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Author: Rahah

[tvN/iQiyi 2021] MY ROOMMATE IS A GUMIHO - Jang Ki Yong, Hyeri

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Post time 5-6-2021 12:45 PM | Show all posts
i baru tengok yg TvN asia Malaysia , sub title BM bagi  bead = pualam??? first time nampak...bukan manik.


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Post time 7-6-2021 12:08 AM | Show all posts
i think english sub by IQIYI  website  lebih precise terjemahan dari TvN nyer lah

i tengah tengok tvN nyer

pualam  hahahahah


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Post time 10-6-2021 02:59 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 10-6-2021 09:40 PM

ep 5

hehehe interesting - that is what i shall say.  bermula triggering of events - the pace is peaking up.

all the murder case that we heard in ep 1 and 2 , once again being brought up back  , and this time, the lady human - gumiho is alerting  Woo - Yoo about this.
DIa kata - adakah kes kes pembunuhan random yg berlaku tu ada kaita dengan mereka : as in ada gumiho yg evil and rakus on the loose.

Pasal Seon - woo - ini interesting - segala p plan , his scheming yg nak kenakan Li Dam akan terungkai pada episode ini - may be akan ada kesinambungan plot atau tak ?  who knows.
Sebab  - dah mula muncul triggering event yg baru pulak , so we shall see....

eh jap Malaysia tvN lambat 2 episode , kan?

hahaha tak pelah ....hehehe

enjoy je

ada scene yg very very sentimentally poignant - sesi dia kuar , they both took a troll at the park - and watch this scene

nice lah and a bit sad though - sebab apa  ? tengoklah  nanti...

bab lain menarik juga ....bab  Li Dam reveal her feeling ketika mabuk - well dia tak leh minum tapi hari tu she was abit down so he went out with her . they had some nite snacks outside masa tu menarik

the next morning  hahahah

dan Li Dam ada konflik sikit dengan kawan bf boy dia tu - sebab apa? boleh menonton ...hehehe

so far ....ade scene yg kelakar , menarik sedih etc


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Post time 10-6-2021 09:26 PM | Show all posts
okay ini previews  untuk ep 6  maoam ni kat IQIYi


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Post time 11-6-2021 12:35 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 12-6-2021 08:52 AM

okay ep 6  10/6/2021

malaysia baru ep 3 kan 10/6

Ep 6 ni best


as mentioned, in  ep 5 we have seen all the initiation of the triggering events

ni kalau ikut model narrative ada banyak model narrative ni

tapi dah mula nampak beberapa kesinambungan peristiwa from ep 1

* kisah murder ala ala Jack the ripper  
- dah mula dikembangkan dalam epi 1,2 and 7 akan datang insya ALLAH
babak terakhir citer ni menunjukkan bahawa - boss Woo Seo / GUMIHO yg lady tu - diserang oleh pembunuh bersiri yg bermata merah - so we could assume the murder is committed by none other than the non - human  villain.

* rasional kenapa GUMIHO ni anggap she s a niece - sebab he had no one or zilch any family members in his life, albeit few centuries had passed pun, , so by saying she is like his niece , it's like a kind of speciallah Lee Dam ni to him. Tapi nice jugak  this way sebab how else he would want to think her of? kan the generation gap is so  so so wide.

- you guys patut tengok the conversation between LEE dam and the guy  - hahahahahahahaha

so funny soo so ssssooo funny sebab scene ni bukan dating tapi scene membebel hahahahah

the guy she is dating is the senior at that uni and ya ALLAH he is bebetul angkat bakul type and sampai saat akhir bebel lagi dan  hahahaha funny betul

dan ketika depa dah habis meal course yg pertama depa nak pi minum coffee di cafe di mana juga GUMHO tengah buat  keje dia - so  sini best

best sangat sebab the gumiho  was seated on the left side  while their table was on the right so Lee Dam masuk dia terkejut . Lee dam suruh that guy masuk dulu  because di anak jawab panggiulan teh gUMIHO tu - tanya macam mana blind date tu ....

then bila dia masuk .....jeng jeng

kelakar sangat senior date partner bebel hahahahahahahh

seriously babe...


then they had a  nite stroll and some adventures at nite - museum scene  nice

i wonder if Cassano jadi male lead ....hmm  anyways

okay next is ....

scene mak dia  - ini pun best jugak  hahahaha for the first time GUMIHO gabra yes...he was nervous

and funny scene Kang Hye Sun ( teh lady human - gumiho reverts) tak faham metaphores

mom dia ni LIBERAL sungguh by korean conservative standards isk isk ..okay plak anak dia co habitate dengan guy is isk ...benda ni HARAM , tak soleh pun...

and mak dia magic proof tau terhadap hypnotic power GUMIHO - that's strange

lago satu now i clear sikit relationship Hye Sun LADy gumiho - human tu dengan GUMIHO - dia anggap dia dan GUMIHO ada love - hate relationship

but she wont disclose her feelings though.

tengoklah ep 6 nanti


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Post time 11-6-2021 01:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hyeri is hyeri.. teruk gumiho kena buli

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Post time 11-6-2021 08:19 AM | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 11-6-2021 01:07 AM
hyeri is hyeri.. teruk gumiho kena buli

dia kena bully je hehari

tapi scene kelakar tu , idea dating tu memula Gumiho tu tersedak bila dia tanya after ep 2 , mula ep 3 tu  , then satu scene bila Lee Dam cakap lelaki tu lahir tahun Harimau - Shin Woo Yoo ( gumiho ) pada mulanya tanak masuk campur urusan pelajar kolej ni tapi tetiba smooth je tukar ayat , mula mula Miss Dam i do not wish to interfere with your human personal affairs but when Lee Dam said dia lahor tahun Harimau  tetiber je ...Okay taht 's..we need to date...hahahah

masa Gumiho date dgn Gye Seon Woo tu - dia bawa pi kedai makanan yg Lee Dam bawa tu ,  hahaha crazy. hahaaa

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Post time 11-6-2021 10:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Best betul ep6 smlm, byk part kelakar

Tak sabar nk tgk EP 7 plak next week

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Post time 11-6-2021 10:49 AM | Show all posts
lina21 replied at 11-6-2021 10:31 AM
Best betul ep6 smlm, byk part kelakar

Tak sabar nk tgk EP 7 plak next week

yups boleh stream direct dalam IQiyi link ...cuma i bukan VIP so lambat by 1hour but still okay hahahaha
tapi i nitice dia dalam let her go or not walhal, ini tak lah critical as for him to think about the way by which the marble pualam tu can  be retreved safely from her body.


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Post time 11-6-2021 12:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lina21 replied at 11-6-2021 10:31 AM
Best betul ep6 smlm, byk part kelakar

Tak sabar nk tgk EP 7 plak next week

kannn.. lps sedih2 dgn youth of may.
gelak2 dgn gumiho pulak..
tp risau ending sedih.. sbb gumiho dgn manusia jrg ending happy

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Post time 11-6-2021 06:10 PM | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 11-6-2021 12:03 PM
kannn.. lps sedih2 dgn youth of may.
gelak2 dgn gumiho pulak..
tp risau ending sedih.. sbb gumih ...

youth of may pun sedey jugaks ke , alahai banyak plak melancholic drama time time pkp ni

okay well....what to do kebarangkalian Shin Wo Yeo ni korbankan diri pun ade , sebab ade kehadiran entity pembunuh manusia  - maybe ep 7 kita insya ALLAH dapat saksikan ...but i hope kalau tak ada sophisticated ending yg best and nice , macam TOTNT okaylah...

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Post time 11-6-2021 06:25 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 11-6-2021 06:28 PM

well i  asked a question a few weeks ago on the reason why there is so much hype in getting himself converted to human form - a gumiho tranforming himself to human.

dan dalam mythology banyak jugak kisah  entity khayali  macam mermaid lah yg nak tukar jadi manusia  etc

maksudnya , awat beria benar wujudnya fokus naratif walaupun mitos lah levelnya  - entiti khayalan  nak  jadi manusia, yes lah motivasi asal ialah cinta lah - but then why nak sacrifice  gift depa kan?  , bila jadi manusia yg  mortal and ada kekuarangan pun dari kuasa kuasa istimewa dan terbatas dari segi kudrat...
well , pertama sekali author pun manusia kan so species bias in a way - hahaha

but then ....

tak terfikir pulak jawapannya ade

dalam Quran dah pun bila i by accident secara kebetulannya ternampak nukilan di bawah semasa melayari FB huhuhu tiberzz je...

dan dinukilkan indah dalam bait ini - yes dalam kalamullah pun manusia diiri oleh si Iblis ni pun - atas kenapa disuruh sujud sedangkan manusia itu juzuknya tanah ...tapi manusia dimuliakan atas sebab Allah SWT anugerahkan aqal itu - yg menajdikan mampu mengolah alam , menguasai alam dengan konteks yg positif dan izin-Nya. hmm so...yes in a way i found the answer already

The Meaning of The Holy Qur'an | RM120
Man's origin was from dust, lowly;
But his rank was raised above that
Of other creatures, because Allah breathed
Into him His spirit. Jealousy and arrogance
Caused the fall of Iblis, the power of Evil:
But no power has Evil over those sincere
Souls who worshiped Allah seek His Way.
Many are the gates of Evil, but Peace
And dignified joy will be the goal
Of those whom the Grace of Allah has made His own. - pg 513 ... 78/4123540901044297


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Post time 15-6-2021 02:21 PM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 11-6-2021 12:35 AM
okay ep 6  10/6/2021

malaysia baru ep 3 kan 10/6

masa mak dia boleh tangkis magik gumiho tu
i macam eh ntah2 mak dia pun asal nye pun gumiho?


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Post time 16-6-2021 03:48 PM | Show all posts
i tengok 1st eps mcm tak boleh nak terima. sebab sugar daddy sangat. tapi bile dah masuk eps 3 dah macam sweet je tengok citer.

surprisingly i rasa citer ni tak memaparkan toxic relationship mcm citer2 lain.  ada give and take ( hyeri dan gumiho buat perjanjian dan dua-dua pihak ada terms diorg sendiri), gumiho pun takdelah mengongkong hyeri sgt dan hyeri pun bebas je keluar masuk rumah takde la sepanjang masa gumiho nak kene pantau

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Post time 16-6-2021 10:14 PM | Show all posts
cmf_summer_snow replied at 15-6-2021 02:21 PM
masa mak dia boleh tangkis magik gumiho tu
i macam eh ntah2 mak dia pun asal nye pun gumiho?
tib ...

I rasa pun gitu and mommy dia cakap yg abah  Lee Dam pun ada taste mcm Lee yes o simpan syak i tapi that thought lingers on my mind  u know...

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Post time 16-6-2021 10:25 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 17-6-2021 08:58 AM
annehuda replied at 16-6-2021 03:48 PM
i tengok 1st eps mcm tak boleh nak terima. sebab sugar daddy sangat. tapi bile dah masuk eps 3 dah m ...

eh itu feelings yg normal, sebab dalam conservative Korea , cohabitation memang frowned upon. so betullah tu, macam tu lah idea. Actually , i tak tahu pulak hukum co habitation dalam Cunfucian teaching and Buddhist camne  or even Taoist.dalam Islam memang haram lah. lelaki dan wanita - apa yg si iblis tak akan ambik kesempatan pun , hahaha, tengok time dia study for exam ep 7 pun dah tahu - what a distractions and it is couter productive pulaks. kekawan dia yg lain pun boleh score paper first mid term depa hahaha.

cuma i think kan - benda age gap , generation gap ni he found  it so annoying  , tengok tak bila Lee Dam panggil dia "Uncle'" or saying something about he didn't know texting etc , dia macam hmm...tapi dia wise dan dia matang lah ..gentleman like
i tatau lah kenapa i teringat lagu MY HOUSE 2PM bila  tengok citer ni.

Pada prinsipnya Woo yeo GUMIHO akan campur tangan kalau nyawa Lee Dam , i mean pualam tu dalam bahaya, yg human affairs tu dia tak kisah tapi dia pun rase envy jugak. biaselah kan.

I like when he is acting like a big bro , mature wise gentleman rather than mushy mushy sangat. masa tu memang dia macam pangkat elder gentleman, memang nak kata sesuai dengan si Lee Dam ni well subjective. but yes suka watak mature , wise smart gentleman  GUMIHO ni.

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Post time 16-6-2021 10:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_summer_snow replied at 15-6-2021 02:21 PM
masa mak dia boleh tangkis magik gumiho tu
i macam eh ntah2 mak dia pun asal nye pun gumiho?
tib ...

Tu la iols dok pikir gitu jg...but then si hye sun tu bolehnplak dia pimdahkan dr kete hantar ke kete member lee dam...

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Post time 16-6-2021 11:03 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 17-6-2021 12:08 AM
honeybee1802 replied at 16-6-2021 10:56 PM
Tu la iols dok pikir gitu jg...but then si hye sun tu bolehnplak dia pimdahkan dr kete hantar ke k ...

Hye Sun tu hehehehe hahahahah well lambat pick up sket heheheheh, magic tu tak berkesan pada entity yg strong minded. macam TOTNT hari tu , yg That Fox tu tak berkesan nak hypnotised Jo Ah.

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Post time 17-6-2021 12:48 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 17-6-2021 08:15 PM

Ep  7

Ep 7 ni thrilling sikit ye - sebab pembunuh tu rupanya a lady gumiho who  failed to become human, and she thought the only way for her to achieve the goal is to swallow another marble. The fact that she knew the marble was not in his possession was interesting. Rupanya dia dah perhati Lee Dam ni and him dengan menyamar mak cik Florist.

lepas tu kita diperkenalkan watak Dewa gunung - macam TOTNT pulak  ye , so dewa gunung ni lah yg guarding  GUMIHO and Lee Dam all this while  and  kucing tu jelmaan dia rupanya. I mati mati  ingatkan kucing tu evil.....hmm... tak suke lah kan kucing plak yg comel jadi bad enitity. iskkk...dan yg best tu , GUMIHO , Hye Sun and that dewa gunung pun ada sekali sama sama bincang hal murder tu- sebab Hye Sun ada sekali so , she will know the context better - and Dewa gunung tu pun cakap - Hye Sun tu muda dari GUMIHO tapi dia jadi human dulu adeh...practical wise Hey Sun bijak jugak lah.

Tapi - Hye Sun ni caring kat  GUMIHO ni may be because he is one of the last survising ? oldest gumiho kot atau kawan dia paling rapat ? masa abad abad lepas ... yes lah depa rapat. I think, advice Hye Sun pada GUMIHO tu wise jugak. Dia juga boleh diharaplah kan tolong jaga, Lee Dam- i wonder apa akan jadi kat dia sebab now Lee Dam dah tak ada marble tu dah.

anyways - ada pertarungan tu best - wow first time nampak GUMIHO lawan sama species, tidak pun interspecies conflict je hahaha

so - yg touching questions ialah - persoalan adalah being immortal or being granted as having a long -life span is actually good or bad or is it useful - meaningful ? quality wise? sebab tu life ni dia fragile and ade hikmah konsep life and death...i mean thsi drama buat kita merenung sket hal hal fundamental of existence ni.  Sebab dari masa GUMIHO ni petik Nietzsche ni hmm..i teredar yg hidup GUMIHO melambangkan 'tragedy'..and he has yet to reconcile may be about this very thing and causing to be a bit off colour about the world, detach..and having redundant life?

i mean bagus juga bila question on existence , immortality ,the meaning of life , etc  diketengahkan oleh Hye Sun dan lady gumiho - turned- human tu  = i mean bagus persoalan tu , life will become moer exciting but in repetitive redundant

and sorrowful , too - because he  needs to deal with the loss of someone he loves everytime , right?
I guess when dealing with a repetitive tragedy - dia pun i think  logik juga dok quote Nietzsche...gang gang ahli falsafah yg menekankan konsep tragedy dalam aspek element kehidupan manusia - ini actually  kita dapat lihat dalam manifestasi seni seperti opera and theatre - bila dimaklumkan hal ini - wow it makes so much sense juga bila mana elemen element seni visual ni - macam opera house and theatre - more prominent dalam peradaban barat dan being part of their  things - as we know Barat dalam ketamadunan mereka -  tragedy versus non tragedy / kebahagiaan tu  adalah dilihat dalam dua 'kebenaran'yg bertentangan / DUALISM tu lah so depa gagal nak reconcile atau nak make sense kenapa perlu ada  kesengsaraan penderitaaan versus kenapa tak bahagia ( anggap semua mulus 2 atau  indah2  belaka)  so  inilah ni ...i think this drama ni nak tunjuk - yg hidup  GUMIHO ni ada part yg painful / tragedy lah - ade kan satu tragedy.

dan  it makes so much sense when we see him immersing himself with writings ini pun manifestation of catarhsis juga , quoting some spiritual or famous figures - ada kan beberapa nama  GUMIHO ni sebut dalam ep 3and 4  tu.
macam from what i learnt dalam satu kelas ni - ini juga satu bentuk catarhsis juga.

so yes - horrible lah jugak - macam tu know sebab tu dia tak ada perasaan dah , macam dull and detached masa mula2...

tapi kan - ada masalah di sini - by 1000 years kalau dia tak jadi human - GUMIHO ni diingatkan oleh penjaga dia yg dia may be akan ended going mad as the crazy killer gumiho tu.

dia kena retrieve pualam tu - so he did.

so kira dah habis lah konflik dia.

he is letting her go lah - sebab well buat ape kept her forever kan...?
so - he lets her back to her normal life lah - better

but he can't let go....hmm.

so now - adakah konfik dia yg nak jadi human  to akan dimainkan lagi sebab marble tu dah dipulangkan, dan marble tu merah kan bukan biru dah?

then dalam trailers Lee Dam pun macam tak ingat tapi intuitively she knows that she likes a person.

so - now jadi macam interspecies rivalry ? pulak ye ? between Seon Woo and Woo Seo ?



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Post time 17-6-2021 12:49 AM | Show all posts
adakah Mrs Jones menonton jugaks citer ni hahahaha Mrs Jones ....where are youuuu ?

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