gerbera.memopad replied at 17-5-2017 01:29 PM
Lelaki tu comel. Princess Mako pun kawaii
Jarang lelaki Jepun yang mmg comey comey. |

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Post time 17-5-2017 10:55 PM
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manehnya replied at 17-5-2017 03:13 PM
ini ke princess mako
Dia la tu |
Gadai mende. Kalau pape jadik (contoh cerai ke somi mati ke) title akan reinstate balik ke? |
Cinta buat dia bahagia... semoga kekal |
Akhirnya cinta yang menang ,semoga bahagia selamanya princess mako |
Jarang ke? Aku rasa Japanese men byk comel2 . Kalau tgk di kalangan pelakon2 drg la.
elok la pilih cinta even mak ayah puteri pon restu....
semoga berbahagia |

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Post time 18-5-2017 10:44 AM
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A member of Japan's royal family, Princess Mako, is to surrender her royal status by marrying a commoner.
The 25-year-old eldest granddaughter of Emperor Akihito will become engaged to law firm worker Kei Komuro, also 25, whom she met while studying together.
Japan's imperial law requires a princess to leave the royal family after marrying a commoner.
The move, first reported by local media, is expected to reignite debate on the ever-shrinking royal family. |
Alang2 tak dapat naik takhta tu elok la kahwin je lelaki yang sheols nak. |
masa Queen E kawin ngan Prince Philip dia masih Puteri lagi dan kenapa dia leh naik Queen sbb Britain xde isu waris perempuan naik takhta

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Post time 18-5-2017 01:19 PM
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yipun_78 replied at 18-5-2017 01:14 PM
masa Queen E kawin ngan Prince Philip dia masih Puteri lagi dan kenapa dia leh naik Queen sb ...
Gitu...n xde mslh kawin dgn kerabat dr lain negara ek? |
Mako ni comel jugak. Adik dia Kiko lg laa kawaiiii. Hehe
Dia sanggup korbankan status diraja, I wondr how she will adapt bla dah takde privileges lagi.
I ada baca, bg royal ppuan jepun yg kwen commoner, they will get a lump sump allowance. Last time royal ppuan kawen commoner, dia dpt 100 million yen |

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Post time 18-5-2017 06:07 PM
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syitaeyqa replied at 18-5-2017 05:46 PM
Mako ni comel jugak. Adik dia Kiko lg laa kawaiiii. Hehe
Dia sanggup korbankan status diraja, I w ...
Fuyoo 100 million cukup la bbrp keturunan |
in yen you. convert to usd, dlm 1.4m cmtu. but still ok laa. I just hope she gets jugak priviledges lain sebelum sheol kelur dr fmly tu. N i rasa the fmly still akan monitor her life tho dah kawen n jd commoner
Ini baru truelove |

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Post time 18-5-2017 08:27 PM
From the mobile phone
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syitaeyqa replied at 18-5-2017 06:09 PM
in yen you. convert to usd, dlm 1.4m cmtu. but still ok laa. I just hope she gets jugak priviledge ...
Kiranya princess masako tu aunty dia la kan? Dulu sll baca psl masako tu. |
tepek le gambar bkl suaminya..semua org dok kata hensem..
puteri mako comel jah.... |
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