Reply Sephiroth
This is about Hinduism. Are you a coward that you need to reverse the quest o ...
pendakwa Post at 2-11-2010 18:29 
Yes, this is about Hinduism - YOU ARE NOT A HINDU. I fail to see why I need to answer anything to a non-Hindu (especially one who seeks to make trouble). IF you wish to learn, do so on your own.
PS : Be forewarned - You will NOT learn anything, for your mind have been closed by God from learning the truth. |
Yes, this is about Hinduism - YOU ARE NOT A HINDU. I fail to see why I need to answer anything t ...
Sephiroth Post at 8-11-2010 13:06 
Only a Hindu cam learn Hinduism? Where do you got this fact? Gita again? Which verse now???
Remember, you lied once, which verse now that you wanna kelentong?
God has closed my heart? You cant even define God and now dare to speak about God? Very funny |
Only a Hindu cam learn Hinduism? Where do you got this fact? Gita again? Which verse now???
R ...
pendakwa Post at 8-11-2010 13:42 
You are a trouble-maker, that is all you are. God already closed your heart (as well as the hearts of all Muslims) as they are failed race. Telling you anything is merely waste of my time. Begone.  |
All the while I have been reward with credits for my postings.
So, readers now understand who is actually the trouble maker that spread hatred and telling lies even
if they have to tell lies using their holy book.
So, coward...running away now?. I can see you dare not even answer the question??? |
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Pls dont spoilt our hindu's name here if u wanna argue...pls do it on the other side...here pls dicuss bout the topic that we are suppose to discuss stupids! (Pendakwa and Sephiroth) Behave urself! |
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