POST 21:
Perbezaan dengan Kalendar Julian
Sebuah tahun dalam Kalendar Julian berlangsung selama 365.25 hari.
Tetapi kerana putaran bumi mengelilingi matahari hanya berlangsung selama 365.2422 hari,
maka setiap satu millenium, Kalendar Julian akan berlebih 7 - 8 hari.
Masalah ini diselesaikan dengan hari-hari lompat yang agak berbeza pada kalendar baru ini.
Pada kalendar Julian, setiap tahun yang boleh dibahagi dengan 4 merupakan tahun lompat.
Tetapi pada kalender baru ini (kalender Gregory)
tahun yang boleh dibahagi dengan 100 hanya dianggap sebagai tahun lompat,
HANYA JIKA tahun tersebut juga boleh dibahagi dengan 400.
Tahun 1700, 1800 dan 1900 bukan tahun lompat.
Tetapi tahun 1600 dan 2000 merupakan tahun lompat.
Dengan ini Kalendar Gregory mempunyai 365.2425 hari setahun. |
POST 22:
Difference between Gregorian and Julian calendar dates
Since the introduction of the Gregorian calendar,
the difference between faster Gregorian (New Style)
and slower Julian (Old Style) calendar dates has increased as follows:
Gregorian range Julian range Difference
From 15 October 1582to 28 February 1700 From 5 October 1582to 18 February 1700 10 days
From 1 March 1700to 28 February 1800 From 19 February 1700to 17 February 1800 11 days
From 1 March 1800to 28 February 1900 From 18 February 1800to 16 February 1900 12 days
From 1 March 1900to 28 February 2100 From 17 February 1900to 15 February 2100 13 days |
POST 23:
Then the "scholars" in 1582 introduced the Gregorian calendar.
Now the problem that these western "scholars" encountered
was having the vernal equinox and also Easter fall on a date
that the church fathers had selected.
Therefore dates have been moved
in order to meet their requirements
and to match the seasonal changes.
Also Dionysius Exiguss was not really clear as to when Jesus was born,
and as such there are historian that find evidence
that he could have been off five or more years.
During the Julian and the Gregorian period the calendar has had many intercalation.
Even today with the atomic clock,
there are leap seconds so as to keep our clock/calendar in sync with the seasons.
So the western calendar has gone through many changes.
Also at that time period in history "zero" was not in use in Europe.
There is no specific moment in history when the use of BC and AD began
after its invention by Dionysius Exiguss,
which was sometime in the middle of 500 AD.
In fact in some areas of the world
it did not become into use until the 10th century AD.
So it was very slow to be accepted.
There are some areas of the world that have never switched totally,
they presently use two calendars.
They kept their old calendar, such as Jewish, some parts of China, Islam and others. |
POST 24:
Masalah Baru
Setelah Kalendar Gregory dicanangkan,
tidak semua negara mahu memakainya.
Baru beberapa abad setelah ini,
hampir semua negara barat mahu memakainya.
Russia misalkan baru memakai pada tahun 1918.
Sehingga Revolusi Komunis Russia
yang sekarang diperingati setiap tanggal 7 November, disebut sebagai Revolusi Oktober.
Gereja Ortodoks sehingga sekarang masih memakai Kalendar Julian |
POST 25:
(* refer POST 22)
The Julian Calendar became known as "Old Style"
and the Gregorian Calendar became known as the "New Style".
Therefore anyone born in Russia before 1918, their birthdate is known as "Old Style".
Old Style ditandakan 'OS'
New Style ditandakan 'NS'
Selalunya kat buku lama-lama contoh penggunaanya adalah seperti berikut;
He visited Cairo in January 1915 (OS).
So, org tahulah ? 1915 yg mana?.
[ Last edited by sya_sugar_sugar at 22-12-2006 09:51 PM ] |
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POST 26:
Permulaan Tahun
Pada tanggal 1 Januari 1622,
1 Januari ditetapkan sebagai permulaan tahun.
Sebelumnya hal ini setiap negara Eropah berbeza-beza |
POST 27:
Bulan-Bulan Dalam 1 Tahun
Setiap tahun dibahagi menjadi 12 bulan:
No. Nama Jumlah Hari
1 Januari 31
2 Februari 28 atau 29
3 Mac 31
4 April 30
5 Mei 31
6 Jun 30
7 Julai 31
8 Ogos 31
9 September 30
10 Oktober 31
11 November 30
12 Disember 31
[ Last edited by sya_sugar_sugar at 22-12-2006 07:58 PM ] |
POST 28:
Days of the Week In Julian & Gregorian Calendars
How they got their names
The Babylonians named each of the days
after one of the planetary bodies known to them,
a custom later adopted by the Romans,
which continued with the Julian & Gregorian Calendars |
POST 29:
SUNDAY .... Sun's-day.
The first day of the week, named for the Sun
..... Sun's-day
For the History of the:
Sabbath, Sunday and the First Day of the Week |
POST 30:
MONDAY .... Moon's-day.
The second day of the week,
named for the Moon
..... Moon's-day |
POST 31:
TUESDAY .... Mars's-day
From the Roman warrior god Mars.
Western culture
adopted the Anglo-Saxon word
for the warrior god of the Teutonic mythology Tiu or Tiw
..... Tiw's-day. |
POST 32:
WEDNESDAY .... Mercury's-day
From the Roman god of peace and prosperity.
Western culture adopted the Teutonic god Wotan
..... Wotan's-day |
POST 33:
THURSDAY .... Jupiter's-day
From the Roman god of lightning, thunder and the husband of Juno.
Western culture adopted the Scandinavian god Thor, known as the thunder-god
..... Thor's-day |
POST 34:
FRIDAY .... Venus'-day
Roman goddess of the spring seasons, Greek goddess of love.
Western culture adopted the name Frigg, the Scandianavian goddess of Love
..... Frigg's-day. |
POST 35:
SATURDAY .... Saturn's-day
From the planet of the same name.
A Roman god of planting and harvest
..... Saturn's-day. |
POST 36:
Asal istilah Arab:
Di lidah Melayukan....
Ahad = Wahid > Ahad > Satu > Hari 1
Isnin = Ithnani > Dua > Hari 2
Selasa = Thalaasa > Tiga > Hari 3
Rabu = Rabi'q > Empat > Hari 4
Khamis = Khomsah > Lima > Hari 5
Jumaat = Jum'ah = Hari berkumpul.. Hari 6
Sabtu = Sab'ah > Tujuh > Hari 7 |
POST 37:
(***refer POST 14)
Dionysius Exiguus
(Dennis the Little, meaning humble)
(c. 470 ? c. 540)
He was a 6th century Dacian monk born in Scythia Minor,
in what is now the territory of Dobruja, Romania.
Dionysius Exiguus
die-uh-nish-e-us _ egg-zig-u-us
Adalah org yg bertanggung jawab mengutarakan (Inventor) system BC dan AD.
Penemuan dan konsep yg beliau utarakan - BC dan AD muncul
apabila beliau cuba utk menentukan hari Easter yang sebenarnya.
Exiguss memulakan pengiraan beliau pada
753 AUC (ab urbe condita)
iaitu tahun mulanya Kota Rome diasaskan |
POST 39:
753 AUC -Pada mana beliau mempercayai
bahawa pada tahun itu juga Nabi Isa telah diputerakan.
(Which he believed to be the year of the birth of Jesus Christ
from the accounts in the New Testament)
BC = Before Christ
(Before Jesus Christ's birth)
(Latin = ante Christum)
(Malay = Sebelum Masihi)
AD = Anno Domini
(The year of our Lord)
(Dalam tahun 'Tuhan kita')
(istilah ini tidak disenangi oleh masyarakat Islam, penggunaan Telah Masihi, atau After Christ digunakan).
CE = Common Era
BCE = Before Common Era
Singkatan CE adalah kaedah standard way of denoting dates in scholarly literature.
Tahun 1 CE adalah bersamaan dengan tahun 1 AD
Dan tahun BCE adalah sama dengan tahun BC
Penggunaan BC dan AD tidak digunakan ketika kaedah Exiguus dilancarkan.
Hanya pada abad ke-10 ianya dipraktikkan menjadi common use |
POST 39:
Chronologers note that No year Zero ?
was used between 1 BC and 1 AD.
That results in a century running from 1 through 100
and the next from 101 through 200,
a millennium from 1 through 1000
and the next from 1001 through 2000, and so forth.
Thus, 2000 is the last year of the 20th century
and 2001 will be the first year of the 21st century |
POST 40:
Egyptian Calendar
The Egyptians may have been the first to develope a solar calendar in about 4200BC.
Their days were indicated by number and listed according to their months.
A calendar date would be listed
as year 1 and the 4th month of inundation,
then day 5,
and under the name of the Pharaoh at that time.
Pope Gregory XIII was born in 1502 and died in 1585.
He carried out the reform of the Julian calendar.
In 1582 he issued a decree dropping 10 days
from the calendar which is now known as the Gregorian Calendar
and today it serves as an international standard for civil use.
In addition, it regulates the ceremonial cycle of the Christian Churches.
In fact,
its original purpose was ecclesiastical.
this calendar still requires intercalation (inserting).
There must be a leap day or a leap second at times
in order to bring the calendar back
into sync with the vernal equinox.
Although a variety of other calendars are in use today,
they are restricted to particular religions or cultures.
Pope Gregory XIII was born Ugo Buoncompagni in Bologna, Italy,
he was one of the prominent theologians of the time
and was created cardinal by Pius IV in 1564.
On the death of Pius V, Gregory was elected pontiff.
The Julian Calendar came into being sometime in the first century B.C.,
Julius Caesar ask the Alexandrian astromomer Sosigenes
to advise him on how to reform the calendar.
Sosigenes suggestion for a 365.25 days in a solar year was accepted.
Julius Caesar directed that this calendar be put into use.
The Roman Senate changed the name
of the month Quintilis to July (Julius)
and the month of Sextilis to August (Augustus).
This reformed calendar became known as the Julian Calendar.
And January first was the beginning of the New year.
However, in AD 567 the Council of Tours
abolished January first in favor of March,
of which the date varied as to what day was the beginning of the New Year.
The Julian Calendar
served as a standard for most European countries and America
until the Gregorian Reform of 1582 A.D. and beyond.
Since the Russians did not change
from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar until 1918,
many European have a birthdate based on the Old Style Calendar.
Alaska retained the Old Style Calendar until 1867, when they transferred to the Gregorian Calendar.
Today the principles of the Julian calendar continue to be used by chronologists.
The Julian calendar is formed
by applying the rules of the Julian calendar
to times before Caesar's reform.
This provides a simple chronological system
for correlating other calendars
and serves as the basis
for the Julian day numbers. |
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