Originally posted by barney50 at 15-2-2006 06:24 AM
You moron Sages do not have gold ornaments nor did they live in luxury. It's we the ordinary people whose wish is to do so. Did Jesus ask you to put the cross at the altar of your church? Did Jesus ask you to celebrate Christmas? Diid Jesus ask you to celebrate thanks giving? Did Jesus you ot kiss the cross. Why do you do all this? Was it written in your bible or you are doing it for the love of Jesus? Please answer me or stop asking stupid questiona to irritate me. ...
Meaning to says that those sages are true believer because they do not decorate gods with golds nor jewels.
I strongly believed that this true sages worshiped God in spirit until come corrupt hindus priest to corrupt this true sages teachings.
Btw, i do not worshiped God in cross, idols, chariot, christmas because those thing not mentioned in Bible.
am i rite?? |
by Truth.8
Btw, i do not worshiped God in cross, idols, chariot, christmas because those thing not mentioned in Bible.
No, because you are a Muslim pretending to be Christian. ;) |
does ur earlier sages the true believer decorate gods with golds??
by truth
simple logic truth,simple logic.......why do you buy gifts for your parents or someone u love (if u had done it before)even when they dont ask or expect from you?Reason is to show your appreciation,gratitude and love towards them.The same applies here.....God had never asked mankind to shower Him with gold...but man does this for the love.....unlike some followers who allow their so called son of god to be nailed to the wood.....:cak: |
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Originally posted by Truth.8 at 14-2-2006 12:24
what is aro gara??? i know murugaka but what is aro gara?
"Vetrivel Murugan ker...Aro Gara" is word used for praising Lord Murugan...and murugaka is a vege :agr: not our god.....if you go to thaipusam..you may heard it...
fleurzsa: edited bcz not appropriate here. Thanks
[ Last edited by fleurzsa at 28-3-2006 09:19 AM ] |
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Ravenscourt This user has been deleted
Just want some clarification from Shepiroth...
A Hindu friend of mine once told me that when a temple want to renovate the statues on the roof (sorry, I don't know what it is called - kan atas bumbung kuil ada banyak patung dewa/dewi) no one can see what the craftsman is doing... some sort like pantang... is it true? And if it is true care to tell me why? |
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Maybe true ... they do cover it with palm leaves during renovations and all. I think it is same like what priest put a veil in front of an altar when he is cleaning the altar or decorating the statues also. |
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Itu semua tu duit tol tu.......
Samy vellu punya project, tol kan dah naik.... |
Bila bapa kau jadi accountan general? Kerana hanya accountant general tahu hal ini semua. Munkin duit tu juga dapat bina Masjid2 and surau di seluruh negara. Boleh tahan lah tu..... |
Reply #28 barney50's post
Bukan bapak akulah, tapi pakcik aku....So?? |
Reply #29 sedondon's post
Tu lah ko sedondon, cakap lagi maennnn lepas.. nak berhujah kasi lah point..  |
Reply 9# Freako
Why You didnt tell the same for the muslim's when they could build a crystal mosque? They also the same...money is money rite? Not only Hindu/Sindhu's but all r the same...but its regarding to our Lord's. |
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