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Author: fly_in_d_sky

Thread Tahukah Anda ...(merged: lady_bee)

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2005 09:41 AM | Show all posts
Tahukah Anda ...?

...that rubbing the statue of Victor Noir in P鑢e Lachaise Cemetery supposedly "enhances fertility"?

...that Dutch bus-building firm Den Oudsten was founded in 1926 and went out of business in 2002?

...that one cause of the 21 years of military dictatorship in Brazil was the support of president Jo鉶 Goulart for a mariner rebellion, led by a disguised CIA agent, Cabo Anselmo?

...that the Battle of the Bismarck Sea was a devastating Japanese defeat during World War II?

...that bicycle helmets are not designed to be re-used after a major accident?

...that in England and Wales, most common land is actually privately owned?

...that the Calayan Rail flightless bird is a significant recent species discovery, announced on 16 August 2004?

...that the anarchy symbol can be seen as an embodiment of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's seemingly paradoxical maxim, "anarchy is order"?

...that dual gauge railways generally consists of three rails, rather than the standard two rails?

...that the Osmond family, known for their musicality, have two siblings who were born deaf?

...that the average lifespan of a feral cat who survives kittenhood is two years, compared to 16 years for house cats?

...that infant teeth emerge in pairs?

...that Alexander Pope's "An Essay on Criticism" is a poem written in heroic couplets?

...that Democrats Abroad began with two small committees in London and Paris in 1965, and has grown to be a large international organization?

...that the Diploma in Computer Science at the University of Cambridge has only a fail, pass and pass with distinction?

..that wheelbase dimensions are crucial to automobile steering and balance?

...that the Serendib Scops Owl is Sri Lanka's most recently discovered bird?

...that aboriginal whaling rights are granted to native populations in Greenland, Canada, the United States, Russia and several Caribbean island communities?

...that soap opera actress Catherine Hickland starred in the Broadway production of Les Mis閞ables as Fantine?

...that the Alpine Ibex of Gran Paradiso were first protected in 1816?

...that an amateur airplane pilot's spatial disorientation during flight can lead to an irreversible graveyard spiral?

...that the ear's hair cells encode the information from the fluid waves of the cochlea for use by the auditory nerve?

...that blackwater fever causes red blood cells to burst, leaking hemoglobin into the plasma?

...that Pickles is George W. Bush's nickname for his wife?

...that seeds of the Hawaiian baby woodrose contain chemicals with effects similar to LSD?

...that 43 nations currently participate in the Kimberley Process for keeping conflict diamonds from reaching market?

...that the Turkish military coup of 1971 is known as the Coup by Memorandum?

...that the golden age of arcade games began with the release of Space Invaders in 1978?

...that Brownie Wise invented the Tupperware party?

...that Michael Faraday did the first modern research into the nature of colloidal gold?

...that the British Royal Family announced the deaths of Katherine Bowes-Lyon and Nerissa Bowes-Lyon, the Queen Mother's nieces, when they were, in fact, merely under psychiatric care?

...that actress Patsy Kensit has married and divorced three different musicians?

...that the 364-metre pier in Withernsea, England was struck by ships four times, finally leaving it only 15 metres long?

...that most of the Strigolniki were drowned in the Volkhov river in 1376 as a result of pressure from the Russian Orthodox Church?

...that the Norwegian heavy water sabotage was a key part of Allied efforts to prevent Nazi Germany from developing nuclear weapons?

...that the Canadian constitutional crisis known as the King-Byng Affair led to the Statute of Westminster 1931, which affected all the Dominions in the British Empire?

...that a self number is an integer that cannot be generated by any other integer added up to its digits?

...that the primary Polish Scouting organization is Zwiazek Harcerstwa Polskiego?

...that the famed message "England expects that every man will do his duty" is misquoted on Nelson's Column in London?

...that Santa Maria sopra Minerva is the only Gothic church in Rome and holds the body of Saint Catherine of Siena, but not her head?

...that Englog is English mixed with Tagalog words, while Taglish is Tagalog mixed with English words?

...that Pennsylvania Hospital, cofounded by Benjamin Franklin, was the first hospital in the United States?

...that the source of the Naga fireballs of the Mekong river is a topic of much debate in Thailand?

...that the Gospel of Philip was one of the many Gnostic writings found in 1946 in the Egyptian village of Nag Hamm鈊i?

...that Wingy Manone's "Tar Paper Stomp" was used as the basis for Glenn Miller's "In the Mood"?

  ...that Germans consume up to 300 tonnes of d鰊er kebab each day?

...that non-standard poker hands in five-card draw are determined by house rules and may have colorful names like Little Bobtail and Round the Corner Straight?

...that the sterile insect technique has been successfully used to fight malaria?

source :

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Post time 20-6-2005 03:03 PM | Show all posts
Extra info...mana yang aku tahu...

...that the Canadian Tomb of the Unknown Soldier contains the remains of a Canadian soldier who died in France during World War I?
Selain Kanada, TOTUS juga ada di US (di Arlington National Cemetery), Perancis sendiri (di Paris) dan Itali. TOTUS menyimpan mayat askar negara tersebut yang terkorban dalam pertempuran tetapi mayatnya tak dpat dikenalpasti (sebab tu Unknown soldier). Kebanyakannya terkorban dalam WW1 tapi ada juga Korea dan Vietnam (kes US)

that American Miranda rights are named for Ernesto Miranda?
Hak yang dimaklumkan kepada suspek apabila ditahan pihak berkuasa (u have the right to remain silent blablabla...

...that the Scarlet King Snake can be distinguished from the Coral Snake by the mnemonic "red and yellow, kill a fellow" and "red and black venom lack"? kedua-dua ular ni secara kasar nampak sama sebab berbelang...tapi mnemonic tu tunjukkan belang mana satu menunjukkan spesis berbisa dengan yang tak

...that the crown lands of the United Kingdom are different than crown lands in Canada and Australia, the latter being more like the public lands of the United States?
Crown land kat UK = tanah milik Ratu. Kat lelain tu maknanya tanah boleh dimasuki orang awam.

...that Hans Guido Mutke claimed to be the first person to break the sound barrier?
Beliau seorang juruterbang tenetra udara Jerman dalam WW2...dalam satu pertempuran jet Me262 belaiau menjunam untuk menembak musuh tetapi mengalami gegaran dan goyangan. Speedometer pesawat jam pada kelajuan 1100km/h (laju bunyi pada 12,000m ikut keadaan). Tapi tak dapat bukti kukuh sebab situasi peprangan..

...that the USS Frank Knox was named in honor of Frank Knox, who was United States Secretary of the Navy during World War II?
USS Knox (FF-1052) adalah lead ship dalam Kapal frigate kelas Knox yang mempunyai tugas utama sebagai pemburu kapal selam...sekarang telah dilucut tauliah.

...that in addition to human spaceflight, there have been many animals in space, including monkeys, apes, mice, dogs, guinea pigs, frogs, rats, cats, tortoises, fish, newts, insects, snails, spiders and nematodes?
Di awal 'space race' US dan USSR tak berani lagi hantar manusia jadi mereka guna haiwan untuk kaji kesan space travel kepada makhluk hidup...

...that Napol閛n Bonaparte's defeat in what the Russians call the Patriotic War was the turning point in the Napoleonic Wars and the beginning of the end for the Emperor?

Seperti hitler lebih 100 tahun kemudian, Napoleon ditumpaskan tentera Rusia di Borodino kalau tak slah. Tentera beliau juga berjaya menawan Moscow tapi mendapati bandaraya tersebut telah dibakar tentera Rusia. Akibat ketiadaan tempat perlindunga dari sejuk dan juga bekalan semakin berkurangan, Grande Armee terpaksa berundur dari Rusia...

...that there are only a handful of true freshwater lakes in Australia because of that continent's minimal amount of glacial and tectonic activity? Australia kira stabil...kedudukan yang jauh dari kawasan 'sejuk' juga mengakibatkan kurang glasier...kena pula separuh negara tu gurun!

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Post time 20-6-2005 03:11 PM | Show all posts
...that the Allies organized the South East Asia Command, led by Lord Mountbatten, to manage operations in the southern Pacific Theater during World War II?
SEAC ditubuhkan selepas kekalahan Pihak bersekutu di Asia Tenggara. SEAC mengarahkan pertempuran di India, Burma, Malaya, Singapore dan sebhagian Hindia Timur belanda.

...that the Schneider CA1 was the first French tank?
Bersenjatakan mesingan 7.5mm dan meriam 75mm. Schneider bagaimanapun terkemudian daripada 'Mother', kereta kebal pertama didunia.

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Post time 20-6-2005 03:38 PM | Show all posts
...that after the Red Baron, French ace Ren

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2005 03:58 PM | Show all posts
good job ......... :clap: :clap:

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Post time 20-6-2005 04:00 PM | Show all posts
...that Charley Fox, a Canadian flight lieutenant, was credited with injuring Erwin Rommel?
Rommel ialah general terkemuka Jerman masa WW2, juga dikenali sebagai Desert Fox. Kereta yang beliau naiki telah ditembak sebuah pesawat Spitfire RCAF di perancis. Akibatnya beliau mengalami kecedaraan teruk tak terpkasa berehat di rumah beliau di jerman. Beberapa bulan selepas itu beliau dituduh terlibat dalam konspirasi membunuh Hitler dan diberi pilihan bunuh diri atau hadapi perbicaraan (sebab status beliau yang popular). Beliau memilih untuk bunuh diri sebab nak lindungi keluarga beliau. Secara rasminya beliau diberitakan meninggal akibat kecederaan yang dialami dalam serangan tersebut.

...that four planes were simultaneously hijacked in the 1970 Dawson's Field hijackings? 4 pesawat penumpang dari BOAC, Swissair dan dua lagi dari US kalau tak slah dirampas oleh PFLP yang meminta rakan mereka dibebaskan dari penjara Israel dan elsewhere dan dibawa ke bekas padang terbang RAF di Dawson's Field Jordan...untuk tunjukkan mereka serious, pesawat2 tersebut diletupkan (tetapi penumpang2 telah dilepaskan)

...that Battleship Row bore the brunt of the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor?
Battleship Row ialah tempat berlabuh kapal tempur utama (battleship) tenetra laut US. Jadi ini sasaran utama Jepun ketika serangan. Dua buah battleship, USS Arizona dan USS Oklahoma tenggelam manakala 6 yang lain mengalami kerosakan dari sedikit hingga teruk.

...that the assassination in Sarajevo of Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria led to World War I? (Okay, you probably did know that one.)

Beliau dibunuh oleh gavrilo Princip, seorang Serb. Austria ancam nak serang Serbia manakala Serbia minta bantuan Rusia.  Ausria minta bantuan Jerman dan Serbia juga minta bantuan Perancis...details tak ingat tapi benda ni melarat dan akibatnya perang meletus.

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Post time 20-6-2005 04:20 PM | Show all posts
...that the Battle of Tarawa was the first time in World War II that the U.S. faced serious opposition to an amphibious landing?
Pendaratan di pulau lain seperti Guadalcanal walaupun ditentang tapi dalam jangkamasa yang lama. Di Tarawa, dalam 3 hari selepas pendaratan, hampir 1,000 Marin US terbunuh, beribu yang lain cedera dan hampir kesemua unit simpanan digunakan untuk atasi tentangan Jepun. Di pihak jepun pula, dari kira2 4,800 anggota, hanya beberapa orang shaja ditemui masih hidup.

...that the Siege of Malta cost 1,493 civilian lives?
Kalau ni siege masa ww2...Malta dihujani bom hampir setiap hari dan lebih banyak bom digugurkan di malta dari di London.

...that a 1939 conflict between Soviet and Japanese troops in the village of Nomonhan is thought to have led to the attack on Pearl Harbor?
Indirectly tapi remote...Jepun teruk kena dengan Soviet dan terpaksa sign non-aggression pact dgn Rusia. Dengan perjanjian ini, Jepun tak perlu risau serangan Rusia (tapi masih kekalkan 1 juta tentera di Mongolia) dan boleh teruskan operasi mereka di rantau Asia-pasifik.

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Post time 20-6-2005 04:32 PM | Show all posts
...that the Elton John-Bernie Taupin song "Candle in the Wind" is the bestselling single of all time?
Ni versi tribute to Princess Diana..aku tak ingat berapa copies tapi more than 3 million kalau tak slah (salah sorangnya aku le....). Original version tribute to Marilyn Monroe.

...that Louis Mountbatten invented Mountbatten pink, a camouflage paint used during World War II?
Kalau tak salah warna pink ni diguna di Padang pasir Afrika utara oleh unit2 SAS.

...that the village name Ynysybwl, in South Wales, UK, is pronounced "Un-is-u-bull"?
Bukan setakat ni aje...banyak lagi...aku sampai pening nak sebut...Machynlleth, Pwllheli ada lagi le

...that the case Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Company established the precedents for UK contract law?
Kes mula2 sekali bebudak law belajar dalam syllabus.....nanti aku cite lebih sikit.

...that the Brimstone missile, an anti-tank guided missile, is carried by three Royal Air Force aeroplane types?
Brimstone didevelop dari peluru berpandu Hellfire yang diguna helikopter Apache. Tiga pesawat tu kalau tak salah Harrier, Jaguar dengan Tornado.

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Post time 21-6-2005 08:39 AM | Show all posts
...that the Canis Minor Dwarf Galaxy is our nearest galactic neighbor?
Jarak dari bumi ialah 11.44 tahun cahaya.

...that the Melisende Psalter, produced in the 12th century, is the most notable example of Crusader art?

...that the Thor, Baldur and Vidar are the best-known sons of Odin but that Snorri Sturluson names at least five others?
Tu semua nama dewa orang Viking

...that the Death's Head moth is named for the mark on its back, which resembles a human skull?
Ingat poster filem Silence of The Lambs? Itu le gambar dia

...that the Malm閐y Massacre Trial is often used in extreme right-wing German propaganda?
Malmedy massacre ialah dimana sekumpulan tentera SS jerman membunuh tahanan perang mereka ketika Battle of the Bulge.

...that, according to legend, one of the Holy Nails used in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was incorporated into the Iron Crown of Lombardy?
Well ianya legend...tak tau le kalau Hitler, yang percaya kuasa ghaib nak cari benda ni sebab dia juga cari 2 lagi christian artifacts iaitu Holy Grail dan Spear of destiny.

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Post time 21-6-2005 08:55 AM | Show all posts
...that rubbing the statue of Victor Noir in P鑢e Lachaise Cemetery supposedly "enhances fertility"?
I wonder which part of the statue they rubbed?

...that the Battle of the Bismarck Sea was a devastating Japanese defeat during World War II?
Jepun perlu menghantar bekalan dan seramai 7,000 askar tambahan untuk menghalang kemaraan pihak bersekutu di Papua New Guinea. Untuk tujuan ini 8 kapal pembinasa akan mengiringi 8 kapal transport ke PNG. Mereka telah dikesan Pihak Bersekutu dan diserang dari udara. Akibatnya 4 kapal pembinasa dan kesemua kapal transport ditenggelamkan.

...that aboriginal whaling rights are granted to native populations in Greenland, Canada, the United States, Russia and several Caribbean island communities?
Sebagai menghormati tradisi dan kebudayaan masyarakat asli yang memburu paus. Pemburuan pasu ecra komersil telah diharamkan.

...that the golden age of arcade games began with the release of Space Invaders in 1978?
A true game classic...still being played today!

...that the Norwegian heavy water sabotage was a key part of Allied efforts to prevent Nazi Germany from developing nuclear weapons?
Air berat (heavy water) diperlukan dalam penghasilan plutonium kalau tak salah) jadi dengan ops sabotaj ini, Jerman akan lewat meghasilkan plutonium yang boleh diguna sebagai bom atom.

  ...that Germans consume up to 300 tonnes of d鰊er kebab each day?
Not surprising memandangkan ramainya Turkish kat Jerman! Dan makanan yang spicy ni digemari kebanyakan masyarakat eropah.

...that the sterile insect technique has been successfully used to fight malaria?
Teknik  i secara ringkas...ambil nyamuk2 jantan...irradiate dengan UV RAy (atau whatever) dan matikan sistem pembiakan dia. Nyamuk2 ni dibebaskan ke habitat nyamuk anopheles liar dan akan mengawan dengan nyamuk betina. Tiada persenyawaan kerana benih jantan dah mati dan akhirnya tiada generasi baru nyamuk yang mampu membawa malaria.

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2005 12:58 PM | Show all posts
Tahukah Anda ...?

...that the United Kingdom was the first country to offer its citizens a postal savings system?

...that the literary genre known as Bangsian fantasy sets its action wholly or partially in Hell?

...that the word ecology was coined by Ellen Swallow Richards, the first woman admitted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology?

...that Antarctica's Lemaire Channel is such a popular tourist destination that it's nicknamed Kodak Gap?

...that the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace is the only U.S. presidential library that is not a part of the official National Archives and Records Administration system?

...that the 1945 Trial of the Sixteen helped the USSR consolidate its control over Poland?

...that the Cork Opera House in Ireland was built in 1855, burned down in 1955, and rebuilt in 1963?

...that the most famous accomplishment of the Israeli Engineering Corps is breaching the Suez Canal during the 1973 Arab-Israeli War?

...that British lying-in-state ceremonies take place at Westminster Hall?

...that the largest landslide ever recorded in Canada was 1965's Hope Slide?

...that the Venetian Arsenal is mentioned in Dante's Inferno?

...that there are three major kinds of arcade cabinet: upright, sit-down and cocktail?

...that the international Harmon Trophy is awarded to the most notable aviator of the year?

...that the Malayan Tapir is the only species of tapir native to Asia?

...that the word "high" in high treason differentiates that well-known crime from the more obscure petty treason?

...that Richard Blumenthal is Connecticut's Attorney General and was awarded the Raymond E. Baldwin Award for Public Service by the Quinnipiac University School of Law in 2002?

...that as many as 150 people a year attempt to commit suicide by jumping from either the Bosporus Bridge or Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge in Turkey?

...that the Romanian riots of 1989 led to the only bloody overthrow of a Communist regime in Europe?

...that the Rome Laboratory in New York is one of four superlabs run by the U.S. Air Force?

...that the history of Buddhism includes a century of Greco-Buddhist interaction, primarily around Bactria?

..that the city of Vancouver, British Columbia sits on the Burrard Peninsula?

...that the disputed Cherokee Strip in Kansas was the result of a boundary conflict between the Osage, Cherokee and United States federal government which lasted from 1854 until 1866?

...that the English medi鎣al shrine statue Our Lady of Ipswich, ordered to be destroyed during the Reformation, might have survived in an Italian village?

...that many of the Dartmoor longhouses built during the Middle Ages still stand today?

...that some historians consider the Baltimore riot of 1861 to be the first bloodshed of the American Civil War?

...that Buchwald v. Paramount may (or may not) have set a precedent for questioning spurious Hollywood accounting practices?

...that the history of the incipit runs from ancient Sumeria through to modern word processors?

...that the dominant art form of the English Renaissance was the play?

...that the mysterious objects known as Black Triangles may actually be hybrid airships?

  ...that Frances has tied Arlene (at eight times) as the most-used name for tropical cyclones in the Atlantic Ocean?

...that the city of Swakopmund, Namibia has some of the world's best examples of German Art Deco architecture?

...that Johannes Bugenhagen introduced the Protestant Reformation to Pomerania and Denmark in the 16th century?

...that the now-closed Opryland was the official theme park of NASCAR?

...that the Roman abacus incorporated mixed-base arithmetic?

...that the French village of Giverny, best known as the home and landscape subject of Claude Monet, is a pre-Roman town known in ancient deeds as Warnacum?

...that Governor-General outranks the Prime Minister in the New Zealand order of precedence?

...that historical hearsay states John of Kolno came to the New World in 1476, 16 years ahead of Christopher Columbus?

...that past Olympic mascots include several bears named Misha, Coal, Howdy and Hidy, and dogs Cobi and Waldi ?

...that pineconefish have no apparent sexual dimorphism?

...that Commodore Horatio Bridge was the first officer to employ the idea of comprehensive fleet supply within the United States Navy?

...there are large stands of primeval forest on the border between Poland and Belarus?

...that the Monty Python song "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" is a parody of the type of song featured in Disney films?

...that the AVE Mizar was a flying car created by attaching part of a Cessna Skymaster to a Ford Pinto?

...that the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia pioneered the use of incubators for newborn intensive care?

...that the main sounds made by Lichtenstein's Hartebeest are a bellow and a sneeze-snort?

...that the Wicked Witch of the West controls the Winged Monkeys through the power of the Golden Cap?

...that some Native Americans called the Douglas Squirrel the Pillillooeet?

...that The Brighter Day is the only explicitly religious soap opera ever to air on American network television?

...that the Seattle Fault is believed capable of producing an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale?

...that the Supreme Court of Sweden ceased to render verdicts in the name of the Swedish monarch in 1974?

...that You Bet Your Life was a radio and television quiz show hosted by Groucho Marx?

source : Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Post time 21-6-2005 02:34 PM | Show all posts
...that the most famous accomplishment of the Israeli Engineering Corps is breaching the Suez Canal during the 1973 Arab-Israeli War?
The accomplishment of the Egyptian Engineers need to be mentioned too. Israeli defences (called Bar-Lev Line) on the eastern side of the canal includes oil-discharging pipes (to be ignited so that crossing boats will be incinerated) and high sand ramparts. The Egyptians plug off the pipes and blow the sand ramparts using high pressure water pumps before assault troops came across.

...that the Romanian riots of 1989 led to the only bloody overthrow of a Communist regime in Europe?
All the others go through referendums/elections and change of policy of the governments. Nicolae Caucescu however still clings to old ideas and paid the price for it.

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 Author| Post time 23-6-2005 08:49 PM | Show all posts
Tahukah Anda ..?

...that Karel Kuttelwascher was the most famous World War II flying ace of Czech nationality?

...that the aftermath of the Revolt of 1173-1174 is depicted in the Peter O'Toole-Katharine Hepburn movie The Lion in Winter?

...that weight transfer causes the traction of tires on a car to vary?

...that the Cathedral of Magdeburg is the highest church in East Germany and houses the grave of Emperor Otto I. the Great?

...that before Helen Gallagher became well-known for her role as matriarch on Ryan's Hope, she won a Tony Award for her work in the revival of No, No, Nanette?

...that Fort Calgary, in what is now Calgary, Alberta, was originally named Fort Brisebois?

...that at the height of the Cold War, Lynne Cox became the first person to swim from the United States to the USSR?

...that Andr

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 Author| Post time 23-6-2005 08:57 PM | Show all posts
Tahukah Anda ..?

...that alternative theories of speciation besides natural selection include Lamarckism and orthogenesis?

...that all Native American pottery made before the arrival of Europeans was done without the use of a potter's wheel?

...that the Sausage Valley of WWI-era France was so named because the Germans frequently flew a sausage-shaped observation balloon above it?

...that the Polynesian Rat is used to track human migrations across the Pacific Ocean?

...that Operation Predator, a U.S. government initiative, seeks to end child sex tourism, which may victimize as many as two million children annually?

...that actress Susan Sullivan made comebacks to television no less than twice?

...that France Antarctique, a short-lived French colony, was not in Antarctica but in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil?

...that Joe Massino, formerly the head of New York's Bonanno crime family, was described as a real-life "last don"?

...that the Viceroyalty of La Plata梒overing Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay梬as the last viceroyalty created by Spain?

...that New Zealand is sometimes called The Half Gallon Quarter Acre Pavlova Paradise?

...that Liederkranz cheese is extinct?

...that the trans-Planckian problem refers to the appearance of unlikely quantities beyond the Planck scale in black-hole physics and inflationary cosmology?

...that the process for the evacuations of civilians in Britain during World War II was reversed in 1944?

...that the Ten Years' War, which began in 1868, was the first attempt by Cuba to secure its independence from Spain?

...that the Roman era of the early history of Switzerland began when the armies of Julius Caesar drove the Helvetii back from Gaul?

...that the year and a day rule regarding homicide was abolished because of advances in medicine and forensic science?

...that the U.S. District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands is the only U.S. District Court without an associated U.S. Attorney's Office?

...that the Angolan War of Independence lasted from 1961 until 1989, even though Portugal left Angola in 1975?

...that among those who do not believe John the Apostle was the author of the Johannine works of the Bible, John the Evangelist is the most commonly mentioned possible alternative author?

...that the Great Train Robbery of 1963 is the best-known example of the type of mail fraud known as "theft from the mails"?

...that Japanese toilets are the most technologically advanced toilets in the world today?

...that active camouflage would allow people to change clothing color or luminosity like chameleons and blend into their surroundings?

...that U.S. late-night talk-show host Johnny Carson was once a writer for The Red Skelton Show?

...that in mathematics, an Apollonian gasket is a fractal generated from three circles, any two of which are tangent to one another?

...that the style and subject matter of German Expressionism, which produced movies like Nosferatu, influenced film genres like horror and film noir?

...that the yobidashi serves as a sumo wrestler's handyman, promoter and assistant?

...that when the John Bull ran under its own power in 1981 it became the oldest operable steam locomotive in the world?

...that narrow gauge railways are cheaper than standard-size tracks and are often built in developing countries?

...that developing countries hoping to participate in globalization are experimenting with a U.S.-originated economic policy called Rubinomics?

...that the visit of King George IV to Scotland in 1822 led to the reinvigoration of the kilt and tartan as symbols of Scottish national identity?

...that the evolution of Hawaiian volcanoes ends with the Guyot Stage, and that most, if not all, the volcanoes west of Kure Atoll are guyots?

...that in high energy physics experiments, wire chambers are used to detect the path of particles emitted from the collisions in particle accelerators?

...that zoomusicology studies sounds, vocalizations and the organization of the noisy communications of animals?

...that the Berlaymont building in Brussels, Belgium houses European Commission headquarters?

...that pre-dreadnought battleships saw their most notable service in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904

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 Author| Post time 23-6-2005 09:02 PM | Show all posts
Tahukah Anda ..?

...that the Subservient Chicken is a viral marketing promotion by Burger King?

...that construction of Kelso Abbey took 15 years and was completed in 1243?

...that fourteen people died in the Cave Creek disaster when a scenic viewing platform collapsed in New Zealand in 1995?

...that the most common causes for an ingrown toenail are improperly fitted shoes and nails that are improperly trimmed?

...that Luis Francisco Ojeda is a Puerto Rican television host?

...that Bobby Sherman became a very popular teen idol after his first single rose to number 3 on the Billboard charts?

...that modern bicycle frame construction is usually founded on a diamond-frame design?

...that a muscle contraction occurs when a muscle fiber shortens?

...that the first railroad steam locomotive built by Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works was also the first locomotive to operate in the U.S. state of Ohio?

...that the Georgian Uprising of Texel is sometimes described as the last European battlefield of World War II?

...that both species of Corroboree frog are critically endangered?

...that enfleurage was once the only method for extracting essential oils from fragile flowers like jasmine and tuberose?

...that Nigeria, which contains what was once the Kingdom of Benin, has repeatedly called for the United Kingdom to return the Benin Bronzes, in a situation similar to Greece's petition for the return of the Elgin Marbles?

...that the Battle of Cape St. George, 26 November 1943, was the last time the Tokyo Express ran to the Solomon Islands?

... that text figures梐 style of typesetting numerals with descenders梐re the original style of Arabic numerals in the occident and still often used?

...that the Marginated Tortoise is the largest European tortoise?

...that British Airways unveiled a new corporate identity in 1997 which involved repainting its fleet with around 20 daring tailfin designs by world artists?

...that Samuel Lawrence was a Canadian politician and trade unionist?

...that the Comedian Harmonists was one of the most successful 20th century musical groups in Europe before World War II?

...that the Z machine, operated by Sandia National Laboratories, is the most powerful x-ray generator in the world?

...that the Battle of the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, 1942

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Post time 25-6-2005 09:25 AM | Show all posts
...that Karel Kuttelwascher was the most famous World War II flying ace of Czech nationality?
Beliau berkhidmat dalam Tentera udara Perancis dan British (sebab negara Czechoslovakia dah tak wujud tahun 1938 jadi dia lari ke Perancis. Bila Perancis kalah, dia lari ke UK). Beliau dapat tembak jatuh 21 pesawat musuh.

...that at the height of the Cold War, Lynne Cox became the first person to swim from the United States to the USSR?
OK...dia berenang dari Alaska ke Siberia...well dari pulau milik US ke pulau milik Rusia di Selat Bering yang memisahkan Alaska dengan Siberia. Jarak tak jauh sangat tapi sebab suhu air yang terlalu rendah menjadi cabaran utama. Datuk malik maidin nak buat jugak kerja ni....

...that Andr

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Post time 25-6-2005 09:34 AM | Show all posts
...that pre-dreadnought battleships saw their most notable service in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904

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 Author| Post time 28-6-2005 08:22 PM | Show all posts
Tahukah Anda ...?

... that New Place is the name given to Shakespeare's final place of residence in Stratford?

...that Joy Page is the only actress from the fourteen credited performers in Casablanca to still be alive?

...that Muixeranga is a name given to ancient acrobatic street dances and human castles?

...that Europe's most powerful supercomputer, MareNostrum, will be used in human genome research, protein research, weather forecasting and the design of new drugs?

...that a waterbuck is a diurnal antelope from Western and Central Africa?

...that Jan Kulczyk is currently the richest Pole? His fortune is estimated at PLN 12.5 bn (around $4 bn).

... that Canadian painter Sophie Pemberton, who painted her award-winning "Little Boy Blue" in 1897, taught painting to local female artists?

... that 25 passengers and crew mysteriously disappeared from MV Joyita in 1955?

... that Alexander "Sawney" Bean was rumored to be the head of an incestous family that murdered and cannabilized over 1000 people before they were all caught and executed?

... that the cathedral of the Armenian town of Zvartnots was depicted on the first emission of 100 AMD banknotes?

...that in aerial firefighting, fire retardants are colored red to mark where they've been dropped?

...that Long-billed Pipits breed on dry open slopes with rocks and low vegetation?

...that "POP" is a nickname for Pacific Ocean Park, a 28 acre (110,000 m

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 Author| Post time 28-6-2005 08:29 PM | Show all posts
Tahukah Anda ...?

...that Australian painter Jeffrey Smart initially wanted to become an architect instead of an artist?

...that the Vatu is the unit of currency in Vanuatu?

...that the Aerocar Coot was a two-seat amphibious aircraft designed for home-building by Moulton Taylor?

...that Luis Sotelo was a Spanish friar who died as a martyr in Japan in 1624?

...that the Opinel knife has been manufactured since the 1890s in the town of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne in the Savoie region of France?

...that Carpenter is a lunar impact crater located in the northern part of the Moon, causing it to appear oval in shape when in fact it's nearly circular?

...that Evan Taubenfeld was Avril Lavigne's lead guitarist from Spring 2002 to September 2004?

...that Faye Glenn Abdellah's pioneering work in nursing research has been recognized with 77 professional and academic honors?

...that the Iraz

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Post time 29-6-2005 04:05 PM | Show all posts
... that 25 passengers and crew mysteriously disappeared from MV Joyita in 1955?
A more famous disappearance were onboard the Mary Celeste

...that a shortage of amphibious vehicles made supply very difficult for the Americans in the battle of Guam?
Kekurangan mungkin disebabkan Operation Overlord 'D-Day' di Eropah pada bulan yang sama.

... that Cameron Bright and Nicole Kidman wore flesh-colored swimsuits during the filming of the bathtub scene in "Birth"?
nothing to add but...uhhhh too bad!

...that the airfields captured in the battle of Tinian were used for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Antara sebab utama kepulauan Guam ditawan ialah nilai strategik sebagai pengkalan pesawat B-29 untuk mengebom Jepun secara konvensional. Untuk pengeboman hiroshima dan nagasaki pengkalan udara di Pulau Tinian digunakan...lain2 pengkalan di marianas termasuk di Guam dan Saipan.

...that Navajo codetalkers directed naval gunfire onto Japanese positions in the battle of Saipan?
Tentera US dari puak Red Indian Navajo diguna sebab bahasa mereka langsung tak boleh difahami, terutama tenetra Jepun jadi jepun tak boleh nak intip radio-traffic US.

...that Operation Ten-Go was the last major Japanese naval operation in World War II?
Operasi ini melibatkan battleship terbesar diddunia, IJNS Yamato, cruiser ringan Yahagi dan 4 kapal pembinasa. Tujuan operasi ini ialah untuk menyadaikan Yamato di pantai Okinawa dan menjadi kubu terapung (tersadai?). Minyak dibawa hanya cukup untuk perjalanan dari Jepun ke Okinawa. Tapi hasrat Jepun tak sampai kerana Yamato tenggelam sebelum sampai ke Okinawa.

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