ingat nak serang senang... bilangan yakjuj n makjuj ni punya ramai, aku ingat lagi ustat aku cakap, dia ada dua group, bila first group dah release, seme haus cam gaban, n terus minum air sungai... bila second group turun, nak minum jugak, sorang ahli cakap dengan emosnya "bukan dulu kat sini ada sungai ke?"
so imagine la betapa ramai yakjuj n makjuj ni... |
Originally posted by jofizo at 13-6-2007 04:01 PM
harga besi mahai woo la nih............ sure depa pi melombong kat situ........
takder ker gambor2 benteng tu kat pergunungan tuh.......?
kita tak leh nampak la benteng tu....dah terhijab dr pandangan mata manusia...tapi kalo ko nak gambar benteng ...aku leh tulun lukiskan..![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Originally posted by HangPC2 at 14-6-2007 11:21 AM
yg mana satu betul, dikurung dalam tembok yg dibina dari cairan tembaga n besi atau tembok ghaib...![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
Originally posted by johnconan at 14-6-2007 11:34 AM
yg mana satu betul, dikurung dalam tembok yg dibina dari cairan tembaga n besi atau tembok ghaib...
dari posting koko2
ditutup hijab dari pandangan mata manusia.. |
Originally posted by johnconan at 14-6-2007 11:34 AM
yg mana satu betul, dikurung dalam tembok yg dibina dari cairan tembaga n besi atau tembok ghaib...
Johnconnan ni tak paham makna ayat ditutup hijab dari pandangan mata manusia
coz u are not Muslim,..rite..? (if i'm not mistaken..) |
Originally posted by koko2 at 14-6-2007 12:37 PM
Johnconnan ni tak paham makna ayat ditutup hijab dari pandangan mata manusia
coz u are not Muslim,..rite..? (if i'm not mistaken..) saya faham sebenarnya. Dari cerita yg saya baca, x ada pun yg cakap tembok tu dighaibkan.
Dighaibkan oleh sape? Saya ada baca kononnya khalifah abbasiyyah pernah mengarahkan si pulan ni (ntah sape) menjejaki kat mana tembok ni berada. Si pulan ni kalu x salah ada beritahu berada kat sempadan Armenia/Russia. So, camner plak isu tembok ni dighaibkan bleh timbul? ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
Reply #27 johnconan's post
Saudara JohnConan,..
Tembok ini sebenarnya tidak dighaibkan...masih lagi berada di tempat
yang dimaksudkan..cuma di kaburkan/dilindungi/ditutup/dighaibkan (perkataan seerti)
dari pandangan mata kasar manusia...oleh Allah yang Esa sebagai menunjukkan KeEsaan Zat yang maha Agung...Subhanallah...
Perkataan ghaib tu digunakan utk memudahkan penulisan & pemahaman keadaan... |
Secrets of the Hollow Earth
Secrets Of The Hollow Earth
The interior of the Earth, some believe, is home to strange races of technologically advanced beings. Who are they and where are the hidden entrances to their subterranean cities?
Many readers of the paranormal and the unexplained are familiar with the theory that the Earth is hollow. The idea is based on the ancient legends of many cultures that say there are races of people - entire civilizations - that thrive in subterranean cities. Very often, these dwellers of the world beneath are more technologically advanced than we on the surface. Some even believe that UFOs are not from other planets, but are manufactured by strange beings in the interior of the Earth.
Who are these strange races of beings? How did they come to live inside the Earth? And where are the entrances to their underground cities?
The Network. One of the most common names cited for the society of underground dwellers is Agharta (or Agartha) with its capital city of Shamballa. The source for this information, apparently, is The Smoky God, the "biography" of a Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen. According to Agartha - Secrets of the Subterranean Cities, the story, written by Willis Emerson, explains how Jansen's sloop sailed through an entrance to the Earth's interior at the North Pole. For two years he lived with the inhabitants of the Agharta network of colonies who, Emerson writes, were a full 12 feet tall and whose world was lit by a "smoky" central sun. Shamballa the Lesser, one of the colonies, was also the seat of government for the network. "While Shamballa the Lesser is an inner continent, its satellite colonies are smaller enclosed ecosystems located just beneath the Earth' s crust or discreetly within mountains."
How and Why They Went There. The many cataclysms and wars taking place on the surface drove these people underground, according to Secrets: "Consider the lengthy Atlantean-Lemurian war and the power of thermonuclear weaponry that eventually sank and destroyed these two highly advanced civilizations. The Sahara, the Gobi, the Australian Outback and the deserts of the U.S. are but a few examples of the devastation that resulted. The sub-cities were created as refuges for the people and as safe havens for sacred records, teachings and technologies that were cherished by these ancient cultures."
The Entrances. There are allegedly several entrances to the Kingdom of Agharta throughout the world:
* Kentucky Mommoth Cave, in south-central Kentucky, US.
* Mount Shasta, California, US - the Agharthean city of Telos allegedly exists within and beneath this mountain.
* Manaus, Brazil.
* Mato Grosso, Brazil - the city of Posid supposedly lies beneath this plain.
* Igua琥 Falls, border or Brazil and Argentina.
* Mount Epomeo, Italy.
* Himalayan Mountains, Tibet - the entrance to the underground city of Shonshe is allegedly guarded by Hindu monks.
* Mongolia - the underground city of Shingwa allegedly exists beneath the border of Mongolia and China.
* Rama, India - beneath this surface city is a long lost subterranean city, they say, also named Rama.
* Pyramid of Giza, Egypt.
* King Solomon's Mines.
* Dero Caves, ?.
* North and South Poles.
The People. In India there is an ancient belief, still held by some, in a subterranean race of serpent people who dwell in the cities Patala and Bhogavati. According to the legend, they wage war on the kingdom of Agharta. "The Nagas," according to "The Deep Dwellers," "are described as a very advanced race or species, with a highly-developed technology. They also harbor a disdain for human beings, whom they are said to abduct, torture, interbreed with and even to eat."
The Entrances. While the entrance to Bhogavati is somewhere in the Himalayas, believers assert that Patala can be entered through the Well of Sheshna in Benares, India. Says William Michael Mott in "The Deep Dwellers": "According to herpetologist and author Sherman A. Minton, as stated in his book Venomous Reptiles, this entrance is very real, with forty steps which descend into a circular depression, to terminate at a closed stone door which is covered in bas-relief cobras. In Tibet, there is a major mystical shrine also called 'Patala,' which is said by the people there to sit atop an ancient cavern and tunnel system, which reaches throughout the Asian continent and possibly beyond. The Nagas also have an affinity with water, and the entrances to their underground palaces are often said to be hidden at the bottom of wells, deep lakes and rivers."
The Old Ones
The Beings. In an article entitled "The Hollow Earth: Myth or Reality" for Atlantis Rising, Brad Steiger writes of the legends of "the Old Ones," an ancient race that populated the surface world millions of years ago and then moved underground. "The Old Ones, an immensely intelligent and scientifically advanced race," Steiger writes, "have chosen to structure their own environment under the surface of the planet and manufacture all their necessities. The Old Ones are hominid, extremely long-lived, and pre-date Homo sapiens by more than a million years. The Old Ones generally remain aloof from the surface peoples, but from time to time, they have been known to offer constructive criticism; and it has been said, they often kidnap human children to tutor and rear as their own."
The Elder Race
The Beings. One of the most controversial tales of inner Earth dwellers is the so-called "Shaver Mystery." In 1945, Amazing Stories magazine under the editorship of Ray Palmer ran a story told by Richard Shaver, who claimed he had recently been the guest of what remained of an underground civilization. Although few really believed the story, any many suspect that Shaver may actually have been psychotic, Shaver always averred that his story was true. He contended that the Elder Race, or Titans, came to this planet from another solar system in our prehistoric past. After a while of living on the surface, they realized our sun was causing them to age prematurely, so they escaped underground, building huge subterranean complexes in which to live. Eventually, they decided to seek a new home on a new planet, evacuating the Earth and leaving behind their underground cities populated by mutated beings: the evil Dero - detrimental robots - and the good Tero - integrated robots. It was these beings that Shaver claimed to have met.
The Entrance. Despite the enormous popularity of the Shaver Mystery in Amazing Stories - Palmer milked it for all it was worth, and then some - the location of the entrance to this underground world was never divulged.
[ Last edited by babyblush at 14-6-2007 04:36 PM ] |
Strange tales of subterranean civilizations, cities and ancient technology
There is something fundamentally and primally mysterious about caves and tunnels. Maybe it's their darkness or the fact that they open into the very body of the Earth. They are invariably the subjects of adolescent adventure stories, such as the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew mysteries, and R.L. Stine's books. And they serve as backgrounds in exciting stories directed at older audiences as well, such as Jules Verne's A Journey to the Center of the Earth and the Indiana Jones films. Tunnels represent the unknown and touch the fears that reside deep in the primitive human subconscious.
I've come across several sites on the Web that tell what some believe are true stories of vast underground networks of tunnels. And they are no less mysterious and fantastic than those used as settings in the fictional tales mentioned above.
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Angel Guides RevealedDid you know that each of us has angels who guide us? Find out more.www.innerexpansion.com
It's not that the tunnels merely exist and are unknown to most people, it's what they contain, who built them, and why |
nak tanyer ek...
naper semua kehidupan lain lebih maju dari manusia? cam kes segitiga bermuda tuh... peoples said that kat bawah sana life diorang lagi maju dari manusia... |
Originally posted by johnconan at 14-6-2007 12:46 PM
saya faham sebenarnya. Dari cerita yg saya baca, x ada pun yg cakap tembok tu dighaibkan.
Dighaibkan oleh sape? Saya ada baca kononnya khalifah abbasiyyah pernah mengarahkan si pulan ni (ntah ...
tuhan tidak akan menunjukkan kepada manusia terutama manusia manusia yang angkuh mengatakan mereka tidak menjumpai tembok itu,sama seperti kes beberapa saintis yang menafikan akan keujudan kapal/bahtera nabi noh a.s....tetapi apabila mereka sendiri ternampak bahtera itu betul betul diatas gunung ararak,mereka cuba membakarnya untuk menutup malu mereka,tapi dengan kuasa Allah taala,kapal itu langsung tidak terbakar....
sama seperti kes tembok yang dibuat oleh raja iskandar zulkarnain,maka Allah telah mengaburi pandangan manusia dengan batu,salji dan sebagainya,agar manusia berfikir sendiri dimana tembok itu berada.Tuhan tidak akan menunjukkan apa apa melainkan manusia itu sendiri yang mencarinya.... |
silvermuse This user has been deleted
Berapa ramaikah bilangan kaum Yakjuj dan Makjuj ini? Dari sumber-sumber hadis, ternyata bahawa bilangan mereka amat ramai dan jauh lebih ramai berbanding manusia yang berada di atas muka bumi. Menurut riwayat Abdullah bin Umar r.a. beliau berkata bahawa Rasulullah bersabda "Allah telah membahagikan manusia kepada 10 bahagian. Sembilan bahagian ialah Yakjuj dan Makjuj sementara bakinya (iaitu bahagian kesepuluh) ialah manusia biasa (yang di atas muka bumi)". Ini bermakna jika seluruh umat manusia di atas muka bumi berjumlah 6 bilion orang, jumlah mereka ialah sekitar 54 bilion orang. Dengan bilangan sebegitu ramai, logikkah bagi mereka mendiami bawah bumi yang "sempit"? Saya berpendapat bahawa sebenarnya manusia di atas muka bumi tidak tahu keadaan sebenar di bawah bumi. Teori magma (bahawa di bawah bumi suhunya amat panas) mungkin ada kebenarannya tetapi teori planet bumi berlubang tidak boleh ditolak begitu saja apabila kita mengambilkira faktor kaum Yakjuj Makjuj dan juga berita mengenai "dabbatul 'ard". Sekadar menambah pengetahuan, mungkin anda tahu bahawa California di Amerika itu berlubang di bawahnya, dan seluruh bumi California itu mendap sekitar 3 inci setiap tahun. California mungkin akan runtuh dan tenggelam ke dalam laut pada satu hari nanti.
*kenapa kita nk percaya sgt ngan kajian org barat.sdngkan kita boleh brfikir sndr.Allahuakbar |
silvermuse This user has been deleted
johnconan.juz answer this question truely.are u muslim??? |
betul..kat bumi pun manusia blum abis kaji...tp aku rasa manusia yg bawah tanah tulah alien yg sebenarnyer..mereka mmg tak bleh kluar dr bumi sbb dah dipenjarakan...soalnya mmg tak logik diorg hidup..sbb bwh sana sgt panas...tp seperti yg diketahui ramai,manusia malah nasa sendiri tak tau lagi..apa sebenarnya yg terkandung di perut bumi...tembok yg dibina oleh iskandar zulkarnain tu sgt teguh...dan keadaan bumi yg mengecut dan tak tentu hala iklimnya skrg,mungkin ada kena mengena dengan proses perlepasan kaum yakjuj makjuj atau omputih ckp yog and mog nieh... |
Originally posted by koko2 at 14-6-2007 02:40 PM
Saudara JohnConan,..
Tembok ini sebenarnya tidak dighaibkan...masih lagi berada di tempat
yang dimaksudkan..cuma di kaburkan/dilindungi/ditutup/dighaibkan (perkataan seerti)
dari pandang ...
Ok ada paham johnconan ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Originally posted by aizverus at 16-6-2007 12:50 PM
ok bro dan sis....
kalau nak tau quran mempunyai pelbagai trick...yea TRICK...tak macam kitab terdahulu yg lebih kepada penerangan dan jalan citer...tapi quran berbeza...aku pun tak arif sgt k ...
amerika tuh kria salah satu seed eropah la kan?? |
Reply #39 aizverus's post
sokong aizverus.
penerangan yg jelas & nyata skali.:pompom: |
huh...penat aku baca...meremang lak bulu roma.. |
Gog di sebelah kanan, Magog di sebelah kiri. Aku tanya Mr. Google. |
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