"Semoga Jumpa Bahagia" - Netizen Doakan Bekas Kekasih PU Riz Temu Jodo
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tumpanglalu74 replied at 9-4-2021 11:50 AM
Barang yang sampai dah berlambak2 beklog sampai berbulan2 pon tak habes aritu dia kata. Ko ni ape ...
Takde orang hantar for review. Even ada org hantar pon i wont do it. So i need to allow public to access my social media for money gain from this? Not worth it. The less you share about your life, the better. You can google up on this, how to be classy on social media, u do not need to post every single aspect of your life. Of course, up to her. If you want to gain income from this and you like the attention, dont mind stranger looking at your profile. Go ahead. If i were her, i will set my social media account to private. Limit my followers. The media does not need to get update about my life. Later on, let him be informed of your success from someone else. Can i give more advise. She is a lawyer right. Target admission to those top law firms zul rafique or zaid ibrahim. Then ada chambering llb and so on. Go and get all of that achievements. Good luck girl!!! You are doing okay but you can do much much better. Being successful is the best revenge. |
Aku punye IG pon private. I don't go telling people to go private their socmeds.
U juz called her classless, right? How classy..
ok gak tu, biar org tau jahbirah gelenyar yg disembah2 lobenak tu merampas laki org biasa setelah gagal merampas laki retis dan gagal mencakar yestana.
tumpanglalu74 replied at 9-4-2021 01:36 PM
Aku punye IG pon private. I don't go telling people to go private their socmeds.
U juz called ...
Yes. To me, her social media behaviour right now does not portray that classy image. Just my 2 cents. Lain org lain opinion kan. Google jela how to be classy. Do not need to post unnecessarily/less posting. I got no time to argue/debate about this. Lets agree to disagree? Tata. |
aminnnnnnnn...semoga berjodohan dgn ramos dan kelak dirafak sembah oleh jahbirah dan laki puik iteww
tikusmontok replied at 9-4-2021 01:47 PM
aminnnnnnnn...semoga berjodohan dgn ramos dan kelak dirafak sembah oleh jahbirah dan laki puik ite ...
Tiber terbayang amal rasmikan susu nunha yang terbaharu sambil diperhatikan oleh piyu. |
alhamdulillah. semoga yg baik2 utk sheols. dia nampak budak baik. bakal lawyer plak.
kalau betul2 jadi tak senang duduk sskjkp ..hahhaa
tapi citarasa ramos lain kot...hahhaa...
tappii klu dah jodohh.....hahhahaa...
takut kena boikot nnt xkaya..
Cepat2 jah minta maaf..hujung2 haruslaa benak2 memaafin #oldtricks
Normabaru replied at 9-4-2021 02:43 PM
takut kena boikot nnt xkaya..
Cepat2 jah minta maaf..hujung2 haruslaa benak2 memaafin #oldt ...
Pandai hajjah amik hati netz..but kaka tak terkesan pun..saman tetap saman! |
Macam mana si pu ni dpt tngkp awek kaya2 ek... dia pon kaya ke |
kaka_tima replied at 8-4-2021 04:31 PM
Dia pun dah move on..dah bertunang pun
Yeke dh tunang? |
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