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Author: virgomal

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Post time 19-4-2006 11:45 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by skgerl at 17-4-2006 07:22 PM

Wow..kalau i got your appetite for veges kan bagus. Very healthy! Coz sayur i tak makan..lagi-lagi taugeh...and bawang. Sayur yg i makan tat i can think of is terung and kentang je..tapi gard ...

makan sayur nanti bunti mmmbbbkkkk...mmmbbbkkk... hehehehe

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Post time 19-4-2006 11:46 AM | Show all posts
RAGU-RAGU sama ada anda menghidap prostat bengkak?

Jika demikian, perhatikan tujuh tanda penyakit ini:

Pancutan air kencing tidak kuat

Rasa air kencing yang dibuang tidak habis

Sukar memulakan untuk membuang air kecil

Asyik membuang air kecil

Tidak dapat menahan untuk membuang air kecil

Kerap bangun malam untuk kencing

Pembuangan air kencing terganggu kerana kerap berhenti dan bermula lagi.

Bagaimanapun, untuk memastikannya, anda dinasihatkan berjumpa doktor.

Dua ujian boleh dijalankan - satu untuk menilai berapa berat masalah prostat bengkak anda itu dan satu lagi untuk mengesan barah prostat.

Ceramah derma tulang sumsum

DAPATKAN penerangan mengenai bagaimana anda boleh membantu pesakit barah khususnya mereka yang menderita penyakit leukemia dan masalah darah yang lain.

Satu ceramah dalam bahasa Inggeris bertajuk Selamatkan Nyawa: Program Derma Tulang Sumsum akan diadakan pada Isnin, 24 April, dari 12.45 tengah hari hingga 1.45 petang di auditorium News Centre, Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) di Toa Payoh North.

Ceramah oleh Program Derma Tulang Sumsum itu diadakan sempena Hari Epal Merah SPH sebagai sebahagian daripada langkah menyelamatkan nyawa pesakit masalah darah.

Para penceramahnya terdiri daripada Cik Jane Prior, Presiden BMDP, dan Dr Mickey Koh, Pemangku Pengarah Pusat Perubatan Pemindahan, Penguasa Sains Kesihatan (HSA).

Ceramah ini terbuka kepada ramai dan tiada bayaran dikenakan untuk menghadirinya.

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Post time 19-4-2006 11:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SQ154 at 19-4-2006 11:46 AM
RAGU-RAGU sama ada anda menghidap prostat bengkak?

Jika demikian, perhatikan tujuh tanda penyakit ini:

Pancutan air kencing tidak kuat

Rasa air kencin ...

Masalah prostate ini masalah kaum adam..jadi kaum adam take note ya

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Post time 19-4-2006 12:01 PM | Show all posts
Come, eat our feet

VISITORS who soak in this hot spring at Hakone Kowakien are literally being eaten alive by the 1,000 fishes that swim in its waters.

And many of them hope that the fish, called Garra rufa, eat their fill.

That is because the Garra rufa feeds only on dead skin and is believed by many people to cure skin problems like psoriasis, eczema and acne.

Visitors at the spa, known as 'Dr Fish', are asked to take a dip in the hot springs up to three times a day and up to two hours each time to allow the fish to nibble away the affected areas of the skin.

The Garra rufa treatment first gained popularity in spas in Kangal, Turkey, in the 1960s.

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Post time 26-4-2006 08:23 PM | Show all posts
KITA mungkin pernah dengar nasib seseorang di mana nenek, ibu serta ibu saudaranya menghidap penyakit barah.

Adakah ini turun-temurun atau sekadar kebetulan?

Menurut doktor, memang ada kemungkinan penyakit barah dihidapi secara turun-temurun dalam keluarga beberapa generasi, malah melibatkan ahli keluarga dalam usia yang lebih muda.

Dr Peter Ang, konsultan di Jabatan Onkologi (Penyakit Barah) di Pusat Barah Nasional Singapura (NCC), berkata barah memang penyakit biasa tetapi kebanyakannya berlaku sekali-sekala dalam sesebuah keluarga.

Tetapi, kelihatannya banyak penyakit barah seperti barah buah dada, usus dan paru-paru berlaku secara turun-temurun dalam sebuah keluarga.

Memang ada faktor-faktor risiko lain seperti pemakanan, merokok dan sekitaran yang boleh membawa kepada sakit barah di kalangan beberapa ahli dalam sesebuah keluarga.

Tetapi, dalam sesetengah keluarga, penyakit barah kelihatan dihidapi dalam beberapa generasi dan melibatkan mereka yang lebih muda, tegas Dr Ang.

Dalam hal ini, dijangkakan bahawa gen-gen yang telah menjalani perubahan bertanggungjawab mengakibatkan barah daripada satu generasi kepada satu generasi, katanya lagi.

Namun begitu, oleh kerana tiada ujian genetik mudah yang boleh dijalankan untuk mengesan penyakit barah buat masa ini, cara doktor menjalankan ujian begini ialah dengan membuat penilaian terperinci berdasarkan sejarah kesihatan tiga generasi keluarga itu.

Jika daripada penilaian itu didapati ada seorang yang mungkin boleh menghidap barah, beberapa ujian genetik boleh dijalankan ke atasnya.

'Tapi, buat masa ini, ujian-ujian genetik ini banyak menggunakan tenaga dan mahal pula, dan didapati positif di kalangan hanya 50 peratus dalam keluarga-keluarga yang terjejas.

'Jadi, walaupun ujian itu didapati negatif, itu tidak bererti mereka terlepas langsung daripada kemungkinan menghidap barah dan tidak memerlukan ujian lebih rapi,' kata Dr Ang.

Bagaimanapun, tambah Dr Ang, memandangkan ujian genetik begitu kompleks, maka merujukkan diri kepada pakar penjagaan kesihatan yang mahir dalam bidang penyakit barah di kalangan ahli-ahli keluarga mungkin langkah yang boleh ditimbangkan.

Mereka yang inginkan nasihat lanjut boleh mendapatkan kaunseling di Klinik Neoplasme dan Tindakan Awal (Penyakit Barah) di NCC dan di sana mereka akan diberikan penilaian terperinci berdasarkan sejarah penyakit barah turun-temurun dalam keluarga mereka.

'Jika ada ahli keluarga yang disyaki mempunyai risiko barah, buruk baik ujian baka akan dibincangkan secara terperinci dengan mereka. Keputusan menjalaninya harus dibuat oleh keluarga selepas pertimbangan rapi,' kata Dr Ang.

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Post time 26-4-2006 08:24 PM | Show all posts
MESKIPUN 62 peratus wanita lanjut usia mengalami masalah mata kering, hanya 16 peratus daripada mereka sedar ia ada kaitan dengan diri mereka yang telah putus haid, demikian menurut satu kajian baru.

'Masalah mata kering dialami ramai wanita dan jumlahnya semakin meningkat,' kata Cik Phyllis E. Greenberger, presiden dan ketua pegawai eksekutif Persatuan bagi Kajian Kesihatan Wanita di Amerika Syarikat.

'Masalah mata kering menjejas mutu hidup dan juga kesihatan fizikal,' tambahnya.

Kajian itu melibatkan 304 wanita yang sudah putus haid atau bakal putus haid mengenai mata kering.

Di kalangan mereka, hanya 59 peratus merujukkan masalah mereka kepada doktor, manakala 58 peratus membeli ubat di kedai saja untuk melegakan masalah mata mereka.

Antara tanda-tanda masalah ini ialah gatal, pedih, perit, kurang selesa, pandangan kabur dan sensitif kepada pancaran cahaya matahari.

Kajian-kajian terbaru menunjukkan asid lemak omega-3 yang didapati dalam ikan seperti tenggiri, ikan trout dan hering, sardin dan salmon, mungkin baik untuk mengatasi masalah mata kering, menurut Dr Laurie Barber, profesor optalmologi (berkenaan mata) di Universiti of Arkansas bagi Sains Perubatan di Amerika.

Minuman bantu hangatkan badan anda

HUJAN lebat yang kerap turun sejak kebelakangan ini boleh membuat kita berasa sejuk.

Terdapat tiga jenis minuman hangat yang bukan saja boleh membuat anda yang penyejuk berasa hangat, malah meningkatkan lagi sistem imun atau kelalian anda kepada penyakit, sambil mencegah beberapa jenis penyakit lain.

Para ahli kimia mendapati bahawa kopi ialah salah satu sumber antioksidan (pencegah kerosakan sel). Koko panas pula mengandungi lebih banyak antioksidan dalam satu cawan berbanding dengan air teh, manakala teh chamomile, sejenis teh herba, dikatakan boleh melegakan pelbagai penyakit termasuk demam sejuk dan senggugut.

Dapatan ini terkandung dalam Jurnal Pertanian dan Kimia Makanan di Amerika Syarikat.

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Post time 27-4-2006 02:17 PM | Show all posts
tak tau nak taruk mana so aku taruk sini...

ni masuk sokkabar smalam, mind your body..


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 Author| Post time 27-4-2006 02:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 27-4-2006 02:17 PM
tak tau nak taruk mana so aku taruk sini...

ni masuk sokkabar smalam, mind your body..


lenkali take note eh... sila scan sokabar upright
jgn senget sebelah.. naik kero mata aku baca ... harap maklum

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 30-4-2006 09:51 AM | Show all posts
apek yang jual me the half cent coin kata,
orang melayu dulu,dorang "berobat" pakai ni coin (as a jampi)

i have never heard of this,

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Post time 1-5-2006 10:15 AM | Show all posts
Semlm aku jalan depan satu child care nie...ada tampal notice centre will be close due to a confirm case of HFMD. :hmm::hmm::hmm:

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Post time 4-5-2006 07:46 PM | Show all posts
Sakit gigi consider tak??

I sakit gigi n gusi skali gi doctor poly diorang cakap Wisdom tooth... soo kena cabut...
i pun on ajer coz tak tahan sakit bangat...  

hehe here the thing bukan satu jer cabut... total 4.. tapi entah ehh diorang cabut lebih kot coz ada 6 gigi (i bawak balik n take pix)

kena surgery, excited 1st time masuk opital n gi opn theatre.. (jakunz)
skali bila nurse cucuk benda jarum (yg nak cari urat tu kat tangan) sakit sehh...
then diorang taruk ubat soo i tak sedar.. cuma ingat doc cakap open ur mouth.. terus i dah ilang.. abt 1hr nye surgery.. kena kejut gan doc.. ruponye dah sudah2.. but fuyoo darahh many.. then tido n nurse jaga japz till i dah okie  (suruh bapak ambik coz tak larat)

tiba jer kat umah.. muntah darah agi then tido agik.. dpt cuti 1 wk..

hehe cuti mc.. i pi cuti2 malaysia.. 1wk gak.. bayangkan dgn muka yg bengkak n tak leh makan.. i ikut rombongan.. bedal ajer laa..

kenangan gigi ku.. huhu


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 Author| Post time 4-5-2006 07:49 PM | Show all posts
:kant: adeh.... bleh si liza ni simpan gigi dia...

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Post time 4-5-2006 08:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by virgomal at 4-5-2006 19:49
:kant: adeh.... bleh si liza ni simpan gigi dia...

GAMBAR GIGI ajer laa simpan..gigi ku sudah ditanam..

kenanganku... kepada gigi...

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Post time 6-5-2006 07:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Fazaliza at 4-5-2006 07:46 PM
Sakit gigi consider tak??

I sakit gigi n gusi skali gi doctor poly diorang cakap Wisdom tooth... soo kena cabut...
i pun on ajer coz tak tahan sakit bangat...  

hehe here the thing bukan sa ...

dulu aku bukak topik gigi dah...

skali tu admin makan....

terror eh ko, aku kena taruk crown satu, tapi privet klinik...cekik darah sey, tiga kali trip gi dentist
kena $400++

tapi ok la puas hati sampai skarang

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Post time 8-5-2006 10:08 PM | Show all posts
ohh me.. go poly then kena refer (hehe i go salah poly also)

semua pakai medisave... cuma pay $33 jerkk if tak salah coz plan cabut 3 jer ...sikali

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Post time 9-5-2006 12:29 PM | Show all posts
Study Links Estrogen, Breast Cancer Risk

CHICAGO (AP) -- Women who take estrogen-only pills for at least 15 years run a markedly higher risk of developing breast cancer, according to a study of nearly 29,000 nurses. But no increased danger was found among those who took the hormone for less than 10 years.

Researchers said the findings should be reassuring for women who want to use estrogen for a short time to relieve menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

Hormone supplements were once thought to help postmenopausal women postpone age-related ills. But the government's Women's Health Initiative study in 2002 contradicted those beliefs for estrogen-progestin supplements, finding an increased risk of breast cancer, strokes and heart attacks. That led millions of American women to stop taking supplements.

Later, a WHI study of estrogen alone - an option only for women who have had a hysterectomy - linked the supplements to strokes and memory problems. But it found that using estrogen alone for seven years does not raise the risk of breast cancer.


The new findings came from the less-rigorous but longer-running Nurses' Health Study, overseen by Harvard-affiliated researchers.

It found no increased risk of breast cancer in women who had taken estrogen for less than 10 years. But for women who had been on estrogen for at least 15 years, the risk of hormonally driven breast cancer (the most common type in the United States) climbed 48 percent. At the 20-year mark, the risk of any type of breast cancer rose 42 percent.

"This says at least for the shorter-term users, you don't need to panic" about breast cancer, said lead author Dr. Wendy Chen, an oncologist and epidemiologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. "But for the longer-term users, you need to think about why am I still taking estrogen for this long of time, and are there are alternatives I could take instead?"

The risk of breast cancer also appeared to rise between 10 and 15 years of use, but the increase was not statistically significant, the researchers said.

The study, published in Monday's Archives of Internal Medicine, involved 28,835 women who were postmenopausal, had had a hysterectomy and reported their estrogen use every two years. Just 3.2 percent of the women, or 934, developed breast cancer during the study.

The researchers said it is unclear how many American women are taking estrogen for 15 or 20 years, especially in light of the WHI findings and doctors' recommendation since then that women who want to use the pills take them for the shortest possible duration.

Dr. Carolyn D. Runowicz, president of the American Cancer Society, said a few women in her practice have chosen to remain on estrogen for a long time because they feel the improvement in their quality of life outweighs the risks.

Runowicz called the study reassuring for short-term estrogen use but also said it underscores the need for patients to regularly "justify every medication" they take with their doctors.

"Is it estrogen forever? That's what we thought in the 1970s," said Runowicz, director of the Cancer Center at the University of Connecticut Health Center, "but we've completely reversed our thinking on that."

Estrogen-alone supplements are given only to women who have had their uteruses removed, because the hormone can spur uterine cancer. Other women get estrogen plus progestin, to counteract the risk of uterine cancer.

The Women's Health Initiative was a clinical trial in which women were randomly assigned estrogen pills or placebos. Scientists consider that approach the gold standard. The new study relied on nurses who reported on their own health every two years.

Runowicz said nurses could differ somewhat from women in the general population - perhaps they are healthier, for instance - but she said she had no reason to doubt the validity of the data, especially because its conclusions regarding short-term estrogen use are backed up the WHI findings.

Wyeth, which produces the estrogen pill Premarin, considers the Nurse's Health Study a well-respected study and the most recent research a "fairly reasonable trial," said Dr. James Pickar, assistant vice president for clinical research and development.

Pickar said he sees the results as good news for women because they back up the WHI findings that found no increased breast cancer risk for short-term estrogen users.

"I think it's very important for women to talk to their physician and review on a regular basis whether they need to continue therapy," Pickar said. "Each patient has an individual risk profile that only they and their physician can evaluate."

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Post time 31-8-2006 01:01 PM | Show all posts
Changi spital lagik ekekekeke
Giler nye keja, orang 93 tahun dorang gi mandikan kul 3 pagi:
masuk paper nari.
SGH smua matahari dah terbit baru mandikan..

Aug 31, 2006
Patients woken up at 3am to bathe

   MY 93-YEAR-OLD grandmother is in Changi General Hospital. When she first complained to us that the nurses woke her up at 3am to bathe, we thought that she had become senile.
However, when we checked with the rest of the bedridden patients and the hospital staff, we were horrified to learn that this was indeed true.

We were told that due to the heavy workload, the staff could not find the time to bathe the patients at other times.

Is the hospital really so shorthanded that patients have to be woken up in the middle of the night to bathe?

What is also surprising is that this is happening in a B-class ward.

Woon Siew Chiun (Ms)

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 31-8-2006 03:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 31-8-2006 01:01 PM
Changi spital lagik ekekekeke
Giler nye keja, orang 93 tahun dorang gi mandikan kul 3 pagi:
masuk paper nari.
SGH smua matahari dah terbit baru mandikan..

Aug 31, 2006
Patients woken u ...

3 a.m ?   mandi  ??

changi prison mandi around 6 agak nya....prisoner pukul 3 pagi masih tidur....

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Post time 31-8-2006 04:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 31-8-2006 03:19 PM

3 a.m ?   mandi  ??

changi prison mandi around 6 agak nya....prisoner pukul 3 pagi masih tidur....

tak logik eh... puas hati jangan mandi terus...kul 3 pagi pun, kalo pakai water heater pun, kan sejuk cuaca...
tapi setahu aku malam cuma nite nurse je sorang pe, semacam jek changi spital ek:hmm:

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Post time 31-8-2006 05:17 PM | Show all posts
ingatkan mandikan patient yg dah :kant:

rupanya takde masa nak bersihkan patient...

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