 하겠습니다."
i heard a bit of what they said, something about "I'll definitely give the invitation for the VIP premiere taking place on June 19th"
?? 어떤 아저씨와 관계자분과 얘기중이셨더라구요..
it seems like the ajusshi was speaking to someone in charge of the management company.
얘기가 끝나고 제가 일반 시사회는 언제냐고 물어봤습니다.
After they finished talking, i asked when will the premiere for regular people (public) be?
아직 정해지진 않았지만 6월 십몇일 때가 될거라고 하시더군요.
It's not decided yet but it may be in June after the 10th.
제 기억력으론 여기까지가 전부입니다.. 더 쓸것도 있긴하지만 글로는 표현을 못하겠어서;
This is all of what i remembered.. although i can still write more, i don't think i can express it using words
p.s 제가 디카로 공연 처음부터 끝까지 촬영하려 했는데
p.s I wanted to record the entire performance using my digital cam
엠넷촬영팀이 있어서 포기했답니다; 제 앞에 바로 카메라 맨이 계셔서
but i gave up becoz the Mnet team was there, the camera men was standing right in front of me
촬영하기도 힘들었구요ㅜㅜ
it was hard to record even if i want to (crying sign)
카메 라 맨께선 2주후에 방송될것같다고 하셨습니다.
The camera men said the recording will be shown 2 weeks later.
그래도 제가 찍은거라도 올려드릴께요^^
however i'll upload the pictures i took ^^
Cre DC
This post is titled 오늘 쿠와 같은 연습실 건물에서 어떤분이 받은 싸인이라는데..ㅋ on DC.
it reads: This is the signature obtained by someone who was using the same practice room as HS.
6월 2일 뮤카합주정모때 받은 싸인ㅋ
June 2nd, during the 뮤카합주정모, i received the signature
ㅋㅋㅋ 합주정모때 구혜선씨에게 싸인받았어요
I received GHS sshi's sign during 합주정모
베이스픽가드에 쿡쿡쿡
Base 픽가드에 쿡쿡쿡 (???)
(※ 댓글에 이런글도)
(the replies to the post are as follows)
구혜선 : 이름이 뭐에요?
GHS: what's your name?
lovevzoro: 김현중이요
lovevzoro: Kim hyun joong.
구혜선 : '움찔'
GHS: 'startled'
(laughing sign)
출처 lovevzoro님 네이버 카페/musefan/79363
Reduced: 93% of original size [ 550 x 366 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 93% of original size [ 550 x 366 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 93% of original size [ 550 x 366 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 93% of original size [ 550 x 366 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 93% of original size [ 550 x 366 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 93% of original size [ 550 x 366 ] - Click to view full image Reduced: 93% of original size [ 550 x 366 ] - Click to view full image
nora yg ini yu ade tempek tak..mian tk beklog sgt...kalo ade bgtaw nnt ai del
credits to webby for translations from soompi
Goo Hye Sun
진이 군대갔다고 슬퍼할 새가 없네요
Jini went to the army but there's no time to be sad
제가 오늘
today i
홍대에서 구혜선을 보았습니다!!!!!!!!!!!!
saw Goo Hye Sun at Hongdae!!!!!!!!!!!
인증샷과 동영상을 올릴게요
I will upload the picture and clip as evidence
저 구혜선누나랑 악수하고
I shook hands with GHS-nuna
누나가 저만보고 말걸어줬어요
nuna looked only at me and talked to me
(진짜 레알이야 이건 내 상상이아니라 병신들아)
(This is true, it's not my imagination)
쨋든 여신이었어...한가인만 없엇더라면
Anyway, she's a goddess... if there's no Han Ga In
구혜선이 1짱이야 얘들아
guys....GHS will be first
PS 김상욱 병신생퀴야^^^*부러운거 다안다
PS Kim Sang Uk 병신생퀴 (<-- no idea what this means). i know you guys envy me.
cr :
thanks to sidudul and credits to webby for translations from soompi
지방선거날. 홍대에 슬렁슬렁 돌아다니는데 뜨거운 햇살때문에 점심을 먹고 카페에 콕 박혀 있다가 조금 선선해 지는 5~6시 사이에 나왔다. 홍대 놀이터 쪽에서 많은 사람들이 모여있고 노랫소리가 들리길래 가봤더니 여러대의 카메라가 있고 사람들은 술렁술렁~
District election day. I was roaming around Hongdae but it was so hot that i went to have lunch. I stayed in the cafe and came out around 5-6pm. A lot of people were gathered in the direction of Hongdae's playground. Hoping to catch some music, I went there and saw several cameras and people in a commotion~
처음엔 그냥 연주하나 보다 했는데 알고보니 '구혜선'! 아..그래서 사람들이 이렇게도 많이 북적거렸구나-*
Initially i thought it was just another performance, until i saw 'GHS'! no wonder it's jammed
무얼하나 했더니 어려운 이수과 몸이 불편한 친구들을 돕고자합니다!라는 모금함을 들고 돌아다니는 구혜선의 모습이 보였다. 아이고 이뻐라
She was collecting donations to help out the physically disabled and walking around with the collection box. Aigoo.. pretty
노래 하나를 하고 끝나면 모금함을 들고 돌아다니는 구혜선. 그녀가 모금함을 들고 가는데마다 사진을 찍고 난리가 났었다.
Whenever a song finishes, GHS would go around with the collection box. When she goes around, an uproar will happen as people start taking pictures.
어쩜 저 작은 얼굴에 눈,코,입,보조개가 다 있단 말이냐! 역시 텔레비젼에는 좀 통통하게 나오던데 실제로 보니 엄청 말랐구나....+_+
How can such a small face contain eyes, nose, mouth and dimples! As expected she appears chubbier on TV but in actual fact she's extremely thin... (dazzled)
너무 예쁘게 웃는 구혜선씨 얼굴만큼이나 마음씨도 예뻤다. 어떤 할아버지분께서 너무 좋아서 지팡이로 덩실덩실 거리시니 사람들이 보호 차원에서 내보내려고 하자 구혜선씨가 "그러지 마세요"라며 할아버지 손을 잡아준...
GHS-sshi who smiles prettily Not just her face, but her heart is pretty. A grandpa was there with a cane and people tried to remove him, and GHS-sshi said "please don't do that" and grabbed the grandpa's hand.
예쁜 마음씨가 너무 보기 좋았던 구혜선씨.
I feel good looking at GHS-sshi's beautiful heart.
보고있으면 인형이 걸어다니는것 같다. 참 귀엽고 순수한 외모로 여러 사람들에게 사랑을 받는 이유는 얼굴만이 다가 아닐 것이다.
If you watch her, it's like seeing a doll walking. She's really pretty and has a pure/innocent appearance. I don't think she's well loved by people just because of her looks.
더운 날씨 속에서도 방긋방긋 웃으면서 "노래가 하나 끝났으니 이제 모금함을 들고 저는 어김없이 돕니다.하하하"라면서 돌아다니시는 구혜선씨.
Even on such a hot day, she smiles brightly saying "The song ended so I will now bring the donation box. Please help out. hahaha."
옆의 악기연주, 노래를 들으며 무척 좋았던 시간.
Listening to the instrumental performance, and the singing, it was truly a good time.
잔잔한 음악부터 격정적인 멜로디까지 눈과 귀가 모두 즐거웠다.
From the calm music to the passionate melody, my eyes and ears were having a feast.
사람들도 꽤나 질서 정연하게 자신의 자리를 지키고 공연을 관람했었다.
The people there were fairly orderly, guarding their place as they watched the performance.
수많은 카메라와 시민들의 플래쉬 세례속에 구혜선씨의 일거수일투족을 모두 사진에 담아내던 사람들. 나라면 너무 힘들것 같은에 힘든 내색 없이 내내 웃으셨던 모습이 참 보기 좋았다.
People were trying to capture every single movement of GHS with their cameras and flashes. Though it seems like it would be difficult for her, there wasn't any sign of uneasiness and I felt good watching her as she kept smiling.
모금함을 손에 꼭 쥐고 계신 모습.
GHS who kept holding the donation box.
어떤 분이 모금함을 불시에 찍으러 나가자 당황한 모습!ㅋㅋㅋ
Somebody's flustered appearance as they tried to take a picture of the donation box! (laugh)
카메라가 마구마구 돌아다니고 엠티비에서도 나와 찍고 구혜선씨 주위에 전담 카메라가 있었다.
The exclusive camera for recording by M tv (mnet tv?) was also there.
두리번 두리번 거리는 모습. 내 앞의 남자분이 계속해서 "여신이다!"라고 외쳐됐던...ㅋ
Her looking around. The guy in front of me kept shouting repeatedly "she's a goddess!'
노래에 맞춰 손뼉도 치고 음악을 즐기는 구혜선씨...
GHS-sshi who clapped along with the music
나의 친구도 모금함에 수줍게 돈을 넣었던... 미안쌍수- 이때 나의 디카가 제정신이 아니었나보다. 화질이....-_ㅜ
My friend also bashfully donated... sorry Ssang su, my dcam went crazy. the picture quality.. (cry)
카메라맨 지못미....ㅎ 구혜선씨가 모금함을 들고 돌아다니면 악기를 연주하며 백그라운드 뮤직을 깔아준다.
sorry for not protecting u, camera men.
가까이 가기만 하면 여기서 디카,폰카 총 출동!!!
When she comes close, all the d-cams start operating!!!
어느새 자리를 잡고 앉은 구혜선씨. 털털한 모습을 보여주면서도 때때로 귀엽게, 때로는 장난스럽게, 그러면서 진지하게 음악에 임한다.
GHS-sshi sat down before we realized it. Revealing the easygoing side of her, sometimes she's cute, sometimes playful, earnest with the music.
멘트중. 기타도 칠줄 알았구나... 목소리가 참 가늘면서 예뻤다.
in the midst of a ment. she can even play the guitar... her voice is fine and pretty.
노래도 하고 기타도 치고, 옆사람에게 마이크를 건내 화음을 이루기도 하고...
She sang and played the guitar. she handed the mic to the people beside her and also harmonized with the music...
이건 아직 기타 잡기 전이구나. 인형이구나!!!!+_+
This is before she took her guitar. doll like HS!!!!
멘트중. 노래를 소개하는 중.
In the midst of a ment. introducing the song.
꽃남에서 노래하고 피아노 칠때도 잘 하는구나 생각했는데 이렇게 홍대 놀이터에서 직접 듣고 보니 더 좋았던 시간.
I thought she sang and played the piano well during BOF, but it's even better to hear and watch her in person at Hongdae's playground.
감미로운 노래 부르는중.
Singing a sweet tune.
여자가 봐도 예쁜데 남자들은 오죽할까...ㅋ 텔레비젼이나 실제로나 똑같이 예쁜 얼굴
Girls find her pretty, what more guys... Her face is as pretty as it is on TV
옆모습도 귀엽구나!!!
Even her side profile looks cute!!!
선선한 여름 초저녁 바람과 감미로운 노래, 구혜선씨의 아름다운 모습이 젊음과 개성의 거리, 홍대 놀이터에서 참 멋진 시간으로 다가왔던 6월2일.
The cool summer's early evening breeze along with the soothing music, GHS-sshi's beautiful appearance, a youthful and individualized space, that is the cool time i spent at Hongdae on June 2nd.
얼굴만큼이나 예쁜 마음씨, 꾸밈없는 모습이 참 보기좋았던 구혜선씨가 왜 다들 좋아하는지 알것 같았다.
With a heart as beautiful as her face, and an unaffected personality/appearance, I think I know why everyone likes her.
cr :
thanks minjee for the pics and weeby for translations from soompi
월 1일 수원야구장..
month (prob missing the word 6= june), 1st, Suwon's baseball stadium
이제는 너무 익숙한 야구선주 준^^
Jun (kim jun) who's become skilled in baseball
특별히 응원을 와준 구혜선과 함께...
together with GHS, who came specially to show her support
thank you so much to susAmerica for translations from soompi
KHS-Taxi Talk Show
Lee youngja (L): Today’s guest is a director but also an actress…should I introduce?
It is GHS
(On screen: GHS~an independent artist)
Gong Hyung JIn (G) -Even in rain, you are still pretty.
L-_How about me?
G- What? (Laughter)
L-What has been your schedule today?
GHS-Today, Yo-Sool’s preview starts in Japan. (Did she go to Japan before taping?)
G-When does it open?
GHS-In theatres on June 24th.
L-Let’s get in the Taxi and try to investigate GHS-ssi.
G-She is a director, actress, composer and artist and 27 years old.
L-HS-ssi, let’s go in. (she looks at GHS’s clothing) You know? I thought you would come to the show dressed up.
G-Well, she is dressed up like a director.
L-But, there is such thing as a dress,,,It feels like something is a miss…
G-If you lean back, you will be seen better on camera
(in the cab)
G-Good to see you, HS-ssi
GHS-Nice to meet you, (It must be her first time meeting the mc’s—so formal that Lee looks backwards and laugh.)
L-This is our very first shy guest.
L-First, we have to decide on the destination. So HS-ssi decide. Where do you want to go?
GHS-I would like to go to sightseeing ship/cruise ship.
G- You have never been on it?
GHS-I did but it was a very cold then.
L-in winter? For a drama?
L-OK—it is good to ride it today because there is hardly anybody on it.
(preview of cruise ship—later)