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Author: 13Friday

Define Identity Cards as it concerns citizenships

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Sugi This user has been deleted
Post time 24-9-2006 01:34 PM | Show all posts
Sunday September 24, 2006

Sabahans want government to act fast on illegal immigrants

KOTA KINABALU: Sabahans want the State Government to take 搑eal steps

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Post time 24-9-2006 03:44 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by Sugi at 24-9-2006 01:34 PM
Sunday September 24, 2006

Sabahans want government to act fast on illegal immigrants

KOTA KINABALU: Sabahans want the State Government to take 搑eal steps

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 Author| Post time 24-9-2006 04:16 PM | Show all posts

more than just the illegals

the definition of illegal for Sabahans should include those given genuine IC by dubious ways.

They have become dubious citizens.

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2006 07:32 PM | Show all posts

still pending???

The Inspector General of Police
Bukit Aman,
Kuala Lumpur.

The Commisssioner of Police Sabah,                                17th October, 2006
Police Headquarters,
Kepayan,  Kota Kinabalu.

K K Police Headquarters, Kota Kinabalu.

Dear Sirs,
Re:  Police  Report lodged by CASH on 21st June 2006
       Identity Cards - genuine and dubious in the hands of illegals  under P1/P2 'Project Mahathir'
Further to the Police Report lodged on 21st June, 2006 and the process of statements since the Deputy IGP's press conference on 23rd June, 2006 acting on our report lodged, we would like to know the status of the case.

While there may be some delay due to the availability of some of the respondents like the Member of Parliament Datuk Wilfred Tangau as per press report attached, we would expect the Police to have initiated the appropriate attention and action on the substance of our Police report.

We also know that various parties named by us had already given their cooperation in giving the required statements to the Police investigation.

Quite a few Police Reports had been lodged by various people on the issue of questionable Identity cards given to illegal and unqualified people and related matters thereof like phantom voters, and such Police Reports appeared to have not been investigated.

As the issue is three decades old, we hope the Police can take appropriate prompt action.

We believe that once the Royal Commission of Inquiry is established, more information would be presented.

We thank you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully,

Joshua Kong
Secretary General

cc  CASH President Datuk Patrick Sindu.

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2006 07:34 PM | Show all posts

Even the Federal Cabinet on Illegal is a sham.

PaCiFIC- Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards.
Secretary General - Joshua Kong's press release No. 128 for PaCiFIC dated 16th October , 2006
From Joshua Y. C. Kong, P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu. [email protected].

What is this hu ha over 600,000 illegals in the country asked to go away???

That is definitely a very bad understated figure when Sabah itself has more than 600,000 illegals namely without proper documents.

Even in Sabah there is still the crisis of extra people IC (EPIC) of more than 1 millions (1-2 millions likely) who are considered dubious citizens under project IC.

Unless a Royal Commission of Inquiry is established nothing significant would be done to resolve the IC crisis once and for all.

Actually RCI is justice for Sabahans, justice for the outsiders as far as ICs are concerned, and why is the Government of the day not doing anything about it?

Even the Federal Cabinet on Illegal is a sham.

Meanwhile MIGS or Mega ICC Group Sabah for RM120 billions against Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia may bear fruit soon.

Joshua Y. C. Kong.
Secretary General, PaCiFIC- Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards.

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Post time 17-10-2006 01:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sugi at 27-8-2006 06:28 PM
happy belated birthday, may all the hard work pay off one day.

take care and god speed.

hey Friday , i admire and appreciate what youre doing for us Sabahans, we are right behind you, at least of course in our own respective fields. come visit us in Sabah Forum in cari . I've posted some good articles together with veydis..

best regards
Obersliutenant, SNF

Gott seien mit Ihnen ( May God be with you )

[ Last edited by  Obersliutenant at 17-10-2006 01:11 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 17-10-2006 09:04 AM | Show all posts

thank God

JK? Digest no 13 of October, 06 <258 of 2006> A testimony on EPIC of Sabah.

Of course, I heard the right Voice of God as a Christian.

That happened in July 2002 and I am still ALIVE against all odds after thousands of all sorts of attacks.

No pain No gain.

EPIC of Sabah means extra people identity cards given to hundreds of thousand of illegal or unqualified people.

This is a POSITIVE testimony and you need to pass it on.

You may say - Did you really the right Voice? That is your problem.

I knew the statistical disparity - extra people in 1999 but I waited for the 2000 Population Census to be made public later to compile the updated version. That census was made public only in late 2001.

It was a hard struggle of sort to recover data for all those Census years - 1960, 1970, 1980, 1991 as I moved home in late 2001. I could not locate those copies earlier I had obtained from the Library. That was April, 2002 when I wanted to present a paper to the 7th Biennial International Conference (7BIC) of the Borneo Research Council. I was in the nick of time to be allowed to submit an abstract on "EPIC of Sabah" and then approved within 24 hours for that paper.

The next thing was to search desperate for the data but could not find it. So I went to the KK Public Library but it was closed for major repair, and then I went to the State Archives but it was also suddenly closed for repairs. Then I had no choice but to find the copy misplaced.

I am not sharing here the problems encountered on the way to have the book published on time for the talk on 24th July 2002.

Then I asked God what should I do after the book is out.

The Voice says "You can file a case to the world court".

I asked which one when I knew ICJ as between nations to settle disputes. But in May 2005, I can across a story in the Internet over a person known as Joseph Krony (JK) of the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda. JK of LRA was supposed to be arrested by the International Criminal Courts (ICC) for Crimes Against Humanity. Then I found out that ICC came into existence in July 2002.

So I submitted the first brief to ICC after given a notice in May, 2005. I then submitted another one of the same size of 500 plus A4 pages in September and received by ICC on 2nd October 2006.

So every move has a direction in life after so much struggle since 1970. My first book 'New Wealth Order' published on 11th September 2001 gave me the encouragement and on-hand experience to be an author. That experience gave me the impetus to publish the second book 'EPIC of Sabah' in July 2002.

So now it is a historic feat of filing two briefs to ICC plus a complaint letter over our neighbours Philippines and Indonesia on those crimes against humanity by Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia.

With that I now come to Mega ICC Group Sabah (MIGS) to set us free from oppression - politics, economy, finance, cultural, spiritual, since 1963 for the majority of the local people. MIGS is a vehicle towards RM120 billion trust fund.

I trust God to deliver but it is still a reflection on ourselves.

Support MIGS.

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS)

Author of New Wealth Order, EPIC of Sabah, FIRE, Sabah Wealth - image of woods power,

EPIC of Sabah - 2nd Edition, Paper to Parliament Select Committee on Unity and National Service.

EPIC of Sabah - 3rd Ed., WATER, A tussle in biodiversity of two liquids - palm oil and water,

Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia in 1963, Paper Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity (2006).

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 Author| Post time 8-11-2006 07:39 PM | Show all posts


PaCiFIC- Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards.
Secretary General - Joshua Kong's press release No. 129 for PaCiFIC dated 8th November , 2006

From Joshua Y. C. Kong, P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu. [email protected].

Deception here is causing the 3 countries at least RM120 billions

Today's Daily Express front stories by the Philippines Ambassador to Malaysia titled "These kids are Filipinos", he declared Philippine nationality was not dependent on the place of birth but on the parentage or blood-line when he vows to speed up on issuing documents.

"It is our country's stand not to accept the offspring of the refugees as our citizens because they were born outside the Philippines," said Tawi Tawi Congressman Nur Jaafar who is leading a congressional delegation to Malaysia to discuss problems facing the deportation of Filipinos. (see the story below in the Star)
Whether there is a denial over the contradiction or not,  all these are LIES by the nearby foreigners.

If it is a bloodline, then why are many Filipinos also having dual citizenship as allowed by the country?  I understand Misuari once the terrorising Governor of Mindanao is also holding Malaysian Identity card.  I also understand many of the kidnappers in the Sipadan and Pandangan islands in 2000 are holders of Malaysian Identity Cards.

It is timely to reminder these three countries Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia that they owe Sabah and Sabahans at least RM40 billions each for 40 years as I already lodged the official complaints to the International Criminal Courts ICC not ICJ.  The case is for Crimes against humanity committed in Sabah, our homeland.   The ICC has a provision for compensation for the victims in Sabah and such fund would be held in trust for all local people of Sabah.

If Philippines and Indonesia cannot pay up, then they have to pay in kind.  Malaysia is sort of cash rich to throw so much money down the drains both within and without the nation but away from Sabah.

Joshua Y. C. Kong.
Secretary General, PaCiFIC- Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards.
Nation Tuesday November 7, 2006 ... 8066&sec=nation
Manila refuses to accept refugee kids
KOTA KINABALU: Manila does not recognise the thousands of children of Filipino refugees who fled to Sabah in the early 1970s as citizens.
"It is our country's stand not to accept the offspring of the refugees as our citizens because they were born outside the Philippines," said Tawi Tawi Congressman Nur Jaafar who is leading a congressional delegation to Malaysia to discuss problems facing the deportation of Filipinos.
He estimated that there were over 100,000 offspring involving at least three generations from the original refugees who fled to Sabah following the outbreak of a civil war between Manila and the Moro National Liberation Front.
Nur Jaafar said the problem should be handled by Malaysia as this group of people was not recognised by the Philippines government as its citizens. However, on humanitarian grounds, he personally hoped that the children would be given education.
According to reports, some 55,000 Filipino refugees remain in Sabah holding IMM13 visitor passes issued by the Immigration Department.
Nur Jaafar, whose delegation comprised Congressmen from Muslim provinces in the southern Philippines, said they were hoping to work out a proper mechanism for speedy deportation of its citizens illegally in Sabah.
He said he met with Home Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Radzi Sheikh Ahmad in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday and was scheduled to meet with Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman and Yang Di Pertua Negeri Tun Ahmadshah Abdullah within the next two days.
The visit was initiated by the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs following the deaths of two girls aged three and 11 following their deportation from Sabah.
"The younger child died on the ferry back to Zamboanga City and the other shortly after arrival. After listening to the views of the Malaysian government officials, I call it an unfortunate accident," said Nur Jaafar, the former presidential advisor on Muslim affairs.
"We are not here to blame each other but to assist and help one another in the deportation of our citizens and minimise any problems for both countries."
However, he hoped that Filipino children awaiting deportation would be kept in a separate "children's recreational area" within the detention centres, and the deportation process expedited.
He also said there was also concern over women from the Philippines being brought in for the flesh trade in Labuan.
"What got us curious was that ordinary Filipinos were getting one-week visit passes but some girls were getting six-month passes," he said, adding that the matter would be brought up with Malaysian immigration officials.
With Nur Jaafar were First District Sulu Congressman Hussin Amin, Second District Sulu Congressman Munir Arbison and Anak Mindanao Congressman Mujiv Hataman.

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 Author| Post time 28-11-2006 08:32 AM | Show all posts

silly proxy

Liew was referring to the stateless kids, not all illegals

I REFER to Joshua Kong's criticism in Forum a fortnight ago on Datuk VK Liew's comments regarding dual citizenship.

Liew is a trained lawyer and it would never have crossed any reader's mind that Liew would "query" the dual citizenship status of these stateless children as alleged by Joshua.
Liew does not make that assumption because the fact they are stateless shows they have no citizenship status at this point in time. It is because he is fully aware of the Philippine's dual citizenship law and their recognition of jus sanguinis that he made the point very clear to the Government and the public that Malaysia should "revoke" any right to Malaysian citizenship of those given citizenship rights by the Philippines.
So to read between the lines, and to my understanding, if these kids are taken as Filipinos, deport them to the Philippines. If not, and their birthplace is proven to be Sabah and their parents genuine IMM13 holders.
Malaysia as a member of the United Nations must offer citizenship rights to these children.
Liew was not referring to other illegals. He was specific about the stateless children.
Illegals are illegals. They have to be sent back. What we're talking about here are "stateless children."
As for the figure being more, Joshua should prove this.
Joshua's own misconstrued "impression" is that Liew's statement suggests choice can be given to illegal people with dubious Project IC documents to choose Malaysian citizenship and revoke their Philippine status.
Nowhere in Liew's statement does he make that impression either directly or indirectly. And as far as we know, Liew and LDP continue to stand against the illegal entry of immigrants.
Joshua should make constructive suggestions like that of a "Royal Commission of Inquiry" which is commendable, rather than provide very annoying and misconstrued interpretations of what he thinks Liew is saying. Or worse jumping on Liew's bandwagon!

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 Author| Post time 28-11-2006 08:33 AM | Show all posts

Joshua reply

PaCiFIC- Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards.Secretary General - Joshua Kong's press release No. 132 for PaCiFIC dated 26th November , 2006 088 474513, 088 722548

Wikipedia defines "Jus sanguinis (Latin for "right of blood") is a right by which nationality or citizenship can be recognized to any individual born to a parent who is a national or citizen of that state. It contrasts with jus soli (Latin for "right of soil"). So in our case it is really a dilemma for Sabah as Filipinos in their own country and here can easily become Malaysians and holding dual citizenship when Philippines allows dual citizenship by law. Those stateless children born in Sabah unfortunately for Sabah "can claim" jus soli even they were here as recent refugees since 1965. Is this a reality? If so, then Filipinos here and there enjoy the best of both worlds. Quite a few kidnappers in 2000 are known to hold Malaysian IC. The delimma remains unresolved as long as Philippines has a hidden agenda on the dubious Claim and Sabah as the 'oppressed' party.

The role of UN and its other agencies like UNHCR and UNICEF in Sabah, has presented a very big question mark. UNHCR had sort of violated all international convention on human relation by coming to Sabah and then leave with the 'hot potato' of 63,000 IMM13 sort of stranded in Sabah. The purpose of allowing the refugees here is to tide them over sort of 'questionable civil war' in Philippines but UNHCR then realised no third countries to be re-settled. So if troubled Philippines continue to be at war within, why should these IMM13 be here as to them that is normal?

I would like to hear from Datuk V K Liew - the lawyer over his statement, as he needs to clarify his views beyond doubts in the minds of the readers rather then condemn me via another anonymous letter.

I am not prepared to argue with Anti-Apartheid (DE 26th November, 2006) for the inherent ill intention expressed in that letter. Anti-Apartheid (a misnomer?) started with the words 'criticism' and 'constructive suggestion' had given away his antagonistic mood when any reader can given comments over any press statement.

About the greater figure of 100,000 stateless children born out of IMM13 after more than three decades, we still have something like the original figure IMM13 in Sabah (varied figures given by different sources). Stateless children should be nearer to be 200,000. The Government to tell us the correct figures. Nevertheless, this issue had been brought up umpteenth times in newspapers and public forums.

About the several new issues brought up by Anti-Apartheid, it would take up tens of pages to go into that. My three editions of EPIC of Sabah can give some good solid background reading. There are also some other worthy reading materials on the EXTRA PEOPLE IDENTITY CARDS (EPIC) or dubious citizens by prominent researchers near and far. The full story of the EPIC would take up thousands of pages. Anyone can buy my double packages to International Criminal Court of more than a thousand pages worth RM600. Street kids and stateless children from the neighbouring (unknown numbers) are the face of EPIC of Sabah. I know Liew was referring to the kids.

What CASH is very concerned is that political parties old and young especially UMNO had been parties of the IC Crisis. We have yet to see the motion in the State Assembly to hold a Royal Commission of Inquiry, to be extended to Federal Authorities. Datuk Liew has appeared to be the latest personality to be agent of sort of confusion especially none of the BN's parties had acted on the Project M although they are in the know. Ex Senator Dr. Chong En Leong raised the same grievous issue on the Project IC in 2005 at the Parliamentary Select Committee on Unity and National Service headed by Minister in the Prime Minister Department. Then Dr Cheong again raised the same Project M at the PSC on National Integrity in June, 2006 which was subsequently brought into the limelight by the Opposition Leader.

CASH then lodged a Police Report on 21st June 2006 which was quickly responded by the Deputy IGP with instant full investigation. Now almost 6 months, what is happening? Would Datuk Liew with a lawyer status now push for that outcome? While the Government has generally acted against the illegal or documentless people, those given genuine IC hence dubious people have remain largely untouched.

We must act on this IC Crisis now. CASH would propose that a high profile forum involving all political parties, all relevant Government Departments, concerned NGOs, with special guests like Tun Dr Mahathir, Datuk Anwar Ibrahim, Datuk Harris Salleh (a strong defender of dubious people), any other interested personalities to be held at the University Malaysia Sabah (supporter) to be jointly organised by SUHAKAM and the PSC on National Integrity and supported by CASH and other sponsors. If one day is not enough, have it held over three days.

Anti-Apartheid can participate there rather than have this letter published belately over my slightly edited letter on 12th November. I would have thought vocal Datuk Liew as President of LDP should have personally responded almost instantly within 3 days. Why the struggle over something if Datuk Liew is so sure? I still want to hear from Datuk Liew, then I would present him a list of questions for brainstorm over the possibilities when dealing with tricky people like our neighbours.

Maybe that statement was not from Datuk Liew himself as it is known that a Vice Chancellor of a prominent university delivered a keynote address not written by him. Delayed response would inevitably aggravate those 'misconstrued' views and reactions. Over to all political leaders to pursue this ultimate forum of all parties. It is via dialogues without condemning anyone towards concrete action that we can resolve this IC Crisis.

Joshua Y. C. Kong.


Secretary General, PaCiFIC- Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards.

cc Sabah State Assembly Speaker

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 Author| Post time 28-11-2006 08:35 AM | Show all posts

LDP liew's statement

There cannot be dual citizenship: Liew
09 November, 2006
Kota Kinabalu: The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) on Wednesday welcomed the Philippine Embassy's assurance to assist the State Government in speeding up the documentation process for undocumented Filipinos in Sabah.

"This will not only legitimise their temporary stay in Malaysia on the grounds of obtaining legitimate and lawful employment but will clear the air for the Malaysian public who look at these undocumented persons with great suspicion and concern," said its President, Datuk VK Liew.

He said documented Filipinos who commit crime while in Malaysia could also be properly handled by the Philippine Government. On the nationality problem stemming from the Philippine Government's recognition of Jus sanguinis, Liew suggested that it be addressed by both governments sooner rather than later because of the increasing tension of harbouring the estimated 100,000 stateless children.

"We must remember that if the Philippines Government recognises these persons as citizens of their country, their Malaysian nationality or right to Malaysian citizenship must be revoked as Malaysia does not recognise dual citizenships.

"They cannot be accorded the rights provided to citizens under our Constitution, if they are also Filipinos."

"It is also critical that we ascertain the legality of the parentage of such stateless children and not simply assume that the IMM13 held by their parents were legally obtained," he said.

Philippines' new ambassador to Malaysia, Victoriano Lecaros had stated after meeting with Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman on Tuesday that they would strive to ensure the processing of documents for Filipinos at temporary detention centres in Sabah is expedited.

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 Author| Post time 28-11-2006 08:38 AM | Show all posts

IC Crisis is amongst the shambles

Hishamuddin Tun Hussein said "An Oxford degree is not going to help if your country is in shambles."  
    26/11: Hisham: The keris is here to stay

[ Last edited by  13Friday at 28-11-2006 08:51 AM ]



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 Author| Post time 1-12-2006 06:44 AM | Show all posts

illegal Government

JK? Digest no 47 of November, 06 [332 of 2006] UMNO with illegals attending General Meeting
IC CRISIS is damn serious.
After posting "Hallo King of Malaysia", comes this press report of the Sabah State Assembly where sole independent member John Ghani said that UMNO with illegals attending General Meeting.
That is not new but it is in a book "IC Palsu" by Mutalib MD a few year already.
We have an illegal Government of illegal people, by illegal people and for illegal people.
UMNO should be de-registered again NOT only Sabah UMNO. BN must be removed in Sabah.
We should not allow illegal people to destroy Sabah.

CASH as led by President and myself should be allowed to takeover the reign of the Government of Sabah.

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS)

Author of New Wealth Order, EPIC of Sabah, FIRE, Sabah Wealth - image of woods power,

EPIC of Sabah - 2nd Edition, Paper to Parliament Select Committee on Unity and National Service.

EPIC of Sabah - 3rd Ed., WATER, A tussle in biodiversity of two liquids - palm oil and water,

Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia in 1963, Paper Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity (2006).

[ Last edited by  13Friday at 1-12-2006 06:46 AM ]

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Post time 6-12-2006 10:05 AM | Show all posts
Let the people decide...wa now you want to be a dictator?

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 Author| Post time 8-12-2006 06:39 AM | Show all posts

what people?

1.7 mil out of 3.2 m people from dubious people????

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 Author| Post time 9-12-2006 10:36 AM | Show all posts

BN Gov't to resign

JK's Digest no 11 of December, 06 [343 of 2006] Call on the heinous crimes perpetrators

To RESIGN as the State Government of Sabah.

BN's Secretary Datuk Karim Bujang said "CASH must be fair and not politicise such matter as it would jeopardise the security of the State".

I am not only making that call as Secretary General  of CASH, but as a  person as patriotic as any others.
What does it mean for democracy when the outsiders dominate the place and when many voters are outsiders?
What is the difference here when we may have a similar scenario of "Hezbullah of Lebanon" in our midst?
So now I want BN is explain properly what it means by the statement of Karim.
Who can jeopardise the security of the State?  Definitely not CASH.
It is Sabah UMNO and its "silent" cohorts in other component parties in the BN jeopardise the security and sovereignty when the "trojan horse" let into Sabah the number of 1-2 million dubious citizens in Sabah and the nation.
If Sabah UMNO and BN is worried from their own heinous crimes against humanity (local people), then it is for them to leave the political scene quietly to avoid any backlash.
Then let me and other similar like minded people to takeover and make the appropriate adjustments to restore Sabah.
Hence the grounds for my action in three complaints against Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia are valid in Sabah.  Visit -  (MIGS)
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
Latest Book: Biodiversity Challenge-Haze Health Hell ISBN983-2653-24-X
Author of New Wealth Order, EPIC of Sabah, FIRE, Sabah Wealth - image of woods power,
EPIC of Sabah - 2nd Edition, Paper to Parliament Select Committee on Unity and National Service.
EPIC of Sabah - 3rd Ed., WATER, A tussle in 0biodiversity of two liquids - palm oil and water,
Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia in 1963, A Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity (2006).

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 Author| Post time 28-12-2006 12:41 PM | Show all posts

dubious citizens aplenty in rolls

Now Cash lodges report against Polls Panel
Kota Kinabalu: The Consumers' Association of Sabah and FT Labuan lodged a police report Tuesday against the Election Commission (EC) for its conduct of the General and State Elections on March 21, 2004.

Cash called on the police to look into alleged discrepancies in the electoral roll of 2004 for dubious citizens and phantom voters that may be enlisted as voters for the coming General and State elections, among others.

Its Secretary-General, Kong Yun Chee@Joshua said it is necessary to scrutinise the 2004 electoral list for voters who procured their identity cards (ICs) or MyKad through dubious means to ensure the next elections are conducted fairly and orderly.

"We did lodge police report on illegals obtaining the Malaysian ICs under a suspicious 'project'. So what I am doing today at the Karamunsing police station is part of the process.

"Otherwise the impending elections that are rumoured to be near would have no meaning for Sabah," he said when met after lodging the report at the Karamunsing police station here on Tuesday.

In the police report, Joshua said, the report would be referred also to the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) for further perusal.

Meanwhile in his press statement, he said the democratic election processes must be seen to be conducted fairly and orderly with minimum disruptions and discrepancies.

He claimed that frequent allegations of the faulty electoral rolls by certain quarters can be a reality as dubious citizens and/or phantom voters may prevail and may give rise to injustice when Government is formed.

In view of many complaints and questionable incidences, he suggested that a Royal Commission of Inquiry to be held to establish beyond doubt that 'electoral frauds' as perceived by some quarters will not take place.

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 Author| Post time 1-1-2007 04:56 PM | Show all posts

Police Report against poll panel


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 Author| Post time 11-1-2007 08:16 PM | Show all posts

very hot like hell now

Happy Birthay to PaCiFIC- Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards.

dated  11th January, 2007.  Tel 088 474513 (hp).

It is timely to take stock after one year of CASH's effort initiated on 14th January 2006.
That was when PaCiFIC was born and launched officially on 15th March 2006,
        While the extra effort of CASH in the IC Crisis has disturbed many people, the effort is legally relevant and justified and bearing so much fruit that this news although very stale (already known to many) is now splashed in all the newspapers.  The IC Crisis is going through a new phase with a few public confessions.  We had lodged a Police Report at the height of the signature campaign on 21st June, 2006 and many people have given their Statements.  We believe quite a few names including former Chief Ministers still around were exposed in those statements to the Police.
        According to the Sabah State Constitution, there is no provision for a Deputy Chief Minister and yet we have three and nothing is done to legalise that.  Maybe there are still people out there to challenge CASH into the IC Crisis.  The latest is the letter in the Daily Express Forum on 7th January, 2007 by Bernard Jimmy of Kepayan titled "Govt must ensure people don't equate BN with 'Barang Naik' where CASH has been criticised.
        About the challenge of Hassnar Ibrahim to take him to Court, we can see his rational as many may make Police Reports and Statement in support of that.  Once we have made the Statements we do not have any record of that and we could be repeating that over and over again with the Police.  If this goes to the Court, there would be Court proceedings to show what had been said and recorded to avoid repitition.  About the N13 Likas Election Court Case where a landmark decision was made in 2001 and yet until 2006 nothing being done over the affidavit of Hassnar and others over their sworn statements.  Meanwhile the EPIC has multiplied.
        Now Daily Express has given special highlight much belated as CASH had requested such a public forum early 2006, we hope the interest now re-activated would see the light at the end of the tunnel.   Meanwhile we await more confessions from more ISA detainees over the IC abuses.  Such ISA detainees included two ex Directors of NRD.  The unfortunate scenario is that such people may be detained under ISA but were those many ICs as issued to illegal revoked?
        Meanwhile we await the 'confession' of some ex Chief Ministers whose names had been given to the Police.  Is it not sensitive that YIS has been expressing support for the race and religion only irrespective where these people come from?  Is that not to be construed as 'harbouring' illegals?
        Meanwhile we hope Jabar Khan with his 'confession' still lacking in substance would also cooperate with Police like what Datuk Yong Teck Lee had done with the Court documents.  Jabar Khan still needs to give details about his modus operandi as IC is a personal matters and not handled under any Project IC or Project M?
        Meanwhile I call on the Government to ensure that all senior posts in Government and Agencies and Government Linked Companies are not held by dubious citizens or red IC holders.
        I did give a paper on behalf of CASH at the Suhakam's Roundtable Forum on 31st July, 2006 titled the "Number of EPIC of Sabah" .   In that paper I gave a factual figure of 1-2 millions extra people with identity cards (dubious citizens) as it is now the concern of Jabar Khan in his brief 'confession'.
        Further to my report to the Police and ACA on 26th December, 2006, we can now see the grevious implication in the context of true justice at the ballot box when the electoral is so corrupted with dubious people and misconduct of EC hence installing an illegal Government.  Even Anwar now expressed the reservation about the by election in Batu Talam.

Joshua Y. C. Kong
Secretary General of Consumers' Association of Sabah & Labuan FT. (CASH).
Secretary General of Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards

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 Author| Post time 23-1-2007 08:03 AM | Show all posts

so late as a leader???

Pairin and Harris now into new old war.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;<br />
&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;<br />
&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;<br />
why Pairin so slow when Pacific raised the issue in January 2006 when Harris was attaching CASH over Project IC.

[ Last edited by  13Friday at 23-1-2007 08:10 AM ]

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