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Author: barney50

Is Quran the word of GOD

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Post time 4-1-2007 08:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 4-1-2007 07:04 PM

My reply is very clear and you have made no point so I rest my case.

You say the verse is from a poet? please produce to me a surah..If you can't and for sure you can't, so just shut up!!.Prove to me...before you talk nonsense

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 Author| Post time 4-1-2007 09:04 PM | Show all posts
  1. responded by loona:Come on Barney boy...what's your level of understanding? If as simple as "copy&paste", of course you dont have to go to havard, infact you dont have to attend primary school for that! Your just repeat the issues many times and people had explained to you many times..they are too tired answering your bad mouth...people did notice your bad intents, and do you think you deserve to be anwered politely? Please la Barney Boy, just look through all your posts and notice how bad your remarks towards Islam, God, prophets, ulamak, and muslim, women..etc. If for argument sake, peole might continue with a good manner of counter argument..but you yourself asked to be treated like sh*t. What type of person are you actually? Freedom fighter for other people religion? but your religion itself practise full of craps?  Just look at your religion first before badmouth others..peace barney boy!
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loona lady,

You and Muslims like you make Islam look bad on others. Simple as that. In fact Muslims completely lack any understanding of other faiths beside Islam. Their concern is Islam and Islam only so, we those who profess other faith had the opportunity of knowing Islam through the use of internet source from authentic and non authentic sites. This gave us a chance in indepth study of your religion and to tell you the truth is sucks. Seeing Muslims having different opinions and interpretation shows the confusion Muslims face in their daily life. There are Muslims on bulan Ramadan have to sneek away to darkness to eat in fear of being judged by others and there are those who wish to try their luck look around like thieves fearing being caught for buying a forecast ticket in the hope of winning some cash to tide them over the months ahead.

All these restrictions and women being told how to dress and cover their GOD given face in the heat of the day makes the religion like  communism. Hadith they call sunnah of the prophet is another contraversial book in the world of Muslims. Some say they are words of GOD while some say it is just the action of the prophet and not a must to follow. But the Quran says Allah has made his book simple for all to follow so there should not be any to interprete it. You tell me why all these confusion if Islam is a simple religion to follow. Looks like it is you who need to be re-educated in ture teachings which I doubt exist. Did you not read the argument of Muslims in MT? Why? Are you afraid that you'll be slapped in your own face by your hand? I know Muslims are a misguided population coz their behaviour and their words speak for itself. May be only a handful of Muslims who know where they stand practice moderate Islam and are rational in their thinking but you and you kind are fanatical in nature and when question you become defensive and abussive with by cursing and swearing.

I can understand your kind and would not worry too much but continue to spread the truth about Islam. Does Islam and Muslims care for the world? The answer is a big NO. They only care for their ummah and their religion but care a hood what happens to the others. They are fixed in one direction and that is to spread the religion of the Arabs to all other nations and make this world the believers of Islam and the Quran. That is the agenda of Muslims like you. Fat chance and a dreamers dream. I rest my case.

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Post time 4-1-2007 09:06 PM | Show all posts
This is a cut and paste article from a Christian missionary website, I have read it before. How lame.


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Post time 4-1-2007 09:09 PM | Show all posts
Quran is a word of God (Kalamullah).

Quran is the cradle of knowledge betowed by God to humanity.

Even the the 1st sura is a revelation as revealed to Muhammad by angel Jbril (Gabriel):
"Read (Iqra'): In the name of thy Lord Who created,
Created a man from Alaq (a clot).
Read: And thy Lord is the Most Generous,
Who taught by the pen,
Taught man that he knew not "

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 Author| Post time 4-1-2007 09:11 PM | Show all posts

If you like it you embrace it but stop bothering others.

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Post time 4-1-2007 09:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 4-1-2007 09:11 PM

If you like it you embrace it but stop bothering others.

My words exactly. Fits you like a glove, Hindo.

By the way, the cows that were killed during Eid al-Adha were delicious. It was great eating the meat of a pagan god.


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Follow Us
Post time 4-1-2007 09:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 4-1-2007 09:11 PM

If you like it you embrace it but stop bothering others.

ur bothering me..

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Post time 4-1-2007 09:32 PM | Show all posts

Do You Know This Book?

(Part 1)

Of all the acclaimed masterpieces that the world has seen, nothing can be compared to the book known as the Qur'an. Millions have become Muslims upon simply hearing a verse from this amazing book, yet still the majority knows nothing of it. The Qur'an is the Final Revelation from the Creator to humanity. It was revealed in the year 610 CE to the Prophet Muhammed (saws), and completed over a period of 23 years. These 23 years of revelation resulted in a book which comprised of 114 chapters and over 6000 verses. All of this was to become the primary source of law for the whole of mankind to live and die by.

The impact of this book is such that Allah says :

"Had We[1] revealed this Qur'an upon a mountain, surely you would have seen it humble itself and crumble out of the fear of Allah. Such are the parables We put forward to mankind so that they may reflect"
(Surah Al-Hashr 59:21)

However, it seems as if the hearts of the people have become harder then the mountains which tower above us. When the Qur'an is recited or even mentioned, people turn away with disgust. In the West, this is primarily due to the negative exposure from the media. It has resulted in many non-Muslims not even wanting to hear the name of this amazing book. Muslims too, have become hardhearted because of the cultural influences of the West. Many young Muslims perceive the Qur'an to be nothing more then an old wrapped up book, which comes off the highest shelf once a year during Ramadan!

If people were to truly reflect upon this book, they would realise that nothing in this world is quite the same. So why should this claim be accepted over others? Why should the Qur'an be given precedence over the likes of the Bible, the Gita[2] or the Granth Sahib[3] ? The following reasons will inshallah give an indication as to why this book deserves the attention of all humanity.


"There is probably in the world no other book which has remained twelve centuries with so pure a text". Writing 200 years ago, these are the words of the famous English critic of Islam, Sir William Muir. But as Muslims we do not need Williarn Muir to tell us this. 1400 years ago, the Muslims accepted this reality when Allah revealed to them:

"Indeed it is We who have sent down the reminder (the Qur'an), and indeed it is Us who shall preserve it"
(Surah Al-Hijr 15:9)

These words have proved true to this very day. From the moment the first words were revealed to Muhammed (saws), to this very day, every single letter and word of the Qur'an has remained unchanged.

Before Islam, all the revelations sent were not given this divine assurance. This is why we find that books like the Bible are riddled with corruption and inaccuracies. It is well known that man has tampered with the Bible to the extent that annually different versions are produced to suit trends and desires[4]. In fact this has been going on for so long that it is almost impossible to see what of the words of the Creator are left, if any!

With the Qur'an it is the exact opposite. The contents of this amazing book are stored in the hearts of millions of Muslims worldwide. Children as young as 12 have memorised the entire book in its original language, Arabic. There is no other religious scripture on earth which is orally preserved in its original language by so many and over such a period of time, without having been tampered somewhere along the line. The Bible is a prime example of this. Many Christians believe that English is the divine language of the Bible. However Jesus (as) spoke Aramaic. From Aramaic, his life-story was translated into Hebrew. From Hebrew it was translated into Greek. From Greek to Latin, and then finally from Latin to English! There has not been a single vicar, priest or layman in recorded history who has even memorised the Bible in English, let alone the Aramaic! As Muslims we believe the Qur'an can only be in the language it was revealed in, i.e. Arabic. Anything else is a translation and not the divine words of the Creator. A true test of this divine preservation would be to burn all the books and manuscripts in existence, to see which can return as it was. The Qur'an would be the only book which would return in its original form, letter for letter, word for word.

Many Christians say that the Qur'anic claim of preservation needs to be backed-up by manuscript evidence. For us this is not a necessary criteria, but in order to quell the doubts, the Muslims have ample proof. Two copies of the Qur'an are in existence which date back to the Third Caliph Uthmaan (ra), 20 years after the death of the Prophet (saws). These two copies are to be found in the Topkapi museum, Istanbul, Turkey and in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The Tashkent copy is thought to have been the personal copy of the Caliph as it still contains stains of his blood, which was shed when he was murdered whilst reading it. Any copy of the Qur'an which is compared to these copies, will show that there is not a single difference between what we have today and what was in existence 1400 years ago. Thus Allah's promise holds true.

No Mistakes

Man as a creature is fallible. For this reason anything which is produced by him will naturally have faults. With the Qur'an, such a notion cannot even be considered as it is from the one who is Infallible. In fact Allah clarifies this matter beautifully when he says:

"Do they not consider the Qur'an? Had it been from other then Allah surely they would have found much discrepancies within it"
(Surah An-Nisa 4:82)

Throughout history many have tried to scrutinise and search the Qur'an for mistakes and errors. To this day no one has been able to bring a shred of proof showing that this book is not from Allah. Some Christians have even called it the work of the Devil because the book affected them so much when they read it! With other scriptures, contradictions, mistakes and absurdities are constantly present. When people contrast these ambiguities with the Qur'an, it often results in the acceptance of this faultless book.

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Post time 4-1-2007 09:33 PM | Show all posts
(Part 2)

The Arabic Language

Upon hearing Qur'anic recitation, you may be rather startled. Besides hearing the reciter of the prayer, you often hear people in the background sobbing and wailing heavily. So what is it that makes these people cry so much? It is nothing more then the beauty and eloquence of this book which moves millions to tears. This beauty is expressed in the language of Arabic. Allah says :

"Indeed We have revealed this as an Arabic Qur'an so that you may understand"
(Surah Yusuf 12:2)

At the time of the Prophet (saws) three modes of expression were used. There was normal speech, the speech of the soothsayer and poetry. The Arabs were the masters of their language, and poetry was their cultural highlight. Arabic poetry is split into 16 categories, each separate from the other. When the Qur'an was proclaimed to the Arabs it amazed them beyond all limits. It was like nothing they had ever heard before. It did not fit into the 16 categories of poetry, nor was it the speech of a soothsayer, and it certainly was not normal speech. If it was not all these, then it could only be the word of Allah.

The eloquence and majesty of the early chapters of the Qur'an moved many to tears, and the beautiful Qur'anic Arabic converted millions of Arabs in the Middle-East. Not only did the Qur'an effect the lives of these Arabs, but it also transformed their culture. Even today, no serious study of the Arabic language is possible without reference to this book.

The reaction of some pagans was that they accused Muhammed (saws) of being a soothsayer and a madman. In order to silence them, Allah issued a challenge. At first he asked them to produce a book like the Qur'an. When it could not be done, Allah asked them to produce ten chapters like it. When this too could not be done Allah finally stated:

"And if you are in doubt as to what We have revealed to Our slave, then produce a chapter like it"
(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:23)

The smallest chapter in the Qur'an is only 3 verses long (Chapter 108). The pagans at the time of the Prophet (saws) could not even produce something as small as this, and since then no one else has completed this impossible task. All of this is in light of the fact that the Prophet Muhammed (saws) could not read or write, thus refuting those who say that the Qur'an was his own handiwork.

The Qur'an is the Final book of revelation. After it there will be no more. However, many have tried to deny this by producing their own new versions of the Qur'an. Among them have been the two false prophets, Musailama[5] and Ghulam Ahmed[6]. Many Chapters in the Qur'an are named after animals, such as the Ant, Spider etc. Musailama tried to copy this, and went about creating a chapter in his book called the Weasel! In Arabic it is called Al-Wabl and it hardly causes people to be struck in awe! On the other hand Ghulam Ahmed, the 'British stooge', claimed to receive revelation in cockney English!! Such foolishness could never compare to the beauty of the Qur'an with its clear and beautiful Arabic language.


Over the past few decades much interest has been shown in the scientific content of the Qur'an. Scientific data which has been discovered in recent times, has been existent in this book for 1400 years. In fact the very common origin of this universe is stated clearly by Allah, the Most High:

"Do not the disbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together, then We parted them. And We made from water every living thing. Will they then not believe?"
(Surah Al-Anbiya 21:30)

This parting of the heavens and the earth is more commonly known to scientists as the 'big bang'. It is also a fact that life originated from water and that every living cell is composed of 85% water. Without water life is impossible.

The mountains of the earth, like icebergs, have roots going deep into the ground. This ensures that they will not topple with their extreme heights - this is known as 'isostasy'. In this way the mountains are like the stakes which are used to anchor a tent. But this fact is already known to us when Allah says:

"Have We not made the earth an expanse and the mountains stakes?"
(Surah An-Naba 78:6-7)


"Allah has cast into the ground mountains standing firm so that it does not shake with you"
(Surah Luqman 31:10)

The embryological data which is found in the Qur'an is astounding. Allah describes the formation of a baby inside the womb from the very moment the sperm reaches the ovum, to its formation into a human. This data, which was only discovered about 30 years ago, has amazed many westem scientists. Amongst them is Dr Keith Moore from the University of Toronto, Canada. Dr Moore is a recognised authority in embryological circles, with his university text book being set as a standard text in many universities throughout the world. When Dr Moore was asked as to how this information in the Qur'an could be explained, he replied: "It could only have been divinely revealed"[7].


The Qur'an is a book of historical accuracy. One accuracy which has corrected the mistakes of many Christians and historians, is the fate of the pharaoh who drowned in the Red Sea whilst pursuing Moses. The Biblical story would have us believe that the matter ended when the pharaoh drowned. But the Qur'an explains further. When he was drowning the pharaoh confessed his faith in Allah. But it was too late, and Allah promised him:

"This day We shall preserve you in your body, so that you may be a sign for those who come after you. But indeed many of mankind are heedless of Our signs"
(Surah Yunus 10:92)

In 1898 the tombs of various pharaohs were discovered in the Valley of the Kings, in Egypt. In 1975 Dr Maurice Bucaille, an eminent French surgeon was allowed to examine the mummified bodies of Rameses II and the pharaoh who had pursued Moses - Merneptah. Dr Bucaille discovered that Merneptah had received very violent blows to several parts of his body and had suffered a massive heart attack. Amazingly, these are the results which occur when someone dies from drowning! Thus Allah had saved the body of the transgressing pharaoh as a sign for all humanity.

For those who say that Muhammed (saws) knew his history and wrote it in the Qur'an, the following shall prove otherwise. In the year 615 CE the Roman army was defeated by the Persians. About this event Allah revealed:

"The Romans have been defeated in the lowest land, but in a few years they shall be victorious again, within three to nine years. The decision of the matter, before and after, is only with Allah"
(Surah Ar-Rum 30:2-4)

The words of Allah proved true as the Persians were defeated at the battle of Issus, 7 years later in 622 CE. There is no possible way that Muhammed (saws) could have known (if he wrote the Qur'an) that the Romans would be victorious. In fact he also did not know that the 'lowest land' at which the battle was fought was literally that. The battle in 615 CE was fought on the shores of the Dead Sea, the lowest point below sea level on earth, at 1300 ft.

A book with these credentials could only be from the Creator of the heavens and the earth. A book which we need to acquaint ourselves with. A book . . .

". . . which has been revealed to you (O' Muhammed) so that you may lead mankind out of the darkness and into the light"
(Surah lbrahim 14:1)


[1] The word 'WE' does not mean that there is more then one God. Rather it is a plural of respect which gives Allah grandeur over his creation.
[2] The Baghyad Gita is one of the Hindu scriptures.
[3] The Guru Granth Sahib is the Sikh scripture
[4] The most recent version of the Bible is the 'Politically Correct Version'!!
[5] Musailama claimed prophethood just before the death of the Prophet Muhammed (saws). He was from the region of Yamaamah in Arabia and from the tribe of Haneefah.
[6] Ghulam Ahmed was born in 1840 in Qadian, India. He claimed prophethood at the request of his imperialist masters, the British Government.
[7] Besides Dr Moore, there have been many other famous Western scientists who have recognized the accuracy of the Qur抋n in describing natural phenomena. One of the most prominent was the famous French oceanographer, Jacques Yves Cousteau who has recently passed away. Cousteau was amazed at the accuracy of the Qur'anic statements regarding underwater activity.

Alhamdulillah, recently, an ancient & forgotten civilisation of Perished Arabs, known as 'Ad in Quran that lived in Ubar valley within a great city of Iram was dicovered. For years, missionaries have laughed to Muslim scholars regarding the city of Iram as mentioned in Quran, by Allah's will as mentioned in Quran, the lost city of Iram indeed existed. Allahuakbar!

The Qur'an, chapter 89 (Al-Fajr), verse 6 to 8:

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Post time 4-1-2007 09:36 PM | Show all posts
If you like it you embrace it but stop bothering others.

Bothering who?

You try to demean Quran, & I fight back!

Its only fair!

You copy & paste, now I do the same. Atleast I mentioned the site which I taken the info from, not like you!

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samerosie This user has been deleted
Post time 5-1-2007 12:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 4-1-2007 03:46 PM
There is nothing to rate as Islam is not something that one needs to go to Harvard to study.

Actually, you can study Islam at Harvard - at their Divinity School where it's included in their Religions of the World course.

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Post time 5-1-2007 01:25 AM | Show all posts
Assallamulaikum !

No, Quran Is NOT the word of God. Quran is in fact the words n works of the Dajjal !!! Better don't read it. If you do, u will become the followers of Satan. So, if you got a copy of this Satan's book- the Quran now, you better throw it away as fast as possible . Or better still, go buy a bottle of petrol, pour all over it, take a match, light a fire  and burn it !!! Not worth reading Satan's book - Quran or Koran or Hadith or Hadis. Burn them all !!! Burn them to ashes!!!

If you are really interested to know the authentic Word of God, then go read the christian Bible instead . It's worth and will make you a better person. Salvation guaranteed !

Shalom, friends!

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Post time 5-1-2007 01:52 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by annlyn at 5-1-2007 01:25 AM
Assallamulaikum !

No, Quran Is NOT the word of God. Quran is in fact the words n works of the Dajjal !!! Better don't read it. If you do, u will become the followers of Satan. So, if you got a c ...

What's that? The real Dajjal finally awaken and speak the word of "truth" The end of world is near

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 Author| Post time 5-1-2007 06:11 AM | Show all posts

The Qur'an is a book of historical accuracy. One accuracy which has corrected the mistakes of many Christians and historians, is the fate of the pharaoh who drowned in the Red Sea whilst pursuing Moses. The Biblical story would have us believe that the matter ended when the pharaoh drowned. But the Qur'an explains further. When he was drowning the pharaoh confessed his faith in Allah. But it was too late, and Allah promised him:

"This day We shall preserve you in your body, so that you may be a sign for those who come after you. But indeed many of mankind are heedless of Our signs"
(Surah Yunus 10:92)

Historical accuracy you said? Yeh! Your Allah seem to have some problem even in tell in how many days the universe was created but gave accurate historical facts. So, you believe the Pharaoh confessed his faith in Allah ...uh!? And I believe Mohammed confessed his faith to the devil. So now Allah is running a wax museum I suppose. He should be better than Madam Tussaud.

"Indeed it is We who have sent down the reminder (the Qur'an), and indeed it is Us who shall preserve it"
(Surah Al-Hijr 15:9)

These words have proved true to this very day. From the moment the first words were revealed to Muhammed (saws), to this very day, every single letter and word of the Qur'an has remained unchanged.

What do you call this the 8th wonder of the world? Can't Muslims rememebr that there was no book when Mohammed spoke of these words? Don't Musims rememebr that these words were written in bones and skins and only after his death that attempts were made to collect all these and was binded into one book? Funny you guys have great imaginations. Go read how you Quran was collected from bits and pieces. It is not like a golded book was sent down from haven and I suppose your Allah could not do that? Funny stories these desert people were. It was a past time story for desert people under the moon light my friend.

Many Christians say that the Qur'anic claim of preservation needs to be backed-up by manuscript evidence. For us this is not a necessary criteria, but in order to quell the doubts, the Muslims have ample proof. Two copies of the Qur'an are in existence which date back to the Third Caliph Uthmaan (ra), 20 years after the death of the Prophet (saws). These two copies are to be found in the Topkapi museum, Istanbul, Turkey and in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The Tashkent copy is thought to have been the personal copy of the Caliph as it still contains stains of his blood, which was shed when he was murdered whilst reading it. Any copy of the Qur'an which is compared to these copies, will show that there is not a single difference between what we have today and what was in existence 1400 years ago. Thus Allah's promise holds true.

With great difficulty, the task was carried out and the first complete manuscript compiled from "bits of parchment, thin white stones - ostracae - leafless palm branches, and the memories of men." Later, during the time of 'Uthman, the third caliph, a final, authorized text was prepared and completed in 651, and this has remained the text in use ever since.


So, what greatness do you have in a book that did not exist during the time of Mohammed but came about after his death and what makes you sure those were the actual words recited by Mohammed? Many suhc words could have gone through transformation and changes to accomadate the interest of the Arabs like calling Muslims to perform Haj only in Mecca. Boy! You Musims azre really guillabel. I feel sorry for you  my friend.

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umpiretwinotter This user has been deleted
Post time 5-1-2007 09:55 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 4-1-2007 03:46 PM
rewsponded by umpiretwinotter: Barney, I see you've been running your mouth badly.

I want you to do us a small favor:

Please rate your understanding of Islam, in the scale of 1 to 10 (1 being ...

It's so pathetic that you can't even rate your understanding of Islam but everyday you bash Islam like you know every single thing A to Z about Islam. My advice is this, please go through everything about Islam first, then you may speak & comment.

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Post time 5-1-2007 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 3-1-2007 06:01 PM
So, if I write something to that effect and claim it as word of GOD, would you accept it? Did the followers of Mohammed had the chance to analyze what Mohammed had said? Or did they accept his word as solemn truth? Or was it because he quoted the OT that they believe it must be of GOD's word? Need clarification from experts such as anti_aktivis or i212......  

Hmm..... Peace!!!

I like to see wether Barney50  could even create a single piece of A4 paper of his own word and claimed it's from ALLAH!
Do It and Proof It!!!!!

[17:88] Qul la-ini ijtamaAAati al-insu waaljinnuAAala an ya/too bimithli hatha alqur-ani laya/toona bimithlihi walaw kana baAAduhum libaAAdinthaheeran
  قل لئن اجتمعت الانس والجن علي ان ياتوا بمثل هذا القران لا ياتون بمثله ولو كان بعضهم لبعض ظهيرا

Say: "If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support.

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 Author| Post time 5-1-2007 02:06 PM | Show all posts
  1. responed by ayohpeen:
  2. 88.
  3. [17:88] Qul la-ini ijtamaAAati al-insu waaljinnuAAala an ya/too bimithli hatha alqur-ani laya/toona bimithlihi walaw kana baAAduhum libaAAdinthaheeran
  4.   قل لئن اجتمعت الانس والجن علي ان ياتوا بمثل هذا القران لا ياتون بمثله ولو كان بعضهم لبعض ظهيرا

  5. Say: "If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support.
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Why does Allah need to take a challenge? Has he any doubts that people would doubt him? To many unanswered question that Muslims failed to ponder because of blind faith and forcefull and rigid syariah laws that warns Muslims from questioning their faith. Even if people doubt Allah, he should know better as he is called the most powerful, all knower but when comes to verses like this it looks very suspecious as to weather Allah is an imaginary GOD of Islam or the pagan GOD of Arabs.

The Quran says all non believers and transgressors would be punished on judgement day and sent to hellfire. In that case why does Allah needs to take a challenge? Has he doubt in his own message or that Mohammed had doubt in his own preaching and forceful conversion of the Meccans? Sounds funny to me coz as far as I know the Quran says Allah has given freewill to mankind and yet the hadith says apostates would be put to death or transgressors would be punished with stoning to death. Allah seem to be a contradicting GOD of Islam because he is fickle minded and needs Mohammeds help to spread Islam in a forceful way.

I can go on with many such question but Muslims would be silent because they they themselves are so confused with too many interpretation of a single verse by many sects. I wonder who will save them from this predictment.

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Iman_6 This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2007 12:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 4-1-2007 06:47 PM
The 2:23 is so simple. Get helpers of your faith to aid in writing up a alternative chapter of any Soora of your choosing and then get witnesses from your faith  to the completion of your work to ...

Again, you抮e talking rubbish and claiming nonsence.

It is not a challenge to write Arabic as some people seem to think for some reason. It is a challenge to write a Sura in the same literally perfection, same poetic balance, same powerful vocabulary and without any inconsistency nor error.

Let me restate it here.
1- Allah is the originator of the Qur'an
2- Non-believers accused Mohamed (Saws), who is a man, of writing it.
3- Allah in the Quran effectively tells those people, if the Qur'an was written by Mohamed (saws) who is a man then other men like yourselves should be able to do the same.

If you dare to take the challenge, go ahead and try iso trying to jumble up everthing and blasting without knowing.


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 Author| Post time 6-1-2007 01:34 PM | Show all posts
  1. responded by Iman_6:Again, you抮e talking rubbish and claiming nonsence.
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May be you are the one who is talking rubbish and claiming nonsense whereas I know the contents of the sura. I also know that it is not about Arabic language but the sura and the way it was written.

I think any man with a flare for poet could wite a similar sura. So it does not mean none can write such verse. Anyway I did ask why must Allah [if he is the true GOD] would like to take the chalenge with mortals? HE should know the limits of mortals compared to HIM who is Al Mighty. So, I don't think a true GOD would take a challenge with mortals.

That was my point and stop askng such stupid question because it would only make Islam look silly. That is why I always say it is the Muslims who are the enemies of Islam and not any others.

Muslims claim Allah is the originator of the Quran in that case you sould not doubt the Quran and call for a challenge to create another. The non Muslims did not create another book but the Muslims themselves. The hadith is a good example and their excuse is the hadith will clarify what is in the Quran. Did Allah ask any Muslims or even Moahammed to create a seperate book to clarify what is in the Quran? Please show me which verse in the Quran does it say so? I'm anxious to know if Allah has permitted Muslims to write another book beside Quran to explain what Allah has said in the Quran.

Non Muslims do not say what you are saying. What we are saying is the verses in the Quran were written by poets during the time of Mohammed. May be Mohammed would have spoken in simple Arabic but the poets who had worded them in poetic manner. That was the claim by me and mostly others.

So, next time use you brain to think logically instead of getting emotional and becoming hysteria which is comon among you people. Once again I'd like to remind you that I'm not the enemy of Islam but you and your kind are.....

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Iman_6 This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2007 04:22 PM | Show all posts

When discussing anything with you, its like a hen talking to a duck. That is why I am getting sicked of you who thinks you know everything but the sad fact is NONE, especially when talking about ISLAM, which you self admit to be your top agenda to educate the muslims.   But what you have posted are all  MISINFORMATION AND LIES.

Now, as regarding the challenge, you do not know the history of Arab 1400 years ago. No one has been able to write anything like the holy Quran, not even one line, despite Arab men being known the best orators, the best poets that time.

When Prophet Muhammad s.a.w pinned up a copy of Surah Al-Kausar on the Kaaba, and issued this very poetry competition, the best poets of the Arabs came to take up the challenge.

The best poet of the Arabs read the Surah and said:


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