anyway, lupa plak nak ckp... this film still bestla.... i love ellen page and michael cera. michael cera tu mmg kena dgn watak dia.... excellento... |
baru abis tgk.. dialog mcm 'air' bla bla bla.. :pompom: :pompom: :pompom:
komen seayat: naratif filem dr kacamata remaja psl dunia 'dewasa'.. |
aku suka part bile dia lepas lahirkan baby tuh
dia cakap yang dari dulu, dia dah rasa baby tu Vanessa yang punya
dr mula aku fikir ending nanti mesti Juno nak baby tu
kesian plak kat Vanessa
paling tak tahan, parent dia relax je dgr dia mengandung... |
huh kenape aku tgk cite ni boring jek... |
Reply #24 SISzINTAN's post
because you're a phillistine |
Reply #25 maberik's post
suke ko je ckp aku bute seni. ..wateve la...
1 nasihat aku..respek la pandangan org lain...
setiap org de opnion masing2.. |
Reply #26 SISzINTAN's post
Agree! |
Reply #26 SISzINTAN's post
Originally posted by maberik at 15-2-2008 11:06 PM
because you're a phillistine
Different people different strokes, you know? |
filem ni mmg xde chance nk mng best picture tp mmg cool abes cite ni, suke sgt
woot, Juno nabbed the award for Best Original Screenplay kat WGA Award. Confirm lah, Diablo Cody mesti jadi the first former stripper to win an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay |
winner @ BAFTA08 - original screenplay
setelah sekian lama, cite Juno ni akan ditygkan gak kat Malaysia pd 1 Januari ni..
Distributor die Tayangan Unggul, haruslah bang ajami suke..
BTW, aku akan tgk gak kat wayang.. x penah tgk pun lagi cite ni kat sumber lain.. |
im not crazy over this film.
best lagi "Ghost World" (x tahu naper haku mention as comparison)
best lagik Thora Birch (in Ghost World).
cuma just wanna say
UsopAslam KapalSelam penah buat statement dia tak rasa filem boleh dibuat untuk suatu yang ilmiah atau diskusi. Filem just an entertainment outlet. Razak Mohaideen Kapala Dungga pon lebey kurang cenggini gak mentaliti dia kot (cuma nak tampak dia tu pandai sikit dia tambah filem ada 2 klasifikasi. dia buat untuk hiburan pungkok dia semata mata ,lom lagi dia buat artistic film taw...)
but this film mengundang diskusi yang hebat kot di Amerika
memandangkan principle Americans tentang abortion dan ProChoice is very clear cut
basically either u are Pro choice or not...
sure ramai akan debate after watching this film....
that is the effect a film could make.
to make us think. |
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