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Author: ef/x

Israel planned for Lebanon war

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Post time 13-3-2007 02:09 PM | Show all posts
Malaysia has plans for war with Singapore too. I don't see the big deal here.

Yo Deb, even SG has plans for war againsts MY. We are well aware of your pre-empt ideologue here ... it ain't a big secret.

BTW, SG vs MY scenario don't have any relevance to the thread, sicko!

you see, I told you. msia does have plans for war against singapore.
so shame on msians?

Shame on you, warmonger!

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Post time 13-3-2007 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Robotech at 13/3/07 14:09

Yo Deb, even SG has plans for war againsts MY. We are well aware of your pre-empt ideologue here ... it ain't a big secret.

BTW, SG vs MY scenario don't have any relevance to the thread, s ...

Oh, an US portege in SEA, what is their justifications to do the pre-emptive measure on us. Al-Qaeda? JI? water?

[ Last edited by  powerwoot at 13-3-2007 03:55 PM ]

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Post time 13-3-2007 06:00 PM | Show all posts
Ok, both countries have plans for wars with each other. In Malaysia, it's mainly the Ultras, which feel that Singapore should not have left Malaysia (so that they can control Singapore), and in Singapore, it's because we have to have pre-emptive strike, there's no other way of standing a good chance of victory and/or survival.

Stocking up for a year long war is impractical because due to the sizes of the countries involved, the conflict will be over in as little as 3 days or maximum  2 weeks. Neither side will have a war of attrition because once 2 weeks is up, we will have a CVBG enter the area and both sides will 'naturally' make peace with each other.

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Post time 13-3-2007 06:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #23 mentosonline's post

The so called Ultra is a minor but it is not from the government, what for we want to take back Singapore if we already decided to let it go long time ago, and the separation was based on mutual agreement from both parties.
But the pre-emptive by Singapore is likely from your government itself, what are the main reasons for you all to worry about?

[ Last edited by  powerwoot at 13-3-2007 06:27 PM ]

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Post time 13-3-2007 06:19 PM | Show all posts

Reply #24 powerwoot's post

Actually, the separation agreement was between Tunku Abdul Rahman and LKY. The Tunku, as described by LKY (I think), was a moderate (ie. Centre-wing) in the government and frankly, the Ultras then were quite powerful in the 60s and 70s, so PAP was very afraid then. Especially since our then two Singapore Infantry Regiments were under control by a Malaysian Brigadier, although he got replaced by SG one later in the late 60s.

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Post time 13-3-2007 08:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #24 powerwoot's post

kao ni...kao patut ambik kelas sejarah dgn si mentos ni...kan aku dah cakap,subjek sejarah dia A+++ tau..kao,subjek sejarah brapa? F-?

[ Last edited by  razhar at 13-3-2007 08:26 PM ]

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Post time 13-3-2007 10:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #23 mentosonline's post

'The ultras, those believe that Sg shouldnt have left Msia'....hmmm...the scenario is rather obsolete to me.

In contrast, most Msians are more worried of a Sg who acts under a proxy from the Middle East.

Secondly, a military aggression of an emboldended Sg who believe to be morally right and that it neccessitates them to attack Msia due to change of Msian leadership. i.e. Sg exceptionalism.

Thirdly, a maniacal Sg attack to expand its land area.

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Post time 14-3-2007 08:23 AM | Show all posts

Reply #27 RainbowSix's post

A. We do not act under proxy of Israel, which is a proxy of USA. We'd be playing with fire as a proxy of Israel because then Malaysia and Indonesia will attack us. We are a proxy of the word "capitalism".

B. Don't worry, that scenario won't happen unless some maniacal despot takes control of MY and says, "whoa, we must get ready to attack SG"

C. Same here, the scenario won't happen unless some maniacal despot takes control of SG and says, "whoa, we must get ready to attack MY"

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mat_toro This user has been deleted
Post time 14-3-2007 09:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mentosonline at 13-3-2007 06:00 PM
Ok, both countries have plans for wars with each other. In Malaysia, it's mainly the Ultras, which feel that Singapore should not have left Malaysia (so that they can control Singapore), and in S ...

Thats where your social economics experts have played the fool of the SG people... Malaysia has never had any intentions of taking back Singapore... the so-called "ultras" are non-existent... if anyone even mentioned such things what makes you think our SB won't be watching them or maybe even take them in under the Emergency Act??  Any acts that is deemed to cause social unbalance is viewed very seriously here... especially since many Malaysians don't want Singapore back... and the few who have dreams of re-unification only wants it in a peaceful transitionary way... but lets face it... Singapore is too wealthy to even think of joining Malaysia & Malaysia don't really gain much from Singapore all that much as compared to Singapore being a trading partner... In other words "Its better to suck SG dry economically than to carry the burden of developing another city"...

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Post time 14-3-2007 09:43 AM | Show all posts

Reply #26 razhar's post

Bukan apa, aku cuma nak tanya 'kenapa' dari persepsi dia. Tentang sejarah kita semua tahu kenapa kita perlu berpisah dari Spore, kalau disimpan Spore dalam Malaysia pun idelogi politik LKY tu akan jadi duri dalam daging.

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Post time 14-3-2007 10:00 AM | Show all posts

Reply #28 mentosonline's post

Well, you may not a proxy of Israel, but in general you share the same understanding with them. Being a small island country surrounded by Muslim countries, you put too much cautious and prejudice. You built up the wall and sharpen your knife, in case the your neighbours will attack you... and the so called pre-emptive measure poised your mind.
As the ultra, it is the past and you can't justified to carry on the pre-emptive dream. We new Malaysian are so busy to strengthen and to boost our economy, yet still not lacking in defense capabilities.

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Post time 14-3-2007 11:00 AM | Show all posts
having strong defence is the right strategy for us.
as long as our neighbours don't threaten us, nothing will happen.

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Post time 14-3-2007 11:03 AM | Show all posts
pasal topik perpisahan ni saya ada terbaca yg byk pemimpin malaysia nak LKY ditahan dlm ISA tapi KDN time tu dibawah Tun dr Ismail cakap tak boleh sebab kalau nak cekup LKY kena cekup syed jaafar al-bar sekali sebab2 org dok bakar isu perkauman. so, kalau nak cekup kena cekup dua-dua sekali.

kalau sekarang ni ada 2 org perangai macam tu sah2 dah masuk kemunting.

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mat_toro This user has been deleted
Post time 14-3-2007 03:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #32 Debmey's post

You dont need strong defence... you need strong force projection... what to defend??  You dont have enough space to maneuver for defence... thats why SG military trend is to take the fight where her enemies are... a small battle in Orchard Road would have devastating effects for a small city state...

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Post time 14-3-2007 03:46 PM | Show all posts
our defence is strong projection capability.

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Post time 14-3-2007 03:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 14-3-2007 03:46 PM
our defence is strong projection capability.


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Post time 14-3-2007 04:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #34 mat_toro's post

No wander they love to 'unintentionally' fly over Johor, their air space just too ciput to maneuver.   But never heard they fly over Batam, or the chicks just too appealing and the pilots are strictly prohibited to fly there.

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mat_toro This user has been deleted
Post time 14-3-2007 04:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #35 Debmey's post

No you dont... you dont even have anything resembling an expeditionary force...  And since you manja your troops with modern field amenities you'll have a very long, expensive and very thin supply line... Of course your logistics capabilities are better than ours but it still ain't enough... plus we don't need to invade... we got space to play with...

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Post time 14-3-2007 08:51 PM | Show all posts

Reply #36 WLIO's post

word of flame...

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Post time 14-3-2007 09:11 PM | Show all posts
army need to be fed..once the logistic cut,any army can't fight at 100%...we can have ultra-modern army but no food,no fight...

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