respect is too fragile,
tolerance and acceptance are better qualities ... |
Reply #20 courtney_xo's post
Like concern for others........
So it's the same as putting someone else's interest above your own....
Mansairaku's idea of tolerance will be very applicable here as well
[ Last edited by hamizao at 12-4-2008 01:17 PM ] |
'Respect' has a range of application in real life. It can be just basic manners or having compassion for the suffering/feeling of others. It applies to human being such as other people's space/privacy, viewpoints, wishes, faiths, lifestyles,....ie the persons that they are. So they need not have high office or intellegence to receive respect. When you respect them it makes them feel important. Showing respect is a sign of good character.....more of a moral obligation in fact to be able to honour the dignity of others. This is what we have deen taught to do.
Nevertheless, respect is also applicable to the environment.
Any takers? |
Reply #22 hamizao's post
concern is concern and respect is respect..
there's just a point lol...next time i ll elaborate |
kejam pada sesetengah org... but.. itu kualiti yg aku cari...RESPEK
is a big word for me...tanpa respek.. aku takkan sanggup nk pandang org...tanpa respek...aku takkan dampingi orang...tanpa respek...org itu aku pandang rendah.. slalu di hati, nk luah tak sudah...
if i can respect a person.. i can tolerate anything from him/her. do anything.. i'll compromise...
once gone... im sorry to say.. u cant fit into my life.. go away.. i just cant say another pray.. coz i cant stand u in my way. but i dont know how to say.. "will u go away?" |
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Reply #25 shah_jehan's post
Jehan...............yang kat last para tu macam poetry lak. |
Aik.........mana pegi page......... |
respect demands a handful of qualities that a person possess and can be reflected in her way of dealing with people, sharing her views, her actions, the rationales formulated etc etc. This is achieved almost effortlessly and naturally. |
fikir byk2 kali...rasanya respect nie puncanya drp inner self
kita takkan belajar respect org kalo kita tak respect diri sendiri, kita respect our parents pun sebab dia sebagai mak/ayah respect kita sebagai anak....apa makna mak/ayah respect kita sebagai anak?....dia tak bandingkan kita dgn org lain, dia tak ubah kita jadi org lain...jadi mana punca respect tu dtg?...bila mak/ayah respect diri dia sebagai individu, terima segala buruk/busuk dia sebagai human....benda yg sama dia treat pd anak, treat them with respect....macam senyum ideologinya, org senyum...kita senyum sebagai balasan
respect org bawah dgn org atas, atas alasan kuasa, duit ...benda tu terlalu superficial....depan dia kita tabik spring, belakang dia kita mengumpat...respect nie tak asli sifatnya...
so how to gain respect from others?...learn to respect ourselves, jgn abuse diri sendiri...cam aji sebut kat atas, self-abuse can lead to self-destruction.... |
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Self Respect Pula............
So, what do we mean with self respect?
We respect our self ? How?
...learn to respect ourselves, jgn abuse diri sendiri...cam aji sebut kat atas, self-abuse can lead to self-destruction.... - my-alja
It means we don't demean ourself , right? |
Reply #31 hamizao's post
self-respect comes from the art of loving urself....nak belajar sayang diri nie kalo ikut pemahaman i ada pra-syarat, accept oneself....
i nak sentuh sket pasal kekurang sistem education kat m'sia sekarang, the school never teach the kids to like themselves especially to accept oneself totally as an individu....educators sekarang semua membanyangkan anak2 kita nie "robot" with left brain dominated, so the system itself is designed to cater the needs of this kind of brain...they pool our kids, they mould, they change the kids to be good in a systematic way of learning which is only suit best for left brain dominated...the rest who are not likely good in that particular area will be left out for that pathetic reason ....so how do u think the kids will enjoy to be themselves without people around being prejudice on her...just because she is not good in school?.....just because the brain is not supported her to be at school and excellent....kesiankan!
sebab tu i tgk, kalo rakyat m'sia kurang rasa respect pd org...logik gaklah, sistem pelajaran kat sini pun tak pernah nak hormatkan depa sebagai individu....anak tak minat math or science, kita label as depa tak cerdik?.....kalo individu rasa dia tak cerdik, cemana nak rasa sayang pd diri?..cemana nak ajar mereka "terima dirisendiri".....kalo dah diri sendiri pun dia tak rasa istimewa, cemana nak datang rasa hormat?....
sorry hami.....membebel plak pagi2 nie |
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You have to love yourself first. |
Reply #32 my-alja's post
Wah! pepagi lagi dah mengadap PC. Cayalah....
You may be right there. There seem to be the same general opinion regarding our education system....even parents often fail to realise that kids are individuals who develop at different rates and with differing interest. Kids who are often 'abused' can grow up with little self esteem/respect.
[ Last edited by hamizao at 13-5-2008 09:24 PM ] |
well my Prof said that our school education system is best suited for those gals whi are lefr brainers that's why u could see the gals scored well in the exam as the system itself inadvertently well moulded for the gals. Our education system is less flexible to the boys ..so ..where is the brain of the policy makers in reproving and improving our education ? |
Reply #35 mbhcsf's post
not really for gals....
tapi sifat pompuan nie lebih patuh secara semulajadi, jadi mudah nak dilentur , nak suruh dia duduk dan belajar ...berbanding anak2 lelaki yg tersgt byk energy to be ultraman.... |
Reply #34 hamizao's post
yes agreed...some parents cuma nampak satu cara aje anak2 nak dapat self-worth iaitu thru acedemic....
hempas-pulas anak kena seksa diri to be excellent in academic |
Reply #40 my-alja's post
Macam sistem penglihatan lelaki dan perempuan.
Women has better peripheral viision compared to men. Men has better telescopic vision. |
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