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Author: raeshad

Fancy some Tutankhamen?

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Post time 30-1-2006 12:03 AM | Show all posts
rae, maksudnya bukan thread khusus pasal king tut ni laa...

anyway, now i can see more than three pics.... better than tadi ptg... i hope to be able to see all the pics....

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Post time 30-1-2006 12:48 AM | Show all posts
ish ... mesir takmo ambik balik ke mende neh ?

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Post time 30-1-2006 06:41 AM | Show all posts
hi rae...ive been there ....if am not mistaken..dalam tu ade mummy gakkan..tapi tak lah banyak..kalau tak silap la...

banyak gak artofac2 yang dorang amik dari negara2 luar...sesedap je dorang( british) amik dari negara jajahn die..pastu tayang kat tempat die..

tapi memang betul..memang besar gile british museum ni...boleh sesat...



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crunchy This user has been deleted
Post time 31-1-2006 11:51 PM | Show all posts
now this reminds me of one of my paperwork i did before.

king tut died at young age.

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Post time 1-2-2006 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by crunchy at 31-1-2006 11:51 PM
now this reminds me of one of my paperwork i did before.

king tut died at young age.

Postkan lah cerita dia sikit.

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Post time 1-2-2006 01:06 PM | Show all posts
Dulu I ada buat thread pasal Firaun kat satu bod tu... dah kena delete lak....

Menyentuh ttg budaya & susun lapis masyarakat Mesir dahulu kala...

- Firaun mempunyai kedudukan tertinggi dlm hierarki masyarakat memandangkan beliau dianggap sbg tuhan.

- Kelas atasan terdiri drp pendeta dan bangsawan.  Golongan pendeta diberi kedudukan tinggi krn agama merupa unsur penting dlm kehidupan org Mesir.  Pendeta melakukan kerja2 sembahyang dan pengkebumian.

- Golongan bangsawan penting krn membantu Firaun dlm hal ehwal pentadbiran.  Mereka memegang jawatan gabenor daerah, pemungut cukai dan pegawai istana.

- Kelas pertengahan terdiri drpo pedagang, artisan, & kump profesional spt guru, artis, doktor & jurutulis.

- Kelas bawahan merupakan golongan terbesar terdiri drp petani dan hamba abdi.  Para petani menyerahkan sebahagian (mungkin 1/5 ) drp hasil kpd kerajaan sbg cukai.

- Hamba abdi merupakan golongan terendah terdiri drp tawanan perang dan org yg dijual beli.  Kebanyakan bekerja di projek pengairan, kuari kerajaan & kuil.

Bagaimana pun terdpt mobiliti sosial... seseorg boleh bergerak dr peringkat bawah ke peringkat yg lebih tinggi.

Kedudukan wanita sgt penting krn harta tanah ( land property) diturunkan dr ibu kpd anak perempuan.  Wanita boleh menaiki tahta.

Kaum wanita mempunyai hak menjual & membeli harta.  Kedudukan wanita lebih mulia jika beliau melahirkan beberapa anak.

bersambung.... Nanti I citer pasal Tutankhamen yg mungkin disebut dlm ayat Al Quran.

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crunchy This user has been deleted
Post time 2-2-2006 12:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hamizao at 1-2-2006 10:17 AM

Postkan lah cerita dia sikit.

i dont have it... harta syarikat. i did for my previous job. but his story is very interesting. you should try look up for his story, very sad.

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Post time 2-2-2006 12:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by crunchy at 2-2-2006 12:13 PM

i dont have it... harta syarikat. i did for my previous job. but his story is very interesting. you should try look up for his story, very sad.

Heheheh.....pasal malas nak searchlah dik....Kot ada yang sedia ada..okey lagi. Hmmmmm mungkin Fluerza ada...?

Buat masa ni Hami nak post gambar death mask dia. Hami ada tengok di muzium dulu.....cantik!



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Post time 2-2-2006 02:02 PM | Show all posts
I pernah tengok mumia anak Firaun kat Muzium Negara Dulu... lama dah... Kalo tak silap Tutankhamen kot...

Hmmm bila lagi  Muzium Negara nak buat pameran pasal artifak Tanah Arab ni...

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Post time 2-2-2006 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Mengikut pengkaji tomb King Tut yang pertama yang belum dikacau oleh tomb raiders atau pencuri. Itulah sebabnya barang2 yg berharga masih berada di situ lagi. Itulah juga sebabnya boleh diadakan pameran di seluruh dunia.

Baru2 ni ada ditunjukkan di National Geographic pasal bagaimana pengkaji telah, menerusi rajah CAT scan tengkorak Tut, mereka dapat membentuk semula kepala dan muka Tut.

Dari serpihan tulang tengkoraknya ia dipercayai telah di bunuh dengan satu pukulan di kepalanya semasa ia tidur.

[ Last edited by hamizao at 17-2-2006 12:06 PM ]



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Post time 6-2-2006 10:50 AM | Show all posts
Hmmmmm bukan Tutankhamen yg disebut dlm ayat Al Quran... mungkin Merneptah

Who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus
Asim Mehmood

I was reading your article on Pharoah and followed Jochen Katz's link.  He had pointed out that Muslims hold the opinion that the Pharoah of drowning was Merneptah, among them Maurice Bucaille.  I would like to point out that this opinion is actually based upon an attempt to reconcile the Biblical account with the Quranic account.  The Old Testament, in Exodus 2:23 and 4:19, affirm that there were two different Pharoahs, the Pharoah that died while Musa (AS) was in Midian and the Pharoah that died from drowning.

It is noteworthy that the opinion of two Pharoahs among the Muslims is found only among the modern commentators.  ibn Katheer in his Story of the Prophets, refutes this view.  The Quran rejects the two notion theory in numerous places.  One of the most manifest is in Surah Qasas where Allah relates the "parts of the story of Musa and Pharoah."  It becomes even more obvious in 26.22 when Pharoah tries to gain sympathy from Musa (AS) by relating the 'favours' he had done for him in his childhood.  Another point that refutes the two-Pharoah theory is speficially in regards to Musa's (AS) fears of returning to Egypt because of his killing an Egyptian.

The Quran rejects the Biblical account that there was nothing to fear by returning "for all the men who wanted to kill you are dead." (Exodus 4:19)  In 26:14 and 26:15 of the Quran, Musa (AS) fears the people's retribution for his killing an Egyptian and Allah reassures Musa (AS) by saying that they will not be able to harm him because of "OUR SIGNS."  In 28:35 this is clarified even further that on account of his SIGNS they shall not be able to him (AS).  The narration tells us that it is the miraculous signs which prevent Pharoah from killing Musa (AS).

These may seem like historical details, but it is in fact very important to determine the identity of the Pharoah.  The Quranic account affirms that the length of Pharoah would have to cover the period before the birth of Musa (AS), the years before Musa left for Midian, the years he spent in Midian, and the years Musa (AS) stayed in Egypt the second time.  In the book "History Testifies to the Infallibility of the Quran," a very CAUTIOUS UNDERESTIMATE is made from a number of Quranic verses for approximately 40 years for that paricular Pharaonic rule.  

As the book states only a FEW pharoahs would have ruled for such a long time throughout the history of Pharoanic Egypt.  In the second half of the second millenium, which is the period most historians agree is the period of the EXODUS, only two Pharoahs are known to have ruled for over 40 years; Tuthmosis III (1504-1540 BCE) and Ramses II (1279-1212 BCE).  The next in line is 37 yrs, and that Pharoah is Amenhotep III (1386-1349!), whose rule is too short a period to consider him for a candidate.  

According to history, Tuthmosis' reign was not really even forty years, because his reign began when he was extremely young.  His stepmother acted as the ruler until she died in 1483 BCE.  This puts his actual reign at about 33 years, which is even less than Amenhotep III.  This leaves only Ramessis II as the potential candidate.

As a side note, from the death of Ramses II, the sojourn of the Israelites can be derived.  The exodus can be placed at 1212 BCE, the year of death of Ramses II.  Yaqub (AS) entered Egypt around 1643 BC, thus the total years of the sojourn would have lasted around 430 years, the same figure given  by Exodus in 12:40-41. Of course these figure should not be taken to be EXACT, but they provide a roughly accurate account in terms of years.

Another key phrase in understanding who the Pharoah of the Quran was is through his title in surah Fajr, i.e. the Pharoah of the awtad.  Awtad is understood as "high and large buildings."  Clayton, a historian remarks:  "As a monumantal builder, Ramsees II stands pre-eminent among the Pharoahs of Egypt.  Although Khufu had created the Great Pyramid, Ramses' hand lay over the whole Egypt."

"History Testifies to the Infallibility of the Quran" on page 139 then goes on to quote the historian's comments referring to Ramses' obsession with building and the achievements of his.  The book than quotes the historian Kitchen, saying "Ramsesses II surpassed not only the Eighteenth dynasty but every other period in Egyptian history."  The Quran contrasts Pharoah's obsession of building with his wife's obsession to have Allah "BUILD FOR HER A HOUSE NEAR YOU IN PARADISE."  Note the contrasting attitudes.

As is clear, the only reason for the Muslim commentators to accept Merneptah is because of reconcilining the Quranic account with the Biblical account and the discovery of his mummy.  Biblical scholars held this opinion of Merneptah and they thought it was confirmed when his mummy was NOT found in the Valley of Kings nor in the cache of royal mummies which was discovered in 1881 near deir al-Bahari at Thebes.  They held this opinion because in Exodus 14:30 it mentions that the Egyptian bodies could be seen by the Israelites on the shore, but not a mention is made of Pharoah's body.  It would seem strange that the bible would not mention Pharoah's body with the soldier unless they assumed he was drowned and lost.

The claim that it was Merneptah that was drowned was dropped when the mummy of Merneptah was discovered in 1898 in the Valley of Kings with Amenhotep II's tomp along with fifteen other mummies.  Many of those that held Merneptah as the Pharoah of the Exodus felt justi!
fied when they discovered a heavy encrustation of salt on is skin, but this, as confirmed by Harris and Weeks (1973:157) and Partridge (1996:160), is a result of EMBALMING.

Because of the death of Pharoah, it would have been extreemly unlikely his body would have been recovered in the sea.  The Quran states it was and in fact it is confirmed when the body of RAMSESSES II was discovered in mummified form in 1881 amongst forty mummies kept in a cache near Deir al Bahari at Thebes.  The mummies were concealed in two caches around 1000 BCE to protect the graves from robbers, which became a nuisance.  The first cache contained the grave of Ramsesses II and others, while the second cache contained his son Merneptah.  

The body of Ramesses II is contained in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.  It is noteworthy that the only time the Quran has said that it would preserve a body as a sign was the with the death of Pharoah.  The Quran mentions a series of towns being destroyed, but not once does it mention that the bodies would be saved except in the case of the Pharoah

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Post time 13-2-2006 07:21 PM | Show all posts

Reply #30 hamizao's post

Thanks, Fleursa.

Ustaz sy pun bilang Ramseslah Pharoah semasa Moses. Semasa Merneptah Kingdom Israel telah hancur dan orang2 Bani Israel sudah berada dalam buangan di Babylon.

Pengkaji sejarah ada juga membuat kajian dan mencari dimanakah penyemberangan Laut Merah itu berlaku. Mereka ada berjumpa tanda2 seperti bangkai roda chariot dll. di Teluk Aqabah.:hmm::hmm:

[ Last edited by hamizao at 16-2-2006 01:14 AM ]



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Post time 15-2-2006 12:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hamizao at 2-2-2006 12:54 PM
Heheheh.....pasal malas nak searchlah dik....Kot ada yang sedia ada..okey lagi. Hmmmmm mungkin Fluerza ada...?
Buat masa ni Hami nak post gambar death mask dia. Hami ada tengok di muzium dul ...

Eh Hami... Kalau tidak silap Tutankhamen tidak mempunyai janggut....:hmm:

[ Last edited by fleurzsa at 15-2-2006 12:19 PM ]

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Post time 15-2-2006 03:50 PM | Show all posts
Waa.. ni kena ajak mod tutankhamun! masuk thread nih.....

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Post time 16-2-2006 01:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fleurzsa at 15-2-2006 12:18 PM

Eh Hami... Kalau tidak silap Tutankhamen tidak mempunyai janggut....:hmm:

Benar kata Fleurzsa tu, tetapi janggut palsu selalunya di ukir kepada death mask Pharaoh sebagai simbol Pharaoh termasuklah yang perempuan juga seperti Hatshepsut.

Death mask Tut tu solid gold!

[ Last edited by hamizao at 16-2-2006 01:21 AM ]

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Post time 17-2-2006 03:41 AM | Show all posts
Hello. Ini pertama kali saya masuk bod ni. Ah, ternampak threat King Tut pula. Terus buka. Kebetulan, anak saya yg. umur 7 th tu minat benar dengan Ancient Egyptians sampai bercita2 nak jadi Egyptologist. She's very familiar with Dr. Zahi Hawas. She can read some Egyptian hierogliphs(tanpa tahu makna lah). Tapi dia kenal beberapa nama king and Queens yg. tertulis kat tomb tuh.
       Beberapa minggu lepas saya dan anak2 pergi tengok pamiran King Tut di muzium of arts in Florida. Kalau tak silap dalam 70 artifacts dari tomdbTut , Kiya dan Yuya. Oh, my...terpegun kami dua beranak. Cantik sungguh hasil seni Egyptians dedulu...halus buatannya.
         Topeng emas tu pun ada. Tapi tak dibenar ambil gambar. Saya ada beberapa gambar tomb painting, coffins jewellery yg. saya ambil di Muzuem of Arts di new York. Kalau kengkawan nak tengok boleh saya pastekan.



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Post time 17-2-2006 03:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hamizao at 2-2-2006 03:20 PM
Dari serpihan tulang tengkoraknya ia dipercayai telah di bunuh dengan satu  di kepalanya semasa ia tidur.

     Sebenarnya sehingga ke hari ini  tak de siapa tahu apa sebenarnya punca kematian Tut sewaktu umur dalam 19 th. Tak de bukti pembunuhan berlaku walaupun selepas diperiksa mummynya.



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Post time 17-2-2006 03:52 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hamizao at 7-1-2006 01:26 PM
Just a couple of nights ago there was this prog on Discovery Ch about Moses. It also mentioned Ankhenaten, Nefertiti and Tutankhamen, her son. Anyone else saw it?

Pst, pst, ada pengkaji yg menya ...

tuthankhamun was not Nefertiti's son. Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) married Nefertiti and they had 6 daughters. Tuthankhamun( born as Tutankhaten) was  
most probably Akhenaten 's son with his lesser wife Kiya.



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Post time 17-2-2006 03:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hamizao at 16-2-2006 01:11 AM

Benar kata Fleurzsa tu, tetapi janggut palsu selalunya di ukir kepada death mask Pharaoh sebagai simbol Pharaoh termasuklah yang perempuan juga seperti Hatshepsut.

Death mask Tut tu solid go ...

Ada tengok documentary film, dia tunjuk semasa hidup pun pharaoh pakai janggut palsu juga, sewaktu ada upacara, dia pakai.

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Post time 17-2-2006 01:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by belanga at 17-2-2006 03:52 AM
tuthankhamun was not Nefertiti's son. Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) married Nefertiti and they had 6 daughters. Tuthankhamun( born as Tutankhaten) was  
most probably Akhenaten 's son with his less ...

The parents of Tut are indeed a mystery and thus far have never been established to the satisfaction of all the experts in this field. I was actually quoting the TV program...Perhaps the popular version is as you have said: father is Akhenaten and mother may be one of the minor wives..Kiya(?). But he married one of Nefertiti's daughter, Ankhesenpaaten.

His father Amenhotep IV, was responsible for breaking from tradition and moving out of Thebes and building a new capital, Amarna, for a single god Aten. He then changed his name to Ankhenaten. Amarna was a well planned city.


Tut, however, was responsible for returning to Thebes, the former capital, and returning to the god Amen. He then changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamen.

[ Last edited by hamizao at 17-2-2006 01:34 PM ]



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