HealthTech This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 24-2-2005 08:44 AM:
HealthTech ... It could be beneficial if you tell to whom you are adressing your post to.
At you of course. |
by HealthTech
At you of course.
Alright ... so what is upseting you then? :hmm: |
Originally posted by zy at 20-1-2005 12:26 AM:
Apa perbezaan antara agama yg dianuti kaum india sikh dgn kaum india hindu...?
Mengikut pembacaan saya ajaran sikh ini timbul akibat kesan daripada konflik Hindu dan Islam di India. Mengikut fakta sejarah Guru Nanak yang mengasaskan ajaran Sikh ini berasal daripada ugama Hindu manakala seorang pengikut setianya yang selalu mengiringinya dengan bermain musik adalah seorang Islam. Gabungan daripada dua-dua orang inilah maka lahirlah satu ajaran baru Sikhism. |
Originally posted by Gravedigger at 27-3-2005 11:56:
Mengikut pembacaan saya ajaran sikh ini timbul akibat kesan daripada konflik Hindu dan Islam di India. Mengikut fakta sejarah Guru Nanak yang mengasaskan ajaran Sikh ini berasal ...
: betul ke ni...buku apa yang ko baca |
From the website above, it seems that Sikhs are the ones who cut themselves from Hindu mainstream society. :hmm:
They reject what is stated in Islam and reject mainly Caste System in Hindusm (which is Good). Their approach seems to be similar to Buddhism except for stricter following of rituals and teachings set forth by the Gurus (in Buddhism, one do not need to follow any Monks but teaching set by Gautama Buddha to be a good Buddhist).
They still accept reincarnation (which I thought they didn't - my Mistake) and they accept concept of Moksha / Enlightenment (which is slightly different from Islam).
What is sure is, Pakistan will never get Punjab since they have been at it since 1800s. 
Hmph ... when God want to establish borders, He sure do hell of a job. :lol |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 18-2-2005 08:15 AM:
Saya berpendapat Islam mengandungi unsur2 Kristian. Maka ia adalah campuran Kristian. ;)
Tidak pula Kristian mengambil unsur Islam kerana Islam wujud hampir 600 tahun kemudian.
Baiklah, berk ...
maaf Adm Cheng Ho..saya terpaksa membantah sama sekali Islam mengandungi unsur-unsur Kristian..Agama yang dibawa Nabi Isa adalah benar dari Allah tetapi selepas wujudnya penyelewengan dari umat(manusia) pada masa itu...maka mereka ingin mencuba membunuh Nabi Isa..Nabi Isa apabila ingin dibunuh(disalib) telah diselamatkan (dighaibka) dengan kuasa Allah dan digantikan dengan orang yang lain..maka wujud sesetengah golongan yang mengaku nabi ataupun leader..dan menukar isi kandungan kitab Injil yang sebenar mengikut keselesaannya sendiri dan sampailah sekarang iaitu ajaran Kristian..selepas kejadian tersebut maka wujudlah zaman jahiliah untuk beberapa ratus tahun lamanya..tapi masih jua yang berpegang pada ajaran sebenar kitab Injil....Akhirnya Allah mencipta Nabi Muhammad untuk membetulkan segala kesilapan yang ada dimuka bumi ini...Ahli kitab yang mengamalkan ajaran kitab Injil yang sebenarnya semuanya mengakui akan Kenabian Nabi Muhammad kerana didalam kitab injil ada tersebut mengenai akan kewujudan nabi akhir zaman...
saya minta maaf...bukan niat saya untuk menganggu perbincangan topic ini..saya terasa tanggungjawab saya untuk membetulkan fakta yang mungkin tidak diketahui oleh sesetengah daripada anda....teruskan perbincangan..dan saya gemar untuk membacanya 
hormati antara satu sama lain |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2005-2-18 08:15 AM:
Saya berpendapat Islam mengandungi unsur2 Kristian. Maka ia adalah campuran Kristian. ;)
Tidak pula Kristian mengambil unsur Islam kerana Islam wujud hampir 600 tahun kemudian.
Baiklah, berk ...
you are wrong... islam n kristian tiada unsur2 campuran... kedua2 ajaran adalah berlainan.. tetapi apa yg menyamai kedua2 agama ini ialah kitab2 yg diturunkan oleh tuhan... kitab pertama is zabur.. n then taurat ( to nabi musa - kitab ini diturunkan utk kaum bani israel.. - if i'm not mistaken ).. n then diturunkan pulak injil - to nabi isa (kitab ini menjadi amalan kaum kristian ) n al-quran to nabi muhammad s.a.w sebagai pelengkap to all the kitab. afterall.. kalau u baca bible(injil) ada persamaan dgn al-quran.. cuma mungkin terdapat beberapa vers yg ditambah...
i hope that none of non-muslims ppl dont get confused by saying that islam ada unsur2 kritsian.. coz christianity has a different concept with islam.. n the teaching are also different |
Ahem ... take your Christian Vs Islam debate to Religion section. Thank You. |
Terima kasih en darkkiller dan Sinbad boy,
Benar apa yg u all katakan itu.
Kesilapan I krn tidak perasan terhdp ayat tersebut.
Semoga Allah swt memaafkan I dan memberkati u all.
[ Last edited by fleurzsa on 11-5-2005 at 10:47 AM ] |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 2005-5-11 07:55 AM:
Ahem ... take your Christian Vs Islam debate to Religion section. Thank You.
hehehehe sorry sephiroth:hug::hug: i'm just explaining... have no intention to talk abt islam n x'tian in your board... again sorry  |
Originally posted by Gravedigger at 27-3-2005 11:56 AM:
Mengikut pembacaan saya ajaran sikh ini timbul akibat kesan daripada konflik Hindu dan Islam di India. Mengikut fakta sejarah Guru Nanak yang mengasaskan ajaran Sikh ini berasal ...
Yea betul. Memang saya sendiri tidak dapat membawa sumber rujukan sejarah yang mengesahkan perkara ini. Tetapi umum mengetahui bahawa ajaran agama Sikh terdapat percampuran atau gabungan agama Islam dan Hindu. Amalan memakai serban, tudung kepala kepada wanita,larangan memakan babi dan meminum arak adalah sebahagian amalan Islam yang diserap ke dalam ajaran Sikh. Begitu pula konsep kuil, perkahwinan dan sebagainyang diserap dari agama Hindu. |
Originally posted by SangSaka at 11-6-2005 10:34 AM:
Yea betul. Memang saya sendiri tidak dapat membawa sumber rujukan sejarah yang mengesahkan perkara ini. Tetapi umum mengetahui bahawa ajaran agama Sikh terdapat percampuran atau gabungan agama ...
Hello...! Sebelum membuat pemahaman sendiri, adalah baik awak buat search mengenai agama sikh. Nak cari pun bukannya susah sangat, just google lah !!
Pakai sarban, disebabkan the sikhis are not allowed to remove any hair from their body because it is gd given dan pakai serban to supaya nampak kemas, rambut tak macam mayang berurai. Sekarang ni, most of the sikhis sudah morden.
What are the main laws or beliefs relating to food?
Sikhs do not believe in ritual killing and are told to refrain from eating meat (halal and kosher) killed by such rites( Jadi slaughter macam org org islam buat adalh tidak diterima sekali, tapi disebabkan kat malaysia, kat pasar pasr tu cara menyembelih adalah islamic way, so mereka terima je)
Sikhs are expected to be active and alert and are therefore required to refrain from alcohol and drugs; not on the grounds of impurity but mental and physical fitness
Is there a link with vegetarianism?
Because of influences of the sub continent social environment, some Sikhs will not eat beef; others will not eat pork and others will be vegetarians. Because of such varieties and sensitivities all food served in a gurdwara (Sikh place of worship) is vegetarian.
In general, will people of this faith eat in a food outlet that serves food or drink that does not conform to their beliefs?
Sikhs would not eat in restaurants that are exclusively halal or kosher. Other than that, there are no constraints on where Sikhs may eat.
When and why do people of this faith feast and fast?
Sikhs are not required to fast. They are also told to eat in moderation.
There are no feasts. Some Sikh women living among Hindus do however , occasionally follow the Hindu practice of fasting for their husband's health! |
by Tillingtan
Sikhs are expected to be active and alert and are therefore required to refrain from alcohol and drugs; not on the grounds of impurity but mental and physical fitness
Are you sure about this? I have seen many Sikhs, especially modern ones drinking alcohol (beer mostly) during happy hours. |
[quote]Originally posted by Sephiroth at 15-6-2005 07:20 AM:
by Tillingtan
Sikhs are expected to be active and alert and are therefore required to refrain from alcohol and drugs; not on the grounds of impurity but mental and physical fitness
Yes, Seph, I am sure about this. I also know the situation of modern sikh. IN Malaysia,they even have a punjabi disco somewhere in Bangsar. Human, forget about themselves and venture in the world of today - modern
- backward/extreem.
The world of two磗. |
by Tillingtan
Yes, Seph, I am sure about this. I also know the situation of modern sikh. IN Malaysia,they even have a punjabi disco somewhere in Bangsar. Human, forget about themselves and venture in the world of today - modern - backward /extreem.
Punjabi Disco? :stp:
Funny some humans are ... they are racial conscious but don't care to uphold their own beliefs?
Another thing ... this is something a friend of mine told me once. Is it true that Sikh women (not sure about men though) cannot marry outside their own community?
I have meet Hindus who wed Muslims (my ex- form 5 English teacher is one of them), also Chinese (Buddhist and Christians) who converted to Christianity and to Islam and married to Muslim men or women. I have no problem this since I believe each has right to choose their own path.
But I have never (as long as I could remember) meet any Sikhs who married outside their community (to Hindus, Buddhist, Christian or Muslim) or seen anyone outside the community who married to a Sikh person. :stp: |
But I have never (as long as I could remember) meet any Sikhs who married outside their community (to Hindus, Buddhist, Christian or Muslim) or seen anyone outside the community who married to a Sikh person.
Maybe you need to go around and meet more people, Sephiroth. I think only in punjab india that you may find sikh marrying another sikhis.
I don't think that is the case in a multi racial community. |
by Tillingtan
Maybe you need to go around and meet more people, Sephiroth. I think only in punjab india that you may find sikh marrying another sikhis.
I don't think that is the case in a multi racial community.
I believe that is the case even in multi race community, no offense attended.
Like I said, I personally never had seen any Sikhs (women or men) married outside their (Sikh) community and I have seen many non-Sikhs who could testify to the same.
One reason could be that Sikh's Community have separated itself from Hindusm by viewing itself above Hindus. Hindus do not worship the same God Sikhs does, do not follow command of Sikh Gurus and do not follow Sikh traditions. |
I think it is more like the community thinks, they are above any other people.
I do know punjabis(sikh and non sikh) who are of mixed parentage. |
by Tillingtan
I think it is more like the community thinks, they are above any other people.
I have worked with some of them and even in Martial Arts group. They do have an arrogant point of view about others, almost Abrahamic religions followers-like view. I wonder if they know that Muslim consider them heretic and Christian considered them insane. 
I do know punjabis(sikh and non sikh) who are of mixed parentage.
I personally have never meet any. |
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