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Originally posted by ~SwEeTMuM~ at 28-8-2006 09:33 PM
celebrity, klau dpt gambar masakan tu lagi bagus lah......teruja gitu.
kat website dia ada resepi bergambar :dia: http://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/
tp tak taulah sama tak dgn resepi2 yg ditepek di sini |
saja nak nyibuk nie..
kalau kat sini kan..ntah nape lah..buku2 resepi naked chef nie mcm tak bape je disukai org...selalu jumpa org jual kat car boot...50p (50 sen ) - 2 pounds je..
natey pun ada gak beli satu..1 pound je..belek2 cam tak menarik lak presentation dlm page by page tu..byk sgt explaination...maybe i nie straight forward sikit..malas nak baca meleret relet pakcik jamie nak story..
tapi kalau kat TV syok gak tengok style dia nie...kalut jer..sekali dlm Oprah , siap jatuh dari scooter dia masa nak enter frame ....selamba rock je bangun, tersengih sengih lagi...
kat satu ad kat sini kan..bila org tanye dia , what ur 2006 resolution ? dia cakap : ' more babies...' fatherly betul jamie nie.... |
Originally posted by Natey at 29-8-2006 06:54 PM
saja nak nyibuk nie..
kalau kat sini kan..ntah nape lah..buku2 resepi naked chef nie mcm tak bape je disukai org...selalu jumpa org jual kat car boot...50p (50 sen ) - 2 pounds je..
natey pun ...
food critic pun ada yg kata restaurant dia tak best. tapi saya tengok mcm sedap je.
yg saya teringin nak rasa masakan dia as seen on tv:
1) roti inti nutella dgn banana
2) apricot tart
3) chicken with mushroom parcel
4) white chocolate mousse
banyak lagi.. |
Originally posted by celebrity at 28-8-2006 11:58 PM
sweetmum, most of the recipies dlm cookbook jamie oliver tu tak ada gambar........only few of the recipies are with pictures. The one with pictures tu......i do not know how to paste it here. ...
ooooo....... thats ok :tq: |

[ Last edited by celebrity at 29-8-2006 09:55 PM ] |
Recipi for summer tomato horseradish salad was posted earlier by luvly_awanis aboved. tq. |
Summer Chickpea Salad
Serves 4
1 small red onion, peeled
1-2 fresh red chillies, deseeded
2 handfuls of ripe red or yellow tomatoes
2 lemons
extra virgin olive oil
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 x 410g jar or tin of chickpeas, drained, or around 4 large handfuls of soaked and cooked chickpeas
a handful of fresh mint, chopped
a handful of fresh green or purple basil, finely ripped
200g/7oz feta cheese
Chickpeas are pretty under-used in this country, to be honest. In places like Morocco, Italy and Spain they are prized like our Jersey new potato. Still, we have a lot more choice now than we used to have. If you go to a Spanish deli or specialist counter, you will generally be able to find jars of cooked chickpeas in water and these are the ones you want to make this salad really good. They should look a little plumper than tinned chickpeas but, of course, both tinned ones or dried ones can be used successfully. This salad is a great one for making up as you go along; you can use different spices sun-dried tomatoes and spicy chorizo sausages, for instance.
First of all, finely slice your red onion. Once that is done, finely slice your chillies then roughly chop your tomatoes, mixing them in with the onion and chillies. Scrape all of this, and the juice, into a bowl and dress with the juice of 1 and-a-half lemons and about 3 times as much good extra virgin olive oil. Season to taste.
Heat the chickpeas in a pan, then add 90 per cent of them to the bowl. Mush up the remaining chickpeas and add these as well, they will give a nice creamy consistency. Allow to marinate for a little while and serve at room temperature.
Just as you are ready to serve, give the salad a final dress with the fresh mint and basil. Taste one last time for seasoning, you may want to add the juice from your remaining lemon half at this point. Place on a nice serving dish and crumble over the feta cheese.

[ Last edited by Kacip_Fatimah at 10-5-2007 11:15 AM ] |
Basic Bread Recipe
30g/1oz fresh yeast or 3 x 7g sachets dried yeast
30g/1oz honey (or sugar)
625ml/just over 1 pint tepid water
1kg/just over 2lb strong bread flour
30g/1oz salt
Some extra flour for dusting
Who can resist the taste and smell of freshly cooked bread?!
Stage 1
Dissolve the yeast and honey (or sugar) in half the tepid water.
Stage 2
On a clean surface or in a large bowl, make a pile of the flour and salt. Make a well in the centre and pour in all the dissolved yeast mixture. With 4 fingers of one hand, make circular movements from the centre moving outwards, slowly bringing in more and more of the flour until all the yeast mixture is soaked up. Then pour the other half of the tepid water into the centre and gradually incorporate all the flour to make a moist dough. (Certain flours may need a little more water, so don't be afraid to adjust the quantities.)
Stage 3
Kneading! This is the best bit, just rolling, pushing and folding the dough over and over for 5 minutes. This develops the gluten and the structure of the dough. If any of the dough sticks to your hands, just rub them together with a little extra flour.
Stage 4
Flour both your hands well, and lightly flour the top of the dough. Make it into a roundish shape and place on a baking tray. Deeply score the dough with a knife - allowing it to relax and prove with ease. Leave it to prove until it's doubled in size. Ideally you want a warm, moist, draught-free place for the quickest prove, for example near a warm cooker, in the airing cupboard or just in a warmish room, and you can even cover it with clingfilm if you want to speed things up. This proving process improves the flavour and texture of the dough and should take around 40 minutes, depending on the conditions.
Stage 5
When the dough has doubled in size you need to knock the air out of it by bashing it around for a minute. Now you can shape it into whatever shape is required - round, flat, filled, trayed up, tinned up or whatever - and leave it to prove for a second time until it doubles in size again. The important thing is not to lose your confidence now. Don't feel a need to rush through this, because the second proving time will give you the lovely, delicate soft texture that we all love in fresh bread.
Stage 6
Now it's time to cook your loaf. After all your hard work, don't spoil your efforts. You want to keep all the air inside the loaf, so dont knock it. Gently place it in the preheated oven, don't slam the door. Bake according to the time and temperature given in the recipe variations which follow. You can tell if your bread is cooked by tapping its bottom (if it's in a tin you'll have to take it out). If it sounds hollow it's cooked, if it doesn't then pop it back in for a little longer. Place it on a rack to cool. You're going to love this bread!
[ Last edited by Kacip_Fatimah at 10-5-2007 12:12 PM ] |
Banana and Honey Bread
1 x basic bread recipe
6 bananas
8 tablespoons good, runny honey
optional: 1 handful of almonds, cracked or chopped
This is sticky, gooey and gorgeous - all at the same time!
First of all, peel your bananas then puree them in a liquidizer or food processor. The mix will be surprisingly wet. Pour it into a measuring jug, then top up with water until you have 625ml or just over 1 pint. At Stage 1 of the basic bread recipe, use this banana liquid instead of the water to flavour your bread and make it nice and chewy. Also add half the honey with the nuts to the dough at this point. Then continue through the basic recipe as normal.
At Stage 5 divide the dough into 10 balls. Then pack these next to each other in a flour-dusted baking tin where they will prove together. Before putting in the oven drizzle generously with the rest of the honey so that the top of the bread will caramelize, going nice and golden. Bake in your preheated oven at 190?/ 375?/gas 5 for 20 minutes. Allow to cool for a little while, but it's best served still warm with lots of butter and a glass of milk for breakfast while you read the paper. Also fantastic used in bread and butter pudding or simply heated up with a bit of ice cream.

[ Last edited by Kacip_Fatimah at 10-5-2007 12:18 PM ] |
Jamie oliver nie rival dia kalau tak bukan Gordan Ramsay yg famous dgn show Gordan Ramsay the F' words.. Itu lagi dahsyat siap ternak 2 ekor babi lagi. Dia nak buat perbandingan antara babi yg diternak dan diberi pemakanan sendiri dgn babi yg diternak secara komersial.. Tgk part dia tunjuk cemana diorang ternak kat ladang pun dah cukup boleh buat loya tekak.. Tapi tak sempat plak bunny tgk part babi2 dia kena masak.. Yang lawak tue anak2 yg budak2 terlalu rapat sgt dgn babi2 dia sampai chef tu pun dah risau cemana nak kasi tahu babi peliharaan dia bakal dimakan oleh anak2 dia.. Hehhe sorry tercerita pasal nie plak.. anyway jamie is making a lot of profit since he managed to defeat gordan dalam tender resipi kantin sekolah.. |
Fish and Chips
For the chips:
3 3/4 pints (2 litres) vegetable oil
2 pounds (950 grams) floury potatoes, like russets, peeled and cut into large chips
For the batter:
1 cup plain flour
2 egg whites, whipped to soft peaks
4 (9 ounce/250 gram) fillets haddock or cod, skin on, and pin boned
Pour all the vegetable oil into a deep pan or deep fat fryer, and heat to 300 degrees F (160 degrees C.) Blanch the cut potatoes in the oil until soft, but not coloured, about 4 minutes. Remove and drain.
Mix together the flour and the beer, and then fold in the egg whites. Turn up the heat of the oil to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C). Dip the fish in the batter and fry for a few minutes with the chips until golden brown.
Drain on kitchen paper and serve with bread and butter, wally's (battered, deep fried pickles served with ranch dressing), and pickled eggs.
Yield: 4 servings
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 8 minutes
Difficulty: Easy |
Basil and Lime Sorbet
1 wineglass water (about 5 ounces)
1 wineglass sugar (equal in weight to the water)
5 to 6 limes, zested
1 glass lime juice
1 very large bunch basil, pounded to a puree
Place the water and sugar in a pan, bring to a boil, and simmer for 4 minutes with the lime zest. Remove from the heat, and allow to cool for a while. Add the lime juice and basil puree. Stir this up and leave to infuse for a while. Pass it through a coarse sieve and pour into a plastic tub or earthenware dish and place in the freezer. Generally, sorbet takes 2 hours to set. Try to stir it around every 30 minutes, if you remember. Serve it in a glass on its own.
Yield: 4 servings
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Inactive Prep Time: 3 hours
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Difficulty: Easy |
Chocolate Fridge Cake
5 1/4 ounces (150 grams) digestive biscuits
3 1/2 ounces (100 grams) pecans
3 1/2 ounces (100 grams) pistachio nuts
10 glace cherries
2 ready made meringue nests, crumbled into small pieces
5 1/4 ounces (150 grams) butter
1 tablespoon golden syrup
7 ounces (200 grams) good quality chocolate
Cocoa powder, for dusting
Break the biscuits into small pieces directly into a large bowl. Add the pecans, pistachio nuts, cherries and bits of meringue. Put the rest of the ingredients, except the cocoa powder, into a bowl and put over a pan of simmering water on low heat to melt.
Mix the ingredients together and place in the container which acts as your mold. To help with turning out, line a 12 by 8-inch (30 by 20 centimetre) container with cling film, first leaving plenty of extra film at the edges to fold over the top.
Leave in the refrigerator to firm up then turn out and cut into chunky slices. This cake can be kept in an airtight container and actually improves after a couple of days.
Yield: 4 servings
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Inactive Prep Time: 2 hours
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Difficulty: Easy |
The King of Puddings
4 eggs
1 pint (565 millilitres) milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 ounces (115 grams) fine bread crumbs
8 ounces (225 grams) sugar
4 level tablespoons jam (raspberry jam is really nice)
Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C).
Separate 3 of the eggs. Put the yolks in a bowl with the remaining whole egg and beat together. Add the milk, vanilla essence, bread crumbs, and 3 ounces (85 grams) of the sugar.
Put the jam on the bottom of a pie dish and spread it evenly. Pour the egg and milk mixture over the jam.
Bake in the preheated oven for 1 hour or until set.
Whisk the remaining egg whites until stiff. You could use an electric whisk for this. Slowly add the remaining sugar until it is all mixed in. Pile this mixture on top of the pudding mixture, then bake in the oven for a further 15 to 20 minutes until the meringue is set and lightly browned.
Yield: 4 servings
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Inactive Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Difficulty: Medium |
Banana And Blueberry French Toast
Serves 1
Feel free to vary the fruit that you use. My missus likes strawberries and bananas, while my daughter Poppy likes banana with blackberries and blueberries.
This is the kind of sandwich that can be eaten for breakfast or even for dessert.
All you do is get two slices of nice medium-cut white bread and butter them thinly on both sides. Toss your fruit combination in a little honey or sugar just to sweeten it a bit. A little mashed banana holds it all together quite nicely. Beat a couple of eggs up in a bowl with a couple of tablespoons of caster sugar, then dip both slices of bread in the sweet egg mixture so it is egged on both sides. Let the excess drip off then smear the fruit mixture on one slice, leaving a slight space around the edges of the bread. Put the other slice on top and press down. The egg will help the fruit to stick.
Fry in a little butter in a medium hot pan on both sides, pushing down so that the fruit is pressed into the bread. Once the bread is golden and slightly crisp, dust with icing sugar and serve with a dollop of creme fraiche and any remaining fruit mixture spooned over.
Originally posted by celebrity at 29-8-2006 10:05 PM
Summer Chickpea Salad
Serves 4
1 small red onion, peeled
1-2 fresh red chillies, deseeded
2 handfuls of ripe red or yellow tomatoes
2 lemons
extra virgin olive oil
sea salt and fres ...
nih pernah buat sedap dan senang! |
Originally posted by celebrity at 29-8-2006 10:14 PM
Basic Bread Recipe
30g/1oz fresh yeast or 3 x 7g sachets dried yeast
30g/1oz honey (or sugar)
625ml/just over 1 pint tepid water
1kg/just over 2lb strong bread flour
30g/1oz salt
Some extra ...
yg ni pon best & senang nk buat...satu family suka...
InsyaAllah jadi! |
I selalu gak ikut resipi dia. Tapi tak ikut bulat2 lah. Bega sana dan sini. Dia ni punya resipi memang senang nak buat. Because tak payah banyak rencah, dah cara dia tak susah. Sebab tu panggil dia Naked Chef. Memula ingat dia ni masak bogel, rupanye cara masakan di togel.... |
Sorry ff: Pernah tengok naked chef ni guna serai dlm masakan dia & lepas tu dia tumbuk guna lesung. Sambil dia cerita tentang kebaikan serai & lain2 herbs. Kalau tak silap dia cakap herbs mcm serai ni boleh didapati di supermarkets kat London. |
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