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Author: paulmossfanclub

King Cobra around Goddess AMMAN Statue in Puchong Temple

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5th_gear This user has been deleted
Post time 1-10-2005 08:25 PM | Show all posts
Hey Truth.8!
Say it if u wanna say it!
The only thing u say that will NOT shock the forummers in that if you say U are the snake! !

Well...go ahead..don't let SEPH to stop u.Even Cloud didnt let Seph to  stop him :bgrin:

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Post time 2-10-2005 01:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 5th_gear at 1-10-2005 08:25 PM
Hey Truth.8!
Say it if u wanna say it!
The only thing u say that will NOT shock the forummers in that if you say U are the snake! !

Well...go ahead..don't let SEPH to  ...

Hello Newbie

I waiting for sep to says YES or NO

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Post time 3-10-2005 07:54 AM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

If Jews did not believed such why they read and believed in Bible? u only telling on ur own view to win this debat.

Hello ... do you know or not that in the Bible has two portions? New or OLD Testaments. The one the Jews believes in are called Old Testament. They reject the New Testament (about Jesus).

Sign?? until peoples waiting in quee to get blessing???

No, they are waiting to see the sign.

The God of Abraham  

And WHAT proof do you have that God of Abraham is the "Father" of Jesus and NOT Zeus? :cak:

unless u blind after seeing my avatar ????

Even a prostitute can put an avatar of a Virgin Mary, that doesn't make her a "virgin". :cak:

Of course there is proof unlike in hindus not even single proof that god of lotus and etc exisit but merely like fairy tales which carried by generation to generation.

p/s: why not u get cd on Jesus fact or false than u see many proof that HE does exist.

CDs can be produced by ANYONE - including you. That is not proof, that is recreation of myth. As for Hindu Gods proof, it exists in small small miracles like the above now and then.

that what u believed but not me. like krishnan going around with blue face and womanise which remain me abt greek pantehon.

Go and read the Veda and Purana ... everything He did is according to Vedas and Purana (unlike Jesus). Start with Garuda Purana.

I am asking u again, u want me to expose the truth on the snake which appear in that aman idol??? Yes or No.

Yes lah ... do whatever you like.



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Post time 3-10-2005 12:38 PM | Show all posts
Hello ... do you know or not that in the Bible has two portions? New or OLD Testaments. The one the Jews believes in are called Old Testament. They reject the New Testament (about Jesus).


Yup the OT clearly mentioned abt forbiden fruit and satan. Pls do not add ur  own words. Thats the reason why ur faith been fully corrupted by priest because they come with own words to suite them.

The real Hindus are spiritually who do not worshipped idols. Infact, there is not such thing hindus until came the corrupt priest to promote  hindus who brought pagan ritual and idols.


No, they are waiting to see the sign.


what sign?? mind sharing with us. hve u read the above article : quee for blessing, luck and bla bla bla. is that sound like waiting for sign:stp:


And WHAT proof do you have that God of Abraham is the "Father" of Jesus and NOT Zeus?

It all wrote in the Bible and that is my proof.


Even a prostitute can put an avatar of a Virgin Mary, that doesn't make her a "virgin".

meaning to says that u are not hindus

CDs can be produced by ANYONE - including you. That is not proof, that is recreation of myth. As for Hindu Gods proof, it exists in small small miracles like the above now and then.

u wrong those documentary taken by National society and not some ding dong

Go and read the Veda and Purana ... everything He did is according to Vedas and Purana (unlike Jesus). Start with Garuda Purana.


are those veda and purana orginal scriputres or spoiled by corrupted hands??

Yes lah ... do whatever you like.


i taught u wise to think  yet me as fool hve to confound the wise. No wonder the Bible wrote  The fool will confound the wise.

Anyway, i give u a  clue : MILK.

can u think abt it????

u are good in writing but failed to THINK. there many peoples like u good as wise but actually there fool. Only fool who able to THINK  and educate wise like u.

so,  can u figure out my clue the MILK

[ Last edited by Truth.8 at 3-10-2005 12:40 PM ]



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Post time 3-10-2005 01:25 PM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

Yup the OT clearly mentioned abt forbiden fruit and satan. Pls do not add ur  own words. Thats the reason why ur faith been fully corrupted by priest because they come with own words to suite them.

The real Hindus are spiritually who do not worshipped idols. Infact, there is not such thing hindus until came the corrupt priest to promote  hindus who brought pagan ritual and idols.

Yeah, Old Testament DID mentioned Forbiden fruit and Satan, it however failed to mention God has a son and Original Sin. And who are this so-called real Hindus? They definately not Christians because they too worship idols. ;)

what sign?? mind sharing with us. hve u read the above article : quee for blessing, luck and bla bla bla. is that sound like waiting for sign

Yeah. Sign that the temple had matured and the Snake is the sign. Same way Moses showed God is by turning his stick into a Snake and eat the other snakes up.

It all wrote in the Bible and that is my proof.

So you have NO proof that God of Abraham (who was named Yahweh - the Eternal One, One who has no Son or form for that matter) is Father of Jesus. If Yahweh is not the Father of Jesus, WHO IS? :cak:

meaning to says that u are not hindus   
No, meaning to say you are not Truthful even so you have named yourself Truth. ;)

u wrong those documentary taken by National society and not some ding dong

National Society of what? Christianity? Right ... (Sarcasm).

are those veda and purana orginal scriputres or spoiled by corrupted hands??

Nope ... not corrupted. In Hindusm, one of the most unforgivable SIN in Hindusm is changing (even a meaning or vow) in a Purana, so Brahmins (caretakers of Purana and Vedas) made sure it remained intact for generations.

Anyway, i give u a  clue : MILK.

IF the Snake wanted milk, it could stay in the "busut" where devotees could come and pour milk and sometimes place chicken eggs for the Snake. It does not need to coil itself onto the main diety of the temple where milk is uncommon.



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Post time 3-10-2005 02:48 PM | Show all posts
Yeah, Old Testament DID mentioned Forbiden fruit and Satan, it however failed to mention God has a son and Original Sin. And who are this so-called real Hindus? They definately not Christians because they too worship idols.


It mentioned abt Lord and Father. Read than u understand it.
There no such things Hindus. Those sage are truly spiritually connected and worshipped God in spirit.  Than came corrupt priest to mix with those god with wives and pagan.


Yeah. Sign that the temple had matured and the Snake is the sign. Same way Moses showed God is by turning his stick into a Snake and eat the other snakes up.


So u saying those who quee up asking for luck , improve business, better in study is sign??? :stp:


So you have NO proof that God of Abraham (who was named Yahweh - the Eternal One, One who has no Son or form for that matter) is Father of Jesus. If Yahweh is not the Father of Jesus, WHO IS?

Jesus know as Lord before he come to earth. One verse Christ says I was before Abaraham. In Book of Daniel it mentioned two.

No, meaning to say you are not Truthful even so you have named yourself Truth.


Just because I exposing the untruth abt so called miracle snake u veiw me not truthful??? Truth hurts but lies destroy.


National Society of what? Christianity? Right ... (Sarcasm).

National society who did the research at holy land found many papayrus and etc base on Biblical but Hindus NONE

Nope ... not corrupted. In Hindusm, one of the most unforgivable SIN in Hindusm is changing (even a meaning or vow) in a Purana, so Brahmins (caretakers of Purana and Vedas) made sure it remained intact for generations.


How sure u that is not corrupt by work of humans?? u hve proof???

IF the Snake wanted milk, it could stay in the "busut" where devotees could come and pour milk and sometimes place chicken eggs for the Snake. It does not need to coil itself onto the main diety of the temple where milk is uncommon.


hahahahahah u still cannot figure out my clue and coming with busut and bla bla bla.

i give u another 1 day for u to think before me as fool confound the wise. if u failed, than i consider ur blindly worshipped that snake  without knowing the real fact.



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Post time 4-10-2005 07:37 AM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

It mentioned abt Lord and Father. Read than u understand it.
There no such things Hindus. Those sage are truly spiritually connected and worshipped God in spirit.  Than came corrupt priest to mix with those god with wives and pagan.

Nonsense ... Lord and Father doesn't mean it is God of Abraham. Matter a fact, there has not been a SINGLE time anyone called God of Abraham "Father" before Jesus. So why did Jesus come and called God of Abraham "Father"? Who was he calling to? Explain that.

So u saying those who quee up asking for luck , improve business, better in study is sign???  

Nope, superstitions. Gods don't do for you if you are not capable of doing it yourself. Sometimes Gods help but it depends on you how to use it well. It already mentioned in the Gita also.

Jesus know as Lord before he come to earth. One verse Christ says I was before Abaraham. In Book of Daniel it mentioned two.

Mind showing the verse? And please don't ask me to look for it. He who speaks of it must be the one to prove his claims.

Just because I exposing the untruth abt so called miracle snake u veiw me not truthful??? Truth hurts but lies destroy.

You exposing NOTHING. You are trying to dismystify a miracle so you yourself will not doubt your own lies. ;)

National society who did the research at holy land found many papayrus and etc base on Biblical but Hindus NONE

Give it some time. Besides, National Society of Christianity themselves cannot possibly prove anything. They have YET to prove Jesus existed. ;)

Nope ... not corrupted. In Hindusm, one of the most unforgivable SIN in Hindusm is changing (even a meaning or vow) in a Purana, so Brahmins (caretakers of Purana and Vedas) made sure it remained intact for generations.

How sure u that is not corrupt by work of humans?? u hve proof???

Read the above qoute till you understand what it means. ;)

hahahahahah u still cannot figure out my clue and coming with busut and bla bla bla.


Give the this so-called explaination or slitther away like a good devil that you are. I have no time to entertain foolish people who are busy deluding themselves. ;)

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Post time 4-10-2005 01:06 PM | Show all posts
Nonsense ... Lord and Father doesn't mean it is God of Abraham. Matter a fact, there has not been a SINGLE time anyone called God of Abraham "Father" before Jesus. So why did Jesus come and called God of Abraham "Father"? Who was he calling to? Explain that.


Nonsense to u but factual  according to the Bible. Read the Bible than u know the truth


Nope, superstitions. Gods don't do for you if you are not capable of doing it yourself. Sometimes Gods help but it depends on you how to use it well. It already mentioned in the Gita also.

the fact is most hindus line up for blessing on luck and etc.

Mind showing the verse? And please don't ask me to look for it. He who speaks of it must be the one to prove his claims.

it already answered many times in CC and Relgion forum. go to  C&C forum and look for One God but Two.

You exposing NOTHING. You are trying to dismystify a miracle so you yourself will not doubt your own lies.


than why hindus believed that the snake appear is miracle?? is that miracle ???


Give it some time. Besides, National Society of Christianity themselves cannot possibly prove anything. They have YET to prove Jesus existed.

They already proof according to their research but it was u too igorance to find the truth.

Give the this so-called explaination or slitther away like a good devil that you are. I have no time to entertain people who are busy deluding themselves.

I give another clue . Read the article again, it mentioned the snake suppose to go nagaswari idols but ended in aman. why???

[ Last edited by fleurzsa at 18-10-2005 10:40 AM ]

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Post time 4-10-2005 01:31 PM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

Nonsense to u but factual  according to the Bible. Read the Bible than u know the truth

I did read the research on the Book of Daniel and guess what I found :

Many Liberal Christians believe that the book was really written many centuries after Daniel's time, during the Maccabean revolt against the Greek occupying forces in 168-164 BCE. They regard the book as pseudepigraphic - written by an anonymous author or authors and attributed to Daniel. They conclude this for a number of reasons:  

1. The text contains a number of Greek words; yet the Greek occupation of the area did not occur until the 4th century BCE.

2. One of the musical instruments mentioned in Daniel 3:5 and in subsequent passages did not exist until developed in 2nd century BCE Greece.

3. Daniel 1:4 refers to the "Chaldeans" as a priestly class in Babylon. This term did not attain this meaning until much later than the 6th century.

4. About 180 BCE, Jeshua ben Sira listed the heroes of the Jewish faith, including "Enoch, Noah and Abraham through to Nehemiah;" 2 Daniel is not mentioned - presumably because Jeshua is unaware of him. This would indicate that the book of Daniel was written after that time.

5. Chapter 12 discusses the dead being resurrected, judged, and taken to either heaven and hell. At the time of Daniel, the Jews believed that all persons went to Sheol after death. The concept of heaven and hell was introduced centuries later by the Greeks. It did not appear in Israel until the time of the Maccabean revolt.

6. Daniel 11:31 (and elsewhere) refers to "the abominable thing that causes desolation." This appears to refer to the erection of a statue of Zeus in the Jerusalem temple in 167 BCE, and would indicate that the book was written later than that date.

7. Daniel 8:14 indicates that worship would cease in the temple in Jerusalem due to the occupying forces for a period of 2,300 days - i.e. 3 years and about 2 months. In the 2nd century, the time interval between the desolation and resumption of sacrifices was precisely 2 years. If we assume that Antiochus suspended sacrifice about 2 months before the desolation, then the match between Daniel and the Maccabean revolt would be perfect.

8. Prior to Daniel 11:40, the author(s) has been recording past events under the Babylonian, Median, Persian and Greek empires. In Daniel 11:40-45, he really attempts to predict the future. He prophesizes that a king of the south (of the Ptolemaic dynasty) will attack the Greeks in Palestine, under Antiochus. The Greeks will win, will lay spoil to all of northeast Africa, and return to Palestine where Antiochus will die. The end of history will then occur. The author(s) appeared to be a poor psychic because none of these events actually happened. Antiochus did die in 164 BCE, but it was in Persia. Thus, the book was apparently completed before 164.

So you so called proof that Jews had any proof of Jesus in Book of Daniel is very much wrong. The Book of Daniel which you have is clearly a rewritten copy of later years, while the one Jews are using (which they carried forward by Word of Mouth, just as the Kaballah was carried forward) is the genuine Book of Daniel.

Source :

the fact is most hindus line up for blessing on luck and etc.

Yes, they did.

it already answered many times in CC and Relgion forum. go to  C&C forum and look for One God but Two.

This is NOT Religion section or CC, this is HINDUSM section and I'M ASKING YOU NOW. Understand that part and answer accordingly. If all you can answer is that you had answered somewhere and do not need to answer here, LEAVE and go to whever you answered at and play with whomever you answered to. UNDERSTAND? :agr:

than why hindus believed that the snake appear is miracle?? is that miracle ???

Yes, it is. Same as when Moses threw his staff and it turned to a Snake. Anyone could say it is a trick and that someone had threw in a snake to confuse the audience (it can be done if the lighting in a room is dim enough and the audience are less).

They already proof according to their research but it was u too igorance to find the truth.

Wrong ... I don't need to proof anything nor find anything to proof your claims. You claims it, you proof it. If you cannot, then you LIE. Simply as that.

I give another clue since u so stupid. Read the article again, it mentioned the snake suppose to go nagaswari idols but ended in aman. why???  

I don't need clues. I want the actual explainations. Like I said before, you cannot proof anything. LEAVE. You are wasting my time.

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2005 11:46 AM | Show all posts
Interesting battle... I wonder why didnt my Father (Hindu all his life) and my Mom (Catholic all her life) never had this kinda conversation or disagreement.. Hmmm only one word..
LOVE!!! God is all about LOVE and RESPECT...

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Post time 14-10-2005 07:18 AM | Show all posts
by paulmossfanclub

Interesting battle... I wonder why didnt my Father (Hindu all his life) and my Mom (Catholic all her life) never had this kinda conversation or disagreement.. Hmmm only one word.. LOVE!!!

OR Lust.
Or Simply Don't Care. ;)

A lot of Hindus don't care about their own religion and end up marrying people who are outside their religion. First for Lust (Sex), later, they simply don't care because they could think that argueing on things like this will only break the family up.

If your father is Hindu and your mother is Catholic, what does makes you? Rojak? ;)

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Post time 14-10-2005 09:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 4-10-2005 01:31 PM
by Truth.8

Nonsense to u but factual  according to the Bible. Read the Bible than u know the truth

I did read the research on the Book of Daniel and guess what I found :


I make it very simple and logical for u to think.

The  temple and amman idol  is rather old  which 123 yrs (123-year-old Sri Maha Mariamman temple/ The Star) . During the those yrs, Hindus shower hindus god with milk, sanda wood and few others.

Since the idols been shower with milk often for past 123 yrs, does make logical sense that the idols smell of milk??? and left over milk around that idols??? This hve attracted the snake coil around because of the milk smell and drinking left over milk around that idols.

So, how can these snake is miracle when it hunting for milk??

I been telling many times that humans are easily fool with such things rather than using commen sense.

Nothing is so great abt that snake. It just normal snake searching milk which the snake can sense yet peoples quee up for blessing, asking for lucky and etc than seeking the TRUE ALIMIGHTY GOD THE CREATOR.

I can't  imagine how humans believing and asking for blessing frm snake which created by God.;);)

[ Last edited by fleurzsa at 18-10-2005 10:48 AM ]

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Post time 14-10-2005 09:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by paulmossfanclub at 13-10-2005 11:46 AM
Interesting battle... I wonder why didnt my Father (Hindu all his life) and my Mom (Catholic all her life) never had this kinda conversation or disagreement.. Hmmm only one word..
LOVE!!! God is  ...

ur mother is idols worhsipper and so do ur father = Idols worshipper.

God hve warned many times that Christians should not worshipped idols because God is Spirit.

Praying to Mary, angel and etc is not true teaching of Bible.

Worshipped Father and Jesus

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Post time 14-10-2005 09:59 AM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

Since the idols been shower with milk often for past 123 yrs, does make logical sense that the idols smell of milk??? and left over milk around that idols??? This hve attracted the snake coil around because of the milk smell and drinking left over milk around that idols.

So, how can these snake is miracle when it hunting for milk??

I been telling many times that humans are easily fool with such things rather than using commen sense.

Ceh! Is that ALL? I was expecting something that is trully intelligence and worth my time, instead, you give me reasons that is as insignificant as your belief. ;)

Here's some knowledge for your common sense :

1. The idol also have been showered with satin wood spray, oil, and all sort of ingredience for the past 123 years. So, milk scent couldn't possibly survive despite of all this other materials they have used. Besides, Milk is watery sustance which can be wasted away easily and the altar is kept clean from any residue DAILY.

2. If we follow your milk scent theory, then the Snake should have made its way to nearest Nagaraj shrine (which located a few feets away outside the main hall) rather than sit idle around the Statue for days. And don't say the Snake is confused.

Source :

This website stated that Snake's fork tongue enables the Snake to know the direction of the scent easily (unlike Christians do have forked tongue but don't know crap). ;)

3. Further more, the Snake willing to endure fire and heat from the altar's lamp as well as humans (who are bigger and can be identified as potential threats) around the vicinity.

So, your theory holds as much water as the Titanic did. ;)

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Post time 14-10-2005 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 14-10-2005 09:59 AM
Ceh! Is that ALL? I was expecting something that is trully intelligence and worth my time, instead, you give me reasons that is as insignificant as your belief.

Here's some knowledge for your common sense :

1. The idol also have been showered with satin wood spray, oil, and all sort of ingredience for the past 123 years. So, milk scent couldn't possibly survive despite of all this other materials they have used. Besides, Milk is watery sustance which can be wasted away easily and the altar is kept clean from any residue DAILY.

2. If we follow your milk scent theory, then the Snake should have made its way to nearest Nagaraj shrine (which located a few feets away outside the main hall) rather than sit idle around the Statue for days. And don't say the Snake is confused.

Source :

This website stated that Snake's fork tongue enables the Snake to know the direction of the scent easily (unlike Christians do have forked tongue but don't know crap).

3. Further more, the Snake willing to endure fire and heat from the altar's lamp as well as humans (who are bigger and can be identified as potential threats) around the vicinity.

So, your theory holds as much water as the Titanic did.  ..

The fact is it searching for Milk which offered by ur so called dovoutee and the smell makes it way to the idols.

That why i wrote the those snake worshipped never worshipped by true sage until came the corrupt hindus priest  to mix with pagans. No wonderl ur Vishnu once says " India he cannot bear"  because fully corrupted either true teaching of God and etc.

like small baby which smell of milk, snake too get attracted.

[ Last edited by Truth.8 at 14-10-2005 10:20 AM ]

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Post time 14-10-2005 10:47 AM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

The fact is it searching for Milk which offered by ur so called dovoutee and the smell makes it way to the idols.

You didn't read properly the explainations, did you? ;)

Snakes can smell and differentiate the direction of the smell easily. Also, the Idols itself is bathed regularly using things such as water and coconut milk (which acts as soap) and the altar itself is clean regularly. So, it cannot possibly wrap around a statue,  waiting for milk when there is a Nagaraj shrine a few meters away which DO offer milk. UNDERSTOOD?

That why i wrote the those snake worshipped never worshipped by true sage until came the corrupt hindus priest  to mix with pagans. No wonderl ur Vishnu once says " India he cannot bear"  because fully corrupted either true teaching of God and etc.

Lord Vishnu never said such nonsense. If He did, He couldn't have come as Avatars over and over again, and India could have overriden by Christians and Muslims hundred of years ago.

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Post time 14-10-2005 12:57 PM | Show all posts
Snakes can smell and differentiate the direction of the smell easily. Also, the Idols itself is bathed regularly using things such as water and coconut milk (which acts as soap) and the altar itself is clean regularly. So, it cannot possibly wrap around a statue,  waiting for milk when there is a Nagaraj shrine a few meters away which DO offer milk. UNDERSTOOD?

So, u peoples believed an animals is so powerful to bless u guys???;););) Now, I know why God destroy the Jews after giving up hope with true God when they worshipped cow.

It might happened to those worshipped animals because those animals created by WHOM???? Think


Lord Vishnu never said such nonsense. If He did, He couldn't have come as Avatars over and over again, and India could have overriden by Christians and Muslims hundred of years ago.


How u know he comes avatars over and over again??? u got seen is it?? any proof documents or just story telling by corrupt hindu priest???

I remember that in ur so called holy book did mentioned that. pls ask ur hindus priest.

I give an example : If u were given a power and wealth, i gurantee u be fully corrupted. Thats why India still stay that way with lack of improvement.

I think Bharama told that he cannot bear india if i am not mistaken. Ur own hindu god admit ur generation, what proof we need?? so u think those snake is another corrupt hands by hindu priest???

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Post time 14-10-2005 02:31 PM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

So, u peoples believed an animals is so powerful to bless u guys??? Now, I know why God destroy the Jews after giving up hope with true God when they worshipped cow.

More lies, huh? Jews weren't destroyed by God. He brought them to the Promised Land which later stolen by Christians with help of Romans (who are now, heads of Roman Christians). Once a traitor, always a traitor. ;)

How u know he comes avatars over and over again??? u got seen is it?? any proof documents or just story telling by corrupt hindu priest???

Go and prove your Jesus existed before asking others to prove their faith. It is riddiculos that anyone need to prove anything to YOU when you yourself worship a fictional character who never existed. ;)

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2005 04:27 PM | Show all posts
Well whatever it is.. i guess u guys can go on and on and on on this battle so i really would like to see who wins... hehehehe so keep it guys and let me sit back and enjoy!!!! cheers.. ;-)

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Post time 14-10-2005 06:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by paulmossfanclub at 14-10-2005 04:27 PM
Well whatever it is.. i guess u guys can go on and on and on on this battle so i really would like to see who wins... hehehehe so keep it guys and let me sit back and enjoy!!!! cheers.. ;-)

the problem with u is: u dad is hindus and ur mum is catholic and u are confused.

U must made up ur mind whether to believed God of Bible or  those snake, three head lotus god and etc.

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