The terracotta warriors are posted on guard duties.
There are animal bones and deer horns strewn about,
probably sacrifices offered on the eve of a battle.
You could find the terracotta warriors with painted faces
and wearing painted armor.
Archeology experts attribute to this group the command center or headquarters group for those in the other two pits. |
How Discovered:
Two large scale-models of bronze chariots
came unearthed in December, 1980,
about 20 meters east of Emperor Qin's mausoleum.
They were tagged Chariot No. 1 and No. 2 respectively.
Both required extensive restorations, over two and half years,
before displayable in public. No. 2 was unveiled first -- in 1983,
then No.1 -- in 1988.
These were encased in a wooden box measuring 6.8 x 2.1x 2 meters for over two thousand years.
And the box was buried 8 meters down in a trench.
The trench runs 7 meters east to west, with a width of 2.3 meters.
These are half size scale-models of real chariots,
faithfully copied down to the last detail,
complete with horses and people.
They are constructed with bronze and cast bullion.
There are 1720 gold and silver pieces, weighing 7 kilograms.
No. 1 chariot is in the lead, with a four-horse team.
The chariot has been painted white by conservation workers.
The two are a must-see by visitors. |

Originally buried 20 meters west of the Emperor's mausoleum,
two chariots faced west in large 7-meter-long (23 feet in length)
and 2.3 meters wide (7.54 feet in width) wooden coffins.
They were thought to be half the actual size
and were supposed to serve
as the vehicle for the emperor's inspection tours in his afterlife.
The colorful square carriages
are decorated with geometric and cloud patterns.
Coachmen armed with swords guard the chariots on both sides. |

No. 1 Chariot :
It is the vanguard,
a two-wheeled vehicle drawn by a team of four strong horses.
There is only one seat for the driver,
whose eyes are glued to the road ahead.
There is a large umbrella providing shade from the sun.
Measurement: 225 x 126 x 70 cm
No. 2 Chariot : It is larger than the lead chariot. The horses are richly adorned with gold and silver gears. There are three windows, one out front, and one on each side in the compartment, and a door opens at the back. One may open and close the windows and the door, and look in at the exquisite interior. The roof is umbrella shaped, said to be symbolic of the round sky.
Measurement: 317 (long) x 106 (high) cm
The bronze chariot models
add to the nation's great archeological treasures.
These represent the largest finds
of earliest delicate fine bronze work anywhere in the world |

During the Spring and Autumn period (770-476 B.C.)
and the period of the Warring States (475-221 B.C.),
China was divided into six or seven states
that often resorted to war with each other
in their struggles for supremacy.
Warfare was the predominant way of life.
Many treaties have been written on warfare,
such as Master Sun's Art of War, Master Wu's Art of War and Sun Bin's Art of War,
each being in-depth studies of warfare
which remain virtual Bibles of the battlefield even to this day.
Discovery of Qin Shi Huang's terra cotta legions helped to resolve some rules in the tactic books, which has been hitherto unclear |

Sun Tzu and The Art of War
Sun Tzu, fl. 4th century BC, also spelled SUN-TZU or Sun Zi,
reputed author of the Chinese classic Bing-fa (The Art of War),
the earliest known treatise on war and military science
The book is traditionally attributed to Sun Tzu (personal name Sun Wu),
a military strategist and general who served the state of Wu near the end of the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC).
It is more likely, however,
that it was written early in the Warring States period (475-221 BC |
The Art of War is a systematic guide to strategy and tactics for rulers and commanders.
The book discusses various manoeuvres and the effect of terrain on the outcome of battles.
It stresses the importance of accurate information about the enemy's forces, dispositions, deployments, and movements.
This is summarized in the axiom 'Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.' It also emphasizes the unpredictability of battle and the use of flexible strategies and tactics. |

The Formation of Qin Terra Cotta Army
The pits provide an incredible amount of information of the army's forces, dispositions such as the distribution and formation of ranks, the use of weapons and the application of military tactics.
'The clever combatant looks to the effect of combined energy,
and does not require too much from individuals.
Hence his ability to pick out the right men and utilize their combined energy.
When he utilizes combined energy,
his fighting men become like unto rolling logs or stones.
For it is the nature of a log or stone
to remain motionless on level ground, and to move when on a slope;
if four-cornered, to come to a standstill,
but if round-shaped, to go rolling down.' - Sun Tzu |

Victory or defeat on a battlefield depends on a well-organized military formation together with a well thought out strategy. Ancient military strategists advocated an agile vanguard preceding a formidable main echelon, which consists of chariots, infantrymen and cavalrymen. The formation was adaptable to changing conditions on the field.

The terra cotta warriors armed with different weapons played supportive roles in a variety of scenarios so that the combined strength of the army was brought into full play. The soldiers are divided into infantry armed with swords and spears, archers, crossbow archers, cavalry, chariot drivers and officers. Among the infantrymen there are some with armor and others without. Chariots are respectively designed for commanders, aide officers as well as for a squad of three or four soldiers. In the Art of War, it illustrates that more horses rather than chariots should be used when the battle is going to be a difficult one and vice versa. When the danger is at its greatest archers should be deployed |
Excavations indicate that the cavalry functioned as an independent force in battle, with chariots playing a vital strategic role.
It oppugned the opinion that use of chariots in battle had ceased with the end of the Warring States Period.
During the Battle of Changping between the Qin and Zhao states in 260 BC, this well-designed military disposition enabled the Qin defeat the enemy troops and thereby slaughtered 400,000 Zhao soldiers. |

Extract from the Art of War
Military tactics are like unto water; for water in its natural course runs away from high places and hastens downwards.
So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.
is victory in relation to the foe that he is facing.
Therefore, just as water retains no constant shape, so in warfare there are no constant conditions.
Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier works out hHe, who can modify his tactics in relation to his opponent and thereby succeed in winning, may be called a heaven-born captain |
masa kecik dulu aku ingat ada org dlm patung tu. |
pernah dengar tak nama shih huang ti yang bina tembok besar tue?
askar2 nie dibuat sempena kematiannya ...sebab dia nak ada tentera yang jaga mayat dan harta peninggalan dia masa dia mati..
seorang pun taktau benda nie, sampai pd tahun 1974, kalau xsilap seorang petani gali tanah, cangkul terkena permukaan binaan nie. so, dia bagitau org lain dan archeologist buat excavation |
leh tau....ada sesetangah apatung yang memang tak ada kepala..kenapa ya? |
discovery channel ada buat rencana tantang nig=h........ askar2 nih dibina oelh maharaja adalah kerana beliau takut selepas mati, nanti, org2 yg pernah dibunuhnya akan membalas dendam....... |
Skrg plk,rmi chinese yg mntk tlg cucu cicitnya "post" ka mercedes, hand phone, banglo, duit bl diorang dah "pegi" nnti...
Mcm2...klu org Islam,kita digalakkan (aku mesti) utk berdoa kpd org2 tua kta sbg bekalan mereka.. |
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