Originally posted by ajinomotonosuga at 18-2-2006 12:11 AM
ooo cite tajuk pe tu cigu..toksah tenguk cite seram2 tuh..tak sihat untuk minda unless dah kuat jati ler buleh tepis bab lemah semangat tau
tina tu degei..dia buat jek apa dia mahu hihihi ...
hehehe... sara mmg suka citer hindustan tapi tgk gred filem gak 
kalu citer asyik bertumbuk jer.. plot ke laut tak guna jugak..
sara kalu tak ada shah rukh khan berlakon atau hritik roshan berlakon, alamat tgk alai balai jer ler onyang ooi... :lol
cerita seram mmg seram nak ditengok.. tapi kalu berkumpul ramai2 mmg suka jugak tgk... mujur tak histeria, sbb opah marah kalu kami jerit2 malam2... katanya nanti kerasukan... org tua2 nih byk pantang larang dia kan nyang?  |
Originally posted by KakFie at 16-2-2006 09:39 AM
schizophrenic - mempunyai dua identiti yang berbeza.
...eerr...i think i need to clarify something here...please note that split personality has nothing to do with schizophrenia....this is just one of the many myths of schizophrenia...
...schizophrenia nie is actually a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder...and people with schizophrenia may hear voices other people dont hear or believe that others are reading their minds...controlling their thoughts or plotting to harm them....these experiences are terrifying and can cause fearfulness...withdrawal or extreme agitation....
...people with schizophrenia may not make sense when they talk...may sit for hours without moving or talking much or can seem perfectly fine until they talk about what they are really thinking....
...the popular myth that split personality is part of schizophrenia may have arisen because the word "schizophrenia" comes from Greek words meaning "split mind"....but the "split" is not referring to "split personality" but rather to the fact that the person is "split from reality"....
...ok??...heh...  |
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Originally posted by KakFie at 16-2-2006 09:39 AM
Kleptomania - tidak dapat tahan perasaan untuk memiliki sesuatu
...when we talk about kleptomania nie...kita mesti mention the key word yang memberi makna sebenar kleptomania...and that word is - steal..mencuri...kleptomania nie involves the failure to resist impulses to steal things...yang dicuri pon actually bukanlah needed for either personal use or for their monetary value....slalunya...there is typically anxiety prior to the act of theft and relief or gratification afterward....hehehe...kesian ek orang camnie...  |
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thanks blackmore for the elaboration.
kalau nak detailkan tentang penyakit tu semua memang panjang lebar dan banyak symptomnya. |
Mr.Forensics This user has been deleted
Originally posted by KakFie at 16-2-2006 09:39 AM
Prosopagnosia - kita tidak recognise muka sendiri bila melihat cermin.
macam aku jer....aku jarang giler tengok cermin...kalau boleh aku elakkan tengok cermin..sebab aku rasa pelik ahh tengok muka aku sendiri...bukan sebab aku hodoh atau cacat...tapi aku rasa macam org lain sedang tengok aku dari dalam cermin tuuu...bukan aku...
so aku jarang tengok cermin...dua minggu sekali pun susah....
sebab tu aku tak brapa kenal diri aku sendirik agaknya....
(kalau nak tengok rambut serabai ke tak aku tgk dari reflection vinyl/monitor pc):pmuka: |
Punca kegilaan ini ada disebabkan secara fizikal dan ada yang bersifat rohani... apabila manusia lemah tidak mampu mengawal otak dan menolak anasir jahat yang masuk kedalam dirinya maka tindak balas yang dikeluarkan adalah berbeza dari yang sepatutnya... banyak rawatan dicadangkan.. namun usaha pencegahan lebih baik dilakukan di mana manusia perlu didekatkan dengan Allah agar terhindar dari penyakit ini... |
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