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Author: nummerzwei


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Post time 17-8-2006 09:54 PM | Show all posts
dah bace dah........dpt gak keluar kat paper....

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Post time 23-8-2006 10:54 PM | Show all posts
Nak tanya chemist expert kat sini. Adakah diesel yang dijual kat stesyen minyak malaysia ini boleh meet piawaian EN atau ATSM?

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Post time 25-8-2006 02:07 PM | Show all posts
Source :

By Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent
Wed Aug 23, 11:09 AM ET

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Rising production of biofuels from crops might complicate U.N. goals of ending hunger in developing countries, where 850 million people do not have enough to eat, a senior U.N. official said on Wednesday.

"There's a huge potential for biofuels but we have to look at ... competition with food production," said Alexander Mueller, assistant Director General of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Production of fuels from sugar, maize, soybeans and other corps is surging, spurred by oil prices above $70 a barrel and a drive for more environmentally friendly fuels from renewable sources.Biofuels now make up only a fraction of a percent of world energy use but have an economic potential to rise to perhaps 6 percent by 2050, according to rough FAO estimates.

"This is an emerging issue with no clear figures and no guidelines," Mueller said. The rise of biofuels could also strain world water supplies -- about one in three people live in areas where water is scarce, he said.

He also said that the world would need better management of fresh water to "feed all the people and to produce energy for the world."

Mueller said biofuels presented one of three major challenges for farming, alongside climate change and a rising world population.

Food output would have to rise by 40 percent in the next 25 years to keep pace with a rise in the world population to nine billion people. That in turn will strain demand for irrigation with one in three people living in regions with water shortages.

And climate change might bring more droughts, floods, heat waves and erosion. Most scientists say that emissions of greenhouse gases, largely from burning fossil fuels in power plants, factories and cars, are warming the planet.

Biofuel means less food for the world population. :hmm:
How to solve this. :hmm:

I think this is more urgent issue, something to think and discuss (than X-Ray Glasses). ;)

One solution could be :- increase Nuclear Reactors for Developed Nations like US, Japan, Europe while leaving the biofuel for devoloping nations.

Also, there are other resources like Solar panels. I could see millions of hectors of solar panels in Sahara Desert, Kalahari Desert, Gobi Desert, Nevada Desert etc in the future. Also, wind-powered electrical generators could be useful also.

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Post time 26-8-2006 12:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #22 alec's post

Kalau ade piawaian EN atau ASTM boleh tolong list tak?.....nnt aku check tgk meet ke x.......setahu aku, EN and ASTM nie cuma provide Standard Test Method utk testing shj. Spec minyak tu bergantung pd pengeluar......

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Post time 26-8-2006 12:28 PM | Show all posts
Common tests utk Diesel:
Density, API Gravity, Flash point, Boiling Point, Calorific Value, Cetane Index, Sediment content and Sulfur Content.........ade bbrp lg test...

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Post time 6-9-2006 09:44 AM | Show all posts
Kilang MTBE yg dekat Gebeng Pahang tu kan? MTBE tu metil tetra butane etilyne ker maksud dia? Please advise. Acctually.....apa gunanyer MTBE nih? Tak silap aku MTBE Petronas nih pun dia produced PP jugak kan?

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Post time 6-9-2006 11:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sedondon at 6-9-2006 09:44 AM
Kilang MTBE yg dekat Gebeng Pahang tu kan? MTBE tu metil tetra butane etilyne ker maksud dia? Please advise. Acctually.....apa gunanyer MTBE nih? Tak silap aku MTBE Petronas nih pun dia produced PP ...

mtbe tuh additive dalam petrol
mtbe is a pollutant...jenis yg effect water reservoir sbb dia voc

tp lately aku banyak jumpa bio-mtbe..derived from bioethanol
bio-mtbe nih either boleh guna as additive dalam biodiesel
or as biofuel itself

so aku tak paham
kalo bio-mtbe nih properties dia lain ke? still a pollutant kan??

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Post time 8-9-2006 04:14 PM | Show all posts
ubat gegat pun boleh jadi booster utk petrol kan? Sapa pernah dengar? Ini bukan lawak. Ubat gegat tu naftalene kan?

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Post time 11-9-2006 07:57 PM | Show all posts
MTBE - Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE)

MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether) is a chemical compound that is manufactured by the chemical reaction of methanol and isobutylene. MTBE is produced in very large quantities (over 200,000 barrels per day in the U.S. in 1999) and is almost exclusively used as a fuel additive in motor gasoline. It is one of a group of chemicals commonly known as "oxygenates" because they raise the oxygen content of gasoline. At room temperature, MTBE is a volatile, flammable and colorless liquid that dissolves rather easily in water.

MTBE has been used in U.S. gasoline at low levels since 1979 to replace lead as an octane enhancer (helps prevent the engine from "knocking"). Since 1992, MTBE has been used at higher concentrations in some gasoline to fulfill the oxygenate requirements set by Congress in the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. (A few cities, such as Denver, used oxygenates (MTBE) at higher concentrations during the wintertime in the late 1980's.)

Oxygen helps gasoline burn more completely, reducing harmful tailpipe emissions from motor vehicles. In one respect, the oxygen dilutes or displaces gasoline components such as aromatics (e.g., benzene) and sulfur. In another, oxygen optimizes the oxidation during combustion. Most refiners have chosen to use MTBE over other oxygenates primarily for its blending characteristics and for economic reasons.

For more information pls log-on into

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Post time 13-9-2006 11:20 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 2-10-2006 01:56 AM | Show all posts
biodiesel yang 5% masuk dalam petrol tu takde la untung mana pun
lagi untung produce minyak masak jer...
sebab rasanya setakat ni biodiesel di malaysia produced from minyak kelapa sawit kan
dalam 1 liter to worth around 1 ringgit je,compared ngan minyak masak..2 ringgit lebih

tapi kalo fokus kat all those waste from palm oil industry
macam palm kernel, EFB etc...convert to energy lagi bagus rasanya
boleh convert to methane, (biogas)pastu jadi ler energy source

tak silap aku UTM ader wat projek produce biopetrol plak..from agricultural waste
yang ni baru bagus,convert waste jadi minyak untuk kete...
tapi tu la,harap dapat ler fund yang banyak untuk produce large scale

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Post time 2-10-2006 01:59 AM | Show all posts
masalah di malaysia...peruntukan untuk R&D tak meluas
kita ada sumber,kita ada teknologi
tapi duit takdak pulak

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Post time 9-10-2006 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Berapa yg tak cukup nih, boleh aku tambah2 sikit!

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Post time 9-10-2006 04:27 PM | Show all posts
herie blajar biodiesel ni dalam est jer kat sekolah:ting:

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Post time 14-10-2006 12:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pala_hotak_lu at 26-8-2006 12:28 PM
Common tests utk Diesel:
Density, API Gravity, Flash point, Boiling Point, Calorific Value, Cetane Index, Sediment content and Sulfur Content.........ade bbrp lg test...

berapakah kos untuk testing ni?

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 Author| Post time 2-11-2006 06:18 PM | Show all posts
betul tu.....sekang nia aku tgh mencari

1.tpt utk testing biodiesel based on international standard...spt API gravity,flash point,boliling point,iodine index,cetane index etc tec...agak2 kt MPOB boleh buat tak?

2. keduanya aku sedang carik supplier or manufacturer Crude Palm Oil utk 500-1000 tonne sebulan..kalu sesape ada kontek atau yg terlibat dalam ni..sila kontek aku 0132779320

3. jom join projek waste vegetable oil....aku ingt nak buat research kt USM....


[ Last edited by  nummerzwei at 2-11-2006 06:21 PM ]

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Post time 17-11-2006 12:31 AM | Show all posts
MPOB x de masalah kot......may be not available or conditionally available for public testing...anyway parameter yg aku sebut tu, lab aku boleh buat, cost mungkin cecah RM1000, roughly.....normally customer will ask for EN (European Standard) tp lab aku guna ASTM standard......

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Post time 21-11-2006 06:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sedondon at 8-9-2006 04:14 PM
ubat gegat pun boleh jadi booster utk petrol kan? Sapa pernah dengar? Ini bukan lawak. Ubat gegat tu naftalene kan?


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 Author| Post time 2-4-2007 06:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by herie at 9-10-2006 04:27 PM
herie blajar biodiesel ni dalam est jer kat sekolah:ting:

askum herie

boleh tak ko bg details sikit proces buat biodiesel yg dijlnkan di sekolah ko tu...kalau ada gbr lagi bagus..gbr yg original yakni gbr ko dan kwn2 tgh buat experiment...thanks for the info

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Post time 26-4-2007 07:45 AM | Show all posts

Reply #39 nummerzwei's post

Process nak buat biodiesel adalah lebihkurang process cracking untuk dapatkan gassoline, dari high chain to lower chain..

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