Originally posted by maxomeara at 27-12-2007 05:38 PM 
ko kne tgk gak..world club championship tu knockout competition.... kdg2 nasib jek.
liga ade 36-38 game. baru tau hebat x hebat
haku setuju...
nak mengukur kelab hebat atau tak... kena tgk kejuaraan liga..
european cup , world club kap , FA cup tu... secondary jer |
Reply #19 carrie_connie's post
tiber2 terbayang2 milan vs kedah (the cempiang of liga super of malaysia) pehtu menang... hebat gilerrrrrrr milang nih..  |
Originally posted by epitome at 28-12-2007 10:19 AM 
haku setuju...
nak mengukur kelab hebat atau tak... kena tgk kejuaraan liga..
european cup , world club kap , FA cup tu... secondary jer
apasal WC Championship kali neh dan jugak tahun2 lepas..Feveret terus ke separuh..tapi masa mula buat dulu tahun 2000 united kena main kump..letih..cuba semua team kena main sesama sendri..baru adil.. |
Reply #23 Pak_Jen's post
yg kt jipun neh asalnyer toyota cup... europe champ lwn south american champ... itu jer.. start dua tahun lepas di expand sket.. FIFA join sekaki ..
yg m.u main kt u.s dulu dah dimansuhkan dah... dah merge ngan toyota cup kt jipun neh pulak... |
1.Manchester United the best..!!
2. AC Milan pon best gak..!!
3. Inter Milan
4. Real Madrid
5. Barcelona
**berdasarkan prestasi semasa..stuju..??  |
Originally posted by maxomeara at 27-12-2007 05:38 PM 
ko kne tgk gak..world club championship tu knockout competition.... kdg2 nasib jek.
liga ade 36-38 game. baru tau hebat x hebat
so lyon lebih hebat dari semua kelab kat duni la nie erk.. sbb dah 6 tahun straight winning kat perancis...oooo kalo mcm tue juve, inter, real madrid, man u, liverpool , barcalona sure tue loser la erkk sbb x menang straight 6 kali dlm league mcm lyon.. most of u all here saying winning league better than other international cup.. |
Reply #25 cak!'s post
tak stuju!! acmilan ngan barca dah lemau dah skrang nih.. |
Originally posted by fizamn at 28-12-2007 11:02 AM 
so lyon lebih hebat dari semua kelab kat duni la nie erk.. sbb dah 6 tahun straight winning kat perancis...oooo kalo mcm tue juve, inter, real madrid, man u, liverpool , barcalona sure tue ...
lyon tim yg hebat juga..
tim yg lain2 tu lagi hebat.. tgk lah brp title liga derang dah dpt |
Balas #28 epitome\ catat
dan juga liga2 tu tough... |
Originally posted by fizamn at 28-12-2007 11:02 AM 
so lyon lebih hebat dari semua kelab kat duni la nie erk.. sbb dah 6 tahun straight winning kat perancis...oooo kalo mcm tue juve, inter, real madrid, man u, liverpool , barcalona sure tue ...
totally disagreee..kene consider plak quality league tuh.. |
Originally posted by carrie_connie at 28-12-2007 11:51 AM 
totally disagreee..kene consider plak quality league tuh..
manyak mutut cik koni..:victory: |
Originally posted by Pak_Jen at 28-12-2007 11:53 AM 
manyak mutut cik koni..:victory:
peace pok jeng |
Reply #19 carrie_connie's post
asyik champion eropah tapi kampung tak jalan???? anda bercakap ikut fakta mane ni?? milan last menang serie a tahun 2004..dan selepas tu naib juara..paling bwh pun no 4(kene penalti 8 point)...so xbleh la nk kate kampung tak jalan..kalo nk cite pegi tanye liverpool tu bape tahun xpnah menang league???
anda berckp tentang team yg paling konsisten di europe sejak new millenium ni..utk lyk ke final 3 kali dan semi sekali dlm 5 tahun bkn keje senang..milan bkn bkn greece or porto..sekian |
nak tgk hebat atau tak , kena tgk club ranking...
dier kira pts.. domestik dan intnl performance..
saper tahu link dier? |
The club coefficient is determined by the results of a club inEuropean club competition in the last five seasons, and the leaguecoefficient. The club coefficient is 33% of the league coefficient plusthe number of points earned by the club in the five seasons. Before2004 the contribution of the country coefficient was 50%. The pointsearned by a club in the preliminary rounds are not counted.
This ranking is used by UEFA to determine which pot the club belongsto in the preliminary and first rounds of the Champions League, and thepreliminary, first and second rounds of the UEFA Cup.
Before 1999 a number of strong teams in the UEFA Cup were seededsuch that those teams do not meet in the first two rounds. To determinethese teams, the sum of the ratio of the number of points achieved,divided by the number of games played by each team, was calculated forthe past five years.
The top 20 clubs as of the end of 2006/07 UEFA competitions are as follows:
[ Last edited by Luca_Pitok at 28-12-2007 12:39 PM ] |
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Reply #35 Luca_Pitok's post
x der yg latest ka , pitok? |
Reply #36 epitome's post
ni yg latest la..dah abih season ni bru kire balik utk season depan..puas aku cari ni jela aku jumpe...mmg rukyah dan hisab die setahun skali la.. |
Reply #38 Luca_Pitok's post
owh... ranking bulanan xder eh? |
| | | 03/04 | 04/05 | 05/06 | 06/07 | 07/08 | rank08 | 1 | AC Milan | Ita | 16.9285 | 31.6200 | 26.0675 | 27.9360 | 15.5985 | 118.150 | 2 | Chelsea | Eng | 22.7125 | 25.1385 | 17.7610 | 28.4860 | 16.5885 | 110.686 | 3 | Liverpool | Eng | 14.7125 | 30.1385 | 17.7610 | 29.4860 | 14.5885 | 106.686 | 4 | FC Barcelona | Esp | 16.7230 | 17.1040 | 34.1620 | 20.2700 | 17.5060 | 105.765 | 5 | Arsenal | Eng | 17.7125 | 19.1385 | 31.7610 | 18.4860 | 16.5885 | 103.686 | 6 | Sevilla | Esp | 4.7230 | 16.1040 | 30.1620 | 31.2700 | 17.5060 | 99.765 | 7 | Olympique Lyon | Fra | 18.4550 | 23.7710 | 24.5680 | 18.3000 | 13.0035 | 98.097 | 8 | Internazionale | Ita | 15.9285 | 22.6200 | 24.0675 | 16.9360 | 16.5985 | 96.150 | 9 | Real Madrid | Esp | 21.7230 | 18.1040 | 17.1620 | 20.2700 | 15.5060 | 92.765 | 10 | Manchester United | Eng | 15.7125 | 17.1385 | 12.7610 | 27.4860 | 18.5885 | 91.686 |
[ Last edited by conan at 28-12-2007 03:33 PM ] |
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